The Highest Ranking Paladin
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Jocelyn's POV

"I have finally caught you."

"Yes, you have but it is not like you came out of that unscathed."

"Are you sure about that?"

"...Oh right I forgot that you have holy magic... So what are you going to do with me now?"

" Take you to the holy capital and present you to the church officials of course."

" I expected as much..."

"You are giving up that easily?"

"Well, it's not like I can escape so let's just get this over with."

...After chasing my princess for years I have finally been able to capture her, Now all that remains is to take her back to the Holy Capital where the cleansing ceremony can be done on her and only then can she be my beautifully wonderful princess once more.

After my princess has received her cleansing I will embark on a journey to cleanse every other person tainted with the poignant stench of chaos that plagues this world. By doing so I will eventually curb the fast birth of chaos witches and other beings of chaos. With that done, I can prevent the creation of these utterly destructive creatures known as Demonoids.

It has already been a few days on the road, just a couple more and we will be there. Soon you will be back my princess and eventually, you will take back your throne with the church's blessing of course.

 For some reason, my princess has been very cooperative...She is not struggling to leave in any way. Has she completely given up? I know I have put those magic inhibiting cuffs on her but why is she not trying to resist in any way? Maybe deep down she also wants to...

...What was that I just sensed. It felt like a powerful horde of monsters. A very large horde at that. Are the monsters multiplying? Maybe this has to do with the resurrection of the demon Lord of calamity?

"Jocelyn, did you feel that?"

"Yeah I did, but... how did you feel it though?"

"That is not important, now let me out of these things fast so that we can take care of those monsters before they tear us into pieces."

"And how sure can I be that you will not escape and leave me to die."

"As I said before we used to be friends so that is not going to happen, I will make sure that I defeat those monsters to the best of my abilities. I can't afford to lose you too even if you believe I am an evil being. I still love you. "


"You are taking too long, looks like I will have to get rid of these things myself."

"...How! did you do that?"

"That is not of importance right now... LOOK SHARP!!"

"Well looks like our trip just got a lot more exciting."

Looking at the incoming monsters it seems more of a stampede than an attack. The best thing to do is to avoid them at all costs and head in a direction opposite to theirs but that for now is not an option since they are heading straight for a village we were heading for. As a holy knight I can't allow these monsters to snuff out innocent lives, so... it looks like I will have to somehow decrease their numbers as much as possible.

Although this skill uses a lot of mana, I will have to use it. Now to wait for enough monsters to enter the area of effect...


This skill is quite a quick way to eliminate weaker monsters that are under the area of effect.

 ...That has reduced the number but I still feel a very powerful presence within the horde.

 ...My mana is down by fifty percent but I do still have my holy sword Durandal and these rune-covered armaments, with any luck these will be enough to at least slow the beasts down before princess Cilia can finish them off or in the worst-case scenario, I activate that oh-so-dreadful skill.

...No!!! are they resurrecting? I thought that redolence cleanses their miasma killing them instantly while simultaneously making them unable to resurrect. It's a mid-tier holy skill that requires mid-tier or even upper-tier dark magic to counter.

Is there a monster that has such miasma control in their midst?... and why are they Dark red?

"Sorry Elise, I will be borrowing the monsters you have just slayed to make the perfect necro monster to fight off that Demonoid."

"Did you just say Demonoid?"

"Yes, I thought you had felt it. Anyway no time to talk, take care of these monsters while I take care of that thing. I am sure you can handle them, after all, you are the church's Champion."

If there is a Demonoid around then this makes the situation direr than I first anticipated. 

Using the divine skill aura of light together with quick step I might be able to combat those monsters... These monsters are resilient but it does seem like my aura of light has reduced their Hp by quite a bit. Now what remains is to feed the Holy sword through battle so that I can access its first skill.

...Durandal doesn't ever cease to amaze me. It easily cuts goblins, orcs, wyverns, minotaurs and other monsters like they are paper. As long as my opponent is lower than me in level I am always assured I can cut through their skin however thick it is.

...Finally!! Looks like I can use heavenly smite but that will put the unlocking of the other skills on hold. Maybe I should hold off and use it on the Demonoid.

My fight with the remaining monsters was quite short-lived. I simply put up the sacred barrier around the monsters trapping them within it. Once they were trapped I slaughter each and one of them.

 Now off I go to face that Demonoid.

...From the waves that I am feeling I can tell that they are having quite the tussle. I better head over there and...

Are the monsters resurrecting again? No!!! Not again? Wait they are not resurrecting. It is more like more are being birthed. Is this Cilia's work?... They are normal coloured so I highly doubt that...

...What was that? I just felt an ominous presence behind me. 

"Is there somebody there?"


" Maybe I am just on edge due to the number of monsters forming."

"...Hello Jocelyn!"

" Who is there???"

" Do you not remember me?"

" ...Ha...Hannah?... Is that you?"

" It's good that you remember me. This makes things a lot easier..."

" Are you Hannah?"

"Who else would I be?"

"How are you still alive? I thought you died five years ago during the pandora crusade?"

"Died? Is that what they told you?... Of course, they would cover it up... Well, that doesn't matter now. All that matters is that I am here now with you who has something I want."

"Something you want? what is that exactly?"

" Something so close to the church that was taken from me?"

" Are... Are you here for the Holy sword?"


"If so then prepare to meet your end for I will not let this weapon end up in the wrong hands."