Chapter 6 – Learning how to fight, Steel Style the Hagane Family.
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“This is Sudo Hagane, the direct heir to the Hagane Clan and the first daughter of Lord Natto.”

Kyo gazes towards lady Sudo’s eyes, the uncanny similarity with Jasmine is quite unnerving. See that her boy didn’t say anything, Mai gave a slight cough and gestured the boy to greet her with a little embarrassment look on her face. Lady Sugo gave her long-time childhood friend a perplexing look, as she didn’t think that the Icy cold Mai Shimizu would know any other facial expression.

“Say hello Kyo”

the young mother eagerly awaits her young charge to greet the lady of the house. The young heir of the Shimizu clan trotted with his tiny feet and bow towards the lady like a little adult albeit a little comical despite that, no one could laugh at the young boy since he still had an air of regality and naturism that didn’t seem to suit his age.

“Hello, nice to meet you, Lady Sudo.”

 Lady Sudo just gave the little guy a smirk as she looked at the boy’s aura leaking out, “Cute kid you got there Mai”

The young heir gazes his sight towards the pair of Pokemon sizing up each other, Rogenrola and Totodile eye each other menacingly and throw some sort of Pokemon insults at each other. Kyo could instinctively understand what they meant by the bond he made with the young Totodile 

“Toototototo! dile dile!! “The young Totodile showed the middle finger to the Rogenrola and proceeded to give it the stink eye and said something about his mother being a stone-cold idiot. 

The Rogenrola just stood there bobbing left and right without a care in the world but behind those carefree motions lies a vindictive soul, the little stone Pokemon rolls around and decided to shoot a rock blast towards the Totodile, surprised at the sudden attack the Totodile weaved left and right avoiding the rocks being thrown at him and started fuming madly again

“Totototo!!” cursing up a storm with TWO middle fingers now. Kyo regretted teaching the young Pokemon how humans swear. His foster mother Mai gave him a blank stare and a judgemental look, and Kyo could see some of her aura leaking out, clearly displeased at what Kyo had been teaching his Pokemon.

Lady Sudo just giggled on the sideline before she started to take out her Pokeball and recall Rogenrola back.

“come on Roggy, you’re being rude to our guest”

Mai could only shake her head and stood straight, giving quite a glare to Kyo’s young little Pokemon. Totodile flinches and hides behind the boy and seeks shelter from her wrath. The only being the little Pokemon is afraid of, even more so than his own mother. Mai then turned her gaze towards Sudo and said,

“I need this boy trained in combat using your Hagane style, him and his Totodile”

Lady Sudo gave the young boy a rather questioning gaze. " He’s just a kid. How old is he? Five? six? Can he really sync with Aura? “

Mai just nodded and said

“ He reached the first stage of the state, he just needs more exposure to how we clans fight in a safe environment, My father’s training can be unsuitable for someone so young.. but the Hagane style method could serve as a foundation for his Shimizu style training until he grows older and more suited later on”

Momo’s Vulpix pops out of her Pokeball and howls a mild sound “vull!’

While she jumps and trots towards the Totodile, the two Pokemon seem to be conversing about something. Momo nodded and said,

“Vulpix here is telling him what to expect since Vulpix here had similar training when we started” 

Sudo shakes her head and gives her sister a rather disappointing look. “Ah yes sister, I still don’t understand why you won’t pick a good steel or rock type Pokemon like tradition. Even though Vulpix is a sacred Pokemon still...I don’t understand why you haven’t caught any other Pokemon since then?”

Momo just laughed at her sister’s disappointment.

“I wanted to be a cook, just like our father, and not interested in the whole clan training and upholding its traditional values. I don’t have the talent for it, unlike you, of course. And suddenly Momo flared out her true aura. A fire Origin aura, not pure but quite distinctive as her eyes glowed red with red amber and infused with gold trimmings of light yellow glow.

“I seem to have inherited Mother’s gift as well and don’t plan on abusing it like a certain Fire clan of sorts.”

Sudo could only grit her teeth. Something she finds utterly distasteful that such talent would not take to the martial art of war like herself. The two sisters kept arguing while Mai moved on towards Master Natto and his young son sitting next to the two pokemon, both equally chatting up as Master Natto imparts something about his clan’s secret.

