Chapter 2 A Night to Remember
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Izuku woke up the next morning, sweat soaking his shirt and seeping into the bed. Recoiling at the strong body odor coming from him, he immediately took off his shirt. His bedsheets followed next and he walked over to his closet to put them in the hamper.

When he got to the closet he gasped as he saw his reflection in the mirror on the door. What was once a skinny frame was now packed with muscle. It wasn't too overbearing like All Might's muscles, his were more compact like an Olympic athlete's lean body.

Izuku marveled at the sight of his body and wondered how this could have happened, but eventually brushed off his confusion. He reached to open the door and was once again shocked when he yanked the knob right out of the door. If that wasn't shocking enough, the knob was also crushed when he looked at it, presumably from his grip.

'What the heck is going on with me, first my body gets a makeover then I'm ripping and crushing metal with my hands. I'm absolutely sure I didn't have this strength before,' as he thought this he caught a whiff of his own scent and his nose wrinkled up in disgust. 'Maybe I should also get a shower, I stink,' following his train of thought, Izuku took his towel from the bed, grabbed his school uniform and made his way to the bathroom door.

This time he was really careful as he slowly grasped the doorknob, turning it with the lightest strength he could manage. The door opened without any trouble, and Izuku let out a sigh of relief. Setting his towel and clothes on the counter he made his way to the shower and turned it on, being just as careful to not break anything and stepped in.

He let out a relaxed sigh as the warm water hit him, calming his thoughts and allowing him to think more clearly. 'This is too drastic a change for it to be a coincidence. Yesterday I couldn't crush a pencil let alone solid metal and my physique doesn't just change so drastically, no matter how much I work out the previous day. Then I suddenly fall sick and all this stuff becomes possible?! Either I'm going crazy or I've somehow gained quirk-like abilities. So that begs the question what could have caused this to happen?,,' he thought this was as he finished washing up in the shower and carefully turned off the water.

After drying up and putting on his clothes, Izuku stepped out of his room and began the long walk to his school. He was gonna be late if he didn't leave at that moment, so he decided against having breakfast which was one of the few luxuries afforded to him at the orphanage. Walking outside, his mind was still lost, thinking about his sudden ability gain.

'Come to think of it, right before being attacked by that villain I was bitten by a spider. I killed it soon after but could this be the source of my current predicament?," Izuku was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice a car approaching at high speeds as he crossed the street. Something started to buzz violently in his head and he felt he was in danger.

Jumping out of the way far faster than he thought he could, he saw a car zooming by him. 'I really should pay more attention to my surroundings, but what was that buzzing feeling I got in my head? It's like I was being warned of the danger before it even happened, and why am I so high?,' it was after that thought that Izuku realized he was sticking to the wall of a tall and shiny glass building.

'That's neat, but how do I let go? People are starting to stare, this is not good. Ok relax Izuku, calm down and take deep breaths,' once he calmed down he was surprised to see that his hands had let go of the wall on its own. He couldn't handle the stares pointed his way and ran to school by while dodging between alleyways.

'Ok, I think that theory about the spider giving me powers just became fact. So far I have a danger sense, I can stick to walls and I have enhanced strength and reflexes. These are all similar to the abilities of a spider and I may have even more abilities I have yet to find out. I could do some research later but for now I should keep it under wraps. Knowing Katsuki he'd think I was lying to him about not having a quirk, that would hurt his ego and make him even more aggressive towards me,' Izuku was lost in his thoughts as he entered the gates of Aldera Junior High. 

He didn't notice the whispers people were throwing around about a certain blond haired kid almost dying from a villain, but the person in question did. Katsuki was already frustrated that he was unable to do anything as he remembered feeling like he could die at any moment with that villain's disgusting slime body suffocating him. His anger at the whispers of the students had reached a boiling point when he saw Izuku, his pride had been hurt and he needed to reclaim some of it.

Deciding who to take his frustration out on, Katsuki charged towards Izuku with his palms starting to emit smoke, priming for an explosion towards the boy. Meanwhile, the young boys head was buzzing like crazy and he sidestepped just in time to see Bakugo land right beside him, an explosion blasting the floor where he had been seconds before.

Surprise crossed the angry blonde's face for a split second, before settling back into his usual angry and ego filled expression. "Well, well I guess anyone can get lucky once in a while. Come on Deku, ready for your daily dose of reality?," as he said this, Izuku's expression morphed into a frown.

