Chapter 3 – Adventures of Totodile
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This little one came from the river nearby and started following a certain human since that human started coming here and giving him berries. 

Today, that human didn’t come. Totodile was sad that the human didn’t come today. His other members of the same family are wary of humans and decided to move up towards the waterfalls. 

This Totodile didn’t want to because they often fight over the limited amount of food. Why go there when this little one could just ask his little human? The little human always provides his favorite Pecha Berry. His alpha doesn’t seem to agree and kept beating him when he founds out about it, this Totodile hates the alpha In the pack, always stealing his berries.

 Stupid Alpha!

This Totodile’s parents are always wary and chiding this young Totodile that humans are dangerous too. as the world wasn’t peaceful at least for Pokemons like them. Since humans started catching them, most Pokemon are wary. 

There was a war some time ago, Pokemon and humans waged war. The older Pokemons still remembered to this day, but Totodile doesn’t remember. Totodile thinks most humans are stupid. 

How war devastated the lands?

How many Pokemon homes were destroyed in the war?

This little one doesn’t know. All he knew was that the little human gave him a Pecha berry and taught him some things. Like how to get stronger. He likes it. He’s stronger than his siblings now and rightfully so!

The little human often talks to him and teaches him moves that the little Totodile never thought he could learn since he was the weakest in his family. Now? he’s the biggest baddest Pokemon on the river! Even the Beedrils left him be!

Totodile is best pokemon! Little human said so, so it must be true.

This Totodile decided to look for the boy since he stopped coming. He knew that the little human often came from that big giant mansion. The humans often settle in big giant wooden places.This Totodile is smart! This Totodile knows where little human lives!


I learn how to do the sneak!

This one learns how to sneak around them and slip into the human compound. He’s done it before. The boy taught him how to raise his speed and move silently around when he stumbled around many humans in a room, many strong humans gathered around as they discuss something.

No berries. This Totodile is not impressed.

But the little human wasn’t there. It seems important so this Totodile decided to listen in behind the wall he sneak. It doesn’t seem any other Pokemon noticed his antics. So the little pokemon sat there silently, listening in like a little sneak he is. The little boy always plays hide and seek with him at the river

. So today, Totodile will become the one who Seeks! 

Fear the mighty Totodile prowling!

Your Pecha berry is mine!

Oh, and looking for little human too.



Mai could only fold her arms as she read the reports she received after yesterday’s ambush.

“It seems the report was right. The Honshu region has started to move into our borders. The Akui clan Shadow unit attempted to intercept the borders with their Dark Pokemon but incurred significant casualties as some of the Kyusyu Pokemon broke through our borders. They subsequently encountered our patrol and were successfully contained.

Mai couldn’t contain her anger as she threw the report back towards the table. Goro shook his head in apathy after receiving this dire news.

“Hmm...the Kyusyu region, huh? Since our city is the closest to the borders of the region to the west, I suppose they came by the mountain path or the direct sea path.We will need more troops stationed at the perimeter of the island then, and possible threats might come from the sea, land, and air at this point”

The old man shrugs his shoulders as he contemplates a possible war happening again after a peaceful ten to twenty years. What were the Kyusyu leaders thinking? 

“And the leader? What happened to her?”

Mei could only frown at the mention of that woman.

“Killed in action. I had to do it. She didn’t give me any choice. She was about to kill the genins scouts if I didn’t intervene with Greninja. Those genins are part of the survey team. They do not have the extensive battle experience to go against a full fledge dojo representative like the Koga clan of Honshu”

the old man could only grumble before he shot a sharp gaze toward his daughter

“And the relic? What did you do with it?”

Mei took out a sword, blood seemed to dry from the hilt and scabbard, a katana of mid-length, red and purple, the colours of the Pearl clan of Kyusyu."

“The sword is here. Her bonded one fought in a berserker state when their Kenshi died, and had to put them down as well”

The old man closes his eyes and accepts the bad news

“That was truly unfortunate. Perhaps this is the catalyst needed to spark a war with the Kyusyu region again. Perhaps sending them this sword would be an excuse to incite war. We need to prepare for this. I will head to the capital today and alert the Shogun. Hopefully, he will be lenient, but let’s not hope for that, Gather as many Pokemon as we have and have them trained together with our Kenshi for battle and let the Jonin from the Akui clan know that we will cooperate with them in gathering the list of Pokemon they needed for their Shadow Pokemon experimentation”

Mei started frowning again. She didn’t like where this was going.

“Is that wise, father? The Akui clan methods are...”