“Despicable Nenshos clan..even so, such power is wasted on you sister, sooner or later those Nensho bullies are going to find out”

Momo's smile faltered and said," I rather die than join with those people “

Master Natto seems to be talking to the boy about something as he explains the concepts of the training to the young boy while the other two daughters of his argued like teenagers.

“Now listen here Kyo, the trick to anything in life is to just persevere, that’s the Motto of our Hagane family, strong like a boulder no wait..a mountain, and just like a mountain, silent wonderful and grand as it overlooks the lands, as the rays of the sun bask its golden light on the distant spire, no rain, wind or disaster could ever move the mountain but sometimes life threw a curveball”

Master Natto closes his eyes in deep thought and says sagely to the boy

“When overcoming obstacles in the future, sometimes you must not bend against anyone in defiance, Shimizu style is the direct contradiction towards the Hagane style, water demands fluidity and free-forming ideas, but Hagane, to be steel and mountain, sometimes one just need to persevere and tempered those will. Thou shall wait...for the opportune moment and bide your time. Do you understand young master Kyo? Before an unrelenting force. No aspects of form and style matter.”

Kyo nodded once. Mai told him that he would be training here for half a year and staying here for the remainder of his training. He has decided that his age is around five years old plus, give and take since the day he arrived here, according to his body structure and growth. Staying here for half a year wouldn’t be too bad. He would be learning how to wield a new style of fighting.


The Totodile started to sit and meditate just like what the Vulpix taught him. Master Natto smiled and patted the young Vulpix. “ Ahh, good job girl, teaching the young one how to meditate? it will do him good” Vulpix rubs her fur towards master Natto’s hands as he pets her gently while she coo lightly and howls “vul! pix!”


Mai Shimizu sat across from Lady Sudo, her hands folded tightly in her lap as she struggled to find the words to express her thoughts. As the leader of the Shimizu style water arts, Mai had always been fiercely independent and proud, but now she was facing a decision that was tearing her in two parts.

“Lady Sudo, I don’t know if I can do this,”

Mai said, her voice filled with worry and fear.

“I’ve heard rumours that a war is coming, and the thought of sending Kyo away for training in such dangerous times is tearing me apart.”

Not to mention she has a clan to lead in her father’s absence.

Lady Sudo let out a harsh, cynical laugh. “Oh, please,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“You’re acting like sending your precious little boy away for a few months is the end of the world. Welcome to the adult world, Mai. You need to do what’s best for Kyo, not what’s best for your own selfish desires.”

Mai flinched at Lady Sudo’s harsh words, feeling the sting of her condemnation. “I do not know if what I’m doing is the right thing, I do not know if I can be a good mother to him,” she said, her voice shaking. “It’s just that I’ve always been so protective of him. It’s hard to let go and trust that he can take care of himself, especially in such dangerous times.”

“Well, aren’t you a softie for your little boy? Didn’t think I would see that side of you”

She grins at Mai just playing the surrounding fool, knowing that she really is torn up about leaving her precious little boy here.

“Well, tough luck since you’re asking the wrong person. I aint no Mom so I can’t relate. Wouldn’t know how to trash a kid if he did badly,”

Mai gave her a glaring look “You shouldn’t trash kids, that’s not appropriate”

She just smile in jest and said “And that’s why I aint a mom! Couldnt care less if a kid mess up, I’ll beat em up either way!”

Lady Sudo said, her tone still condescending. “He’s young, but even I can see he’s talented. He needs to learn how to protect himself and those he loves. If you can’t handle that, then you’re not fit to be a parent.”

Mai took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, trying to ignore the pain in her chest. “You’re probably right,” she said, her voice determined. “I trust you to take care of him and teach him everything he needs to know.Please train him.”

“Finally, some sense,” Lady Sudo said, her tone laced with sarcastic approval.

“I promise to take good care of Kyo and help him to reach his full potential as a proper Kenshi. He has a bright future ahead of him, and I know that he will make you proud. I’ll probably bash him around a few times if I can.”

Mai frowned and said, “Must you?”

Lady Sudo just smiled and said, “Violence builds character!”

Mai Shimizu took a deep breath, trying to compose herself after Lady Sudo’s harsh words. She knew that the Aura Master was right. Kyo needed to learn how to protect himself and those he loved, and the best way to do that was to train with her. But the thought of sending her only son away in such dangerous times was still hard to bear.

