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..... Lara stumbled back seeing the sight in front of her. She couldn't believe what she saw but tried to get a hold of herself. She uncovered all the pods and saw 7 of her clones. Before she could investigate something else... She heard the car horns outside. Her parents were home already! She covered all of them and kept everything in their respective places back. She needed to be more cautious as her parents were pure evil with sinister intentions in the form of human beings... Or maybe not entirely humans. Who could've imagined her own parents to make clones of their own daughter. She rushed out of the basement and in a hurry, she didn't notice the hem of her skirt was stuck in while she was locking the basement. She was in such a panic that she didn't care of anything else but to get back in her room before her parents came in. A piece of cloth was torn off from the hem of her skirt. She rushed up the stairs and tried to get in her room. While she was running upstairs, scared for her life, she heard the door knob twist. Her parents were in. She managed to get inside her room before her parents got to know about it. 

" How are you, honey?" Lara's mother came in. Lara sat on her bed emotionlessly and stared at the wall without blinking. She needed to act well as if she's still blind despite of her panic state. " Oh! You're here mother. I'm hungry" Lara tried to keep her calm and answered. " I'm so sorry, I'll bring something to eat, okay?" Her mother was about to go out of her room when she turned around and asked, " You didn't checked the basement, didn't you?" Emphasizing the last phrase, her mother questioned with a hint of threat in her voice. "Of course not mother, you told me not to so why would I? Her mother, satisfied by her answer, walked out of her room to get some snacks for her daughter. 

Lara sighed in relief after she saw her walking out of her room. She indeed was not in her right state of mind as she couldn't yet comprehend what she saw down there. She knew they would go down today to check if everything's alright. Just as she was thinking, her eyes fell on her torn skirt. A sudden wave of trepidation hit her panic state. She now realized what she had done. She wanted to wait till midnight when everybody is sound asleep but she was scared as what if her parents went downstairs to check right now? She's doomed. 

She could hear footsteps outside her room. Her mother opened the door and gave her a bowl of soup. She was eccentrically calm and happy. Her behavior was definitely not "normal". " Have your soup, okay? And let me know if you need anything else" said her mother handing over the soup. Lara didn't say anything and started to drink the soup. Her mother left her room and headed downstairs. Heartbeat rising with each moment, Lara tried to stay calm. Her finished her soup and tried to peek out of her room. 

She saw two silhouettes through the peephole, considering them as her parents standing, she tried to see what they were doing. Their body moving abnormally and talking in some other language, she understood, they are not her real parents....