CH 11 – Oops.
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Eukeitia POV:

"Uuu... that heartless bastard... *sob*, how could he do that... it was... *sniff* just... an accident... *sob*"

Cronos is so mean to me... what'd I ever to do him? It's not like I intended for the divine beast to just hurl itself to another planet. All I did was chase it around and knock it out by flicking its forehead, and I ended up missing. I even have proof of it! The craters on my planet that were left behind by my footsteps, and the new mountain with a massive cavity at its side is irrefutable evidence!

You'll pay for this, just you wait, juuusst you wait. Oh? A weak and unfamiliar presence has shown up in Cronos' office... oooh, an individual? Kufufufu, my chance has arrived sooner than I anticipated. I set up a teleportation spell. Barging into his office, he blabbers gibberish in shock. I snap my fingers and watch the girl glow and disappear, transporting her to my planet. Heh, she's going to be in for a nice surprise over there.

"Are you listening to what I'm saying?!" Cronus yells, his expression turning ugly.

"About what?"

"Haahh... the human 'girl' you sent away just now is a guy."

"Of course, I know! I'm a lady, I'd know better than that!"

Shit. THAT GAL'S A DUDE?! Hell was I supposed to know when I see two melons and a skirt?! Bah, forget it. Being a woman is better anyway, he should be grateful for the gift. Kufufufu... but still, Cronos' shriek really made my day. I knew he was one to make weird sounds but I never expected him to make one like 'sheesha hee!' Pfft... that really tickled me, hahahaha!... wait.


EEEHHHH?! Was that... supposed to mean that she's a he?! For crying out loud, Cronus! If you're going to tell me something, don't yell it out! Aghh... I'll at least give her- *cough* him my blessing later. I should talk to Cronus to clear up any misunderstandings for now.

"Cronus, I have chosen to reincarnate him as a female beastkin for special reasons."

"Hmm? Sure. Although your decision is peculiar, I trust your judgment so I'll look past it."

Phew. Thank the Supreme One that everyone around me is this gullible.