“Sudo,” Mai said, her voice laced with concern

. “I can’t help but worry about the situation with the Nensho clan. Their ties to the enemy country have put them in turmoil, and I fear that their actions may threaten the safety of our two clans.”

Lady Sudo’s face darkened at the mention of the Nensho clan.

“Yes, it’s a difficult situation,” she said, her voice grim.

“But we must remain vigilant and do everything we can to protect ourselves and our allies. The Komorei clan may be neutral, but we cannot rely on them to protect us. I heard that their leader, Harumi Komorei, has refused to take over the clan, which could leave them vulnerable. What’s the deal with her? Aren’t you friends with her?”

Mai nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

“It’s hard to say, there are complications regarding an incident regarding the previous clan leader, Kamado-san,” she said. “I just wish there was a way to prevent this war from happening. The thought of losing any of our people is unbearable.”

Lady Sudo gave her a questioning look. “You know something I don’t know?”

Mai can’t help but frown even more. “It’s... complicated. I’ll tell you once the matter is over”

Lady Sudo reached out and placed a comforting hand on Mai’s shoulder. “I understand your concern, Mai,” she said. “Folks like me, we of the lesser clans are not in charge of anything. All we can do is do our best to protect those we love. Kyo’s training with me will help him to do just that.”

Mai took a deep breath and nodded, her resolve strengthened by Lady Sudo’s words. She knew that she had made the right decision in sending Kyo to train with an aura master outside of the purview of the Shogun’s men, and she was grateful to have such a strong ally in the Hagane clan. 

Mai looked towards the sunset blaring out from the windows of these halls and said, 

“War is the least of my worries. The child of Samurai has begun his training too. He goes by the name of Kai. He’s been hanging out with the Nensho Clan girl, Akamai’s daughter? I think her name was Akane under the tutelage of Sensei Sukiro”

Lady Sudo’s face darkened again. “ Him, huh? The Premier Aura Master? Isn’t he one of the Shogun’s lackeys?”

“Mai nodded and said, “The Shogun has begun his move. This will be an interesting time for us. I hope all of us shall endure this”

Sudo just sighed and said  “And here I thought that the Blackthorns would be a good influence on the Shogun”

Mai just shakes her head and said,

“The Blackthorns are a different kind of worry. Their leader is an idiot. Wataru clan alliance with the blackthorn seems to have an adverse effect on the Aisho political landscape, they seem to have a different agenda coming here.”

Sudo merely grumbles and said,

“Stupid dragon cunts.the both of them, send some men here. I believe we too will need additional protection for the boy.”

Mai confirmed the troubling matter as well. “ One of the main reasons I came here is seeking tutelage from him. I need someone away from my mother’s influence as well. Her former clan will do him no good if they caught wind of what he could represent in the future.”

Sudo just nodded understandingly

“The Akui’s huh? it seems getting isolated on that island of theirs didnt do much, still within the Shogun’s pockets, still making trouble for the regional clan rulings”

Sudo turned her head towards the sunset. Evening is almost over. “You know that the boy is an Origin user, yeah? I don’t think he can learn much from traditional steel style, Origin aura users arent exactly maleable compared to the generalist rule”

Mai pondered for a moment and then said, “Try. He might surprise you. I doubt that he could emulate your technique, but perhaps the basics will allow him to do something even better. That is what I’m hoping for”

Sudo just shakes her head in pity. “You’re putting a tall order on that son of yours. Expectation can be deadly for Mai. Dont expect too much of the boy. He’s an Origin user, woop dee doo, I’m an origin user, my sister is an Origin user. You’re one too. It’s not common, but in our circle? He’s nothing special in the sea of genius clan practitioners out there”

Mai didn’t say anything else and just stares at her tea. The bottom of the cup swirls and shows her a good sign.


The day started early in the morning at 7 am every single day.

Without any clock to alert him, Kyo noticed that his personal maid Aina was brought over from the main house to stay with him while Mai tended to her work in the current Eucreteak city. Kyo didn’t know what’s the current name of that city was in the current timeline, or perhaps it retains the same name? Something he needs to find out later, in any case,

His mother went there to speak with the Komorei clan regarding an upcoming project. Kyo was not privy to such details, but he could probably guess what it was, perhaps something regarding the child of Samurai? or something political these days.

