Chapter 28 – Happy New Year
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When George and I came back downstairs, it was to a mixed reaction from everyone. They'd all relocated to the living room, where our family was strewn about on sofas, chairs, and the floor. 

Harry was glaring at George; Suzanne was giggling at her boyfriend; Ron's ears were bright red again; Hannah was giving me a thumbs-up; Ginny had her gaze pointedly in a book; Luna was gazing dreamily at us; Percy and Blaise were talking, avoiding looking at us; Bill was showing Fleur something on his phone, throwing an amused look over his shoulder at George; Mrs Weasley was scowling as she knitted in the corner; Mr Weasley had his face buried behind a newspaper; Terry was sniggering; Draco was shaking his head; Sirius was grinning; Emily had an eyebrow raised; and Fred was just chilling as if this was a normal situation. Well, I guess for us three it was. 

"You need any help, Softpaw?" Terry called across the room. "Yanno, walking, or anything?" 

"I'm walking perfectly fine, thanks, Hopper." I said. "As you can see." 

"Aww." Terry pouted at George. "Don't you know Softpaw likes it rough?" 

Mr Weasley choked on his tea, and one of Mrs Weasley's knitting needles clattered onto the floor. 

"Anyway." I said. "Budge up, Freddie, you're taking up half the sofa." 

"Oh, my apologies." Fred swung his legs off the cushions. "You can just become my footrest then, babe." 

And he plopped them back down in my lap when I sat down. 

Bill was thumping his father on the back as he spluttered; George perched on the arm rest next to me, glancing around awkwardly at everyone's facial expressions. 

"What?" He asked defensively. Everyone turned back to what they were doing, though not before sending me a quick glance. 

"So," I turned to Fred, who raised an eyebrow at me, "George refuses to tell me, so I'm hoping you will. What did you say to your mum to make her so excited earlier?" 

"Oh." Fred immediately went bright red. "Er - Mum - she -" 

"Fred was just telling me about how you all exceeded your quarterly bonuses." Mrs Weasley said promptly. "Well done, all four of you! You've put in a lot of work to your business." 

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. Fred was mouthing, 'thank you' at his mother, and George was letting out a sigh of relief. They all clearly thought they were being sneaky, but I didn't believe them at all. 

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out. Terry had texted me: 

'yo wtf do you think they told her? it defo wasnt anything about the www, thats for fuckin sure ' 

I shrugged at him across the room and texted back. 

'Literally no clue. I don't believe any of them lmao' 

He responded with a joint bitmoji where our two avatars were assassins, and I snorted, pocketing my phone again. 

"Ugh, it's too warm in here with that fire, Mum." George groaned, tugging his Weasley jumper up and over his head. I turned. My eyes widened. 

George's shirt had rode up underneath his jumper, and the deep red scratches all down his back were on show for everyone to see. I'd left those. I glanced around discreetly, gulping. 

"Woah, what happened to you there, George?" Bill called across the room. Everyone immediately turned to look. 

Terry started laughing again. Harry slammed his phone down face first onto the table in front of him, turning away and folding his arms. Percy and Mr Weasley were gaping at George's back. 

"What?" George said, glancing over his shoulder. "Oh - oh, shit -" 

He span around, quickly tugging his shirt back down, and I bowed my head, blushing furiously. 

"Er - you - you should've seen the other guy." George joked, and everyone in the room switched their gazes to me. I groaned, throwing my head back onto the sofa. 

"Seriously, why would you say that, Bushy?" 

"Sorry, princess." George scratched awkwardly at the back of his neck. 

"What marks did Bushy leave on you, Softpaw?" Terry said wickedly. 

"Shut up, Terry." Draco scolded him as I discreetly tucked my collar up. The Ravenclaw only rolled his eyes in response. 

"Zero marks, I hope." Mrs Weasley said stiffly. "I do not want any of my sons to injure women." 

