Chapter 15. A Beautiful Wish
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It is not due to the sense of responsibility that he feels the need to complete his paintings for the exhibition. But it is the satisfaction he will derive from the admiration people placed on his paintings was what motivated him. Besides, him being able to spread darkness into people's hearts is a bonus. But as of now, he has a problem.

A boy who is pestering him.

He turns to look at the boy, tired of being annoyed by him. "You can eat anything from the fridge, except for the meat that I kept there. Those are exclusively for me. Understand?" Adrian informed.

"What? So stingy... Are you trying to make me a vegetarian?" Devon teased. He looks around the studio, amazed at the arrangements. The place is well-lit. As soon as he entered the door, a huge floor-to-ceiling window is in his view, overlooking the hustle bustle of the city. There are art supplies gathered near on one end with canvases, brushes, sculptures, and some rolled-up canvases. Devon become instinctively curious to see the paintings underneath the rolled-up canvases.

On the other end was a bed and a door which Devon suspects leads to the bathroom. The bed came with two drawers underneath it. It must be where Adrian puts some of his clothing in. There is a small kitchen with sink on the walled side of the studio opposite of the bed and a small dining table with only two chairs in the middle. It was a place suitable for an artist like Adrian but... Devon can't help but feel that the place is a little lonely and evil.

Devon heard Adrian sighs from afar before he spoke again. "No. You can find your own meat. I don't care. But if you dare disobey me, you compensate the meat you've eaten with your own meat, got it? I'll cut out some of yours." He walks towards where his open canvases are and started to pick up some brush and cloth, appearing to ensure the brush is clean. Devon can't help but to stare at his outline. He is excited to see his favorite artist working. He feels that he won't ever takes his eyes off of him for the moment. He almost forgets to take note of the dangerous warning said by Adrian.

He pouted a little at him. "Gee.. Why so fierce? You really are an uncle," he teased.

Adrian ignores him and continues to get busy with his work on his painting, refusing to change his clothes as he cares not about getting paint all over himself. Meanwhile, Devon keeps staring at his back as he seated himself on Adrian's bed, making the place as his own with no sense of politeness. In that very moment, he thought to himself of how beautiful it is if they could just remain that way forever. Him sitting there, staring at him. And him, standing there painting. It would be such a beautiful thing. He can only dream for now. Just a beautiful wish. And maybe someday he can make that a reality. In fact, anything involving Adrian being his is already beautiful to him. Even if he lost everything else, only Adrian he will not lose. "So, what are your plans now?" Adrian suddenly asked, looking at him only sideways. His beautiful eyes appear to be indifferent.

In that moment, all that was going through Devon's mind was that he wanted to just pull Adrian to the bed and fuck him hard right there and then but, he thought better of it. He must wait. It is not the time yet. So, he spoke of his current plan. "I'll just follow you around for now. Can't go back to the manor anymore, my cousins will beat me to death."

Hearing that, Adrian thought silently to himself that that's not gonna happen as long as he is around. He thought back on the things he heard from Devon's so-called cousins' minds. He wonders if Devon knew of himself being born out of an incestuous union. To be honest, for Adrian, incest does not disgust him. But if it was incestuous rape, he might not be so forgiving. As much as he wishes to protect Devon, still... having someone follows him around sounds quite troublesome. "Are you always so shameless?"

Devon chuckles lowly to himself at the question. He can't help but think of how egoistic he is to other people. Only Adrian causes him to be so shameless and only he knows that Adrian is his destiny. Their encounters ages ago may have been forgotten by Adrian but for Devon, the impression lasts for all eternity. Only Adrian can be with him and only he is worthy of Adrian. He won't let Adrian be with someone else. It's either him or nothing and no one else. "Adrian, you have no idea how much I longed for you,"

That's the first time he heard Devon calls him by the name with such a melancholic tone. It somehow sounds... familiar and painful. But... How much do words even weighed? People say whatever sweet words they can to achieve the main objective. People even says meaningless things, makes up lies, and forms a persona to fit the characteristics that the other person desires just to achieve their selfish aim. How can he tell truths from lies when he can't even read his mind?

He thinks that the boy should just cut straight to the chase. He is sick of hypocrites and liars. Like his father who had used his mother and abandoned her in the end. Words... what meaningless words did he say to win her? How much do they weigh? In the end, even her life meant nothing to him. It's funny how one day you're in bed with someone, treating them like precious jewels and the next, threw a match and watch them burn in flames. It's just so funny. "You flatter me too much. Hurry up and take whatever you want from me so that I can get the painting," he simply replied nonchalantly.

"Does the painting mean a lot to you? Do you love it so much?"

"Love? What's love got to do with anything? I just need it. Should I love what I need?"

Devon sighs upon hearing the indifferent answer but he guesses that... "Hmm... I guess even 'need' is fine," he commented. If Adrian needs the painting, then he 'needs' him too so it still counts even if he doesn't 'love' the painting, his needs for it is enough for Devon.

Adrian doesn't know what the boy is thinking and refuses to entertain him. He thought that he will deal with the boy later. For now, he has works to complete and he refuses to let himself be continually distracted.

Devon stares at the canvas covered in blue, black and grey. Next to it is a half-finished sculpture that looks like a naked woman. This is a beautiful sight to see... seeing Adrian working. He admires looking at his favorite artist at work, he can watch all day with a smile on his face. "What are these artworks for?" He asked.

"An exhibition. 'Folklore in the Dark'. I must finish this by the end of this month. I have to meet some curators and buyers as well within the month. I will sculpture a statue of a mermaid and this painting... is a painting of sirens, the deadlier version of the mermaid," Adrian explained.

"Why not paint mermen instead? Paint me as a merman," Devon suggested with a smug and immediately laughs aloud to his own joke.

Adrian was instantly amused and laughs along with him. That's the first time that they laugh together whole-heartedly. After the short laugh, it gets awkward pretty fast. Adrian thought for a moment that he hasn't laugh like that since... he can't remember when. It surprises him and scares him at the same time. That laughter was genuine. It wasn't as hypocritical as he normally would laugh over something. It lasted only mere seconds but the harmony he felt in his dark heart was real. His heart has never known light in a long time. In fact, he never felt such at ease ever since he made a deal with the devil. Never. Never before...

"Your laughter sounds so wonderful, Adrian," Devon commented. He hadn't heard Adrian's laughter in a long time. He felt nostalgic. The two of them together like that really stirs up his memory of the past. "When you're done with the exhibition and not busy anymore, I'll take you to the painting," he then promised suddenly, appearing to think deeply over something in his mind.

Adrian halts his work and turns to look at Devon, trying to discern whether the boy was lying or telling the truth. Although... he's too tired to guess and he can't read him anyway. Despite of him being impatience, he thinks that he can still wait. Besides, he suddenly feels like a weight is lifted in his heart with the existence of Devon in his place. Devon is like a light in his darkness. Suddenly, he feels a little less lonely. He turns back to continue his work quietly. Devon keeps looking at him from the bed, trying to imprint the outline of Adrian in his mind. Soon,... he will turn Adrian into his. Whether it is with or without Adrian's consent, the only ending in Devon's eyes is of Adrian becoming truly his. No matter the consequences.


NEXT UPDATE: 2023/01/24