'It's Katsuki, doesn't he ever get tired of doing this. I don't want someone like him finding out I have powers and getting even more aggressive because of it so I'll hide them for now. It's time to play the fool,' as Izuku thought this he spoke no differently. "Bakugo do you have nothing better to do with your life other than beat people weaker than you? It doesn't make you any stronger, so why do you do it?," he asked as the blonde wore a prideful smirk as he shot an explosion-powered fist towards Izuku, "That's none of your business!"

He could have dodged and judging by the buzzing in his head he should have, but he didn't in order to keep the persona of a quirkless kid. The blast hit him and he flew back and hit the wall on one side of the hallway. Surprisingly though it didn't hurt as much as it does usually, but he pretended it did.

As Izuku lay there faking being unable to breathe, he was mentally thinking to himself. 'I guess I can add enhanced durability to the list of powers I gained from the spider. It's good to know if I can't dodge something I can tank it,' as he thought this, Bakugo seemed to be satisfied and left with his ego restored.

Izuku got up and saw that his uniform was burnt and in tatters after that attack. Sighing he made his way to the boys locker room, intending to get his gym clothes as a substitute for the ruined ones. 'It's going to be a long day, isn't it?,' he had this thought as he walked.

Later that day the bell rang signaling the end of classes and Izuku hurried out of the school, excited to test out his new powers. He happened to know the perfect place to test them in, a certain beach that isn't visited anymore due to a buildup of trash in the area.

He took the train and arrived with a couple hours to spare. Dagoba beach was once a beautiful hotspot for tourists, until the trash coming ashore made a perfect place for people to dump their trash. 

The only reason Izuku knew about this place is because this is where he would get many of the materials for his little projects, but now it would become his personal research and training area. 'I finally got my dream of having the powers to become a hero, so I have a new way to help people. Being a hero and building technology that helps save lives at the same time doesn't sound like too bad of a deal,' he quickly shook his mind of those thoughts and focused on the task at hand.

'Ok first things first, let's test my strength by seeing how much weight I can carry. I remember reading somewhere that spiders can carry 173 times their body weight, so the same should be true for me with spider powers. Let's try it out on the heaviest thing here,' he scanned the area for the heaviest thing there and saw an old rusted pickup truck. Making his way over to it Izuku thought, 'This should be about four tons. If my math is right and it usually is, I should be able to lift about twelve tons with the strength of a spider. That's three pickup trucks, so one should be easy. Oh well there's only one way to find out.'

Using both hands to get a good grip on the trucks frame, Izuku pulled and lifted it up pretty easily. 'This thing is four tons?! It feels like I'm lifting forty pounds. I guess that's the strength of a spider, no wonder I crushed that door knob this morning! I'll have to watch my strength in the future and train to control it,' after this thought he decided to move on to the next ability. 

'If I remember correctly, I had quicker reaction speed than ever and could move faster than I did previously. So I should have enhanced speed and agility. I can test my speed by simply running, but an obstacle course would probably do better for my agility test,' as he thought this, Izuku walked to a random clearing in the beach/dump and adopted a running stance.

'Let's see, from here to the other side is about ten meters. I don't have a timer so I'll have to mentally count the seconds in my head. Ok,on my mark, get set, go,' with this thought he started running. It started at a top athletes regular speed but quickly accelerated and before he knew it, he was at the other end.

'That was about a second.I ran ten meters in a second seconds and I didn't even break a sweat, so I guess that means I have high stamina too. That would be about eighteen or twenty miles an hour, and I feel like I could have gone even faster, given I had the room to accelerate,' Izuku was amazed at how much speed he now had. He stopped to check the time and realized that the trains had stopped running.

'Great, just like me to get lost in my research and lose track of time. On the bright side this is the perfect time to test my other ability, wall crawling,' he grinned as he prepared for what he was about to do. Taking a running start he leaped to the nearest building, sticking firmly to the wall.


'Now from the incident this morning, I can estimate that I have better control of this ability when I'm calm. If I panic like I did earlier, It'll be harder to unstick from the wall. I'm calm now so let's see what I can do,' as he thought this Izuku used both his hands and feet to scale the glass building.

After a while he got more confident and tried standing on the wall which unsurprisingly worked. Breaking into a run he reached the roof in record time, and made the sprint from one end of the roof to the other. He stopped at the edge, thinking of what he was about to do before hesitantly deciding to try.

Going back a few steps he broke into a run and leapt as hard as he could, soaring through the air towards the next building. Words couldn't describe what he felt at that moment. The adrenaline rushing through his veins, the exhilaration, the excitement and the fear all mixed together into one big pot in his head.

