Chapter 05, Boredom and Social Media Buzz.
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Chapter 05, Boredom and Social Media Buzz.

Three weeks before the Onion-alien mission, Tokyo.

Takashi went back to school the following day and had to keep himself awake for the two big fights of the day.

Boredom and social-media-buzz…

God, I hate school. I already submitted all the school material to my teachers and dad gave them so much money they don’t care if I attend class or not. I did the same shit as my old life and I still would skip it totally if not for my plan to get rid of psycho.

After getting rid of the twentieth attempt to get him to give them Reika’s number, to get Reika to come to school and to get Reika to give them passes for her next concert, he let his head bang on his desk, not bothering raising it again. He opted to let his tablet (the normal one that you could buy), on his desk, as it let everyone who could look at it see a web page about gantz.

This page, either here or in his past, was done by Nishi and another dead gantzer and Izumi would use it to get back his memories of the black ball and it’s missions. He would then get a mission to commit a massacre. Takashi had to fight not to let his feelings shown. He would made sure that fucker would never get next to Reika this time. He wanted to help every other victim, but Reika was personnal.

She was texting him almost continuously now, when they weren’t using a video-call. He was pretty sure he protecting her made him go from “that shut-in geek” to “the interesting nice guy next door vibe”.

It lead to their first “fight” and made Reika laugh so much she fell from her chair at the time.

Who would have guessed she was a Sailor Moon die-hard fan? When she learned of him being a red-team fanatic, she sent him THE gif of Tony Stark getting his armor on doing a “Sailor Moon” choreography. She laughed as his misery when he saw what she sent him on messenger. Takashi didn’t have to explain why he couldn’t stand this manga and it’s anime anymore.

Let not think about it anymore.

Curse my eidetic memory for not letting me forget about it. She still made me promise not to track down whoever made this gif to punish him. And they say being in a relationship is easy...

I have to buy something for her for our date this weekend. Still no idea what. I will have to ask Sei about it. Lets ask her about the fighting lessons at the same time, I can’t relay only on my former body’s memory and aptitudes. Current me is a twig.

It will let me have a way to bring her in gantz in some time.

Let’s not forget about my other melee fighter. I still don’t know how people don’t see how he look like an angry Asuma.

After school, Takashi’s penthouse.

As Sei came to see him, Takashi asked her about fighting lessons. He then went on about a gift for Reika and everything went south.

Big-sister Sei was really happy about him finally getting a girlfriend and if she agreed to help him for the gift, she wasn’t really enjoying the fact that he wanted to fight.

It didn’t took him long to convince her that his lucky strike the other day wouldn’t happen again.

He made use of a big room that was his father former office. As his dad never came here anymore, it wouldn’t pose any problems. Some mattresses on the ground and they were ready to start.

First kiss are always hard. Especially if you kiss the ground. He may had trained his former body somehow, his current one was that of a geek. He promised himself to keep up with the training he was currently doing.

When he talked to her about fighting other people, as each one had his fighting stile, she promised him to show him the underground fight, but on the premise that he wouldn’t join without her knowing. The organizers wanted her to fight for some time and she was pushing them back as it gathered some unwanted attention recently. She planned to fight at the end of the month, so she could use her paycheck to bet on herself. You could make a killing if you win, and as long as you bet on your win the bookmakers weren’t picky.

As days went by, Takashi’s time got into a routine, physical training alone in the morning, then school, then fights with Sei, then some personal time on his computer. On the weekends, he would try to go on dates with Reika if her work permitted. It only happened twice alas, making her pout when she complained about it. They first went to an amusement park, both wearing black glasses. He almost grabbed her hand last time, but chickened out at the last moment. Reika went totally red once, when he told her that they were acting as online-lovers. The video-call ended right then. It could have make him question his timing if not for the scrambled images of a phone falling to the ground. And her calling him right back after it.

It was finally the day of the Onion-alien mission and Takashi went outside for his plan. At lunch he was in the middle of a huge place surrounded by buildings, listening to a bearded man looking for a fight. The man wasn’t aggressive, but pumped up as he looked for a contestant. Takashi laughed out loud talking to him. Telling him he reminded him of a friend who also loved to fight. Takashi took his number and told him about some fights tonight. Kaze, as it was him, readily agreed to come.

At night, Takashi was in the bleachers, looking at Sei, as she played with her adversary. An easy win for her first match of the night. He could have went to see her to talk as she had time before her next match, but Kaze’s fight was up. Plus she had to be left alone at this time. Takashi already tracked down a certain individual that was fated to meet her.

While Kaze was exchanging punches happily with the military looking guy fighting him, Sei drove away a love-struck fan, leading her to her demise. The yandere young college boy, used the fact that she never saw him as a menace to stab her repeatedly. As she fell to the ground, bleeding heavily, a witness that didn’t exist in a different past time-line tried to intervene. Kaze was never one to back down from a fight. Especially if it was for justice. He had just came out of his fight and saw the young murderer standing above his victim cursing her as he put the blame for his actions on her comportment.

Justice wasn’t meant to be tonight, as the college boy pulled a gun on him. Kaze tried to dodge, but he only thought he would face the knife, not the coldness of a gun, with surprise was against him and he fell too, five bullets in the chest.

Kaze’s and Sei’s bodies vanished quickly, with nobody noticing their fate, while the murderer ran from the premises, Takashi still tracking his phone. When the young boy went through a dark deserted pathway, his body suddenly started to disappear, frightening him. Takashi, standing above him on the rooftop, looked down, contempt and hatred visible on his face.

Say hello to your new friends for me. This will be one of the two last uses, a piece of shit like you will have on earth.