(M) Chapter 16. Seducing the Demon
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The moon seems to be lonesome in the sky, illuminating the night. The moon seems pure. The moon seems impenetrable, distant, yet so close. The moon seems to be able to obliterate the world of its' darkness silently. But the moon is not as what it seems. Devon feels closely connected to the moon. The moon has no light. It is only the reflection of the sun. Devon's sun is Adrian. Without him, Devon is nothing.

He had longed for him for a long time. Now, sleeping side by side next to his 'idol' is like a dream came true. The moon light illuminates half of the interior of the studio through the floor-to-ceiling window. Devon peeks at the beautiful face in front of him, admiring Adrian's beauty. Even the rhythmic breathing of Adrian is melodious to his ear. He can't help but be transported to a distant memory...


“I hope that one day, we can play hide and seek,” the boy said with a smile on his face. His eyes were blank, staring into nothingness. The boy is blind. His face is deformed. He couldn't see his own face, but he is aware of his deformity since the other kids called him 'ugly', 'monster', 'freak' and all other nasty things. 

The one he was talking to is disabled. He can't move as freely as the other boy can. He stares at the distant of those other kids playing hide and seek without them and resent them silently in his heart. He only answered the boy reassuringly; “someday we will. I'll hide, you'll be 'it' and you'll catch me.” 

They both smile at each other, hoping for the day to come despite knowing that it is impossible. But to them, there's no harm to dreaming and wishful thinking. “Devon, you are my one true friend,” the blind boy said. 

The other boy only smiles at him despite knowing the blind one can't see his smile. “Of course. I'm the one that love you the most, Adrian.”


Memory... In the end, those days are just memory. He is no longer disabled now. He can protect Adrian and he can love him as much as he could. With his detailed planning, he knows that he is not far from his goal.

“What are you staring at? Go to sleep,” Adrian suddenly spoke with his eyes closed. It appears that he had been awake all this while.

Devon chuckles a little. “Did I wake you?” He asked.

Adrian opens his eyes a little and looks at the boy in front of him who has a cheeky smile on his face. His face is full of youthfulness with a slight hint of maturity in his eyes. He can't help but feel a little attracted. Especially to the naivety of the boy who would just climb into his bed while completely aware that he is a dangerous demon who would want to devour him. That kind of stupidity really attracts him. That, and also the pure excitement written on the boy's face. That pure look is really delicious to him. “You're looking to get fucked?” Adrian asked straightforwardly.

Devon doesn't appear to be surprised or ashamed being asked with such a question. He continues to smile, silently being aware in his heart that that is what Adrian had wanted all along. If it's up to him, he wanted to be one who would pin the pretty man down on the bed and has his way with him, fuck him without stopping even if he passes out or screaming or begging for him to stop. But for now, he knows he must compromise since... he has his secret plans to achieve his own despicable goal. “Okay,” he whispered an answer.

Adrian is shocked to hear his answer, feeling his cock having a reaction. He feels provoked. He then laughs aloud. His surprise turns into the feeling of amusement and then changed slightly into feeling a little suspicious, so he asks; “why?”

“I want you to like me,” Devon simply said.

“I thought ‘you’ wanted to fuck me before but why now change your mind?”

“Does it matter? Who tops and who bottoms, does it matter? Sex is just sex in the end. At the end of the day, as long as it is satisfying, it's just the same. Besides, one day, I might be the one on top, right?”

“You can dream,” Adrian spat. His heart feels a little anxious to the idea since he can't use his ability on Devon so he can't possibly summon his 'double'. If it comes to that, he is not willing to be under someone. All his life, he just wants to dominate. He refused to be controlled or being taken advantage of. Never. He will never allow that to happen.

“Yeah, I can dream.” Devon thought of those days back then. Those days when they dream. In the end, it became a reality as well. He got to play hide and seek with Adrian and he now gets to touch him so what's with a little sacrifice? Especially since in the end, he will get what he wants anyway.

