10 – Justice League: War (1)
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As soon as I saw the Parademons, I said to Diggle, '' Code Red!''

It took Diggle a second to react, but when he did, he was agitated, '' Oliver, what do you mean? We said before that code red is only when the city is in danger of being destroyed.''

'' I know, but now I regret putting the alert only up to red, our situation is more like the end of the world.'' I told him and started taking all the arrows I had available, as well as a lot of weapons and ammo, and putting them in a backpack.

Then I made another one with the same amount of weapons for Diggle, '' Do you trust me?''

I asked, and Diggle nodded instantly.

''Good, because what I'm about to tell you, you can never leave this room, understand?''

He nodded and I started to fill him with bullshit mixed with the truth, ''As you know, I didn't just stay on Lian Yu for five years, some people found me there, captured me, and only released me after I did some 'mission' for them.'''

'' In the middle of one of those 'missions', I came across several strange things around the world, and that '' I pointed to Parademon on the computer, '' is trouble.''

''Were you telling the truth when you said this could cause the end of the world?'' For the first time since I'd met Diggle, he looked nervous.

I nodded,'' There were myths about these creatures, paintings about them from the age of dinosaurs. When these things appear, it means destruction is following suit.''

'' They are only the messenger.'' After grabbing everything that I thought could help in this war, I also grabbed a hidden suitcase and passed it to Diggle. He opened the suitcase and noticed it was a costume, not like mine but something just for him.

Diggle said nothing at first but he asked a little bit later, '' Are you sure?''

I nodded, '' This is not the time to hold back.  If we want any chance of seeing tomorrow, we need all the help we can get.''

Diggle nodded and started to put on his costume. It was protected like mine, the only difference was the head area, while I had a hood, and Diggle had a helmet.

I continued to feed Diggle information: ''These creatures are super resistant to almost every weapon available, and based on what I know, they will detonate if they feel they are about to die. I recommend using grenades or those.''

I passed some mini bombs, the same ones that I use on my explosive arrows, '' Those probably will do the job.''

'' Go to your house, take all your family members and go to my house. Find Moira, Thea, and Walter and put all of them, including your family in my basement, it's heavily protected. After you do that, you will be presented with a choice.''

'' What choice?"

'' If you're going to fight those things, to protect those who can't protect themselves or will you stay with your family at my basement, protected and waiting for this to be over.''

Diggle was quiet, '' What are you going to do?'' He asked me.

I tried to smile a little but the situation is really serious, '' Of course, I will fight. I as said before, those things are just the messenger, the general or the leader is following behind. Even if we manage to kill all of those, which we still don't know how many are there, the danger is far from over.''

I pointed to my ear, "No matter what you choose, keep talking to me the whole time. If anything happens, I'll try to get here as soon as possible.''

"Aren't you staying in Star City?''

I shook my head, '' Call it what you want, but my gut says the main fight won't be here. I'm going to patrol the city some more, trying to eliminate any of these bastards I find, and then head for the epicenter.''

After giving Diggle a few more instructions, I decided to leave. ''Call this number and tell the person to hide as quickly as possible.''

The phone number I gave was Felicity's.

Diggle took the number and nodded. ''Be careful, Oliver. It's going to be a long night tonight.''

He extended his hand for a handshake and I reciprocated, '' Don't die tonight, Diggle. Please keep my family safe.''

We parted ways, I going after Parademons and Diggle going to find his family and mine.


'I can't believe this is happening... It hasn't even been three months since I turned into Oliver and the world is already in danger...'

I was on my bike going ruining around the town, looking for any lost Parademon in the city. This is going to be harder than I thought since Diggle is not helping me with information.

'I have to warn Laurel.'

Continuing to look for any sign of enemies, I made the call. It was answered quickly and Laurel was out of breath and sounded scared, '' Ollie!? I'm glad you're okay. There is some kind of monsters in the city and they are all over the news.''

''I'm okay, Laurel. What about you?''

'' We are okay. Dad put me and Sara at home and told us to hide until this is over.''

'' So Quentin is on the streets right now?'' I paused the bike and waited.

'' Yes.''

'' Do you have his location?'' I asked and prepared myself to go help him a little.

'' I do.. but why do you ask?'' Laurel was confused.

''I'll send my bodyguard to catch you and Sara, to put you in my house where is safer. Then I plan on sending him to check on Quentin.''

'' Ollie... thank you.''

'' No problem. Take some things with you, Diggle will arrive shortly to take you to my place. Please, stay safe.''

'' You too.''

I checked my phone and Laurel sent me the real-time location of Quentin. After sending a message to Diggle about Laurel, I speed toward Quentin.

' Let's save my future father-in-law.'

Accelerating the bike to the limit, I arrived shortly after at the location that Laurel sent me. Now I know why there are almost no Parademons around town, they were all concentrated here.

The place was in an open area, with hundreds of people captured and many police officers dead. As far as I could see, not a single Parademon died or maybe they exploded.

' If I remember correctly, they kidnap people to turn them into Parademons as well, so all of those who are here will be transported to their ship. But why not take them all now? Maybe the main ship is not here yet or they are trying to capture more.'

Taking a deep breath and calming myself, I prepared to fight those things, 'That's it, Oliver. Every training you've done, every person you've fought and killed has been preparing you for this. These things are here to destroy your city and your planet. Let's kill them all!'

With Quentin

When I saw these things on the news, I knew they were problems beyond what the police could solve.

But what else could I do but try to protect the citizens? After all, that was my job.

