Chapter 51 – The Last Trumpet
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["The Last Trumpet"]


Leonev: What?

Iren: Morgan is dead? How?

Susan: Don't play coy you sons of bitches. We're sure you had something to do with this!

Leonev: I don't even know what you're accusing US for!

Gideon: Yeah. We did no such thing! All we wanted was to kill Victus! And fast.

Leonev: And that's exactly what we're going to do. Your guys were going to send us to the frontlines like fodder. And you're all dead if you don't get out of our way.

Reyna: Agh, you---!

"Rj grabs her by the shoulder"

Rj: Rey. They're not our target. Besides we have no evidence.

Reyna: ...Fuck!

Rj: I know you need to accuse someone right now...but this won't make you feel any better. Unless we take out the man responsible and end this war once and for all.

Susan: Rj's right...We need to kill Victus.

Zeon: I suggest we cooperate with them until we finish our mission.

Reyna: No. No that's not going to happen. Whoever is faster, kills him first.

Leonev: Finally, something we all can agree on.

Iren: Great then. Let's get to it.

Kayle: Hey hold up. We are near one of the most fortified positions in the planet. Are you sure we shouldn't at least make a plan first?

Gideon: Plan? Sure. Grab a weapon and aim for the enemy.

Iren: Gideon's right. Not a lot of options here. Just shoot our way through. Victus is inside hiding somewhere. We delay...he escapes.

Kayle: ...Leonev?

Leonev: I'll have to agree. But make no mistake. He's ready for us, one way or the other.

"While Darkstar was discussing their options, Ghost Squad had already began"

Susan: Hey guys! We'll bring you Victus when we're done!

"Susan and the rest of her team were already on their way as Darkstar was talking with each other"

Iren: What? Ah! Ready your weapons. Let's do this!

Leonev: No. Let them advance first. I've got a plan.

"Both teams were approaching the palace's large courtyard. But Victus was ready for them"

Rexian Officer: Sir! We have enemies north of the palace!


Rexian Officer: I---Yes, sir!

"Suddenly, Rexian soldiers started coming out. Defences were also set from before"

Susan: Machine gun at the entrance!

Reyna: Hell! Get down! Find cover!

"Machine gun fire had Ghost Squad pinned down. More soldiers were starting to come out of the building"

Rj: Rey! We need to do something!

Reyna: Ah! Zeon. Any options?

Zeon: Affirmative. I can switch to burst fire and cover your advance.

Reyna: Copy. The rest throw smokes! Advance on my signal!

"Zeon started to fire covering Ghost Squad's advance"

Reyna: Now! Go-Go-Go!

Rj: Throwing grenade!

Rexian Soldier: Oh, fuck! GRENAD---AGHH!

Zeon: Switching to sniper module.

"Zeon was sniping the enemy one by one, clearing the way in front"

Reyna: Alright, we're almost at the entrance! Move on!

"Suddenly more soldiers started swarming the area. Ghost Squad was pinned down once again and couldn't move"

Reyna: Bloody hell!

Susan: Ah not again!

Rj: I'm running low on ammo guys!

Zeon: They are too many. I can't hold them off for too long.

"Suddenly, concentrated fire coming from behind started killing the Rexian defenders in masses"

Rj: What the?

Susan: Darkstar...

Leonev: The way I see it, we all have two options. Either team up for now and blast our way inside. Or split and die. Your choice.

Reyna: Ahh! Fine! Doesn't look like we have much of a choice here.

Rj: Are we doing this?

Iren: Yes, we are. Let's rush inside.

Zeon: Hold up. I will be in front.

Susan: Z'. There's no need for---

Zeon: Don't worry Susan. I can withstand a few shots.

Susan: I hope you're right, Z'.

"Both teams run inside"

Rexian Officer: Sir! They've reached the first floor.

Victus: Fend them off. I'm going on the rooftop. Don't leave this place officer. That's an order.

Rexian Officer: Sir---

Victus: Useless soldiers. If you want something done right, you better do it yourself...

