Chapter 11: Back home
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Chapter 11: Back home

The very first thing Fen did when the pond came into sight, was to gently take Yurek under the arm, and lead him to the water.

"Drink your fill and bathe inside," the incubus told the goblin. Yurek, who had been treated as someone precious all the way to this house, did as he was bid without complaining.

Eleric and Alistair were in the village, getting them, some supplies for their week-long stay in Anmu's house. Fen looked to the Naga, and beckoned him closer.

"Morsel, must you fuss over this bird as if it is your child?" Fen asked, and Anmu looked up from the golden bird, which he had been cuddling seconds prior.

"Well, he is just a child," the Naga defended his actions. "I do hope they bring him more food from the village."

"This water is great," Yurek exclaimed from within the pond. All his aches were going away. He cupped some water in his hands, and drank deep.

"You have your child, I have mine," Anmu spoke fondly, as he watched the goblin play in the water. Fen grinned at that, and came to the Naga. His lips ghosted over Anmu's and his eyes were twinkling.

"They are our children, the both of them," Fen corrected him, and both Yurek and the bird stopped to stare at him. "Now, I do believe that we can leave our sons together for a while, and you can feed me?"

Anmu blushed a deep scarlet. Alone like this, just the two of them, he would be the center of the incubus's attentions.

"Can't we wait for Eleric and Alistair?" Anmu asked. Fen shook his head.

"My dear morsel, do you not desire me?" Fen faked hurt in his voice, and Anmu was quick to reassure him.

"It is not that, it is just that... I don't think I can satisfy you by myself," Anmu admitted. He was not Eleric, who could keep on going for as long as his partners did. He did not possess the drive of the vampire either, who liked to give as good as he got.

"You let me decide. Yurek, keep watch on the baby bird," Fen took the golden ball of feathers, and placed it next to the pond. "Wash its feathers."

Yurek nodded, and took the bird. Lowering it to the water, he gently began to wash the hurt wing first. Fen took Anmu by the hand, and led him to the house.

"My dearest Naga, there is only one word to describe you: delicate," Fen spoke, as he opened the door. He led the Naga to the bed, and sat him on it.

"So," Anmu's throat was dry.

"Just lay back," Fen nudged him with his tail, and Anmu laid down on the bed. Chains appeared around his wrists.

"Fen!" Anmu protested. He didn't want chains. He didn't want pain mixed in with the pleasure.

"Eleric grew to like them, so will you," Fen bent down, so his face was over where the skin over the two dicks of Anmu was. His fingers slit between the skin and scales, and he took one of them out.

"I want you to relax, morsel," the incubus spoke, as he bent even further and kissed the tip. "Let me take care of you."

When Eleric and Alistair came back, Yurek told them that Fen and Anmu were in the house, with the Naga feeding the incubus. Neither of them had wanted to leave Anmu alone with Fen. Knowing how perverted the incubus was, they knew the chains would come into play.

So, they rushed into the house, and found the two in the bed. Curled up into one another. Fen cracked an eye open lazily, and smiled.

"I took good care of our doe-eyed treasure," the incubus said. Eleric saw the chains still dangling from the bed board, and he marched to the demon.

"You can do whatever it is you want to me, but you must show consideration to Anmu!" The elf demanded.

"Are you in love, Eleric?" Fen teased. He saw the glare that Alistair was sending him as well. "I was gentle. Wasn't I?"

Anmu stretched and wrapped a tail around Fen's legs.

"As gentle as the breeze," he murmured sleepily.

"You two should know that I am still hungry," Fen spoke. "Anmu, dear morsel, did you get enough rest?"

"He did not," Eleric snapped. He took a hold of Fen's arm, and got him out of the bed. "You will let him sleep."

"And you will take his place?" Fen purred at him.

"If that is what it takes to..." Eleric was stopped from talking, when Fen locked his lips with his. The incubus poured mana into the kiss. Heightened the desire in his lover.

"I bet you want to be the one to ravage him," Fen murmured in Eleric's ear, as the elf panted in his hands. "I bet you would leave me for him in a heartbeat."

Anmu got up then, and reached out towards Fen.

"Don't be bitter, we are yours," the Naga tried to placate the incubus, who just narrowed his eyes. It was not a glare, for he would rather break his horns and eat his tail before he glared at the Naga. But it was a close thing.

"None of you love me," Fen snapped. "You are with me to keep me from killing!"

His shout broke the silence. All sleep left Anmu's eyes then.

"Fen, give us time," Eleric rasped. He took one of Fen's hands, and brought it to his lips. "What will happen to me if I don't get release?"

"You will have a horrible nightmare, that is all," Fen felt petty in that instant. Those three had been accommodating to him, and he was throwing it all in their faces.

"Eleric, I'll take care of you," Alistair grabbed the elf's arm, and tugged him to himself. "You can keep Anmu for tonight."

"Wait, Alistair," Fen began, but the vampire was already scooping up the elf bridal style and walking out of the room. "What a mess."