Chapter – 2
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Theo opened his eyes. Maybe to this era that even his dreams cannot fully grasp.

This eye-opening did not happen spontaneously. A war—no, a fusion—had been taking place in his head since he passed out. 2 people, 2 stories collide and form a new completely different Theo.

When this reunion was over, his eyes no longer needed to be closed. Now it was time to see the world.

Theo opened his eyes and saw the hand reaching towards his face. When he turned his head to the owner of the hand, he saw the woman wearing an outfit like a white sheet.

The woman got over her surprise in a few seconds. "Do... you want something, like water?"

Theo looked at her face. He was able to say "yes".

But these words took him a little by surprise. Because the words came out of his mouth in a language he did not know.

The woman quickly went to the water jug ​​standing in the corner, filled a bowl with water and came back to him.

Theo sat on the bed and took the water bowl from her hand.

The coldness spread throughout his body as the water went from his throat to his stomach. This felt good. He obviously hadn't drank water in a long time.

Just as Theo was about to say thank you, the woman spoke again.

"I'll let Consul Alec know." She said, and without waiting for an answer, she rushed out of the room.

This left Theo alone in the room.

'So it is,' he thought.

What had happened to him was an extraordinary event in the truest sense of the word. But he was less surprised than he should have been. He had come from the 21st century to the Roman era and had entered the body of a man called Theo. That was enough for most people to lose their minds.

The biggest reason why this didn't happen was that all the memories and emotions of Theo from this period were now his. Maybe that was what kept him calm.

But his heart began to accelerate.

His last memories came back to life.

He was on a slave ship sailing to Asia minor. Their destination was the small city of Tusco.

Theo continued to search his memory.

They had arrived in Tusco. After waiting for a day in the slave market, slaves began to be auctioned. he was the last slave to be sold.

Theo finally realized that his destiny was to be a slave.

Of course, that wasn't all bad. Because he was not a normal slave. He was a slave who could read and write and could do mathematics. This in itself would have increased its price and value. When masters charged such high prices for a slave, slaves often became part of the family.

Thinking about it, he sighed. "At least I won't be put to work in the fields until I die." he muttered.

Theo was trying to comprehend this extraordinary event that had happened to him. He was studying Roman history before he found himself in the body of this Theo. Of course, this was not an academic study. It was more of a groundwork for his book. For the past few months, he's locked himself in his New York home.

"What happened to my body in the 21st century?" he thought. He was not very social. But he and his editor, Emily, were pretty close. Maybe Emily would be the only person who would notice her absence. It would also be due to weekly reports and conversations about the status of the book.

Theo shrugged, deciding to focus on the situation before him.

He began to wander through the memory of Theo in Roman times. Determining the year he was in could have enabled him to take precautions for the events that would happen.

Then a piece of information completely revealed what year it was: Julias Cesar and the hunt of pirates.

He had heard this information from the people who worked on the slave ship.


Theo began to think about what to do with this information. There was neither the war of Gaul nor the civil war with Ponpei happened. Besides, being a little far from these events made him feel a little safe.

If he guessed correctly, Tusco was located in the modern world, south-west Turkey. And it wasn't a big city.

Just as I was thinking this, someone came through the door.

"Oh, you're finally awake, my precious slave!" said the voice.

When Theo turned his head to the person where the voice came from, he saw a man in his 40s who was well dressed.

"I think this is the guy who bought me," he thought.

He got up from the bed with difficulty.

"Thank you for your visit and concern, Master." said.

"Call me, Consul Alec,"

“Consul Alec,” he said respectfully.

Consul Alec nodded, after checking the young man as well.

"Rest for two days, then report back to me," he said in a commanding tone.

"Penolope, take care of the young man, let me know if his condition worsens."

After saying this, he left the room.

Theo collapsed on the bed after this speech. His body was weakened by the long cruise and poor eating conditions.

Seeing this, Penolope said, "You're hungry, I'll get you something to eat."

When Theo heard this offer, his stomach growled.

Penolope laughed at the rumbling. and left the room.

When Theo was left alone in the room, he began to form a plan in his mind. His current condition was not bad. But he still wanted to get rid of this slave stamp on him as soon as possible. For that, he needed to understand what kind of person Consul Alec was. If he was a man of his word and a good man, he would do it the normal way. If not, things would get pretty messy.

But before he could do this, he had to regain his strength.

Theo decided to wait and understand his surroundings.

Not long after, Penolope entered the room with a tray in her hand. On the tray was a steaming bowl and bread. It was a casserole style meal in the bowl.

Penolope pulled the table next to the bed and placed it on it.

Theo started to eat the food, forgetting to thank Penolope for bringing the food.

To his first meal in the world, different but also the same.