Rj: I've got more enemies at the stairs!

Reyna: Start firing!

Gideon: Oh! Time for the big guns!

"Gideon was carrying a heavy machine gun. He opened fire along with Zeon at the front killing the enemy"

Iren: Nice.

Rj: Not bad.

Reyna: Huh. Show off.

Leonev: Let's move.

"The team reaches the second floor. The few soldiers that remained get killed quickly. Gideon smashes the main room's door"

Rexian Officer: EUF scum!

"Iren shoots the officer in the arm, wounding him"

Kayle: What? He's not in the room? Where the hell is he?

Iren: Let's find out then.

"Iren approaches the officer with a knife"

Rexian Officer: Ahh! No, no wait! I surrender! I surrender! Please!

Iren: Tell us where Victus is, or you die!

Rexian Officer: He's --- he's in the rooftop! Please! Don't kill me! Please!

Rj: Well. This is it then.

Kayle: What should we do with him, now?

Leonev: Not our target. Let's go.

Rexian Officer: Please! Please no! Don't kill me!

Reyna: Sorry buddy. Can't take any chances!

Rj: Rey, no! He surrendered! Let him be!

Susan: He's right. Not what we came here for.

Reyna: Bloody hell. Let's go. Let's finish this.

Rexian Officer: Thank you! Thank you very much!

"Both teams fight their way up killing the rest remaining soldiers standing on their way. They reach the rooftop. Victus is wearing his exosuit. He holds no weapons. He's standing in front of them. The building is half destroyed and, from the left, the bottom floors are visible. All point their guns at Victus"

Leonev: Finally. This'll not escape.

Susan: You'll pay for what you did to my family, you bastard.

Iren: Are you ready to die, old man?

Victus: I am...Are you?

"Victus activates an EMP blast coming from his armor's torso. The wave disables all of the guns in the radius"

Rj: What the--- My gun!

Gideon: No! My baby!

Kayle: Damnit. None of my gadgets work either.

Susan: I'm out. Zeon? Do you---

"Zeon falls down to the ground, disabled"

Susan: Zeon!

Victus: One to go.

Susan: No more games. Time to die!

"Victus then activated a high pitched sound coming from his wrist armor module. Everyone stands there, unable to move as they are trying to close their ears"

Victus: You are fools if you though you could stop me so easily.

"Suddenly, Gideon starts to move. Victus raises the sound, but he still continues. Once close, he tries to grab him, but Victus throws a heavy punch at him. The punch, aided by the armor's glove throws Gideon back, behind Leonev, as force waves are coming out from the impact"

Kayle: Ahh! Not so fast!

"Kayle carelessly rushes through behind Gideon. Victus pulls Kayle up with a choke, smiles a bit and throws him far behind, crushing at the second floor of the palace, that's visible through the destroyed side"

Iren: Kayle!

Kayle: Agh! I'll be fine! Fuck, my back hurts! I think I broke it.

Leonev: Iren! Help me with the big guy! Let the others deal with Victus until we're up again.

Iren: I'm here. Damn. That's a strong punch you took there...

Gideon: Ah...My head.

Susan: I had enough of this shit. Ahhh!

Reyna: Susan wait!

Rj: Guys! Don't split!

"Susan rushes for Victus. Reyna is behind her and Rj is behind his sister, all running towards him. After a series of kicks and punches, Victus is pushed all the way on the edge of the roof. Suddenly, he punches the ground emitting a large force wave that knocks the three back. Susan stands up first. She tries to jump at Victus, but he grabs and chokes her mid air. He sees Reyna getting up, trying to come to her aid. He then throws Susan onto Reyna, making them both fall down"

Rj: You'll regret this!

"Rj gets up last. As he approaches, Victus takes half-step forward with his right leg and throws a punch right as he jumps and pulls it back, making Rj twist from the sides, knocking him unconscious with half his body hanging on the edge"

Victus: Huh. That was easy.

Iren: Guess who's not easy, you bastard.