As for him? He will start training with Lady Sudo in their meditation arts. Aina was just tidying up the room and inserting her own personal touches as she worked on the room before she noticed that Kyo had just woken up.

“Ah! the young master is up! Come, let’s have some breakfast young master! Lady Sudo will be with you at the dojo. Let’s get you ready!”

Kyo wanted to say five more minutes, but decided not to as he groggily stood up from the frumpy bed he was lying on. it was a hard mattress, something he was not used to. He took to the halls which it was empty. Breakfast was mildly satisfying.

Just bread and some berries nothing to brag about, it was adequate for a young boy like him, It’s not like he could eat that much anyway, He was always a small eater, although that diet is about to change rather rapidly since he started training with Mai, right now? Just bread and some berries wouldn’t cut it.

Feeling half satisfied, the young boy went to the dojo and saw that Lady Sudo was already there, waiting in a sitting position. Her eyes opened up as Kyo entered the premises and motioned him to sit next to her.

“Sit “ the imposing woman boomed her voice loud.

Kyo trudged forward and obeyed her orders to sit down. Vulpix , Roggenrola and Totodile were in some sort of meditative state on the sidelines. It seems like his Pokemon is ahead of him as he gazes around the place. There was another person, someone Kyo hadn’t met wearing a ninja outfit, that stood on the sidelines.

“Ignore him, focus on me. So you wanna learn how to fight like us, huh? Well, your mother certainly thinks you would benefit from our training. I’d owe her a favour, didn’t think that teaching her son would be the favour she asked for though”

Kyo just silently listened and nodded without saying anything, truly he had nothing to say. He’s just a noob in a land unfamiliar to him. Lady Sudo just grins at Kyo and said,

“Not much of a talker, are you? Good. Mountains rarely talk...that makes me ill-suited for this technique and yet I still mastered the Hagane style because it was my birthright, but now? I am imparting one of my clan’s greatest secrets to you, boy”

Lady Sudo got up and faced the boy, looking through to him, intently scrathing the surface of his soul as she observe for any signs and twitching habits. The boy was still as a rock. Good poker face. Probably trainined or simply that is his natural state.

“Can you perceive the surrounding aura? what do you see?”

Kyo detected the surrounding Aura. It was subtle, almost muted, too quiet to detect. He seldom felt aura this calm and dormant around him, not like the roiling seas and the flowing aura of the Shimizu mansion. Aura flows like water in that place. Not here.

“It’s...quiet, too quiet,”

Kyo said. The aura of the rock is stable. There is no fluctuation like his own. There is no leaking of power. Lady Sudo just smiled and said,

“Good, good! You have the Aura sight, huh? So that makes teaching you easier. Now come here”

Lady Sudo brought the young boy to a boulder. Kyo could see it was just an ordinary boulder that was brought into the dojo. It seems rather heavy. Lady Sudo then uses her aura somehow. Kyo could see it manifested briefly inside of her and then it shifted around the boulder, moving it backwards and slamming the boulder into the wall and crashing it. The Aura lingers, and the power became quiet once more.

She then pointed at another similar boulder, smaller, and then motioned to Kyo as she said,

“Move it with your aura”

Kyo just looked at her with an annoyed look.


Lady Sudo just gave the boy an exasperated look.

“What do you mean, how? Do you see how the shape of my aura moves around me? now do the same to that boulder and smash it. I showed you the stance. Widen your hips, arms closed by a firm form like a mountain. This is called the horse riding stance. Now do it, spread your legs. To understand our methods, one must be unmovable like the mountain, to move a rock, one must be like a rock, unrelenting”

Kyo tried to imitate Lady Sudo’s stance and remembers how she pushed it with one arm, channeling her aura and pushing the boulder and smashing it into the wall. Kyo focused his aura around a rock, unmoving, and unleashed his might towards the rock, instead something else happened. The rock didn’t move...but it was he who was tossed backwards and slammed back into the wall. His Aura pushes him back instead. He underestimates how heavy the rock is.


The ninja from behind catches the boy in time and catches Kyo. The ninja didn’t say anything and just nodded. Lady Sudo just grins. Kyo couldn’t understand what went wrong. His mind started to work around the problem. Perhaps he should try it from a different angle and-

“Stop right there, I could see the wheels turning inside your mind young Kyo, There isn’t an angle for you to manipulate, no clever solution, stop thinking like a Water Kenshi and just start doing it, there are no tricks no solution to this, you need to face it head on”

Kyo nodded. He could try this another way, but it wouldn’t be the right way according to the Hagane style. His Aura is blue just like water, and Lady Sudo and most people in this household had a silvery glint to their aura. the colour of aura manifested their preference. Kyo wondered if this was the case.

