Chapter 12: Blossoming Lillies
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Hope you all like some sweets.

Well, I mean more sweets, since you're all such sweeties to begin with.

As a fair warning, I'm starting school up this week, so things may get a little weird at times from here. That said, outside of some specific editing I need to do, the rest of the book is written and ready to go, so the book should finish uninterrupted.

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“Breathe in,” a woman’s voice instructed, Relia squirming slightly as she tried to find a comfortable position, trying to follow the instructions in the process. “Breathe out,” it continued.

She found it rather unsettling, being given these instructions as she stared into a deep dark abyss. The lumpy table like chair was doing her few favors on this front as well. That combined with her general nerves made her entire squirm uncontrollably. Her legs twisted together, rocking back and forth, as her fingers tightened and twitched from the discomfort.

“Easy now,” the gentle voice’s soft tone seemed to ease her slightly. The soft delicate digits dancing on the back of her hand didn’t help matters either. “You’re doing great. Just a little bit more,” Relia mustered a nod as she resisted every urge to rise up and collapse into a ball until finally, “and there we go. All done,” the woman’s voice chirped. “Now let’s remove that spell for you.”

Relia’s vision began to return, light eating through the thick black abyss, a pale light illuminating the beautiful crystal blue dome above. Her rough breath began to finally relax into a soft pant. She took a deep breath and maneuvered herself around throwing her legs over the side of the chair as she sat up.

“You look exhausted,” Lubella chuckled as she rose from her seat near the door. “How’d it go?”

“You saw more of it than I did,” Relia moped.

“Yeah, that’s honestly too bad,” Lubella frowned. “It was quite the light show.”

“Now, now princess,” the other woman beside them smiled. “It can be quite frightening for a young witch to watch all that mana fly through them,” she giggled. It was still rather difficult to believe that this young woman was such an important person in Ethnerta.

Lancia was one of the head professors at Enzera’s academy for witches, yet she was unlike the aged wisemen that had taught Relia back at the castle with the other knights. She was instead rather youthful, with long white braided hair and which fell below her hip, complimented by her strikingly beautiful icy blue eyes, and kindhearted smile. Her clothes had an almost spiritual and ceremonial quality to them, a long sleeved scarlet top and earthy brown skirt. A tight cream jacket which helped exemplify her bountiful chest. Relia resisted looking at them, although she was uncertain as to why. Was it due to attraction, or was it jealousy? She shrank in place slightly as she looked down to her own flat chest, saddened that they were taking so long.

“Relia,” Lubella waved her hand in front of Relia, causing her to jump to attention. “Were you daydreaming?”

“N-no,” Relia shook her head.

“If you say so,” Lubella chuckled. “So, what’s the news professor?”

“These results are rather interesting, in all honesty,” Lancia happily smiled. “You are a rather lucky witch, Miss Relia.”

“Really?” Relia asked. “How so?”

“Well, I’m not certain if you’ve had any proper instruction on a witch’s elements. But basically, there’s a variety of major elements, wind, fire, lightning, earth, water, shadow, and light,” Lancia explained, Relia nodding in understanding. “There are some others, but those are the ones most relevant to witches. However, that doesn’t mean that each element is particularly common. For instance, shadow can be common for many witches, while light is rarer. Any you’re lucky enough to have a rare combination of light and water.”

“Wait, really?” Lubella gasped. “That’s amazing.”

“Is it?” Relia tilted her head.

“Very much so,” Lancia confirmed. “Water is the rarest of the five typical elements in witches, and light is rather rare itself; together is even more so. It’s also rather potent for many things, including supportive and healing magics.”

“Really?” Relia blinked in awe as she looked to her hands in awe.

“Very much so. And as luck would have it, I’m the one best suited to teach you in how to use those spells,” Lancia grinned.


“She sure is,” Lubella nodded. “Lady Lancia’s affinity is actually Earth and Light, but there’s some overlap with them. The two have had a long history of being important for several rites over the year, particularly to heal our lands and people after tragic bloodshed.”

“That sounds incredible,” Relia’s chirped with fascination. “I wish I could do something that cool,” she smiled. “Back in Luxur, all I was good for was fighting and hurting people, like bandits,” she frowned. “I never really liked it, but I thought it was necessary.”

