Chapter 21. The Blinding Lights
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What he expected to see when he woke up was darkness. What he expected to feel is excruciating pain and his body being covered in sticky liquid. But it is less frightening than that. What his eyes see when opened is the blinding lights coming through an open window. His body is surprisingly clean and dry and he is fully clothed, covered under a blanket. He is lying on a soft huge expensive bed. His body is still aching in pain, reminding him of what it had endured the night before. Was it the night or the day before? How many days had it been? How much time had he lost since he lost his consciousness being mercilessly fucked and manipulated by a boy younger than him? He is fooled by such things. It angers him the most. But at this point, even being angry is tiring for him so he would rather just let the rage burn slowly instead.

Adrian finds that he is able to move his body again. He slowly gathers his strength to get his body to a sit on the bed, peeling the soft blanket off of himself. He wanted so much to get out of bed but he contemplates with his inner self whether he should do that or just lie back down. Honestly, his body feels like it had been smacked like a sandwich between two colliding cars. Without having been able to decide, the door to his room is opened. Devon peeks inside and smiles at him when he sees him. Adrian feels a surge of electricity rushes all over his body. A sense of fear and anger mixed together. He clenches his fist unconsciously. Deep inside, he loathes the boy and wants to smash him into pieces but at the same time, he is afraid of him.

Devon walks into the room, noticing Adrian slightly flinching at his presence. He ignores it. He knows that it’s better for him to be afraid anyway. That’s the best way to control him. He sits down on the bed next to Adrian and lets out a little sigh from his mouth. “Didn’t I tell you I’ll help you with your revenge?” Devon asked. “Look around… Guess where we are,” he instructed. At this point, Adrian has no idea that Devon already had everyone in Klaus' manor under his control.

From the moment he wakes up, Adrian is already aware that he is at Klaus’ manor. The details of the manor is hard for him to miss. After all, the Klaus are very peculiar in their choices of interior design. That alone allows him to guess correctly. But by this time, he has no desire to think of the reason why or the manner how he was brought there. He just wants answers. “Devon, I remember you,” he softly spoke, dismissing his fear of the boy for a moment.

There’s a hint of surprise formed on Devon’s face. “You do? What do you remember?” He asked.

Adrian moves his eyesight towards the opened window with the bright light shining in. He begins to think of the past. “They’re mostly vague but I remember you always talking to me. You always came to my house. We would talk a lot and you told me a lot of things about the world. Things that I couldn’t see and comprehend, you described them all to me,” he spoke, lamenting on the times. It’s true. Everything was hell back then but the days he spent listening to the voice of the young boy in his ear were one of the only good memories he had left of the time. Devon only smiles as he listens to Adrian. He doesn’t know whether he should be happy or sad. After all, that boy in the past no longer exists. He is the evil being that he is now and he has no intention of being other than evil.

Suspicions suddenly grew in Adrian’s heart the more he thinks about the past. “But we never touched. As far as I remember, I only hear your voice. I’ve never seen you. Well, I was blind. But I don’t remember touching your face to remember how you looked. Why is that?” He wonders. Even with him forming the questions in his mind, his heart doesn’t really want to know the answer.

Devon is disturbingly silent for a moment that it was like he had even forgotten how to speak or move. But he quickly comes to his senses and realizes that perhaps there’s nothing good in dwelling with the past. “Get some rest, Adrian. You must be tired,” he said.

That statement alone made Adrian aware that Devon is avoiding the subject. “Are you working with the devil?” He asked this time. It is a suspicion he had held in his heart. He knew at this point that things must be more complicated and deeper than he had thought. Devon is silent again. He only looks at Adrian silently with a pitiful look on his face. Adrian couldn’t figure out whether Devon is feeling sorry for himself or for him. “Where’s the painting?” Adrian asked a new question. There are too many things that he needed answers for. Devon remains quiet. “The room that you brought me in before. I know it was there. Was it here? In this manor?” Adrian keeps on asking questions desperately.

To the last question, Devon only nods in answer. He then moves forward to kiss Adrian on the lips, biting the soft lips till it bleeds. Adrian flinches in pain but he doesn’t push him away. By now, he already knows that he is no match for Devon’s strength or wilderness. “I’ll tell you everything. When the time comes, I’ll tell you everything,” Devon promised. Just not now, he thought silently in his mind. He proceeds to caress Adrian’s face and neck and his hand slides down towards his chest, tummy and lower towards his loins. “For now, let’s settled for less,” he spoke as he pulls Adrian closer with a force that Adrian can’t resist and started another violent sexual manipulation on Adrian in the bed again.


NEXT UPDATE: 2023/03/07