“hmm...perhaps something more direct will be far more suitable for someone like you. Let’s go outside!”

Kyo notice the grin on her face before she left the training room and towards the couryard.

He’s not gonna like this, is he?

Totodile doesn’t seem to notice all the voices and keeps calm with Vulpix and Roggenrola. The Pokemon seemed to be deep in meditation. Kyo could see their aura manifested around them. It seemed the pokemon training was going well except for himself. Kyo just shakes his head and just follows the Lady outside. Is he overthinking all of this?

Outside, it was just an open field, the same field that welcomed him when he first came to this clan. Lush boulders surrounded them as the land stretched far and wide. Lady Sudo gave the young boy a threatening gesture and said,

 “Attack me come”

Her aura manifested around her like a barrier. A silvery light with a greying shell covered her whole body. Kyo hasn’t seen anything like it before this. Kyo readied his weapon and imbued his sword with aura just like what his mother taught him and struck towards her, somehow Deep down inside, Kyo knew that the blade wouldn’t affect her at all, and just like what he expected, the blade was deflected without her body even flinching away. The blade was aimed toward her arm, but it simply slid away from her skin as if it was a polished rock.

Lady Sudo just shook her head and said

“Good attempt”

The next thing he knew, she summoned a whirlpool of sand around her body, obscuring Kyo’s vision. It was a sandstorm fueled by the power of her aura. Her eyes grew menacingly chilling, like a Berserker warrior fueled by rage and power. The aura begins to dye her eye with a silvery light, and all hell breaks loose.

“Hagane Style - Tempest!“

The strong whirling windstorm brought the sand to a sharp scraping power as it shredded his kimono away seeing the power of the sandstorm Kyo quickly jumped away and out of the eye of the sandstorm but even so, Lady Sudo just walked towards him ever so slightly moving forward like an unrelenting killing machine. Her aura at its peak destroys every stone on her path, every wood carving around the area.

She is like an avatar of destruction.

“Mountains do not bend, we do not yield, when one descends upon our might, as Barbarians and Berserkers!”

Her voice changed. There was an essence of unrelenting force and divinity that comes with this sudden outburst. Kyo panicked. He didn’t expect to see this sort of escalation in training. Isn’t Pokemon peaceful? Isn’t the world of pokemon full of cuddly pokemon?

So why are the humans here so violent?!

“We are warriors of the Mountain descend like vengeance upon the world. To wield the power of earth and steel as your domain, you need to be unrelenting! There will be no mercy for our enemies, for we are kings and queens of destruction within our domain!”

Her eyes turned sharp as the sandstorm grew stronger and higher, enveloping her body like a spiral death trap. Her aura shines bright even without sight. Kyo could see that it manifested itself in the physical world like a physical power.

The aura was strong and had a sharp shape as it became very potent. Kyo felt dread at whatever came next. His instinct screamed at him to run away, but his legs wouldn’t flee. It was too weak to do so. Sudo Hagane’s eyes glowed like a Golden Light, reminisce of an old memory regarding a certain 40k Emperor in a certain grim dark Universe illuminating the Universe surrounded by death and despair. The very potent being floating above the ground as the sandstorm carries her body up, levitating her with an authority of an Empress.

Kyo can’t help but mutter, “For the Omnissiah..What the hell?”

Her voice seems to bring that point home as she barks out these words.

“God will not save you!”

“Show no weakness to our foe!”

“For we are the Mountain! Immortal! Invincible!”

Kyo started to panic. This doesn’t seem like your average training anymore. She really does seem like she wanted to kill. Her eyes now turned bloodshot, the aura turned red with bloodlust as the sandstorm around started to summon lightning and changed the sunny weather into something far more sinister, a aura storm.

Kyo could only look upon the woman filled with power and menace. This isn’t what he thought he would see when he came here for training. He thought he would come here to train about wielding aura better..perhaps maybe something light .. kinda like a little earth bending back on earth, something fun or harmless like what he was learning in the Shimizu household, a little meditating here and there, maybe learn some kung fu shit. slice of life stuff, ya know?