“Well, with some proper training you’ll have all sorts of options open to you,” Lancia grinned. “Water and light affinities can do all sorts of purification rites, and have had a very prolific role of helping our people in difficult times throughout our history.”

“Really?” Relia’s eyes began to sparkle.

“She’s right,” Lubella chuckled. “People with your affinity have been known to be some of our biggest boons.”

“That’s amazing,” Relia hopped excitedly.

“Now, now,” Lancia tried to calm her down. “You’ll have to start learning first. Be a good student, and I’m sure you’ll be able to do some amazing stuff.”

“Yes ma’am!” Relia grinned.

* * *

“Come now, you almost have it,” a woman sharply commented, her short deep purple hair framing her fierce eyes as she stared intently at Relia’s hands. “Again.”

“Yes ma’am,” Relia panted. She took a deep breath, giving a passing glance to the stone walls around her, quietly making note of the mana present around her in the secluded training ground. She began recalling the lessons she had been taught the past several months. She recalled her lessons to call mana to her hands, then how to channel it above them, then focusing on how to instruct and direct it as a ring of water began to spin above her grasp. She seemed to have control of the watery ring, and she considered unleashing it, but then she hesitated and shook her head. The last time she acted impulsively, the water had splattered into droplets spattering out in every direction. She had to be calm and relaxed, having it move with her. She began to move her right hand, holding it above her other hand and the watery ring. She began to will it into form, pulling and stretching the ring into a tighter cylindrical shape. Then she curled her top hand and urged its release, a quick blast of water shooting at a target in the distance, piercing its bright red center. She grinned.

“Good form,” her instructor nodded. “You’re starting to get a handle on it,” she walked across the dirt court to Relia.

“Thanks, Professor Corva,” Relia gave a bright smile.

“Heh, your charms won’t work on me girl,” Corva grinned. “I’m deducting some points though. I could tell that you still nearly acted on that impulsive flare of yours.”

“Apologies, professor. Truthfully, I’m still unlearning some of the training from when I was a knight,” Relia frowned.

“That’s all good,” Corva sighed. “But I’m still taking off points.” Relia stared at the ground in disappointment. “Come now, it’s not like I’m doing this to punish you,” she laughed. “Remember…”

“I remember,” Relia sighed. “It’s to help keep track of my development and see what I’m still struggling with.”

“And to see how you’re improving,” Corva crossed her arms. “For instance, this time I’m taking off fewer points for it this than last time, since it took you less time to catch your mistake,” she explained as Relia sighed again. “Well then, you’ve passed. Now go on, and get going,” she instructed as a crow flew down and landed on her shoulder. “Oh?” she instinctively held her hand up to the bird’s beak, grabbing a note from its mouth before it flew away.

“What’s that?” Relia asked.

“Hmm? Oh, just a summons from Lancia,” Corva chuckled.

“She and your other teachers are going to meet to discuss your progress,” a familiar voice called from behind, Relia spinning around to see Lubella emerge from the vine infested arch behind her.

“Lubella,” Relia smiled.

“I see our princess is continuing her trend of sabotaging we teachers?” Corva smirked.

“Oh, please, Professor Corva. The only people who don’t know about that are newbies like Relia,” Lubella gave a sassy shrug.

“Of course, princess,” Corva gave her a smug look. “Anyway, I shall entrust you to watch over her, while I conduct my duties.”

“Bye,” Lubella waved, Relia mimicking her action and words. “So,” Lubella turned to her, “how’d it go?”

“It went well, I guess,” Relia shrugged as they left the training court and entered the larger campus of buildings, walking towards a pair of benches in front of a nearby dormitory. “I’m still struggling with my old training though,” she pouted.

“I mean, yeah,” said Lubella. “It’s going to take some time to unlearn that stuff.”

“Yeah, but one of my teachers said that I was going to forget it,” Relia pouted.

“Hmm?” Lubella cocked her eyebrow. “Oh, no, some witches forget that kind of stuff if it really goes against their soul. But those cases are pretty specific and rare. I mean, you didn’t detest your time as a knight, right?”

“Well, no,” Relia pouted. “Not exactly. I just wished I could’ve been a Lumina Knight,” she slumped. “I especially wish it now, with everything I’ve learned about them.”

