the life of the first year part 2
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          “well little one lets find your brother,” he said.

So we walked into the crowds of people. There we found my brother having a make-out session with a woman that wasn’t his girlfriend. My father scowled at my brother, and my brother quickly dislodged himself from the woman’s lips and ran away leaving us with the woman. Though on closer inspection it did turn out to be his girlfriend.

          “Why did that bastard son of mine run off even though he wasn’t with a different woman!” my father exclaimed.

          “Probably because we just learned that I’ preggarnat(pregnant).” She responded calmly.

          The look on my father’s face when he learned that my brother had gotten this woman pregnant was hilarious. I could not stop myself from doubling over in a laughing fit and my brother’s girlfriend let out a giggle.

This city was on the small side so the amount of people in the city square where the stalls were was all from out of town. Because of that when my father and the woman (Sarah) started talking about the future it wasn’t weird that a couple of strange looking people in deep with the liquor bumped into my father.

They then looked at him as if he was the one responsible for this injustice of the most hideous kind and started pointing fingers at him. Then hearing the commotion my mother carrying my little sister in her arms found us and joined the conversation. The men started leering at my mother and soon my father was in the middle. Asking nicely for the men to leave the area and they kept leering until… I was grabbed by one as he started to run.

“Ahhhh!!?” I yelped as they took me. “help me!” I screeched in English.

Then old man spirit appeared. This time he wasn’t translucent, this time he was solid.

"Put her down!" he yelled in a commanding tone.

He sounded a lot different then when he was talking to me. The men of course were shocked to say the most. Yes they kept running and tried to barge past old man spirit. In accordance with their idiocy he grabbed both of their heads and bonked them together like a cartoon. The men then dropped me and I rolled on the ground. His job done old man spirit looked at the crowd that had gathered and told them to keep celebrating but to hold off on the booze.

That was the most exiting thing to happen all year.

should i make the character mute exept when talking to spirits
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  • no
  • yes but later change it
  • no but later change it
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