Certainly not this...not something so destructive like this. Kyo felt fear for this woman. The lady just sneered at Kyo as if she could read his mind. He didn’t get isekaied to meet the reincarnation just to fight someone in the Age of Sigmar. Would a knock-knock joke work?

“I know what you are thinking...more tricks? Hahaha...haha! HAHAHA!”

She stomped her foot towards the ground and a crater formed around it. Kyo panicked and jumped into the air to evade it fully, blasting Aura into his legs to propel himself upward. He never feared more for his life than today. He wondered if his mother ever approved of this. Was this really training or the fight to the death? Kyo couldn’t tell. His senses and experience couldn’t expected this scenario. Kyo started to sweat in fear. He wanted to run away so badly.

“You dare challenge me like this?!”

Was Kyo supposed to just take the hit? Why is this woman angry? What for?! retaliate! Just strike her down!

“Shimizu style! - Rapid Strikes!”

Kyo tried his best to stay level-headed and burst several multi-layer water strikes that shot out like water jets to attack this woman but she just shrugged it all off with the powerful sandstorm circling around her, It didn’t even phase her, the water jet strikes was just deflected with a flick of her wrist as she slaps every strike away and she laughs away maniacally without a care in the world, only to see him suffer.

“When it comes to brute strength, The Hagane style reigns supreme. Petty tricks won’t work here, boy, this pitiful excuse of a technique. What were they teaching you back at home? Playing with mommy? Pathetic, in front of absolute power...There is only one answer!

The woman’s aura gets even bigger and stronger than ever as the power howled towards the sky covered by a dome of the barrier. The ninja he saw took out several Alakazam, forcing the barrier power to contain the power inside. So that’s what those ninjas are for. But Kyo couldn’t believe that this was training.

How could he when the woman before him felt like the phantom menace trying to go all out to kill him? Her gaze locked on Kyo’s eyes. Terrified, he stared back into the abyss. Gone was the bright white silvery aura now dyed in red like blood, dark powerful waves of bloodlust.


She shouted as the power burst forth from her body and the surrounding earth levitated and stalled in the air. Just how the hell are humans even doing this?! Is he still in the right genre? this is Pokemon, right? What the hell is this?! Pokemon didn’t have this anywhere in this series! How the heck did he get isekaied into some messed up alter timeline with super-powered humans?

“Arceus!! I did not sign up for this!”

complained the young boy as he stared into the abyss, about to be squashed by several levitating rocks.

“That is the true path of the mountain. You speck of dust dare to challenge the god of war?! With what power?!”

Kyo could only stand straight and face this head-on. He readies his stance and is ready for whatever comes next. If he dies...well, he already died once. It’s too bad..he really wanted to enjoy his time in this lifetime.

“Your blood shall be my nourishment! hahaha!!”

Kyo closed his eyes and awaits his death...

then nothing...

two seconds...

three seconds....

Arceus are you there?....


sounds of the sandstorm started to quiet down...

Kyo then opened his eyes again...everything else turned back to normal.

Kyo could see that the levitating rocks were brought back down from the sky and lowered themselves into the earth as the landscape moved on its own and terraformed itself back to what it was from before. The sky stopped thundering as the skies cleared up. The barrier was let up and the first ray of sun hit the earth once more. The crazy berserker woman he saw before was just smiling goofily at Kyo’s face.

“gotcha kid, hahaha! You should see the look on your face! Priceless!’

Kyo couldn’t process all of this. He thought he was really gonna die. What was all that for? a show of force? This is the Hagane style?

With a smile on her face, Lady Sudo squatted down towards the boy at eye level and said,

“So...are you ready to learn the Steel style of the Hagane family? It’s going to be tougher from here on out. What I showed you was the true essence of our fighting style. In the pure unadulterated form of a human spirit and bloodlust, the raw intensity of power we hold is how we bring ourselves and the discipline to stand above the rest, that is how we fight, no tricks, no side glances, no tactics..”

she suddenly just slams her fist into the ground as it caves inside. Kyo almost drops towards his butt from the tremors. How strong is this woman?

“Just pure dominance and power”

Kyo gulped at any future training. Something tells him that he isn’t going to like any of it from now on, the woman just sneered at Kyo, seemingly expecting something, but didn’t exactly get it.