“Yeah, well, unless your soul rejected it, which it hasn’t, you’d have to unlearn those lessons, like anyone else,” Lubella laughed.

“Talk about inconvenient,” Relia sighed.

“Hey, magic is great and all, but it doesn’t solve everything like that,” Lubella laughed.

“Magic doesn’t solve what?” a curious tone chirped, Relia and Lubella looking up to see a bouncy blonde teenage girl and a teenage boy with short black hair fidget in place.

“Oh, just that awakening doesn’t get rid of previously learned behavior unless your soul really rejects it,” Lubella explained. “Like reflexes tied to swordplay.”

“Wait, awakening can get rid of stuff like that?” the boy asked as he scratched his head. “Is that true Elesa?” he asked the girl beside him.

“Yep. But it’s pretty specific,” Elesa giggled. “It tends to be stuff that’s harmful to who you really are. Some say it’s a failsafe of ancient witches to give new generations a chance to start clean without being trapped by their trauma and behaviors that abusers force them to learn,” she explained. “It’s pretty nuanced, and a lot of witches still try to study it to this day. Some even speculate that it’s something the fairies gave to us.”

“There you go bringing up fairies again,” Lubella chuckled.

“Yeah, I swear, she brings them up like at least once a day,” the boy gave a hesitant chuckle as he scratched his neck.

“They’re just so amazing though,” Elesa excitedly bounced in place, her golden ringlets fluttering around with each gleeful movement. “I mean, first of all, they come in all sorts of sizes. They have such incredible magics, that even old deities were jealous of them. And their wings are so, so, so pretty, and they flutter them so gracefully,” she gushed.

“Yeah,” the boy beside her answered unenthusiastically. “They sure are cool.”

“And pretty, and…”

“Elesa,” Lubella steadied the girl.

“S-sorry,” Elesa blushed.

“So, I take if you two were going somewhere?” Lubella tilted her head.

“Oh, yeah,” Elesa wrapped herself around the boy’s arm. “Rob was going to take me shopping, right?”

“Y-yeah, anything for you, babe,” Rob nodded. “We’ll, uh, catch you later princess.”

“Later, bestie!” Elesa giggled.

“Lates,” Lubella waved.

“B-bye,” Relia hesitantly waved goodbye as the couple walked off.

“Whelp, looks like I’ll have to prepare myself for that fallout,” Lubella stretched. “That won’t last much longer, right Relia?”

“Y-yeah,” Relia nodded. She watched the blonde beauty walk away. A cute giggle caused the two golden curls framing her face to bounce, entrancing Relia. She eyed the gentle contours revealed by her tight bodice, as well as the beautiful details of her face as she talked to her boyfriend. She could only sigh as the girl left her view, her hands falling upon her breast. She blinked, looking down at herself before letting out another heavier sigh as her chest heaved with her. It was such a nice feeling when they finally grew in, but now she could only see them as a reminder, a passing realization gripping her.

“Is something wrong?” Lubella asked.

“Nothing,” Relia moped. “Just realizing something?”

“Realizing what?”

“Just… because I'm a girl now, I'll have to start liking men now, won't I?” her voice fell, similarly to her lips.

“What? Who told you that?” Lubella looked at her suspiciously.

“That's how it's supposed to go, right?” she frowned. “Women are supposed to fall in love with men, not other women.”

“Geez, the church really is messed up, huh?” Lubella threw herself back on the bench.


“Relia, listen,” Lubella looked her in the eye, causing a shiver through the girl. “While that may be how things are in Luxur, here in Ethnerta, men are allowed to love men, and women are allowed to love women. There's nothing wrong with that. Heck you can even be like Elesa and like both, or even those between and beyond” she chuckled.

“Really?” Relia gawked at her. “Then I can…” she blinked. “And she's…” she looked back towards where the beauty stood a moment before. “She likes…” Lubella began to laugh. “Wh-what!?”

“Oh, nothing,” Lubella chuckled. “So, you're into Elesa, huh?” she grinned, Relia looking away in a vain effort to hide her crimson cheeks. “She's nice. We've been best friends for pretty much ever,” she chuckled. “And you're in luck, she likes shy girls, like you,” she laughed. “And your new girls don’t hurt either,” she poked at Relia’s chest.