The old man stood up and simply left

“I have said my piece daughter, you may be the Clan Leader but for now I am still the War Commander of the Aisho Region. If war is coming, we all need to prepare. Not only our clan but every clan in Aisho needs to know about this, I will try my best to Mitigate this with the help of the Royal Samurai”


Hearing all of that,

The little Totodile timidly decided to leave and find the little human to give him the news. Even the little Pokemon knew this was important and that little human was the smartest little human he knew. Perhaps he might be able to train him to become stronger! Strong enough to stop the war, thinks the little one innocently. All he knows is that war is bad and food is scarce. 

If war comes, no food, and that means no more berries. He cannot have that! War is bad! Save the berries! At least, that is what Mama Feraligatr taught him. Humans are bad, war is terrible, and berries are good.

With renewed effort, the little guy goes looking for the little man! At least he thinks that the little man isn’t bad. He doesn’t smell like a human, anyway. Smelly humans... The little humans smell nice, like the ocean or a summer breeze. Why can’t all humans smell like the sea?

Humans are weird. 

The Totodile slowly walked away to find the little man. It seems he found his scent and is following the smell towards his room. The Totodile happily moves toward the boy, unaware that a certain Ninja Pokemon was aware of all of this.

Meanwhile, from the corner of a Greninja’s eyes.

She spotted a little Pokemon moving around stealthily within the walls, but this Greninja didn’t stop him. This Pokemon has been to enough wars to know that war is a terrible thing, and this Greninja has been keeping an eye on the little Totodile since he trawled around the river with her master’s young little son. 

The Greninja could see that the little Pokemon was growing stronger by his master’s offspring tutelage. Perhaps he might make a fine ally for his young master. Perhaps even a bonded one?

But in another corner of his eyes, he spotted a spy up above the sky. Someone seemed to be listening in on their conversation. The Greninja wrote something on a small parchment he carried around and handed it to her master. Mei looked at the sudden appearance of her Greninja and asked.

“What’s wrong? Trouble?”


The paper contains the symbol spy. He pointed right above the sky and closed her eyes to feel the surrounding Aura. It was someone she knew. That person wasn’t a spy, because she knew him, but she wasn’t exactly happy to see him either.

“I see, thank you Greninja, leave that matter to me”

Greninja nodded and disappeared to do his daily duties as Mei walked out to the Hall. As she went out looked up and saw a man on top of the roof eating leisurely stuffing his famous potato Mochi made using Sootfoot Roots.

 A Jonin ninja belonged to the Komorei Clan, One of the Big Three, an admin Under Harumi herself, the Clan Leader.

Mai hoped that this wasn’t some unwanted visit as she jumped toward the roof. Let’s see what he wants. The fact that he’s allowed in here means Father approved of him being here.

Beni looked like he didn’t notice a thing, but Mai’s eyes could see him shuffling his hands fast enough to prepare something behind his back. Ever the careful scoundrel.

“It’s been a while, Beni. How’s Lady Harumi doing?

Beni took the last mochi and munched it as he took a small little letter and gave it to her cheekily, with a mouth full of Mochi, he said

“ Sweff fainn, muh Siisshtaahh juuust has sumtin ffoo dfeeal wifff”

Mai frowned as she took the letter swiftly from him and looked at the Insignia. Seems like it’s official business.

“You shouldn’t eat and talk at the same time. What’s the letter for?”

Beni gulped and drank some tea from his portable flask as he got up and patted himself down after eating with a satisfied look.

“Tasty! Now read it first- I don’t get all day. The clan wants your reply as soon as possible your ladyship, Hopefully, the Shimizu clan will be far more lenient and is willing to cooperate with us”

Mai opens up the letter with her brows furrowed, clearly annoyed by this. Something was quite serious if they had Beni send the letter directly to her. As she read it she could understand the dire need for secrecy and personally sent this to me. Mai folded the letter and crumpled it and gave it back to Beni as he burned it.

She folded her arms on top of the roof. Beni kept staring towards the sky as if he was looking forward to her reply. After a few minutes, she sighed and said.

“An Expedition unknown and not sanctioned by the Shogun and yet Kamado-san is going? Who will guard the Temple of Aft now?”

Beni looked forlorn as she mentioned that.