"Wow, Mum." Fred drawled. "So it's okay for Daisy to be a cheese-grater on George's back, but not for George to leave some bruises on her -" 

He cut himself off as George shook his head at him, and I could feel everyone in the room searching me with their eyes, wondering where the bruises were. 

"Okay, guys, can we maybe talk about Percy and Zabini instead?" I blurted out. "Like, how did that happen?" 

"Yeah, true." Draco turned to the two boys who were now looking like the deer in headlights. "You're the least likely pairing I could ever have thought of." 

And as the pair stuttered and went red, I relaxed back on the sofa. The night went on with plenty of banter, gift-exchanging, and friendly chatter with hot chocolate mugs beside the fireplace. 

The holidays swooped in this year; it was probably because there was next to no threat facing us and we were having so much fun. The little lake near the Burrow froze over and we all attempted to ice skate on it; Ron and Hannah turned out to be an adorable couple as the experienced ice skater Muggle held onto Bambi Ron and laughed as she taught him how to balance. Fred, George, Terry, and I went down to the village on a snowy day, messing about down the high street, but I noticed George's face fall as his eyes swept past the paper shop. 

Well, less competition for me, I guess. 

Woah. I shook my head at myself, clearing my brain of the intrusive thought. Jesus Christ. What the hell was wrong with me? That girl died. And at the hands of Riddle, because of me, no less. 

I grit my teeth at myself, then decided to cheer George back up with a snog. 

New Year's Eve was fast approaching, and the twins, Terry, and I were hosting a party at our flat. We bade goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley and left in the morning to go set up; we spent half the day decorating. 

"People better appreciate this." Fred said as he waved his wand; silvery blue streamers hung themselves up across the beams. 

"Word." George said as silver balloons inflated from the top of his wand. 

"They'll appreciate my honey-glazed cocktail sausages, all right!" Terry held up his spatula in the doorway to the kitchen, beaming. I giggled at his 'kiss the chef' apron. 

"Softpaw appreciates my honey-glazed sausage, but it's certainly not cocktail-sized." Fred grinned, and George and Terry sniggered as I threw some Fun Snaps at them. 

The party was indeed a smashing success. Within minutes of our scheduled start time, the floor was thumping with music and the living room and kitchen were packed with our friends. Sirius was already half-drunk, singing out of the kitchen window into the street; Louis and Colin were doing keg stands; Seamus, Terry, Lee, and Ginny were engaged in a very intense game of beer pong. 

"The party's like, barely started, and it's nearly midnight!" Draco yelled to me over the music. 

I glanced at the clock and laughed. "You're right, what the fuck - literally feels like it just started!" I yelled back. 

Luke brushed past me to get to the alcohol table; he sent me a suggestive look, pouring himself a full cup of Firewhiskey. 

My cheeks burned. I turned back to Draco. 

"You gonna go kiss Hopper? It's only a couple of minutes!" 

Draco nodded, grinning at me, then disappeared. I glanced around. Luke was still staring at me, his red solo cup raised to his lips as he took a sip, his eyes trailing over my body. The lights flashed over his body as the music vibrated the walls, and I shook my head, forcing myself not to drool as I looked past his bulging biceps. 

"Wanna kiss me at midnight?" I heard his voice over the music. 

"No thanks, I'm gonna go kiss one of my actual boyfriends." I winked at him, turning to search through the crowd. I passed Ron and Hannah, Lee and Lavender, Shannon and Pansy, and eventually found the Weasley twins in the middle of the room, Fred having just finished a keg stand and spreading his arms wide with a grin as the crowd cheered for him. 

"Quick, guys!" I cried out to them as the clock counted down aloud the seconds to midnight. 



"Ahh!" The twins rushed me. 



Fred's lips enveloped mine as George's connected with my neck. 

One... fireworks erupted outside, and all the single people in the room cheered louder than they did for Fred's keg stand. I kissed Fred passionately as George held onto my hips from behind, kissing across my skin softly. 

