learning to cast spells, and sickler fighting, part 1
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This is the second month of the new year. And old man spirit has taught me how to use proper spirit magic and father has started teaching me how to use a sickle in a fight.

          Magic works like this most of the time.

Step 1: gather life force through meditation and pool it into an object or body part that works as a mana converter. Such as the eyes hands feet or mouth.

Step 2: draw or speak with that newly converted mana. Like with your figure, you can draw a magic circle. Or you can invoke a chant.

Step 3: release the mana.

          Spirit magic works like this

Step 1: gather mana in the body and wait.

Step 2: if any spirits show up like the ones in plants and the earth, or fire, or wind, offer them the mana within your body for power or certain traits like regen.

          It is much easier then the first type of magic. Old man spirit made a pact so he could lend me some of his mana. While I did this my little sister sat near me in the nursery, eat some ice, And by eating some ice I mean licking an ice ball. Then father walked into the room and held up my little sister (Cleo).

          “are you practicing spirit magic,” he said.

I nodded yes.

“ok, then come follow me little one lets practice,” he responded.

We went out to the backyard and father grabbed 2 crude imitations of wooden sickles. He then got down on his knees and beckoned me over. We I came over he handed me a sickle and then beckoned me to attack. The reason he was on his knees was to make the playing field level to me. This way of fighting had been around in our family for 4 generations, including my generation.