“Pokemon attacks ravaged our people from Violet Village a few months back. Restoration has been slow and unfruitful. There is no honour in living here anymore. The Oyabun have decided to seek out new pastures and a fresh start. The Komorei clan will endure, but we will break off from this continent and seek out our destiny. That is what he wants”

Mei could only frown as she understood why they were doing this. The Komorei clan is one of the three strongest clans in Aisho, but due to a Pokemon attack in the past, much of their land and glory has disappeared as the Shogun intervened and even took over their lands. Countless people died due to the rampage near the Temple, it was only by the protection of that temple that most of the villagers still live.

“And what about the relocation? Harumi will be sad if you leave. Have you told her? What about the school?”

As Beni thought about his older sister, a downcast look crossed his face, revealing a tinge of regret.

“I did, which is why she is the leader now, too stubborn to leave, too headstrong but kind enough to shelter those left behind. Not everyone is able to embrace change that easily. The Shogun doesn’t seem to care either, as the rights of the clan and its privileges are being revoked.”

Mei closed her eyes and nodded as she, too, had decided.

“ Clan Shimizu will offer their help as well, in terms of logistics. Hisui is a land unknown to many but not to our Seafarers. we will ensure the rest of your people reach there safely. What about Kyusyu? To the Komorei’s clan ancestor land?”

Beni had a constipated look, equally shock and admiration of Mai willing to help their clan in their dire need when even the Shogun would not favor them any longer.

“You..would help us? I…umm, I see.”

Mai tilt her head in response,

“Is there something wrong?”

Beni shook his head and smile “I didn’t think you would help us, Kyushu was not part of the plan, We have cut ties for several years since the last great voyage, Heading to new lands for research and a new start, that was always the plan”

Mai nodded. She had a hunch when the Komorei clan head stepped down from the Leadership role and gave it to his foster daughter, Kamado-san, was a strong Daimyo and a powerful Kenshi. Perhaps this is for the best, for him to seek new lands instead of clashing with the current ruler of these lands.

Mai could only give a soft grunt, looking very displeased with this news, but even so, she knew it was their way of coping. She would probably do the same as well if put in the same situation. What happened to the Komorei clan recently was a tragedy. 

“The Shogun will probably try to punish Harumi for this, but even so. Will you still go to Hisui? Leaving the Region could spell treason for our nation and... there might not be anything there.”

Mai could only make an assumption on what that petty Monarch will do.

Beni shakes his head and grins, seemingly to know more about this expedition

“We have other acquaintances, from Camelot and the twin Monarch rulers of the west and even the new Nation of Unova. Surprisingly, a few Honshu people are going as well. The new outfit will be called the Galaxy Corps”

Beni then shrugged his shoulders as he took out his flask to drink more tea

“Ahh- well, Harumi will know how to deal with the Shogun. I’m worried about the Akui and the Nensho clan finding out. They will not take kindly to this since we will go against National Interest.”

Mai could only nod, this will seem like betrayal to the nation.

“Clan Shimizu will always be neutral, What we do is for the prosperity of all Aisho and its Pokemon. This is why we stay far away from the Capital and here on this island. Shimizu clan abhors the other Daimyo and their petty politics.”

Beni could only smirk at that reply and said,

“And yet, your father is the War Commander under the Shogun! Well, war will be the least of our worries, Our region has too much infighting, the Nensho clan and the Akui are rising rapidly with their resource monopoly on this region, and The Shogun doesn’t seem to care about the balance at all with his hands in Honshu too these days, part of the reason we wanted to leave is due to that as well...”

Mai could only keep silent at that. She knew what he meant. The Shogun did not send anyone to help the Komorei clan when their clan was destroyed by a hoard of Pokemon in the past. Many lives were lost and yet the Shogun decided to do nothing.

A few edicts and compensation and that’s it. The era of the Kenshi is ending. Modernization has already started to advance the Honshu region rapidly. The honor of Bushido is failing this land.

“Regarding clan Pearl and diamond, we have sources that they too have a settlement in Hisui” said Mai. Beni simply raise his eyebrows and said,

“Really now? That is interesting”

Mai can’t help but shake her head “Be careful, Kyushu two biggest clan seems to have some ties in Hisui”

Beni stayed silent.

“ Shimizu clan wishes to make amends despite what the others may tell you, Do what you will with that information”

That day, the code of Bushido was broken. Few came to help, The Shimizu clan, the Hagane clan, and the Arai clan. The values of the warrior were not upheld that day, much can be said about our society still recovering from the war twenty years ago, and yet the Clan still honour their service towards their Daimyo with equal loyalty and faith. Something truly needs to change.

Mai took out a plate and gave it to Beni

“Give this to the Kamado-san. May it serve his cause well”

Mai gave Beni a splash plate. What is a plate? They boost the power of the holder’s move of the corresponding type. 