“Stop teasing me!” Relia objected as she moved to protect her breasts from further assault, then further burying her face to hide the other embarrassing feelings filling her.

“See, she's into that exact kind of thing,” she continued to laugh. “But really,” she finally began to settle down. “I say go for it. Worst case, you two become friends.”

“Yeah, if she doesn't hate me,” Relia moped.

“Oh, please. I've yet to meet anyone Elesa dislikes, much less hates. Well, aside from total assholes. She's pretty cool like that, though,” Lubella smirked. “It’d take a whole lot for her to actually hate someone. And you,” she chuckled. “She’d be all over you.”

“Really?” Relia asked, Lubella nodding. “I see,” she gave a soft smile. “Elesa, huh?” She began to frown again, “too bad she’s seeing that guy though?”

“Oh please, I give them a week, tops,” Lubella laughed. “I mean, did you see how tired he was. Guy totally started dating her to have a hot witch girlfriend and didn’t expect her to be a total fairy nerd.”

“Huh?” Relia puckered her lips in surprise. “But she’s so cute when she talks about fairies.”

“Oh, goodness, I have to get you two together,” Lubella continued to laugh.

* * *

“A-are you sure this is a good idea?” Relia asked as Lubella led her down the street, passing several shocked onlookers.

“For the last time, I’m allowed to leave the castle like this,” Relia answered proudly as they passed a groaning knight hold his head before making preparations. “Everything will be fine.”

“I didn’t even ask about that,” Relia protested.

“Oh, come on, and stop being so melodramatic. It’ll be fine,” Lubella chimed as she continued pulling Relia through the crowded street.


“And here we are,” the princess announced, her fanciful lavender dress dancing around her legs, as Relia’s own simpler cyan one fluttered around her own.

Relia already felt out of place having to choose from the loaned selection of the princess’s beautiful clothes on most days, but today Lubella had gone a step further and insisted upon the outfit she wore now. It was not objectionable, in fact on any other girl it would make her blush, but the way it hugged her made her feel exposed. It felt so revealing on her, particularly how it held her chest and presented her cleavage, something she was still rather unused to having to begin with, only furthering the bright flame in her cheeks. Lubella said that she chose it because the cyan color went well with the new vibrance of her deep blue hair, something she felt was only a partial answer at best, but in the end she relented. Relia sighed before looking up to see a sign that read ‘Kai and Ney’s Café’ with a colorful picture of a girl and boy happily holding each other as they each held a mug to the sky. Relia took a breath as she prepared for the princess’s antics. “Now come on,” Lubella pulled Relia into the building.

As they entered a waitress approached, eagerly preparing to greet them. “Hello,” the woman smiled. “How may I help you today your highness?”

“We’re meeting a friend,” Lubella answered as Relia squirmed in place, stroking at her dark blue hair.

“You mean Elesa?” the waitress asked hesitantly. “Are you sure? She doesn’t…”

“I’m sure,” Lubella nodded.

“If you insist,” the waitress gave a hesitant smile as she led them to Elesa’s table, Relia noticing the blonde beauty staring out the window with a scowl.

“How’re you holding up?” Lubella asked as they approached.

“Not in the mood, Lubella,” Elesa grumbled as the two sat across from her. “Can you believe it? The jerk up and dumped me because I was too ‘chatty.’ Doesn’t even say a single word before yelling at me for being stupid,” she clenched her fist.

“Lesa, you and I both know he only wanted to date you for notoriety,” Lubella sighed. “Hate to tell you, but he was pretty out of it when you saw us the other day.”

“Yeah, sure, but he could’ve told me,” Lubella grumbled. “He could’ve just said something like ‘oh hey, I’m not that into fairies,’ or something. But no, instead he has to chew me out for daring to like stuff before dumping me in front of a crowd of people.”

“Yikes,” Lubella cringed.

“That’s horrible,” Relia frowned.

“It’s whatever,” Elesa sighed. “Sorry to blow up in front of you like that, new girl,” she gently smiled. “Relia, right?”

“Y-yeah,” Relia nodded with a big nervous smile. “An it’s okay.”

“So, what’d you come by for, anyway, Lubella?” Elesa looked to her friend.

“Eh, I heard about what happened, and I knew I could find you here,” Lubella chuckled.

