Chapter 287: Construction Project
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Plain along southern area of Hyuutia region.

Unlike modern world, there is no concept of border line between territories. Area separating different kingdom is known as buffer zone. Same goes to demesnes, noble's land ownership are separated by grey area, not claimed by any party, known as buffer zone.

Here along the southern part beneath Hyuutia region, land claimed by neighbouring aristocrats, is full of busy men. They are people who live under Hezri Kingdom, the government that exists in secrecy.

In other words, this secret kingdom is quietly taking over a large chunk of land supposed to be claimed by other Dioral aristocrats. 

Hiro has several motives when executing such risky action.

First, the plain beyond Hyuutia is also arable land. Second, there are less than ten houses throughout the land, whose occupants are not even aware of which noble family who rule them. The last time, aristocrats collected tax from them was several years ago. Thus, taking over these land and their residents won't alert the nobles. 

Third, stretching line of defence dozens of kilometres beyond the buffer zone is strategic move from military point of view. On the right or east of Hyuutia region is Orlais forest and on the left or west of Hyuutia region is Korcari Wilds. Hiro had checked the distance between the two forests, which is about 80 kilometres. 

Constructing tall wall along it will not hinder intruders from the south as they could easily sneak into either forest. 

Fortunately, further south in Korcari Wilds, there is a very large lake. Further south in Orlais forest, there is a broad river that  forms natural border with part of Orlais forest. As the lake edge is located several kilometres deeper into southern Dioral than the river edge,  the wall line is crooked in the middle. Guard towers are built beside the river and lake.

As well known defensive expert, Myla Hyuutia is tasked to oversee the construction project. She wanders along the line with her horse. The former refugees, Luca, Lucy, Nina and Pepe stay in the construction area to help with the food preparation for labourers. Labourers live in tents while Myla and the four girls sleep in a makeshift house nearby.

Today is the second week since the project started. Nearly half of the whole wall has been constructed. Korcari Wilds at the far west and Orlais forest at the far East are silent but that is not the case for a the middle of the plain. Towering walls made of timber stand in crooked line from both sides. The walls are protected from the south with massive moats dug before the walls. Final stage of the project would be to connect the moat to the Korcari Wilds' lake and Orlais forest's river. By removing the soil between the moat and the two source of water, water would flow into the moat. Soils dug from the moat are used to reinforce the external part of the walls.

The sound of tree-cutting, shouting of men and logs being moved fill the air in that place. 

Myla is standing with Luca and Pepe beside her, observing the place without wall which is hectic with men.

Hiro had presented to them 4 out of the world vehicles. 

First is called cargo truck that carry logs from Korcari Wilds to here. It a heavy duty items carrier without being pulled by horse. Dozens of horses could never pull such weight, furthermore, it is also quick. Drivers sit in the head of the truck.

Second is called crane truck. It has similar head as cargo truck. The difference is behind crane truck, there is metal structure that resembles a giraffe. Its long neck could be lowered, raised, extended and shortened. Hiro calls this long metal neck as boom. 

At the top of the boom, there is a hoist, which consists of cranking tool and a wire that stretches to the ground. At the lower end of the wire, there is extended wire which is called a hook to lift the log in vertical position.

The drivers in the head of truck sit and maneuver the boom and hoist to place the log into pre-dug holes before being plummeted deep into the earth by another weird vehicle, which Hiro calls it as pile driver. 

Pula driver has a head with men sitting in it like cargo truck and crane truck, but it doesn't carry anything at its back. The truck itself has a large boom like a crane. Different than a crane which is connected to wires, pile driver's boom is connected to even more massive pole, which Hiro calls as lead.

The upper part of the lead is attached to a massive box shaped steel, called as hammer.

Each is placed by the crane's hook on the hole dug by labourers, before being held to the lead. 

Then, the hammer repeatedly moves up and down to pummel the log into the hole.

One fifth of the log is buried into the earth.

The final out of the world vehicle is used to dig moat along the walls. Like trucks, it has head with men sitting in it but it doesn't carry anything on its back. Its wheels are different from other trucks as they run on rollers, that cover the toothed wheels. When the wheels rotate, the roller rotate which enables the head to move. This is called undercarriage, which can be turned to left or right when traveling. It has boom which acts as an arm to pull and push the stick which acts as a hand which can be lowered and raised. At the end, there is a large bucket with claws which dug the earth and put the soils nest to the wall. 

These four powerful tools have enabled them to make walls and moat stretching until 40 kilometres within just two weeks.

Based on the present momentum, it looks like it would not take a long time before the whole defensive structure is complete. While it stretches across many demesnes, the portions which have actually been constructed are surprisingly big.

Among these workers are mem who wear eye-catchingly yellow cap and yellow light armour. Hiro calls them supervisors.

Every now and then, they would be approached by the labourers.

One hardworking supervisor unfurls the blueprints he is holding and gives orders to labourers under him.

The labours obediently stop what they are doing and compare the worksite before them to the blueprints, before pausing to cogitate. 

Shortly after, he speaks to a man beside him. 

After hearing it out, the man indicates that he understands, and walk away.

Striding with ungraceful movements, he opens its eyes and takes in the surrounding area. Before long, he finds his target and approaches her.

Myla holds a tool given by Hiro that is called a megaphone. It resembles a trumpet, and corn shaped. It amplifies her voice so everyone at various spots can listen to her and the voice would carry out to long distance.

The man stands before her and bows deeply, whereupon she asks in a familiar tone:

“Which group are you from?”

“My lady, I come from Number 3 Group.”

“Number 3 Group, huh? Understood. Anything else?”

The work crews here are divided into numbers from “1” to “20,” and they are assigned to work on different areas. From what Myla could remember, Number 3  Group was assigned to place log into holes. Progress on that is the slowest among all the other areas.

“There’s a large discrepancy in the thickness of the log used in construction, so could we please have more time—​”

Myla listens attentively before replying as if she has expected this situation.

"It's fine. Our plan is to build walls of varying thickness along the moat. Proceed."

"Understood, my lady. Then I shall take my leave first."

The messenger returns to the supervisor.

"Break time~!”

Her face changed as she hears that lazy, yet cheerful voice. She seems a bit disturbed.

The one who calls her is Pepe. She lays out a mat with plates and glasses on it. 

"So, uh, it’s time to eat, so we’re done working for the morning.” Luca stretches her arm.

“I have brought the mutton over as you wish, my lady. The side dishes are two pickles and strawberries." Pepe explains.

They  approach Pepe and the meal, which emanates a delicious scent.

“Time to eat, time to eat~!” Luca says in delighted tone.

The four former refugees, Luca, Nina, Pepe and Lucy are living with Myla as her personal handmaidens and assistants.