“That is...”

Mai smiled and gave it to him.

“I have a feeling that perhaps you will need this in the future”

“W..well, yes. I was tasked to search for these, As I thought, the plate truly lies with you. Thank you.”

“It’s alright, we are old friends after all”

Beni nodded gratefully again

“I heard you have a child now. How is he?”

Mai showed Beni the kindest smile he had ever seen from this woman. He almost slid off the Roof when he saw then clearly surprised that his friend could even do that. This icy stone's cold face woman could actually smile that naturally?

“He’s a lot of trouble, but very cute”

Beni looked at her blankly and pondered for a minute. He wondered if he would like to meet the little kid. Seems like this kid managed to even turn her friend this way. He is rather curious about this guy. Why not ask about him?

“Tell me about your son. What’s he like?”

“A handful, let me tell you..”

Beni took the plate gratefully and stored it in his backpack as he grinned from ear to ear. Clearly he is very happy to receive this. The two of them reminisce about their past as they talk atop the roof. Nobody seems to notice, but fate works in strange ways. Much of the things they talked about are things pertaining to the logistics and travel routes towards Hisui.

But somewhere within the compound of the Shimizu clan. a certain little Totodile was lost trying to navigate this maze of a mansion looking for the little human. The little adventures of the young Totodile continues.

“Toto? Tootototo! To?”

The little Totodile looks left, looks up..and looks downward. He couldn’t tell where he was going. Right now, his smell is practically everywhere around this corridor. The little Pokemon became very upset at this…The little one thinks he is lost, but refuses to admit it.


He couldn’t find the boy and instead veered off towards the kitchen where many Pokemon and humans were preparing to chop and cut and prepare food and wash the vegetables. The Poliwag and Poliwhirls employed by their chef work happily sorting out the many ingredients for today’s lunch.

Something smelled very delicious and the little Pokemon forgot why he was even here in the first place. The little Totodile is very hungry as his stomach growls. He could have a berry from the little man, or...He could just eat all the food here.


he dances happily as he looks at mountains upon mountains of food. 


Kazuki did his best to ignore the dull ache behind his eye as he walked into the Kitchen. A couple of drinks from the Onsen nearby last night before sure hung on longer than he was used to. 

It was far from unbearable, but it was yet another reminder that he was not quite young anymore. Still, he did have fun with the Genins yesterday.

One thing The Shimizu clan does well is their liquor, and Kazuki loves his liquor. And the Shimizu Inn made the best liquor in all of Aisho! hence why he always has a migraine and a headache in the morning.

Kazuki works as a chef here in the Shimizu Mansion as part of his clan heir training. The Kitchen was his domain, or so he thought, now? It’s just full of Pokemon like Poliwhirls and Poliwag doing mundane cleaning, such as washing the dishes and arranging the plates.

He still does most of the cooking, that and this hired help named Momo. Which happens to be his fiance too. Heh... How did that happen? Both of them are clan heirs of their respective noble lineage, as lesser lord’s his training is almost complete. Momo was only here to watch over him. 

Kazuki walked towards the Poliwhirl in charge of preparing the ingredients and asked since Momo hadn’t come here yet.

“Did Momo give you any details?” Kazuki asked as he led the rest of the Pokemon through the afternoon menu.

“Poli- Pol” The Pokemon answered blandly while cutting the vegetables swiftly.

“So, nothing then? oh well..”

Kazuki said, tapping his fingers on the table. He was nervous. The cocky persona had slipped a little. Despite her young age, Momo is quite a talented chef. She do much of the menu here. While Kazuki is an excellent cook, he’s mostly a traditionalist who follows the recipe and doesn’t try to innovate.

He’s a man that works hard and certainly puts in double the effort! but he lacks the talent to truly shine. Kazuki forgot about the uncomfortable chair and sat forward cutting vegetables with the rest of the Poliwhirls.

“Today will be another eventful day, it seems,” Kazuki answered to himself. The Poliwhirl beside him nodded as well.

“Poli-Popo” the Poliwhirl hinted at the door.

The door slid open silently as Momo walked in, but she was surprised to see a little Totodile on the floor dancing as the little one watching the rest of them cooking, oblivious towards it’s surroundings, she didn’t even notice him if it weren’t for his wide moves his little feet bouncing around the pile of meat near the stove.

 “Hey there! Anything I can help you with?”


the little Pokemon pointed at the mountain of moo-moo meat nearby. A little surprised by the sudden gesture of the girl, but clearly wasnt afraid to request a demand. The young pokemon seems hungry. She decided to carry the little one in her arms.

