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Nayeon is a bunny faced beauty. Sweet, charming, and vivacious. She could make friends with the most misanthropic antisocial hermits. Babies and puppies love her on sight. She has a smile that just won’t stop. There are rumors, so far unconfirmed, that she still smiles in her sleep.

She does not need morning coffee because she is the human equivalent of morning coffee. If she were a dog breed, she’d be a Jack Russel Terrier.

She is the number two Office Madonna. One of the main reasons that Nayeon is not more of a threat to Seulgi’s number one position is that Seulgi knows when to stop talking. The word ‘chatterbox’ should have been coined especially for Nayeon. There are other rumors, also unconfirmed, that she also talks in her sleep. Though, no one would be surprised if she did.

Like Seulgi, Nayeon did not lack for people wanting to confirm these rumors. Also, like Seulgi, she either shot down, ignored, or was unaware of the attempts. She was more socially aware than Seulgi, but even she had her moments. Besides, it was hard to penetrate her verbal wall to get a word in to try and ask her out.

She was not really that bad, but it certainly felt that way, sometimes. Besides, since she could take a joke with a smile, she was easy to tease about most things. The other reason why she was fun to tease is that she would tease back. She had a sense of humor and was not afraid to use it. She could be severely caustic if someone went over the line, so people did take care of what they said to her.

The other problem with approaching Nayeon is Jackson is very protective of ‘His girls’. The three; Seulgi, Nayeon, and Yeji, were all said to be his work wives. This was said partly out of jealousy, partly being accurate, but mostly jealousy.

Nayeon was a party girl, everyone’s very best friend, that loved to go out and have fun. Now, she is settling down and doing more adult, responsible things - like working. After trying a few different jobs with different positions, she finally found a work home with this crew. Like Seulgi, she did not have an official job title or specific department to which she reported to. She just made things happen in mostly the right direction and in the more or less right order.

Seulgi was also one of the few people that could wrangle this particular cat. Once, she was nearly ready to move on to the next job because there was no one here with whom she could connect to. Then Seulgi asked her to do something for her. It was long enough ago that she does not really remember what was asked of her, but it was the start of a beautiful friendship. Then Jackson came along. Then Yeji completed the trifecta. Min-Jeong seemed to be inching her way onto this exclusive club as well.

The only time in recent memory that Nayeon was actually gobsmacked into silence was with everyone else at the end of that last song by the mystery singer. Nobody noticed or commented because they were in the same state. Only Seulgi took longer to recover.

One of the many reasons she got along with Seulgi was they had similar childhood ambitions. She also loved to sing and dance, so she frequently tried dragging Seulgi to karaoke bars. She was semi-successful at getting Seulgi to join her. Then Yeji started showing up unannounced and joined them. It was now a semi-ritual for them to get together every other weekend to go singing and drinking. Soon as they can confirm that Min-Jeong is of the appropriate age, they’ll probably bring her along, too. That girl was just too damn cute.

While Jackson went off on his mission of information, Nayeon kept watching over the rest of the brood. Especially while Seulgi was still dazed, someone needed to be responsible and watch over them. That job always defaulted to Nayeon when Jackson was not around. Mostly because she had been doing it for as long as anyone, including Seulgi, can remember. It started with her fending off potential suitors in the office. Then when they started going out to dinner and drinks after work. Then it just kept as a growing concern.

Then Jackson just showed up and took over watchdog duties (though, she would never admit that he was better at it) and she could concentrate more on having fun.

When Yeji started showing up, Nayeon was excited to have another playmate in the office only to find out that she was just as...not quite as naïve or innocent...as her boss. Seulgi was actually worldly - when she could be reminded that there was a world to be paid attention to. But, again, this is just another facet of their personal charms.

With Jackson away, Mother Hen Mode was activated and she was able to keep a couple of unsavory people away. One persistent fellow was not taking ‘no’ for an answer when Seulgi finally woke up and physically shook herself. Seulgi grabbed Nayeon’s and Yeji’s hands and started moving to the side of the stage where Jackson was. Being as tall as Jackson is, everyone could see him. Yeji grabbed Min-Jeong along the way. There was a nearly audible ‘yoink’ when Min-Jeong started moving without warning. The surprised look on her face was one that won her a few fans of her own.