1 – Well, fuc*
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Sometimes in our lives, strange things happens.

Just like today, I'm sure the strangest thing in my life is happening right now.

"Oliver, it's time to go home.'' I heard a woman's voice and looked up from where i was sitting.

Slowly, some kinda of memories started to come to me.It was a person i recognize from comics and TV shows and she was definitely not a real person last time i checked.

Confused, i looked around and noticed i was in a room. Then I asked, ''Are you talking with me?''

The woman, Amanda Waller, looked at me weirdly, like she didn't expect this question, '' Unless there's another Oliver Queen sitting right in front of me, yes I'm talking to you.''

I looked at her face hoping it was a joke or something, but the face she was making tells me she's serious.

I probably made a stupid face but she didn't react to it. Well, now I'm in a fucked up situation.

Why do I think that, you ask? Because I'm pretty sure that until moments ago I wasn't Oliver Queen, the damn Green Arrow.

I was definitely not in a DC universe when I slept last night.

And now, the most important question I have, "What the hell happened?''

To the question I asked myself out loud, Amanda answered with a smile "You're a free man, Mr. Queen! After working with us, you finally fulfilled your end of the bargain."

Clearly, she doesn't know that I am no longer the Oliver she knew and that I have no memory of what happened. Oliver's memories, they were coming slowly, so it will probably be a while before I remember everything.

I slowly raised my hands and covered my face with it. I have so much on my mind and so little time to think.

Apparently, yes, I have become Oliver Queen, billionaire, handsome, and the best shooter in DC. The problem is, while im pretty sure i can handle humans to some capacity, thanks to this body and his memories, i have no way of fighting aliens and gods that walk amoung us.2

So, yeah... I'm fucked.


The fact that I accept the reality that I probably died and was reborn here so well is likely because I am still in shock.

While I'm still standing there in shock, Oliver's childhood memories started to flood my mind. The problem is, they are the only memory I have of Oliver right now. I don't remember anything else now.

Now, imagine my face when I had to talk to Amanda Waller, not knowing anything about what happened between them.

''Oliver...? Are you ok? ''

That made me focus all my attention on Amanda, I'll deal with the rest later. I have to survive this first, ''Yes...yes, I'm fine. I heard that the deal is done...'' I replied in a hurry.

Amanda nodded and continued '' As much as I wanted to keep you with me, a deal is a deal. You are free to do whatever you want.''

I didn't react much to those words, because, for me, I had just woken up. The former Oliver would probably be happy.

Amanda noticed my reaction, or lack thereof, ''Aren't you happy? After five years away from home and many challenges, you are finally going back.''

I looked down at the floor, shook my head, and spoke in the most pitiful voice I could muster, ''I've been dead for five years, so much has changed. People died, got married, had kids.'' I looked at Amanda, ''I'm a ghost now.''

I told what I remember about Oliver's origin story and to my surprise, Amanda nodded, '' You were involved in that accident as a teenager, now you're practically an adult. You've lost a lot of things, and it's going to be hard to get back to where you were. You will probably never have a normal life.''

I nodded at her words, but to my surprise she continued, "But that won't be a problem for the new you. You've been through things that would drive even the strongest of men to the brink of madness, but here you are, not 100% damage free, but alive and with a second chance at life. Be proud of yourself, you deserve it.''

From the way she's portrayed in the comics and movies, I never imagined Amanda Waller would give a motivational speech to someone, but the world sure surprises us.

I, after a few seconds of thinking about what to say next, thought of something very important that might help me: "Could you give me my files to read?"

She raised her eyebrows at me, "Don't even joke that you don't have them. You're Amanda Waller, you have files of everyone''

She was silent for a moment and called someone outside the room. A few seconds later, 3 people entered the room, ''Grab everything we have related to Oliver Queen and bring it here.''

The group left the room and returned a few minutes later and handed some files to Amanda, who handed it to me, "What exactly are you looking for, Oliver?"

''I need to remember who I am, or rather, who I was. The old Oliver died a few years ago. I don't really remember what it's like to be me." Which was technically true.

The memories are there, but they're coming slowly. I just hope I kept Oliver's skills in combat and shooting, otherwise I'm screwed.

I stopped thinking about it and started browsing through the files. The first thing I noticed, thanks to the cover of the files, was that this Amanda works for Argus... which means nothing, because that's the default job for her in pretty much every DC universe.

Then I started reading Oliv-, my files, and started gathering information about the new me.

I found out almost everything about Oliver's life until he was 12. Then the acident at Queen's Gambit ( or just Gambit) happened and the files only have a page for the 5 years after that.

It was about the 'job' Oliver did for Amanda in exchange for something I don't know about. Probably his freedom, but I don't think he was a prisoner or anything.

Some things caught my attention. This Oliver was only 13 when the accident happened, which means I'm 18 now. He has a sister named Thea and his mother is Moira Queen.

I also found out that while he didn't date her, Oliver knew Laurel Lance and her family. There was also a list of his other friends, but they didn't ring a bell.

Now with the Queen's Gambit accident, only Oliver, his father and the captain were on board. No one else.

Then I remembered Arrow, the TV show. There, it was said that Oliver had Sara Lance on board and caused her dead.

But in that show, Oliver dated Laurel and his accident happened way later, so maybe a alternative universe of that? I have no way of knowing that right now so let's continue reading.

Honestly, Oliver lived his life like a real brat. Only 13 years old and he wrecked 3 sports cars, which cost more than I made in my entire old life.

After a few minutes, Amanda, who have left the room earlier , came back , '' Are you done now, Mr Queen?''

I nodded and passed the files back to her, '' Yeah, i got what i needed. I probably can pass myself as the old Oliver. Not so difficult, i just have to be a spoiled rich kid and no one will notice the diference.''

'' Up to you. Just remember that people mature over time, Oliver. You have to balance the new you and the mask you put on for other people to see.''

I found myself agreeing with her words. I just need to find a compromise between what I am and what I need to show other people.

The problem is, I'm neither Oliver nor the Green Arrow. The only basis for my act is the files I just read and the little memories of my Childhood.

I can say that the 5 years changed me... this is the only solution I found. I can be myself like that, not like old Oliver or Green Arrow. Just me.

'This has to work. No! It will work.' While I was thinking, I heard Amanda saying, ''Are you ready?''

I tilted my head, "Ready for what?"

Amanda smiled, “We were giving you a ride to Lian Yu, Mr. Oliver. Just like we promised before.''

I managed to squeeze out a smile, ''Thanks.''

Well, fuck.