Adrian decides to drop his suspicion and lets his second brain do the thinking instead. So, he lunges forward to pull Devon into his arms, kissing his lips roughly and rudely. Devon returns the kiss willingly, going along with Adrian's roughness, smiling secretly at his own success to seduce the demon. Nonetheless, despite of Adrian’s thinking with his cock instead of his brain, he still feels a little reluctant since normally, he would not dare to violate living things. He doesn’t like embracing and fucking people who are still alive. Devon is not a little kid as well. He is taller than himself. Adrian is used to being attracted to small and frail body which can break easily if he puts a little force on it. But... at that moment, Devon is too enticing for him to ignore. The experience will be something new for him and he is willing to give it a try.

Devon slips his hands into Adrian's t-shirt, trailing along the smooth skin. There are moans escaping their throats as their rough kiss ignites the fire in them. With one smooth move, Devon manages to pull the t-shirt off of him. Adrian also tugs at Devon's shirt to pull it off and Devon happily pulls it off for him. Now that they are caught bare skin to skin, the warmth of their bodies entangled. Devon breaks their fiery kiss and just as smooth, he pulls down Adrian's pants, causing him to be completely naked right in front of him. The fair and smooth skin is on display for Devon to see, turning his eyes and heart full with unrestrained desire. But then he notices that there are dots of hickeys on his body left by his cousins and with that in view, he stops in his track.

“What's wrong?” Adrian asked, realizing that there's something wrong with Devon's expression.

Devon keeps staring at the random hickeys on Adrian's body with a frown. “You... this...,” he pinches on one of the hickeys on Adrian's flesh to indicate his trouble which causes Adrian to flinch in pain a little.

“Ah!” Adrian lets out a little scream from the pain and pushes Devon away rudely. He then understands what upsets Devon. Devon is still looking at the marks on his body and he also looks down on his own body and he immediately laughs aloud. Once he finishes laughing, he looks straight into the boy's eyes with amusement. Devon now only looks at him in anger instead, still not saying anything. “What? Are you jealous?” Adrian asked.

Devon looks away and gets up from the bed in anger. “Why can't you stop them from doing that to you, Adrian? I don't understand!”

Adrian sighs in answer. He is too lazy to explain but looking at Adrian, the boy is really like a child. A pure child. So, he decided to coax him a bit. “They didn't do it to me, Devon,” he said.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Then what those love-bites on your body mean?!”

“They are not mine,” Adrian said and then smiles at him softly. “Come here,” he called, stretching out one of his hands for Devon to take in order to pull him back to bed but it was ignored by Devon. “Devon...,” Adrian called out to him again. “Come.” This time, Devon gives in. But he didn't take Adrian's hand. He just walks back to the bed and sits next to Adrian without speaking. There's still a trace of dissatisfaction displayed on his face.

Adrian then spoke in a soft voice. “Devon, I made other people take the pain and humiliation for me. To Victor and Kevin, it seemed like they were doing that to me but that wasn't my body. It was only the illusion of my body. The pain, the deeds done to the body, every kiss, every touch, every blood, they are not mine. The other person who 'became' me that night was the one who took them all. I didn't even feel a thing. These marks, you see..., it's just 'transferred' to me. Like...how do I explain this? Hmm....” Adrian thought for a while before continuing to explain. This time, Devon is looking at him with his expression softened. “Like... a photocopy machine or a scanner. Do you understand? The person is a template of me. That template is inserted into the slot and all the effects done to the template is printed out so the effects are printed on me, but I didn't go through the actual effects. Something like that. Do you understand? Do I make sense?”

Devon is quiet for a while, processing the information gave to him by Adrian. Then, he quietly nods in agreement. “I see,” he said.

Adrian smiles. “Then shall we continue?”

“Okay,” Devon answered as he returns the smile. With that said, he pulls down his own pants and pushes Adrian down to the bed.


NEXT UPDATE: 2023/01/31