Day 26¹
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Victor was now inside his room, beside him, Yoko was sleeping peacefully. Victor looks at Yoko while smiling, he now was watering his plants. [Hit Point Flowers], [Mana Flowers], [Life Flowers]... Well, a lot of plants. Victor has the idea of making more seeds before, but yesterday those two girls appeared. Maria and Amanda. Where are they now? Victor transferred his plants to Jack's room and all his things. And he let Amanda and Maria sleep in his room. Now that he thought about it... They need a bigger base. Victor looked around him, Myriana and Gorge were sleeping. Jack left the room to do his daily training, Samuel and Mark... Victor himself didn't know where they were now. Victor gets up and leaves the room just see Jack training, he was going to his room to talk with the two girls now. He walks toward his room with a happy and gentle expression, he likes kids, they are cute and energetic. Jack looked at him and decided to follow him.

Victor knocked on the door of his past room and said: "G-good Morning... Are you awake...?" Victor hears a *click* and the door opens, behind the four a little girl appeared. This little girl is Maria, who with a cute smile greets Victor and invites him inside, her sister Amanda appeared behind her and looked outside just to see Victor with a happy expression and Jack with a gentle smile behind him. But obviously, his (J) smile wasn't for none of the two girls, it was for Victor. Victor enters the room and behind Jack wants to enter too, but he was stopped by Victor.

Victor apologizes to Jack saying: "Sorry... But i need to talk with them alone." Jack nods and with a happy smile he says: "Well then, i will go back to my training." then Jack left. Victor was now inside the room looking at Amanda and Maria with a sad expression, then slowly he asks: "Amanda... Maria... I'm sorry for making you two remember about the past but... I need to know the location of their base. I need to know about it so, can you tell me, please?" Amanda nods with a sad expression and looking at Maria he said: "Well, i said that i was in the north area, right?" Victor nodded to answer her question, then she continued: "Well, it is in the north area. The old factory's name is York. It is an abandoned factory, my parents worked there for twenty years, they were machine operators. They had the key if the factory's gate too, they opened the gates and invited those people in... Those people..." Victor nodded and asked: "So... They key... Where is it now? You don't need to answer if you don't want to." Maria looked at her sister and opened said: "Onee-san... I think we can trust them! Look! They didn't hurt me or you!" 

Am and smiled and touched her (M) head and with a smile, she removes her collar. The collar was old and had a big and old key. She reluctantly gave the key to Victor and said: "Kill them, please..." Victor smiled and nodded, then he left the room. Jack was outside the room looking at him with a happy smile, Jack approached and looking at his happy smile he asked: "So... You got it?" last night, Jack and Victor discussed if the old factory had a key and if it was with  Amanda, Jack said that it has 50% of chance that they had the factory had a key and it had 80% of chance that the key was with Amanda. Victor thought so too and he decided to ask for the key, and he got it! 

While Victor was thinking about what to do next, Jack smiles and kissed his forehead seeing that he didn't react, Jack kisses his lips, licks his neck, bites his ear... Victor, who tofu was being eaten, woke up from his thoughts and his face became completely red. Jack smiles and said: "Now that you woke up, let's talk about the future of our base~ I want to construct another base. I want you to create the walls and everything else... Can you do it? Honey~" Victor didn't hear what Jack asked him to do, but he nodded, he wanted to be free from Jack hug now! His lower body is reacting! His tofu!! QAQ!!

Jack's nose captured Victor's smell and his lower body began to react, then he said: "Ok then, we will talk later~" Victor met Jack's hard 'words' and his whole body began to panic. Jack left with a smile on his lips to resolve his physiology problem. Victor enters Jack's room, that now is his room too and with an embarrassed expression, he sat down to thought about some plan to construct the new base and invade the base that Amand told him about. Construction is easy for him... Well,  relatively easy... He can make some golems and use his skill [Golem Command] to make the change their shape and transform into a wall, or a house. And because they are golems, Victor will be able to control the walls and houses at will, changing its shape to protect those who are inside the base, and etc.

Victor then decides to prepare the mana circuits to create the golems and elementals crystals. Myriana and Gorge helped him obviously, in the afternoon, Samuel and Mark appeared! Samuel and Mark had some scars and wounds, Victor uses his skill [Heal] to treat their wounds and scars and gave them a [Hit Point Potion (Medium)] and a [Mana Potion (Medium)] and said to them to rest. When was night, Samuel and Mark woke up and Victor asked what happened to them, then Mark smiled and said: "We met with those people that Amanda and Maria told us about" Samuel nodded and added: "Well, we killed them too, they wanted to steal us. But i will explain everything..."


Victor: *lost in thoughts*

Jack: *smiles* *kisses and licks*

Victor: *blushes*

Jack: *smiles* "So you woke up?"

Victor: "Y-yes..."