Elesa glared at Lubella, “I don’t buy it. You’re up to something.”

“Maybe,” Lubella smirked. “Anyway, I wanted to introduce our newbie. She’s been struggling with unlearning her old training to be a knight. Remember, you walked in on us talking about that?”

“Oh, yeah?” Elesa looked to Relia who gave a nervous nod. “So that’s why you were talking about that. But what does that have to do with me?”

“Well,” Lubella grinned. “Her affinity is water and light,” Elesa’s eyes widened. “Yep, so I thought you could help.”

“I’m a little lost,” Relia commented. “What are you…?” Lubella tapped her shoulder, distracting her.

“Let me do the explaining,” Lubella gave a mischievous smile. “You see, Elesa’s affinity is for lightning and light magic.”

“So, you think she can help because we both have light affinities?” Relia asked.

“It’s a little more than that,” Elesa chuckled. “While lightning and water are pretty different, they share a surprising amount of common ground, as they often work together in many systems. For instance with life based magics, lightning magic and water magics can both be used to address conditions with the mind. How they do it is rather different, but they can work together. Plus, on top of that, my sister and her girlfriend are both users of water magic, so I have some extra insight into that.”

“I see,” Relia blushed and fidgeted a little in place. She tried to avert her gaze, but it was little too late as her mind honed in on Elesa’s subtle movements and elegant style of speech. She quickly looked to Lubella who traded her a sly smile. She then looked back to Elesa who seemed to eye her curiously, carefully looking her over.

“So?” Lubella’s voice snapped the two to attention, Relia barely catching a hint of blush snatching its way upon Elesa’s cheeks. “Would you be willing to help her out?”

“Y-yes,” Elesa nodded, looking to Relia. “I’d be happy to,” Relia quivered at her warm smile.

* * *

“Yes, that’s right,” Elesa said as Relia stretched a ring of water into a slender string around her. “Now, mold it into the shape of a magic circle. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. So a simple circle with a few letters will be good for now,” Relia gave a quiet nod as she willed the water into the desired form, slowly etching a magic circle into the air, each ounce of effort coming harder and harder as she panted before it shattered into droplets.

“Darn it!” Relia threw her fists to her side. “Why is this so hard!?”

“Hey now,” Elesa put her hand on Relia’s shoulder, “You’re making great progress. This isn’t easy stuff you know.”

“You say that, but it feels like everyone else in my classes is having an easier time with this than I am,” Relia pouted.

“Yeah, but are they forming their circles in the air with water?” Elesa asked.

“Well, no, but…”

“It’s like I told you before, water one of the hardest elements to make a magic circle with. It likes to bond with everything, and easily sinks into soil, so you can’t really etch it into the ground unless you know what you’re doing. Earth magic can just freely etch a circle. Wind and fire can easily carve or singe one into place, and shadow can make one with a little finesse,” Elesa explained.

“Yeah, but you said that lightning is supposed to be one of the harder ones, and you make them super easily,” Relia frowned.

“Well, that’s because of this,” Elesa chuckled as she rocked her lance against her shoulder. “While lightning magic can struggle to make a circle, since the earth acts as a ground for it, with a medium like my lance, I can call the mana to singe the markings I need as I draw the circle with it. But you have to make the circle and the inscriptions all entirely on your own with your magic. And light is even harder to make one with. I can speak from experience on that one,” she gave a soft chuckle.

“So, I just happened to get the two worst elements?” Relia frowned.

“Not worst, just hardest to learn,” Elesa rubbed the girl’s shoulder. “Once you learn how to make them, you’ll be all good.”

“But witches don’t even use these most of the time,” Relia grumbled.

“Well, not for typical spells no,” Elesa shook her head. “But it’s part of what makes water and light magic so potent. Magic circles can act as an amplifier. And once you figure this out, you’ll be able to use them to cast far more powerful spells far quicker than most other witches and with little restraint, since your strategies won’t be dependent on the environment, among other things.”

“I guess so,” Relia sighed.

“Wanna take a break,” Elesa asked, holding her lance behind her legs.

“Please,” Relia nodded as they moved to a nearby bench. Relia took a deep breath as she looked out over the small park. It was a pleasant space in the middle of Enzera, wild life wandering around, picking at small items settling in the verdant grass, she took a deep breath and smiled. “It’s so peaceful here. Nothing like home.”

