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Jackson was getting frustrated. Normally, he’s the calm, cool, and collected type. He’s also tall, good-looking enough to almost be beautiful rather than handsome. He had never lacked for attention when he wanted it. He’s also as strong mentally as physically. He was the go-to guy for when something needed to be done.

Except, for tonight. None of this was helping tonight. Seulgi, his boss and someone that he admired immensely, wanted something. She wanted to know who the last singer was and, so far, he was unable to find out.

Normally, he could find something out with ease. Being smart, slick, and ferociously capable, finding out who was just on stage should have been less work than tying his shoes. But, something was stopping him and he could not figure out why.

When asked, most people responded that they did not catch her name when the MC said it. Others didn’t remember it when they did hear it. Others forgot everything when she started singing. The last was understandable. He was, after all, in the same state.

He used his size to muscle his way through the crowd when Seulgi said she wanted to go to the side of the stage to look for the presenter. It took a bit, but they made it. One of the things that he looked forward to the most - work-wise - was helping her out. Making things happen. Accomplishing goals that were set for him. Even when the firmest orders were phrased as requests.

When Jackson started working for her, he was worried about what his wife would think. With someone like Seulgi, it would be easy to have questions, especially with as close as they got and the many, many hours spent together. His wife met Seulgi and they spoke at length. Not about him or work, just girl stuff. After that, Jackson’s wife never had any doubts about them again. Not that she actually had any, to begin with, but it was still nice to meet the people he often spoke about. Besides, she was well aware of the effect he had some most women. His wife also knew that neither he nor Seulgi was the type to need to be worried about. Jackson was a serious businessman and Seulgi was...well, Seulgi.

When they got to the side of the stage, Jackson was politeness incarnate when he started questioning people. If he had not gone into business, he would have made a world-class detective. Most people thought that they were just having a conversation when he was actually getting massive amounts of data from them. He had a near Sherlock Holms level of extrapolating data, so most people didn’t know just how much he was figuring out about them and what they were saying. Needless to say, he was absolutely deadly when it came to negotiations. Ironically, the people who actually gave him the hardest time in negotiations were the little old grannies in the street-side stalls because he could not bring himself to bring his full powers against them. He was, after all, a respectful gentleman and he respected his elders.

Despite his wicked talent, he was still getting nowhere to find out who this singer was. Random people, stage crew, the MC, the promoter, no one knew where she blew in from nor where she went after.

What was different about him than the rest was that he was actually tall enough to have seen the ‘Son’ who was on stage. His impression was that she was not very impressive. Shorter than average, shoulder length black hair, no real identifying marks, tattoos, moles, etc. Then she grinned and his opinion of her looks changed radically. Son was actually very attractive. Then she started singing and he stopped paying attention to anything else.

When he woke up from her spell cast by that last song, she was already gone, like a puff of wind. The only thing that he still had as proof of her existence was the goosebumps left on his arms.