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Greasy carnival food, good company, and beautiful music helped soothe her wounded soul today.

She started asking the people in the crowd if they heard the name of the last singer. No one seemed to know. She started asking more and more people. All answered negatively.

This was just further proof that the Universe was out to get her in her book. But she did have the name Son to go off of, so there was that.

Undeterred, she and her gang started moving to the side of the stage, still asking people if they knew the last singer on the way. They knew that if the crowd didn’t know who she was, the event managers should.

The closer they got, the thicker the crowd became. The MC said that the last group for the night was next. This was a popular local group and they started to play some mix of pop-oriented rock n roll. It was very catchy and any other day, she would have wholeheartedly enjoyed it, but this was not what Seulgi wanted. She wanted that voice that could slide from alto to soprano within the same breath.

The group finally fought to the side of the crowd where the stage hands were hanging out. She smiled at them and asked if they knew who the last singer was. None really knew, they just set up the stage. Jackson asked if the MC or producer was around. One of the stage hands trotted off to find him for them.

Once the producer showed up, they asked him if he knew who the last singer was. He did not, actually. She showed up and asked if she could do a couple of songs. As it happened, they had an open slot after one band canceled at the last minute. She handed the sound guys a CD with some music. They checked the music first to make sure it was actually music and was appropriate. They gave the organizer a thumbs up and the show went on, as they say.

When the MC asked how she wanted to be introduced, she said to call her ‘Wendy’ as that was her stage name. He nodded and went on as she went to the rear of the stage to warm up.

Even her warm-up managed to enrapture everyone that could hear her. The MC almost got lost enough to miss the end of the last act and forgot to introduce her. As most know, that is a very rare thing, indeed.

Wendy got introduced, she went on, the sound guys started the opening music and the crowd looked completely uninterested. People started to leave. Others were looking at their watches. They were all inattentive because single, unprofessional singers were a dime a dozen. They were not expecting too much. She was cute, but so was just about every other aspiring starlet.

The stagehands started smiling at the ignorant crowd because they knew what was about to happen. And then it did.

That opening note was a single, clear claxon call that this was not your average no-name singer wannabe. Everyone was hooked. Even the food vendors and hucksters paused to hear this new music.

Liquid sound poured forth, a tide of emotion and beauty. She could make even the coldest, hardest heart feel. Half of the crowd closed their eyes and just listened. The hair on their arms stood up as she hit her high notes with lucid clarity.

Then she went down into her vocal basement to go all alto for the next song. She showed that she had a four-octave range and knew how to use all of it. And she could sing it well.

Wendy got to her third and last song when Seulgi finally heard her. Seulgi, along with the crowd and everyone else that could hear in the surrounding area were heartbroken when that last song ended. The spell was broken with the MC announcing the next band. The next act was more nervous than they were used to. After all, how do you follow that? With as much grace as they could muster and can still hope that their fans will continue to listen to them.