Chapter 22 – Being Watched (18+)
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Upon being revealed, Hank’s eyes widened in horror, and he stumbled back, tripping over the pants around his ankles. As the peeking tom fell onto his ass, the hand around his modest, average-sized cock didn’t stop jerking himself off because the sight before him was just too good. Not that I could blame him, his sister’s face as she came was utterly adorable. The way she scrunched up her nose and eyebrows whenever she had an orgasm was so cute that it only ever made me want to give her more affection and pleasure.

However, Hannah’s orgasm this time wasn’t just cute but extremely erotic. The woman was so overwhelmed by the release coursing through her that she was helpless to resist as a flood of her arousal squirted out of her, spraying pussy juices across her bedroom floor, nearly halfway to where her brother had fallen on his butt. And while her pussy literally gushed with excitement, my cock didn’t stop thrusting into her for even a second.

My manhood was utterly drenched in her fluids as it rammed deep into her again and again. The continuous assault on her vagina’s most pleasurable places, combined with her most shameful, dirty desire, meant that the young woman managed to achieve multiple orgasms several times in a row. Just as one climax started to fade, another one hit her, which was something even I, with all my sleeping around, had never been able to get a woman to do before that moment.

From the near-continuous spasming of the tight, vaginal walls squeezing my cock for all its worth, I too soon reached a climax. As such, my cum burst forth, filling Hannah up to the point where it started to drip out of her. Of course, the young man, watching all this happen with equal parts anguish and pleasure, was jerking his cock so hard and furious that he too came around this time. As such, he shot his load across his sister’s bedroom floor.

Eventually, the pleasure and bliss of what all three of us just felt began to subside. Hank was the first to realise just what he had done and was so overwhelmed by the shame of it that he quickly pulled up his pants and ran away. Hannah was the next, and she buried herself in the sheets of her bed once I placed her back down there. The young woman just stared up at the ceiling for several minutes, coming to terms with everything that happened. Meanwhile, I occupied myself with using magic to clean up the mess that was made on her bedroom floor.

When I returned back to Hannah and sat by her side on the bed, I said nothing as I placed a hand on her back comfortingly. Eventually, the young woman built up the courage to speak up and confess what she was feeling. "I can’t believe that just happened. It felt so good… but… What now? How am I meant to look Hank in the eyes now, knowing that he has seen me… do that?"

"Trust me, Hannah, once the embarrassment dies down, it won't feel so bad," I reassured her as best I could. "The liberating feeling that will come from this will be better than you could possibly imagine. Once a person has embraced their deepest darkest desires, there is nothing to hold them back from experiencing the greatest joys life has to offer."

From her pillow, Hannah peaked up at me and said, "T… Thank you, Alek. I never would have found the courage to even think about doing this if not for you."

"It's quite alright." I let out a chuckle as the hand on her back slowly made its way down her cute little butt cheeks. "But if you're trying to think of a way to pay back the favour then there are a few things you could do that I can think of."

"Again?" As my fingers found her creampied pussy, Hannah questioned my intentions, but the smile on her face betrayed her excitement to have sex for yet another time today.

What followed was a fairly ordinary and mundane round of sex, at least when compared to what we just did. That said, the young woman’s bedroom door remained open the whole time, and her brother could no doubt hear what was happening from wherever he had run off to. By the time we were finishing up, the sound of the apartment’s front doors opening hurried us to get dressed.

As quickly as Hannah and I tried to put our clothes back on, her mother, who had come home a little earlier than was normal, still managed to catch me as I was zipping up my pants. "Honey, I just got off- Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to intrude on you two. I’ll give you some privacy. " Her mother reacted rather supportively to finding her daughter in her room with a young man she had never seen before. In fact, she didn’t even question why the door was open in light of what she correctly assumed was going on mere moments ago.

In every way, Hannah’s mother looked much like an older, more mature version of herself. The two of them had the same build, the same style of glasses, and even the same shade of brown to their eyes. The only things that really separated them were their age and the maternal warmth the mother carried herself with. After getting Hannah to have sex in front of her younger brother, I couldn’t help but wonder how she would feel about a threesome with her mother. Such a thing would have been entirely unlikely to happen, but you couldn’t blame a guy for wondering.

"It’s not like that, Mum. We weren’t…" Hannah tried to make up a lie, but it was clear her mother wasn’t going to believe a word. 

"Okay fine, We just finished having sex. Are you happy now?” The young woman reluctantly admitted it before giving me a look. "Anyway, Alek here was about to leave. Isn’t that right, Alek."

