Chapter 8: Thief’s job
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Chapter 8: Thief's job

Fen stretched lazily in bed. He glanced back, to where his two dear morsels were in chains, and his precious sweet Naga was sleeping curled up between them.

He smirked, and patted his stomach. Last night had been a good meal. Something told him that his morsels enjoyed themselves immensely as well.

He went to the bathroom, and washed up. Then, he put on some clothes, and left a note by the bed for the three to find. He was not going to put horns on them.

They were enough, more than enough. He closed his eyes, and moaned when he remembered what he had made Anmu do to Alistair last night. How much the Naga blushed, when he took the vampire in his mouth. Fen licked his lips.

He was overindulging himself; he knew. After such a long period of starvation, he had gotten an all-you-can-eat buffet. And he had gorged himself on the delicacies on offer.

He felt like he needed to do something productive now. Least he became too spoiled. He snuck into the guild hall unnoticed, and looked for any thieving jobs.

There was one about reclaiming a flute from a pack of goblins.  Fen smiled, and then went to the receptionist. The woman blushed as soon as she saw him.

"I..." she began, not knowing what to say to the man before her.

"Dear, I would like to go and retrieve the flute from the goblin tribe," Fen told her, hand reaching for her own. He took her hand, and kissed the back of it. Not breaking eye-contact.

"Really? Sure, I mean, the quest is yours," the woman handed him a scroll, and Fen winked at her. That served to make her blush even harder. With a satisfied smile, Fen went out of the guild hall.

The goblin den was not too far away from Sacro. He rented a horse, to make sure he was back before his dear morsels woke up, and rode off. Following the river to the cliffs.

When he neared the cliffs, he heard chuckles from the bushes. He knew he was spotted, but he didn't care. He was fit to burst, and he knew that he needed an outlet for his mana. Or, it would turn into a poison that would harm his morsels, the next time they laid together.

Fen pretended not to have heard the chuckles, and unbuttoned the topmost buttons of his tunic. His neck, creamy and slightly moist from the morning mist, was now exposed. His pheromones were filling the air.

By the time he made it into the cave, the goblins were at it. Mad with lust. Fen didn't find any attraction to goblins, but even such creatures as these would be able to be a good outlet for his mana.

"Don't mind me, darlings. Do keep up," Fen spoke, his eyes half-closed. He loved the smell that was now ruling the cave. Even if it was mixed in with the filth of the goblins.

Taking a deep breath, he shuddered in pleasure. This was his element. Driving creatures mad with desire, making them succumb to their base urges. Being surrounded with the aroma of ecstasy.

He bypassed a pile of goblins, which were all taking turns mounting a single one, and went in search of the flute. There was a pile of treasure in a corner, and Fen grinned.

The goblins wouldn't need the gold, where they were going. They would be doing this until they dropped, and his mana would become clean again, with their souls entering his stomach.

He rummaged in the pile with treasure, just as a green hand gripped his leg. He looked at the goblin who was looking at him with want. Fen noticed that all goblins were looking at him like that. When had they stopped? Had he given too much mana in the air?

"I am a bit too much for you," Fen told the green creature, kicking him to the wall. "And I promised I won't stray."

The incubus released more pheromones in the air, and the goblins went back to ignoring him. He found a flute in the pile, and then he gathered up all the treasure. Making sure to place the gold and the flute in two different compartments of his bottomless bag.

He looked at the goblin who he had kicked, only to see it with glassy eyes.

"You resisted?" Fen asked, the silence his only answer. The goblin had droll coming out of his mouth, but he was not trying to bring himself relief.

"Do you want to live?" Fen asked, when he made it to the goblin. The creature nodded. Fen touched the being's forehead, and cleared his senses from the pheromones.

"Do you want to follow me?" The incubus leered down at the creature, who nodded.

"Well, do come with me, then," Fen didn't spare the rutting goblins another look, although he made sure that his goblin didn't end up dragged into one of the piles. It was always a waste to let creatures that resisted him die.

"What is your name?" the fair-haired incubus asked.

"Yurek," the goblin told him with a raspy voice. "Are they going to die?"

"Just watch, dear," Fen said in a deceptively sweet voice. He snapped his fingers, and the goblins fell down on the ground. Their souls becoming one big ball, which changed shapes, and turned into an apple.

The incubus took the apple, and bit some of it off. As he chewed, Yurek watched him with interest. Life in the goblin den had been hard. Yurek had wanted no part in that.

Now, he was free from his fellow goblins, and he was trapped in the grasp of a soul eater. No matter what, the goblin vowed he would not try to betray his new master, for he didn't want his soul eaten.

"Anmu is going to like you," Fen murmured, and got on the horse. He offered his hand to the goblin, and pulled him up. "But you will need new clothes."

"As master wishes," Yurek spoke, head bowed. Fen finished the apple, and was off just as the sun was beginning to rise above the horizon.