"WHOOOHOOO!!," Izuku yelled at the top of his lungs, he had never felt as free as he did in that moment. Landing into a roll, his momentum never stopped as he immediately started running again. From building to building he jumped, gaining more and more confidence as he went. At some point he even did some flips in the air, just to show off to himself.

'This is great, the wind in my hair and the moon at my back. I feel like I'm flying with every leap,' a grin appeared on Izuku's face at this thought. That all came to an abrupt end at the next building when he heard an ear piercing scream.

Chills went down his spine,'Who the hell made that noise, it sounds like someone is in danger. I better go help, but that would make me a vigilante. I need to find something to wear.' Looking around he spotted a few clotheslines with bedsheets hanging from them.

'I feel bad taking this but I need it. I'll just have to make sure to return this,' with that thought process Izuku grabbed the sheets, tying one around his body as a cloak and the other around his head as a mask. Once he was sure they were securely fastened, he ran to the edge of the building to see what was happening. What he saw left him horrified.

There in an alley was a woman all cut up but still alive, the wounds a seemed to be shallow but there were a lot of them. She had long brown hair and big eyes, with what seemed like a permanent blush on her cheeks. What made it even worse for Izuku was the fact that she seemed to be the same age as his mother. Plastic bags with various foods spilled out of them lay on the floor, indicating she had just finished grocery shopping.

In front of her was someone who obviously didn't want to be identified if the black mask on his face was anything to go by. His eyes were sharp and serious, not matching at all with his thin frame. Izuku couldn't tell what his quirk was at first glance, but he knew it had to be something sharp.

"Someone help me!," the woman pleaded, only to be interrupted by the calm voice of the man. "Don't waste your breath, no one is coming. You're quite the unlucky one, you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. But you won't have to worry about anything for much longer," as the serious man said this, a smile came on his lips for the first time. He raised his hand, aiming his fingers at the woman who realized what was happening as she accepted her fate and closed her eyes, tears flowing out of them.

Izuku gritted his teeth in anger, unable to take anymore he jumped feet first aiming for the villain and landed a kick on his rib cage. The man landed hard on the ground, groaning in pain but still conscious. Looking up from the ground he saw Izuku dressed in white bedsheets. "People like you disgust me. How many did you kill to satisfy your needs, your selfishness. How many loved ones did you take away from others, just to avoid the blame for something you did. You won't touch this woman," Izuku said this in a menacing voice laced with fury. He was beyond angry at this point.

"Great that's just what we needed another person looking to play hero. As if the man before wasn't enough, how desperately he fought to protect her. Yet even he fell to me in the end. I hope you've made your peace, because you've just dug your grave," the man got up as he said this.

Izuku had reached the boiling point of his rage. Sure there was fear, but it was so overshadowed by rage that it was forgotten. He charged to the man who anticipated this move and aimed his fingers towards the teen, ejecting razor sharp nails from his hands.

A fierce buzzing rang in his head and he jumped out of the way, but not fast enough. The nails had scraped past his ribs, face and legs leaving shallow cuts. It was this that got Izuku thinking clearly, 'That was close, if I hadn't jumped that would have done way worse than just scratch me. I can't just charge in blindly and lose my cool, I need to remember that I'm also protecting someone and I can't do that if I'm dead,' Izuku thought this and started to process things more clearly.

'My highest priority should be ensuring the safety of that woman, so I need this man taken down as quick as possible. I need to find a way to break past his fire,' while thinking this his head started to buzz again and he jumped the side just in time as a barrage a fingernails landed where he previously was.

He started looking around frantically for a way to end the fight when an idea went through his head upon seeing the walls of the alley he was in. Making use of his agility he jumped from wall to wall quick enough that the man couldn't track his movements.

He was growing increasingly frustrated and it was starting to visibly show on his face. "Stay still and let me hit you, little shit," the man said in an annoyed tone as this was taking longer than expected.

Izuku decided to make him even angrier so he would slip up and playfully gasped,"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" That seemed to do it as the man got even easier to dodge and eventually left an opening that he took full advantage of.

Kicking off the wall as hard as he could, Izuku landed a haymaker on the man's face. Landing on the opposite wall, he launched himself again at the dazed man, landing a knee on his ribcage. Now that he was on his last legs the teen finished him off with an uppercut to the chin, knocking him out. After making sure the man was knocked out, Izuku immediately went to make sure the woman was okay.