So, after getting Laurel and Sara to safety, I went out trying to help as many people as I possibly could, but I overestimated myself. Those things are strong, and although I shot them several times, my colleagues and I only managed to kill a few dozen of them.

After that, we were surprised by the self-detonation of one of them and were knocked out. When we woke up, those who didn't die in the explosion were captured and put together with other people.

I don't even want to think about what these creatures can do to us, but I have to hope that Laurel and Sara will be safe.

Although, the way things are going, the situation could get worse at any moment and there is practically nothing we can do to change that unless they use bombs or something.

And even then, I don't know if it would be enough...

Resigned and accepting his outcome, Quentin could only hope for a miracle.

And it seems that fate has heard his plea for a miracle, for Quentin has begun to notice that these things, whatever they are, are beginning to stir and their numbers are diminishing.

It was then that Quentin began to hear some kind of noise accompanied by an animal-like scream. The next thing he heard was an explosion, the same one that knocked him out.

'One of these things has been killed! But by whom?'

The answer came in the form of an arrow in the direction of one of these monsters.

'' BOOOOM.''

It seems that the arrow had some kind of explosive in it because the monster instantly exploded.

'An arrow? Could it be ... !''

Hope started to flow through Quentin once again, and even though Quentin didn't like the fact that this Arrow guy was acting like he is above the law, he was happy to see that someone was fighting against these monsters and winning.

'Maybe we have a chance...'

The number of monsters dwindled to only 3 and that's when the vigilante showed up. Quentin and the kidnapped people watched as the vigilante headed toward the monsters.

One of the monsters started to fly, but an arrow in the eye ended its life and caused an explosion, which killed another one of the monsters.

There was only one monster left, this one had no intention of flying and ran toward the vigilante, and the vigilante didn't look like he was going to use his bow.

'Does he want to fight this monster hand to hand!? He's crazy!'

But Quentin and the others were surprised when the fight started, because the vigilante was in a training rhythm against the monster, easily avoiding all the monster's attacks.

The monster, who was twice the height of the vigilante, was throwing punches strong enough to kill, but he was missing them all.

The vigilante wasn't standing still either, punching at the gaps that the monster was making, but everyone noticed that the damage he was doing was very small.

So, the vigilante started to use arrows and a gun he had on him on the monster. Quentin noticed something, '' It seems like he's trying to find a vulnerable spot.''

His guess was right on point, as he watched the vigilante stab the monster all around its body, the last stab being in the eye.This proved fatal for the monster because as soon as he was stabbed in the eye, an explosion happened. The vigilante was fine, as he had dodged backward.

' Incredible.' That was all Quentin could think of at the moment. 'He defeated these monsters, which several policemen had trouble with, so easily.'

After defeating all the monsters, the vigilante approached the hundreds of people, '' They are strong but the area around the eye is the most vulnerable. A few shots in this area should do the job, and remember to run after you hit them because they explode when they die.''

The people slowly began to realize that they had been saved, and then began to stand up.

Quentin also got up and, together with the remaining police officers, went to talk to the vigilante. '' Thanks for the help. These monsters started attacking out of nowhere... Do you know anything about this?''

The vigilante nodded, '' From what I could gather, we are being invaded by an alien force and those monsters are the recognizance team, preparing the terrain for the main army.''

Quentin and the policemen shuddered, '' So you're telling me there are more of them!?''

'' Many more and probably even stronger than them.'' The vigilante continued, "It's not just Star City that is under attack, Gotham, Metropolis, and Central City are all under heavy enemy assault. I can't help here anymore, the main fight is elsewhere.''

Quentin nodded and one of the policemen asked, '' What should we do?''

Quentin was surprised that one of his men had asked this of the guy they are trying to arrest any other day, but he was even more shocked because he was also waiting for the vigilante's orders.

''There's not much you can do, try to keep people indoors and protected, don't go out on the streets and wait for this situation to end.''

''But what if the situation gets worse?''

''If you have no other option, fight. But remember that it's a road with no return, one noise and dozens of these monsters will come your way.''

Quentin and the policemen nodded. The vigilante, after checking once more if all monsters on the area were eliminated, decided to leave, '' Good luck to you all.''

'' Wait.'' Quentin suddenly said.

The vigilante stopped and looked at him. '' Today is a different and strange day, don't think that the Star City police will let you go free next time.''

'' IF we make it to tomorrow, I'll accept being chased by the police every day.''

Quentin and the other police officers watched as the vigilante climbed his motorcycle and sped into the distance.

''You heard the guy, make sure you put these people in safe places and then regroup in the DP.''

The police officers said nothing and went to do their job.

' I hope I can go through tonight safely.'

Quentin also helped put the innocent out of harm's way. Just as he was about to go to other areas in town, he heard a motorcycle approaching.

He thought it was the vigilante again but when he looked at the person driving, he recognized it as Oliver's bodyguard.

'' What are you doing here?''

'' Oliver told me to get you to safety.''

'' Who does he think he is to order me around!!''

Diggle smirked, '' He told me you would react that way, so he said to tell you this: Father-in-law, please follow Diggle and go to a safe place. You still need to take Laurel down the aisle.''

Quentin sighed at Oliver's audacity.

' Sigh, I guess we can leave the fight to people like him.' As he remembered the fight between the Green Arrow and the monster,Quentin had a small hope that they could win the war.

'' Okay, but we will help people along the way, do you get it?'' Quentin passed some orders to the other police officer and climbed the bike.

Diggle nodded as he and Quentin drove toward danger and safety.