Victus: Finally some challenge.

"Iren rushes towards Victus. Leonev follows up after her. They throw a series of punches and kicks but most of them only touch his exosuit"

Iren: I had enough of this...

"Iren pulls a knife out of one of her holsters and jumps to kill Victus. As she comes, Victus throws a strong side kick with his right leg on her chest, making her fall behind, dropping her knife down"

Leonev: Iren, no!

Victus: Oh boy. And I though you guys were the best around...

Leonev: Shut up and fight!

"Leonev is angry. He rushes forward without thinking. After a few dodges, Victus sees and opening and punches Leonev so hard in the stomach that he falls behind, unable to breathe very well"

Victus: Well that didn't take long. Isn't that right Leonev?

"While Victus was not looking, Gideon charged him from the sides. Victus's armor locks to the ground so that he cannot be pushed further behind. He throws a right punch but Gideon dodges and holds it. Then he throws a left punch but Gideon dodges and holds it as well. Gideon then smiles a bit and headbutts Victus making him fall down. A series of punches by Gideon follow up as he takes one of Victus's gloves out. But Victus throws a punch with his other arm making Gideon fall back behind"

Victus: As you wish...

"All of a sudden, Reyna jumped onto him from behind as he wasn't looking. He struggles for a bit, but then he activates his armor's electricity. From that, Reyna gets electrocuted and falls down as he grabs and tosses her away. Now turned to the other side, Gideon gets up and rushes him once more. He tries to chock him, but Victus activates electricity to come out from his suit once again. Gideon withstands the shock for some seconds but he finally gives in and get's knocked out.

Victus: Is that it? Is that all you've got? Huh? What about you Leonev? So called "leader" of Darkstar! Get up and give me a good fight! Let's find out what you're really worth!

Leonev: Motherfucker...

"Leonev grabs Iren's knife and then runs to kill Victus. Victus sees that. As he comes to stab him with his right arm, Victus moves towards his own right, grabbing Leonev's hands with his, turning them around, making him spin and fall down. Leonev then kicks him in the face as he comes down. He grabs the knife from the floor once more and then heads straight for Victus. As he is about to make the move, Victus quickly grabs him by the neck, electrocuting Leonev before he throws him behind. Leonev is spent. He can't move"

Victus: Well, well. Would you look at that? One pathetic attempt from one pathetic insect like you. And I thought you guys were really ones I could count on. But, oh well, I guess I was wrong. You are no longer useful. And what's no longer useful, must be rid of.

"Victus then grabs Iren's knife from the ground and proceeds to finish off Leonev"

Victus: Goodbye Leonev. Rexus Aeternum---

"As he was about to kill Leonev, Susan comes from behind stabbing him with a large sharp metal piece that she found on the floor. The metal comes out of his chest, exceeding by half a meter"

Susan: That's...for killing my father! And that's---

"Susan pushed the metal deeper"

Susan: ...For ruining my life!

"Susan then pulls the sharp metal out and drops it behind. Victus falls down as he turns to the other side"

Victus: Huh---Miss---Miss Rain. Ugh...I---You...You---did it. But---How..?

Susan: It's over you scum. It's all over. Your planet is falling and you have only minutes to live. Finally...I took my---revenge.

Victus: [Coughs] So. How does it feel---How does true revenge feel..?

Susan: I---I don't know. I don't feel anything.

Victus: Heh. Ironic. All these years...trying to taste sweet revenge and now---nothing...

Susan: And you? How do you feel now that you're dying? How do you feel now that your men are all dead and your troops surrounded?

Victus: Doesn't matter. What that. Take a look around, Susan. you...see?

"Susan looks out from the palace's roof. She sees nothing but death and destruction. Soldiers killing one another and shells tearing them apart. There's a cold mist surrounding the battlefield. One hiding many more under it"

Victus: Do you see now? Can you see what the United Front has turned you into? Is this what you're fighting for? Is this the "peace" they promised you? IS IT? What was this all about? WAS IT EVEN WORTH IT..? WAS IT WORTH THE SACRIFICES? Tell me Susan...WAS IT?