“You didn’t have anything like this in Luxur?” Elesa asked.

“Well,” Relia frowned. “There were a few, like the castle garden, and my family’s home, but I didn’t get to visit either all that often. Most of the time it was just training or lounging around the castle. And it was far less cozy than Enzera Castle is. We certainly don’t have cute little creatures like squirrels running around,” she giggled

“That doesn’t sound particularly fun,” Elesa frowned. “I can’t imagine living somewhere like that. I love nature,” she smiled.

“Is it because you love fairies?” Relia smiled.

“Are you trying to tease me?” Elesa pouted.

“No, no, not at all,” Relia giggled. “On the contrary, I think your fascination with them is really rather endearing,” she smiled.

“R-really?” Elesa blinked. “Most people just think I’m annoying about it. Even Lubella sometimes tunes me out about it.”

“Honestly, I think it’s really cute,” Relia said, as Elesa began smiling giddily. “I don’t know, maybe it’s because I was surrounded by people who just wanted to fight all the time, or study some bland and dry academics about politics or history, or something of that sort. And a lot of them it was more something they acquired because they had to learn it, not because they liked it. But you, I can tell you legitimately love them. And it’s just really nice, yknow?”

“Thanks,” Elesa smiled. “What about you? Is there anything you like?”

“Me?” Relia blinked. “Well, um, I’m not sure. I never had much time for it before.”

“Really, there wasn’t anything?”

“Well,” Relia fidgeted. “Most of the time, I was just jealous of the women around me. How they could tend to the flowers, and talk amongst themselves without having to hide their feelings. Even the Lumina Knights were constantly gossiping. I just always wanted that for myself.”

“Kind of like this?” Elesa asked.

“Yeah,” Relia nodded. “Exactly like this,” she looked to Elesa. She took a deep breath as she looked upon her friend, as the evening sun kissed her elegant contours, and lit up her brilliant hair. Elesa’s lips seemed to glitter in the sun, and her eyes began to sparkle in the evening rays. The beautiful woman beside her, the pleasant conversations, and the wonderful world around her, all she could say was, “yes, exactly like this.”

Her head fell upon Elesa’s shoulder, as the lovely lady smiled upon her and scooped her into her embrace. “I’m glad.”

* * *

Relia stood by the gate, excitedly playing back in her mind the lovely afternoon in her mind once again. It had been some time since then, a few more weeks, full of similar moments that filled her heart with such warm feelings. She took a breath as she eagerly awaited her friend’s impending arrival, until finally she saw a familiar figure approaching.

“Hope you haven’t been waiting long,” Elesa waved as she walked up to her. “Phora was being a little clingy this morning.”

“No problems. Thanks for meeting with me,” Relia quietly smiled.

“Of course,” Elesa smiled back. Relia shivered a little as Elesa’s delighted eyes gazed upon her. “So, what did you want to do? Did you want me to help you practice one of your spells?”

“Um,” Relia hesitated. “Actually,” she blushed. “I was hoping we could take a break from all of that and… um,” Relia looked upon Elesa who tilted her head a little. “Maybe you could show me around a little bit?” she fidgeted. “I… I’m familiar enough with the castle and Enzera now, but… I was hoping you’d know someplace… a little quieter?”

“A place where we can be alone?” Elesa smiled, sending a current of glee through Relia as she quickly nodded. That smile, it was so charming and beautiful. Just seeing it made Relia filled with energy and happiness. “Well,” Elesa considered. “It’s a ways away, and we’ll have to use one of my spells to get there, but I know a really nice lake we can go to.”

“That sounds lovely,” Relia smiled. “Er, uh, t-the lake I mean,” she sputtered her elaboration.

Elesa giggled. “Okay, then I’ll need you to get close to me,” she explained, Relia giving a hesitant nod as she stepped closer. Elesa giggled as she pulled the shocked Relia even closer, then lifting her lance into the air and swinging it in the air to draw a circle. “Oh, loving light, please lead us to the place of my desires. Telespo,” she chanted, a shower of light engulfing them.