Kazuki notices his fiance doing something and almost threw the ladle in his hands away.

For a moment, Kazuki thought he was losing his grip on his sanity as he looked at the young woman who came in with a little Totodile in her arms. The same customer service smile. The same pretty eyes. The same ...Aura that she exudes that I’m better than you. Yes, he is in love with this woman, but that little one in her arms, it scares him.

Isn’t that particular species dangerous?

“I...uh, didn’t know he was here. Where did the little guy come from?” she said smiling cluelessly. Kazuki couldn’t say anything to retort that and kept shifting his gaze towards the Totodile and her fiance.

“but isn’t he cute? I’ll take care of him while you prepare the meals”

Momo just smiled innocently as she took a spatula and started to prepare the food for the young master. Her serious attitude perturbed Kazuki but he liked that about her. Makes him feel more motivated to do better every day. Maybe one day he will even stop drinking. Or maybe not. Drinking is still his favourite hobby.

“I uhh...meal? but it’s only -“

“Come on, Mister Kazuki, focus! The young master meals need to be prepared now! The Patriarch and Clan Leader are away today, so we only need to cook for young Kyo! “

:But uhh..that …thing in your arm, isn’t he dangerous?”

She looked at the Totodile and then turned her gaze back to him with both shoulders raised like she haven’t had a clue.

“Nonsense! It’s just a baby. I’ve seen the little one playing with the young master in the river. He’s harmless”

Kazuki could only shrug and started cooking as he lit the fire by summoning her Vulpix from the Pokeball as the Pokemon landed near the Totodile, The little guy seemed surprised to see another Pokemon come out of a little ball. Kazuki borrowed her Pokemon again. Having a Vulpix is just too convenient. 



the little red fox pranced around happily and came to the Totodile, sniffing the Vulpix before they both cooed cutely together and Vulpix gave a mighty paw to its face, slapping the little guy away.


The little Totodile couldn’t believe a dumb little red fox smacked him.

Kazuki and Momo shared a smile as they looked at two little cute Pokemon in the kitchen. the other Poliwhirls and Poliwag could only roll their eyes as they kept cutting and stocking up the equipment and food materials in the Clans fridge. Veterans like them kept cooking and avoid the shenanigans.

“ Kazuki-san, why is my Pokemon so cute!! She’s so adorable! “

A little smile crept up the man’s face, being praised that way. Who knew girls like her like cute little Pokemon? He certainly didn’t think about it when he helped her catch it. 

“Vulpix! you’re up! Give me a good fire starting! We are preparing cuisine for the young master today! let’s get cooking!”


a small little flame blasted underneath the wok to keep the fire going.

A few minutes went by and the food was ready.

The Totodile drooled all over the floor when looking at the scrumptious food prepared for this “young master” and immediately forgotten that same fox that cook this food gave him a slap. For a while now. Kazuki san seemed happy with the dish he made as Momo inspected it and put the finishing touches on some homemade sauces she made and slabbered upon the rice.

The Totodile stomach began to growl harder. These humans could really cook, but why hadn’t they given him any food? The Totodile wasn’t very happy. The Totodile feeling like maybe, just maybe, a little nibble from the “young master’s food” would be okay. Just a little, but before the young Pokemon could do it, someone else intervene.

One of the maids came down and picked up the food, and startled the Totodile.

The Totodile was too short to reach the plate atop the tall table. The maid then carried the food on a tray to deliver it to the young master. Kazuki and Momo were busy washing the rest of the utensils and had forgotten that a Totodile had entered their kitchen as that same Totodile.


The food is running! Thought the Totodile as he chased after the maid.

Momo finally notices it and

“Ah!- I totally forgot to give the little guy some food!”

But the Totodile was long gone and running with his small stubby little feet towards the maid. He could smell the food and kept moving forward and finally arrived in a room where the maid was serving this “young master his food” Oh?


That young master was the little man he was looking for!


Kyo was just tinkering with his Pokeball today. He managed to get several ideas on how to improve it after studying it. He found out that the Pokeball seems to work like a capacitor, a device for storing electrical energy, or at least run on a similar principle with the Apricot fruit as a good substance for it while the Tumblestone inside acts as a data storage device something identical to a floppy disk or an SD disk, storing the information of that energy inside the ball.

Most people in this era don’t use Pokeballs and not many even own Pokemon. Only the direct heirs of important clan members, those who carry the Kenshi license, wielded Pokeballs. Each clan created these Pokeballs specifically.

