Chapter 109: The End
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 Sebastian, by some miracle, survived. But Edwin turned in his healer’s license. The next few years flew by in dungeon crawls, meetings with healers and necromancers alike and finally, on Yule ten years after Edwin had started his dream, he was standing on a podium with a crowd looking at him.

“When I started this, many thought that it was something impossible. A pipe dreams. Yet, here we all are. With new healer legislations and with the dreamed now a reality,” the crowd cheered and Edwin allowed himself a smile.

“So, now, I ask of you: Don’t let the former existing state of affairs come back. Heal in Equality. Thank you for your time and dedication,” with that, Edwin went to his family. Ben, now twenty, looked at Edwin with pride.

“Eddy, you are very vague, as always,” spoke the rogue. He had cleared five dungeons with his party, his two brothers. Now, Luciano was in pre healer school and Rael was in a military school, so, they couldn’t make it to the speech.

“Yes, uncle Eddy. Why do you always have to be so brief?” Asked Elidys. Edwin turned to Hadrian. Sebastian had taken his leave of their party, after that fateful day when Edwin had nearly killed him. He still wrote, but he wasn’t here tonight, either.

“Do you think I was too brief, Harry? Should I go up there and begin listing people whom I wish to thank?” Asked Edwin with a smile.

“Oh, you could have at least mentioned me. Come on, or we will be late to our wedding,” the wedding was going to be in a year, when Rael and Luciano got off school. But Hadrian kept saying that phrase. And it never failed to make Edwin blush.

“Have you picked your clothes yet, Harry?” Asked Ben. Hadrian changed his mind about what clothes he should wear to the wedding every day. Their house in Myrna was filled to the brim with suits which were never going to be worn.

Edwin had tried to get Harry to give some of them up, to donate them, even, but Hadrian had countered that there was no telling if he could one day wear them.

“I think a white suit will go well with my hair,” said Hadrian, and he winked at Edwin. “And a nice black one for your father.”

Edwin imagined himself in black and scoffed.

“No way are we not going down the aisle in matching suits, Harry. If you settle for white, then I am settling for white,” Hadrian looked dreamy at that.

“Then we must go shopping for a suit! And maybe pure white is a bit too much, love. Ivory will make your creamy skin stand out,” Hadrian moved to Edwin and wrapped his arm around him. “And will contrast beautifully with your eyes.”

Edwin nodded. His eyes were still red. A reminder that he had killed his sire, so long ago. They picked two ivory suits the same day, and Edwin forbade Hadrian from attempting to buy new suits.

The year passed by in a blur and Edwin found himself waiting outside the church with Marisa and Daniel.

“Is my suit wrinkled?” He asked Marisa as Daniel snorted.

“You pressed it, then you pressed Harry’s, then you pressed yours again and if Lucy hadn’t told you he needed help with a c-section you would have pressed Harry’s again,” said Daniel. Edwin smiled sheepishly.

“I am nervous,” said Edwin silently. And it was obvious to everyone that he was indeed nervous. A ball of nerves that simply couldn’t be contained.

“And so is Harry,” assured him Marisa. “But he is waiting inside regardless.”

The church bell chimed and Edwin drew up a breath. He stepped inside the church with Daniel and Marisa trailing behind him. Harry was there at the altar, looking starstruck. They passed the guest benches and Edwin saw Paul, Hadrian’s sire, on Hadrian’s side. The old vampire nodded.

Then, much to Edwin’s surprise, Sebastian was on Edwin’s side. Sitting right next to Luciano and Rael. For Edwin, that was as good as a forgiveness. Ben was next to Harry, with a cushion with two rings on it. Elidys was holding the candle that both Harry, and he, had to light at the end of the ceremony.

“We are gathered here today…” the priest began and Edwin moved closer to Hadrian.

“You are beautiful,” whispered Hadrian so quietly that only Edwin heard him.

“Not handsome?” The priest cleared his throat and gave Edwin a pointed look.

“Beautiful as a fairy tale,” said Hadrian, not carrying any more if the priest heard. The priest’s eyes twinkled at that, and he shook his head. Then, he continued with the ceremony.

“And now, you may kiss the bride,” both Hadrian and Edwin leaned in at the same time.

“You are the bride, Eddy,” said Hadrian with a lopsided smile.

“No, you are,” said Edwin with a playful smirk.

“Everyone, who is the bride here?” Yelled Hadrian and a couple of snickers were heard.

“Eddy,” said Ben, and Edwin chuckled.

“Edwin,” yelled Sebastian, and Edwin mock glared at him.

“Definitely Eddy, now kiss, already!” Demanded Daniel and, when Hadrian leaned in, Edwin let him take the lead. “I always knew this would happen!”

Then, Daniel proceeded to gloat about how he had always been on the known. Even when Edwin himself had been in denial. Hadrian stole one more kiss from Edwin, then kissed him on the nose and scooped him up bridal style.

“I wouldn’t be a good husband if I don’t carry you through the door,” said Hadrian, and Edwin blushed. Husbands. That was what they were now. Just him and Harry. And no one was going to separate them.

Hadrian carried him out of the church and didn’t set him down until they were at the feasting table. There was blood in cups for them and the rest of the vampires present.

“So, the Polites family is celebrating a new member,” spoke Paul with a raised glass, an hour later after everyone got seated. “And may I hear news of many more children in the family.”

Edwin sighed as Hadrian gave him puppy dog eyes.

“After Luciano and Rael become twenty, we can adopt again,” his answer was a passionate kiss. If someone had told him, back when he had been kicked from the Academy, that his life would turn out fine, he wouldn’t have believed them. But it had. And Edwin was happy. 

The End.


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