"Ah, yeah, that’s right. I’ve had a blast spending time with you, Hannah. I guess I’ll see you at school on Monday, or maybe you might want to come over sometime on the weekend. I’ll send you a message on my sending slate later to organise it later." I said my goodbyes to the young woman, but not before giving her a big parting kiss right in front of her mouth. I even managed to sneak in a cheeky butt squeeze.

As I left Hannah wanting more, I could hear the faint voice of the mother asking her daughter for all the juicy details, to which Hannah was eventually forced to give in no matter how reluctant she was to talk about such things with her mother. While making my way out of the apartment, I spotted the spindly form of Hank awkwardly sitting on the couch in the living room, trying his best to watch TV as inconspicuously as possible. It did not escape me that the manner in which he was sitting was purposefully posed to hide a boner. The boner he no doubt got from hearing his sister and me continue to have sex after he left.

Alek, that young man would be a perfect candidate for making a disciple sometime in the future. Allure spoke up upon seeing this. 

What do you mean by a disciple?

I’ll explain all the details later, but all you really need to know right now is that it's someone who you share a portion of your power with and, in return, they will spread your worship and name. It's not something you need right now, or have the power to do, but it's good to plan for those kinds of things in advance.

Taking Allure’s advice to heart, I found my way over to the couch where the young man was. Leaning on the side of the couch opposite him, I began to lay the groundwork for the kind of relationship that would hopefully pay off much later. "Hey, Hank. How’s it going?"

"Ah… Good…" The young man awkwardly shifted and couldn’t look me in the eyes as I spoke to him.

"While your mum is occupied trying to pry your sister’s naughty secrets from her, I just wanted to lay down a couple of things with you." I began to explain it to him, but he was mostly just looking confused at why I was being so friendly to him. "Your sister is mine, and under no circumstances are you allowed to stick your dick in her or on her. Nor touch her in any way remotely sexual. She doesn’t want that, and neither do I."

Hank’s eyes took on a disappointed look as he heard me say this, but they lit back up when I continued. "However, if you ask nicely and are a good brother, she will probably let you watch her when she changes or showers. Maybe even when she masturbates if you're especially nice to her. Although truthfully, I haven’t actually talked about that with her yet, she did seem pretty much up for it."

"But yeah, those are the rules. Watch and don’t touch. If you can do that, then you and I will get along great. Do you understand, Hank?"

"I do!" The young man vigorously nodded his head.

Seeing that my words got through to him, I took a few steps to leave before thinking of something else. Turning back to him, I said. "Oh, and one more thing. If you ever want to get some advice and learn how to pick up women so that you can finally lose your virginity, I'm willing to offer you some guidance. Your sister knows how to get in touch with me if you want to take me up on it." 

I didn’t know for sure that the young man was still a virgin, but given his shaggy looks and the lack of confidence he carried himself with, it was a fairly likely guess. The look of hope he had upon hearing this only further cemented that guess as accurate in my mind.

With nothing else to say to my girlfriend’s brother, I made my way out of the apartment and back down to the street, all the while whistling a merry little tune to myself. Today has been a very productive and fun day. I hadn’t had this much sex in one day since Mum and I first started going at each other. When it came to giving my cock a good hard workout, there was nothing quite like the honeymoon period of a new relationship. Although, that faze hadn’t really ended with my mother yet. It had been a couple of years and we were still going at it like rabbits every chance we got.

As I was about halfway from the tenement building’s doors to my car, Allure’s voice shouted inside my head. Alek, the presence from the academy grounds is back! There to your-

The urgency with which the goddess shouted at me was enough to let me immediately know that something was wrong, but before she could finish her warning, I felt a flare of hot, fiery magic. Thanks to this moment of advanced warning, I managed to turn just enough so that the fire bolt heading for the centre of my back instead struck my left shoulder.

I let out a painful scream as my flesh burned and my shirt was torn apart by the explosion of a fist-sized ball of arcane fire, the force of which slammed me into the side of my car. Luckily, the car’s exterior was enchanted and my body hitting it didn’t even so much as leave a scratch, but at that moment, as a considerable chunk of my arm was left horribly burnt, I could not have cared less about the condition my car was in.

Soon there was another flare of magic and another fire bolt heading my way. There was no question about it; someone was trying to kill me, but thanks to my new divine power, they wouldn’t have found it as easy as they would have only a couple of days ago.