The Shimizu clan specializes in building a Pokeball that has a higher rate of catching water-type Pokemon and the secrets of their manufacturing are a well-kept secret.

But from Kyo’s observation, the Outer shell of this Pokeball they called the “Dive Ball” has a blue outer shell probably due to a certain Apricot tree hybrid they nurtured within the clan’s nursery. The other thing was a special Tumblestone found under the ocean and mined using the clan divers with the help of Pokemon such as Cloysters. The method of making such a Tumblestone is also a secret.

The capture rate of these Dive balls is around 45% compared to normal Pokemon balls, which are only 20-30% on average.

Kyo pondered for a moment, thinking about ways to increase this Pokeball’s efficiency. 

“ If only I had materials I could make myself, it would be cool if I could make a master ball or even one of those crazy Darkballs without any of the brainwashing effects”

Kyo put down the dissemble ball and went to the bed nearby to lie down for a bit. 

“After lunch, I should probably start swinging my bamboo again”

Before he could even close his eyes, the maid, Aina, knocked on the door and entered with his lunch. He had forgotten that today his mother would be unavailable to due clan business, but she did say she would come back during the evening. As she entered and served him the food, he noticed a particular footstep walking towards him with a pitter patter.

“To! tototo!”

The little Totodile danced happily upon seeing him. Kyo could only smile as he found the little water Pokemon quite endearing. This young Pokemon was able to sneak around her as she’s trained in the art of shinobi as a ninja of the clan. She couldn’t detect the young water type sneaking around her. The maid Aina smiled and left the room. It seems that the young master can handle this.

Seeing as it wouldn’t do him any harm, she left. While she is wary, if the guardian of the master didn’t do anything, it’s probably all right. Aina gave a nod to the far corner of the hallway. A Greninja in stealth just nodded and blinked.

“hey there buddy!”

“Dile! Dile!”

The Totodile jumped and looked hungrily at the food tray. Kyo could only laugh as he cut some of the meat and fed the Totodile. The little Pokemon was very happy when he tasted it. A face of pure bliss and gratefulness as he ate each bite bit by bit, being fed by the boy.

Kyo just realized that he’s too absorbed with his work and has forgotten to even train or play by the river. What he means by play is to practice his aura taught by his mother. Aura is a mysterious ability. According to his mother Mai, an Aura user is able to hone on the energy around them and within them.

The Totodile ate all of Kyo’s food. There wasn’t a single crumb left for him. He wasn’t very hungry anyway, and if he did? Perhaps he would like to try some street food in the Town nearby. He hasn’t exactly explored the island since he got here two months ago.

“Hungry for more?

The Totodile was still hungry, of course.

“To! to!”

The little Pokemon nodded furiously. He was still hungry and wanted to eat more delicious food. Today, he found out that human food is simply too delicious and wanted to try even more human food. Pecha berry is still his favourite berry but human food is just something better.

Today, this little Totodile learned a lot.

“Come on, let’s head to the town nearby and hit the street food scene. I gotta go check out a few things too”

Kyo took the Pokeball and dissembled it as he fixed it up in a jiffy deftly with his hands, the Pokeball looked almost brand new, and chucked it into the tiny rucksack he wore behind his back. Since this Pokeball is just a loan, He would return it since there’s nothing else he could learn from it. Some clan members would benefit from owning this compared to him. If he remembers correctly, Kyo’s foster mother Mai took this Pokeball from the Survey team. 

Perhaps big sister Hono will be there as well. He could use a different type of PokeBall to tinker with. 

Kyo and the little Pokemon scampered off towards the corridors as he waddled behind me with his happy little feet following Kyo from behind swiftly. Kyo noticed an Aura user nearby somewhere on the roof. He looked up and saw his Mother chatting with someone else.

He seemed somewhat familiar, but Kyo couldn’t put a memory to that.

His mother seemed to notice him as well, and here Kyo thought he could sneak out safely. Well, he wasn’t trying to sneak, anyway. The two people on the roof swiftly jumped down and started heading in his direction. He could tell that his mother wasn’t happy when seeing him with that wild Pokemon.

The innocent little guy didn’t know any better and stuck close to me. Perhaps he too could feel Mai’s dangerous aura seeping out of her body. As she came close to Kyo, she glared at him with an unhappy frown on her face. The man beside her wore a green and white garb with a clan symbol on the side of his chest. He was not familiar with that clan symbol. Probably one of the big three, or perhaps one of the lesser clans in this region.