Susan: I don't know if it was worth it...But what I do know, was that it could only end when you are dead. There will finally be peace...

Victus: "Peace"...Huh. Peace! Do you really think that "peace" will come now that I will die?! Those idiots at the council don't even know what "peace" MEANS! All they want...IS POWER! And they will stop at NOTHING in order to obtain it. [Coughs]

Susan: Perhaps. And perhaps I can't save the world...or at least not how I imagined it. But I can start with you...And see how it goes from there...

Victus: [Coughs]...Yeah. The same way it will always go. Straight for war...And you'll have nothing to fight for...

Susan: Wrong! I will always have my family. And I will always fight to protect them, same as they will always fight to protect me. You may have taken my first family away...but you see...I just made a new one.

Victus: Family, family, family! Give me a break with this nonsense already! What are you? A book author?

"Susan starts to walk away"

Victus: ...Wait...Susan. Before you go. I need you to promise me---that you'll fight for what's right. That you'll fight---[coughs]---so that people can be free. Can you---make me that promise...miss Rain..?

Susan: I always fought for that. Even back at my days on Rexus. Nothing has changed...

Victus: Good...that's all I wanted to hear...Now go. Leave me to die in peace...And just remember. There's no "good" and "bad". There's only---

"Before Victus could even finish his sentence, he leaves his final breath. Laying dead, on the roof of his palace, inside the Planet he grew on. Susan, then, runs to aid the others that were down"

Susan: Hey Reyna.

"Susan smiles"

Reyna: Ah my head...Wait. Susan? Is that you? Is it done? Did we win?

Susan: Mhm. Yeah. Yeah, we won.

Reyna: Good...Good. I never doubted...

Susan: Yeah. Neither did I...

Reyna: So. Can you help me stand? I'm really in pain...

Susan: Yeah. I know. So am I. Come. Give me your hand. Let's go take care of the others...

Reyna: Yeah. Sounds like a plan. [smiles]

"And so Reyna and Susan helped the others stand and treated them. After some time, all of them came out of the palace. Next to each other. Supporting and holding one another. Like a team. Like...a family. What would follow, would be the defeat of the RPA (Rexus Prime Army) and their supporters. EUF troops quickly overwhelmed the enemy, pushing them behind, eventually bringing them to a stop. For some time, Rexus Prime was under UF occupation. Within two weeks, the council had finally made a decision. It stated that the planet would be a puppet of Earth, having the same government and the same rules. All the outter Rim planets under former Rexian control, would also be puppets and sattelites of Earth, but they would be more focused on military industry. So ended the long and cruel war between the two factions, with the leader of the Rexian army lying dead. What would follow would be a period of peace and prosperity to Earth. Tensions in Rexus, however, would rise day by day.

Political instability would dominate and some various parties would form. Those would later be called liberating parties. But they would see little to no progress. Darkstar, had finished their jobs and their promise to kill the man responsible for the death of many and the destruction of even more. They would finally retire from the fighting. Living their lives as they wished. As for Ghost Squad, they took some days to rest from the fight. After that they would all gather for Admiral David Morgan's military funeral. Everyone would be present. From simple civilians to the Prime Minister, Duke Wellington. It was going to be both a celebrating and sad day for Earth. As he had given his life to save all the others, and with his actions, help finish the war. He would be awarded the highest ranking star that could be given to a human, the Medal of Honour, and would be seen, by many, as a hero of Earth, written down in the books of history, forever. One cannot simply tell how many died during this war. Some say millions. Some say billions. Even more are missing. Experts try to deem one faction responsible over the other. But there is no "good" or "bad". No "pure" or "evil". No "guilty" or "innocent". There's only the interests of people and the power they gain from them"

"If we don't end war, war will end us" - H. G. Wells

{Earth's United Front by: Mack Frantz and John Meram}

[--- THE END ---]