Relia blinked, looking around in awe. As they suddenly appeared in the middle of a forest, far from anything she had known. Yet, it wasn’t scary, but rather pleasant, calming and soothing even. She closed her eyes and breathed in, inhaling the crisp fresh air then let out a satisfied breath. It felt so nice. She even felt as if the air was full of mana that eagerly began to fill her up.

“Do I smell that good?” Elesa teased, Relia blushing as she opened her eyes to see Elesa immediately before her. The girl fidgeted in place. “Goddess, Lubella was right, you’re really fun to tease,” Elesa giggled.

“Yeah, yeah,” Relia pouted.

“Come on, don’t get upset,” Elesa chuckled. “Come with me,” she guided Relia along.

“What is this place exactly,” Relia asked as she gazed upon the crystalline trees around them.

“This is the Dark Forest,” Elesa explained.

“The Dark Forest? Isn’t this the forest that legends say is a home to demons?”

“The very same,” Elesa confirmed. “Although, demons don’t live here, at least not anymore. In actuality, this was once a home to demons, fairies, and what is said to be one of the first homes of witch kind. This is the deepest depths of the forest, where the ancient manakrenia trees still have their original form,” she explained as she touched the glassy bark of a tree. “And at the center of it,” she began to slow to a halt, allowing Relia to catch up to her. Relia’s eyes popped with awe as she beheld the majesty before her, “is a fairy spring.”

“It’s gorgeous,” Relia’s eyes shimmered as she gazed upon the brilliant glowing surface of the lake, small sprites dancing upon its surface. Her eyes began to tear up as she witnessed the wondrous landscape around them. The mana filled light licked upon the crystal trees, brilliant lights dancing through their bodies and out of their branches. Relia quietly followed Elesa to the lake’s edge, where they sat down upon the soft soil. “How did you find this place?” she asked.

“My grandparents used to live in this forest,” Elesa explained. “They used to watch over it, and a neighboring town. Unfortunately, they both passed away when I was little, and my parents never really felt up to the task to take their place,” she frowned.

“Who watches it now?”

“The queen does,” Elesa said as she dipped her finger into the water. “She sends people to check in on everything regularly, but my sister and I are hoping once we graduate, that we can watch over it in place of our grandparents,” she smiled.

“That… sounds nice,” Relia’s answered, poorly hiding her sadness.

“What’s wrong?”

“I guess,” Relia pulled her legs to her chest. “I wouldn’t get to see you as much then, would I?”

“You know that I can teleport with my spells, right?” Elesa giggled.

“Yeah, but, you’d still be here a lot, and I… I wouldn’t be able to see you whenever I’d like,” her eyes began to burn.

“Relia…” Elesa looked to her sadly. She sighed. And then she smiled. “You know, this place is very special to me. It’s where I first really started to fall in love with fairies, and it’s one of very few places like it left in the world, especially with all the church has done. Because of that, I’ve only shown this place to a handful of people.”

“Really?” Relia wiped away a few tears.

“There’s my sister of course, my parents, and Lubella of course, and now you,” she smiled.

“Why? What makes me so special?” Relia asked.

Elesa took a deep breath and dipped her hand back into the water. She looked to the girl beside her. Her lips curled into a smile as her eyes softened with the sight of the girl. “Relia. Ever since I met you, I’ve just… been happier. Teasing you is fun of course, and you enjoy listening to me about fairies, but there’s more. Your smile is so beautiful, you care so much about others, and you’re just incredibly sweet.”

“Elesa, what are you…”

“Relia,” Elesa looked upon her endearingly. Relia blinked as she saw Elesa’s hand emerge from the water, a water lily in hand, then adorning it upon her head. Relia’s eyes trembled with anticipation as Elesa’s hand fell, stroking her cheek. They grew closer upon each other until they could smell each other’s breath. “I love you.”

“Elesa,” Relia relaxed as glee sprang from her heart, filling her with joy. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to hear you say that,” she smiled, a tear rolling across her cheek. “I love you too,” she smiled.

“Relia,” Elesa’s eyes shimmered with glee. “I…” she began, then shook her head. She leaned in, her lips embracing Relia’s. The two kissed, Elesa’s eagerness toppling the two to the ground as they held each other, savoring each lap of the other’s lips. Time ceased as their bliss overtook them, their love filling air.