“That Pokemon is dangerous Kyo, Haven’t I told you not to play with it before?”

Kyo looked at the little Pokemon as the Totodile blinked innocently and smiled like a fool. Kyo could only frown as he looked at the little guy. He’s not dangerous. The people here don’t know Pokemon are capable of friendship regardless of what they are. Pokemon discrimination? He didn’t think he would encounter something like this. Kyo then looked at his foster mother and asked,

“Why is the little guy dangerous? It’s just a Totodile. he’s no danger to me and he’s a water type too”

Mai wanted to separate his son away from the little Pokemon. He was getting attached to it. She doesn’t like it. He doesn’t know what she knew, what that Pokemon is capable of when it evolves.


The Totodile crooned his little neck to the side as he looked at the larger angry human and stared at her. It seems like the little human is trying to protect him from the big female human. the Totodile understood immediately and bare its maw and showed its large teeth.

Kyo noticed that the little one was getting agitated by this, and pat its little head to calm the guy down.

“Relax Totodile, this is my mother, she’s just... concerned.”

“Toto?” the little guy tilted the head sideways cutely.

Kyo could only give out a small giggle at his antics, A cute little guy. Mai didn’t take this very well as she was scowling right now with her hand on her hips, clearly not happy with this.

“That Pokemon will evolve into something terrible. Years ago, their kind attacked a nearby village and destroyed it. Many people lost their homes that day until the rampaging Pokemon was taken down”

Kyo listened to what his mother just said,it was a different era, a different time. Perhaps the real-world Pokemon is far more cruel and dangerous compared to their anime and games counterparts according to his memories and past life media. However, He wanted to believe in the bond that these beautiful and marvellous Creatures could share.

“A Feraligatr attacked the village in the past? Is that so?” said Kyo naturally. 

“So you knew about this? Do you not see that his species is dangerous?”

Mai couldn’t understand why this boy would go against her as he blatantly ignored her warnings.

“That Pokemon will be a danger in the future, Kyo!”

She roared at him. Even the Totodile flinched and hid behind Kyo’s back, which isn’t much since Kyo was a little guy too. Kyo just turned towards her coldly, with a gaze that could penetrate one soul, he then said.

“ I won’t let this one turn out that way, I won’t let any Pokemon turn out that way, Pokemon aren’t dangerous, they are just misunderstood”

Mai suddenly stopped and pulled her hand back. This Kyo before her is different. Gone is his innocent and aloof personality, now replaced by a serious and calm look from a five-year-old. But that glint in his eyes showed wisdom beyond his years. He knew that the boy was special, a being personally brought here by Arceus to be cared for by the Shimizu clan.

Mai was one day pulled into a mysterious domain by Arceus. The god Pokemon. There she was told that she would receive a child to care for, the child would undergo a trial, and it was her duty to prepare the child to face his trial.

She knew what she needed to do, but in this world, she too had gotten attached to him. She wanted him to enjoy this life as much as he could because she knew this world is very dangerous. Far more dangerous than she ever gave it any thought until she had a young boy to care for. She only realizes that her clan cannot remain as it were, always warring with the others for the Shogun, always doing dangerous missions for the sake of the region.

She never wants him to face that kind of world. She didn’t think this through... Bringing a child here into this dangerous world. What was she thinking? Is there a way to share the trial? She would rather take it for him.

Mai gulped as she looked at the little boy and stared him down. She didn’t like how she was acting like this, but she knew she had to stand her ground. No Pokemon, not this one, dangerous or not, she will not have a stray dangerous Pokemon here in the house.

“I want him out, now.”

Kyo had that expressionless look on his face, still staring and boring that judgemental gaze towards Mai as he then closed his eyes and smiled emptily.


Kyo then stretched his arms a bit and looked at the Totodile behind him as he turned his head back to signal the little guy to come forward. He patted the Totodile again and the little guy seemed happy getting these head pats from the little human.

“Totodile, it seems I can’t bring you some food. Come on...let me bring you to the river and see you out”

The boy walked towards the courtyard and headed towards the gate as he escorted the pokemon towards the river. The Totodile followed the boy and looked back at the large woman, a look of sadness and regret came to mind when looking at the woman behind him, but the little Pokemon couldn’t understand what he did wrong.

He just wanted some food and to play with the little man. Is that so bad? The little Totodile liked the little human. He was the first human friend he had, as most Pokemon in the river were afraid of him and usually avoided his home. Only the little human dared to play with him. The little human could even dodge his water jets swiftly like it was nothing.