Then we broke apart, slowly, leaning our foreheads together as we smiled at each other. Fred's warm brown eyes were almost hypnotising; I felt a happy little giggle bubble out of me as I stared deep into them. 

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Terry yelled, and the moment was broken. Our friends were all happily chatting, and a large group had huddled around the windows watching the fireworks of London. I pulled away from Fred and George, beaming at them, and headed straight for Terry, who had a full bottle of Firewhiskey in his hand. 

And half an hour later, we were both incredibly plastered. We danced and sang along - horribly - to One Direction songs that were blasted at full volume from my undetectable source, and when I spotted Fred and George spread out on the sofa, both relaxing and watching me with darkened eyes, I danced over to them clumsily. 

"Hey, boyzzz." I slurred, waving the now mostly-drank bottle at them. "Wazzup?" 

"We're just as - as - as - hic! - drinked as you, I think!" George exclaimed, grinning lazily at me. 

I laughed hysterically. "Drinked! Drinked! You meant drunked!" 

"Idiots!" Terry shouted across the room at us. 

Fred remained quiet, watching me with his pupils expanded, a smirk dancing on his face. He was clearly not sober at all, if his eyes were any indication, but I could also tell by the way he was looking at me. He always looked at me with such lust when he was drunk. And he was looking me up and down slowly, his finger tracing his lips as his eyes lifted up to meet mine. 

I downed the rest of the bottle and padded over to them. I had abandoned my shoes long ago and was now only in my socks; I climbed onto the sofa, straddling Fred, and started swaying my hips in his lap. 


The people around us were turning and watching, giggling or whooping or dropping their jaws, but I didn't care. I reached down, pulling my top up and over my head, shaking my hair back down over my back; my bra was very lacy and sexy, and I could tell everyone else agreed by the collective take of breath in the room. 

Fred's hands landed on my hips, helping me swing them on him as his darkened eyes gazed up at me. I leaned down, brushing my lips against his; he groaned, pulling me in closer, but I detached from him and grinned, turning and grinding my ass against his crotch. 

The crowd was staring, attention completely captured by my lap-dance strip-tease. Draco was wide-eyed; Kylie's jaw had dropped; Blaise and Ginny had halted in the middle of their conversation and had their heads turned towards me, their eyes trailing down my body. 

I swayed in Fred's lap, feeling his hands slide down my sides; one landed on my ass cheek, and I giggled, swinging off him and onto George's lap instead. George gazed up at me with barely disguised lust, leaning in drunkenly as I moved my crotch against his; I reached down and pulled off my skirt, to the excited whoops and catcalling of our friends around us. 

I felt myself up, tracing my hands up and down my own body as I rolled my hips above George, smouldering down at him as I bit my lip seductively. George was whimpering in want; I leant down and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to his chest, to which he responded by his hard-on twitching underneath his jeans. 

I was now only in my underwear. The crowd of people were all ogling me, cheering me on, oooh'ing and ahhh'ing; I clambered onto Fred again, leaning down and capturing his lips in mine, letting him slip his tongue into my mouth as his hands felt up my ass. I felt George stand up, moving around behind me, then I felt his hands snake around my body and grab onto my tits as he kissed the back of my neck. 

"Oh my Godric this is so hot!" I heard someone yell over the catcalls and music. 

"What's so hot?" I heard a familiar voice yell, and I froze. Uh oh. 

"What are you guys - DAISY?!" 

I whipped around in the twins' grasp. Sirius and Harry had entered the room, standing in the doorway to the kitchen, and both were gaping. 

"Oops." I slid away from Fred and George, snatching my clothes back up off the floor and ducking behind Ron, Hermione, Dean, and Seamus to shimmy them on again. "Don't worry about it, you two!" 

And the Weasley-Potter-Boot New Year's Eve party continued on into the early hours of the morning.