Chapter Seven: The Rain Breaks Jiangnan
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Chapter Seven: The Rain Breaks Jiangnan

"Don't forget the Qiankun bag with our back up funds." Chen Mingyun briefly glanced in the direction of her fidgety disciple.

"Of course Shizun I've got them right here." Yun Jianyi reached into a sleeve to reveal the aformentioned item.

That day the skies were clear and a warm breeze flowed from the West. Such a sight was rare, due to the frequent occurrence of heavy rain in the area.

Although he tried to seem calm and collected Yun Jianyi was brimming with pure energy and excitement.

However, as soon as they reached the withered pathway which led down the mountain his mood visibly deflated. That was an absurd amount of stairs.

Sure in the past he had unintentionally traversed a different way up the mountain. Yet, seeing the true path laid out before him was disheartening.

Although if Yun Jianyi had to follow his master down the trail that looked it was ready to fall apart then so be it...

First and foremost, Chen Mingyun was a healer rather than a fighter. Compared to other cultivators it wasn't often that she was seen wielding a weapon.

In the short amount of time that Yun Jianyi had known her, not once had his master ever drawn a blade.

Yet there it was in broad daylight. The famous blade, Xuan Wo that the Osmanthus Doctor was known for.

An agile weapon that gave off an aura similar to a whirlpool. It wasn't a regular sword like most cultivators in the area used but a curved saber.

Certainly Yun Jianyi was excited for the day he would be able to get his own personal weapon. Yet for now he was content with the practice sword he'd been lent.

"Well... What are you waiting for? Get ready to hop on." She insisted. Yet it sounded more like self assurance than gentle guidance.

"Yes, yes. Shizun! I'm ready whenever you are." Yun Jianyi insisted. There was nervous in the forefront of his mind as he was excited.

He had heard stories of high ranking immortals being able to walk on air. So it came as no suprise to him for a sword to be able to take flight.

However, according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a sword should be able to fly. The hilt is too heavy to get its fat little blade off the ground.

The cultivator, of course, uses a sword to fly anyway because cultivators don't care what mortals think is impossible.

Yet in all honesty Chen Mingyun had an aversion to heights so she had a mild dislike of flying. Although over time said fear had gotten better.

After all, it wasn't her first time flying, yet a sword was no airplane. At least the repition of the activity due to traveling reason had helped.

Nonetheless her stomach still felt slightly nauseous at the initial thought. Thankfully the sensation quickly faded as she cleared her mind. In addition, Chen Mingyun's posture stiffened as she prepared for takeoff.

While Yun Jianyi didn't know the full story, he could have sworn his master had gone tense. Only for her stance to become more relaxed yet rigid.

It was a long way down if one were to fall to their death from a tall height. Yet nothing was more fatal than being tossed into the Dark Chasm at the bottom of the universe.

Although Yun Jianyi had never been one for such things. He still couldn't help but to be awestruck by the sweeping landscapes that they passed.

A few seconds later and the two were higher in the air. The visage of Weeping Blossom Sect had disappeared into the fog as if it were nothing more than a mirage.

Only then did Yun Jianyi notice how closely pressed up he had been clinging onto the waist of his master.

'This feeling of being so close to a trusted companion is rather nice.' A thought which suddenly entered his head.

Chen Mingyun smelled like osmanthus wine and freshly fallen rain. 'Also what lean shoulders and strong arms..!'

Oof, now was probally a better time than ever to stop thinking, especially should Yun Jianyi's traitorous mind continue to wander.

"Look ahead there are the incoming boats and merchant stalls." Chen Mingyun commented. Soon the descent had begun.

This gave Yun Jianyi something less disreputable to focus on. In the novel Yutian Harbour was one of the Mortal Realm's largest trading hubs.

Even the merchants who set up shop here had auras that spoke of their high status.There were also many cultivators who visited the harbour in search of treasures.

After all, it was one of the few major cities on the continent that once had direct access to the Immortal Realm. Consequently, it was a haven for all sorts of individauls.

There were plenty of goods that one could find. From weapons to clothes to medicine, there was a bit of everything.

It was a place where one could find almost anything if one knew where to look. The close proximity that the Weeping Blossom Sect, had to Yutian Harbour meant a decent amount of political sway.

Yet it still wasn't part of the vast hegemonic power that the Five Big Sects had.

Regardless the Weeping Blossom Sect was an anomaly. Yet it was allowed to exist due to being a missing quarter of one of the Supreme Immortal Sects.

Truly Yutian Harbor was a bustling place due to the constant flow of goods. Also people coming and going at all hours of the day.

For Yun Jianyi the sights and sounds were a feast for the senses. The portside was always filled with an undertone of salt water and squaking birds. One downside to being in such a humid place is that it rained a lot.

Chen Mingyun was used to the awful weather, but for her disciple she should have brought an umbrella.

"Hmm... Shizun did I forget something?" Yun Jianyi tilted his head in confusion.

"Not exactly. Anyways wear this so you don't catch a cold." Chen Mingyun was relucant to give up the hat which she had grown fond of.

However, for the sake of ensuring her disciple's health she parted with it momentairily.

"Alright then if you're sure." The weimao looked a little out of place on such a boyish face but otherwise it looked decent. Good now his head won't get wet.

As for Chen Mingyun she smiled. "Don't worry I know a cultivation technique or two to keep my clothes from getting drenched."

In theory it was rather simple but in real life application it took some practice. The technique involved using Qi to redirect the water before it even fell on her.

One of the most eaisest places to get lost is in a crowd. Absent mindedly Yun Jianyi had grabbed the hand of his master, to which she didn't mind.