So the little Totodile couldn’t understand why the large woman wouldn’t like them to be together. Because he was dangerous? This little one will never hurt the little man!

If only this little Totodile could speak human.

The two of them walked silently towards the exit and left the mansion. Such is the way of things right now.


Mai looked from afar as her son walked away. This was the first fight they ever had. Beni could only sigh from the side, as he didn’t say a thing hidden away and watched everything. It’s not his responsibility to meddle in one’s upbringing, although he could try to advise his friend now when emotions weren’t that high anymore.

Beni could only fold his arms as he looked at the young man he had just seen. 

“So that’s Mai’s little kid, huh? He doesn’t feel like a kid at all.Maybe a little too naïve, okay he’s exactly just like a kid. What am I saying?”

Beni then shifts his sight towards her distraught friend. It seems being ignored by her son takes a toll on her countenance, after all, the invincible leader of the Shimizu clan is weak against her own son. Beni could only smile wryly as he said this to her.

“ You’re too harsh to the boy. He’s young.”

Mai winced as she heard that. Even Beni understood that it was too much for her to play up such a fuss with him. Beni then scratches his head as he tries his hardest to explain it to his friend.

“ You wouldn’t understand…I did not intend for that to happen.”

“Mai, the kid is only six years old. Judging by the looks of it, He seemed very intelligent as well. If I were a kid, I would probably cry my eyes out already. You’re one scary lady, after all. “

Mai’s head drooped even lower as she was on the verge of tears but trying her hardest to hold it back. Beni had to drop it to her one last time just to make sure.

“ You know that the Pokemon attack wasn’t his fault at all, right? I was there, you know? That Feraligtr only attacked because some people started approaching their nest and trying to claim one of theirs. It was the villager’s fault”

Mai then looked up with a headstrong look and said this to Beni.

“It still doesn’t change the fact that a lone Feraligatr was feral and couldn’t be tamed or reason with. We had to put it down. It killed innocent lives”

Beni stayed silent as he too acknowledged that as well. He knew of the casualties. He couldn’t make it in time to save the victim, after all.

“One of those innocent lives is just a little girl about his age”

Beni sigh again and can’t help but rub his head due to his precious friend’s stubbornness.

“Even if the kid is a good fit for it? It is a water type, the kind that your clan tends to favor. Would do the clan be proud to have tamed something strong like that, yeah? I remember that Feraligatr took six of our top Pokemon and Beat your Greninja and Vaporean.”

“It’s still very dangerous”

Beni smirked and said,

“ I’ll make myself plain for you Mai, As Kamado’s right-hand man, I executed a lot of dirty deeds I’m not proud of the things I do for Kamado-san, It’s not just Kamado-san who longs to live in a new home without fear or strife, his dream is my dream too”

Beni then looked Mai in the eye with a kindness that was unlike him. He said-

“ Despite all that, I still supported him and allowed him to do what he wants, because I believe in him”

Beni nodded and looked at her friend to see if she understood what he said. Mai could only nod back as she knows what she did wrong now.

“Kamado and I saw our hometown burned to the ground by maddened Pokemon running amok- we lost plenty of friends and Pokemon that day, Which is why Kamado-san and I wanted to build a new home for our people in Hisui, where people could live free from fear, we still have our reservations but..we are trying to move on.” 

Beni took his time to tell his tale to this woman about what he experienced.

“But to achieve something great, sometimes you need to take some extreme measure”

Beni closes his eyes and contemplates for a while.

“If hypothetical that the Pokemon is as powerful as we witness in battle, then, perhaps under your son’s guidance, could be an asset to your clan”

Mai’s mouth went wide open as she pondered what Beni had just said to him

“You mean..”

Beni simply nodded. Mai knew what he meant.

“Let the boy bond with that Pokemon. Conceivably, it would be the right thing to do.”

 Mai immediately regretted what she did to the boy. She’s just like her mother, trying to control makes her sick.


The both of them sat quietly, enjoying each other’s company before her friend would go on a journey to seek a new land to start a new life. The world is still peaceful for now. And all is right in this world. She would need to apologize to her son, but she doesn’t know how. She will have to learn how to do it.

She wants to be a good Mother.

Something she ponders the night away, as she doesn’t know a single thing about being a wonderful mom to a precocious little child. She looks up at the sky peacefully, hopeful that the day would go on and the sun will rise the next day. Little steps, bit by bit, she will be a better person.

The chance to become a better mother will come. She will do it.

Until the day she couldn’t.