“So why aren’t you crying?”

This woman started heating up again as her aura rose to a dangerous level. The ground started to shake again, but it became calm afterwards, almost like an afterthought. Lady Sudo gave the young boy a curious look as she wondered what she did wrong.

“ No..seriously, why aren’t you crying? Any other five or six-year-old would have cried and bawled for their mommy. Even the Nensho clan heir I’ve trained was traumatized and wouldn’t come close to our clan ground. It’s my job to break any preconceptions about the dangers out there”

The woman seems to be frustrated by something. Kyo couldn’t believe what the woman had just said. Although he was scared, he wasn’t exactly afraid of dying. He’d been dead once and knew how that felt, the pain and the subsequent darkness and calm, almost tranquil and relaxing. Death..he has been in that state before.

Being dead doesn’t scare him. Perhaps something is really wrong with him mentally. Not to mention that even with his missing memories, there’s this feeling that he was older before, much older than a five or six-year-old definitely. He remembers being called uncle, after all.

Kyo couldn’t only nod and confirm it. He really isn’t scared. That gave the young woman a frown on her face as she struggled to think of what to say next.

“You not crying or showing any sort of feeling disturbs me, are you well? I need you to understand that..out there, death is very much real. Pokemon and even humans are capable of the things that I’ve just shown you”

Kyo looked the woman in the eye...hesitant about what to say, but decided to say it anyway, even if it was misunderstood. But even so, he needs to clear up some things. Perhaps it might send the wrong message, but not saying anything is worse probably..Kyo wondered if his social anxiety had lessened since coming here. He wasn’t fond of people or talking, even before, at least he thinks so. Talking and explaining stuff to people is..annoying to him.

“Death...doesn’t scare me. What scares me is...trying to live and move forward in life.”

Kyo stared towards the woman’s dark green eyes without blinking, Sudo could only gasp in surprise and stare at those blue clear eyes, just like her friend Mai, behind those eyes lies wisdom beyond his years and also something else, Sudo couldn’t take it and she finally broke eye contact.

That stare was uncomfortable for reminded her of something from the past. Let him hide his past. Doesn’t concern her either. The boy is an oddity to her. She’s not good with oddities like him. They tend to stray away from the narative, like an irrational number. People like them tend to react differently than the general state of things. She could already anticipated future hardships when trying to train the boy, It won’t be easy.

She then muttered, “Shit, I’m no good with your kind...whatever, training starts tomorrow. My style is rather easy to learn, even with someone with your disposition”

Lady Sudo brushes off some dust from her outfit and then proceeds to narrate the rest of her lecture.

“Hagane style, I will teach you how to tap into the true powers of your Katana which are made from steel. What you will be learning from me is how to wield a steel weapon effectively, wield aura and how to apply it to your weapon. Got that?”

Kyo nodded and said,

“My weapon is a wakizashi, not a Katana”

Lady Sudo just scoffed at it and said, “Bah! What’s the difference? It’s just the length! When you’re older, you’re getting a Katana, anyway! Today's training is simple. Just run around the compound until you can’t run anymore.”

Kyo nodded, but he wondered why stamina was training. Lady Sudo just grinned and said

“You’re too young so no lifting weights , it might be okay next year maybe, don’t want you to pull a muscle or stunt your growth, What you will be learning is how to hone into your Aura so it will be more malleable, Hagane style arts are the easiest to learn besides the four big clans, us small clans have a niche but the training method is far simpler”

Kyo understood what she was trying to convey to him. “Alright. I’ll do what you say since Mother thinks training under you is the best course of action”

Lady Sudo grins again “Ah right, he’s a momma’s boy”

Kyo could only shy away and blush. Perhaps he really is a momma’s boy. There’s nothing wrong with that, isn’t there? Kyo spent the rest of the day training and running until his legs gave out. Did a couple of laps around the terrain of the clan’s yard and bat a few eyes at the Hagane clan members, but they simply avoid any eye contact.

Kyo still couldn’t believe he was suckered into believing that he was gonna die. That scare tactic did work, but the woman didn’t seem to get the result she wanted. To inflict emotional damage on me? The original Asian meme from Earth? Emotional damage? me?!

A thousand years too early to offend this young master! Now that Kyo think about it, he’s rather miffed that he wasnt able to land a single hit on her even with the Shimizu arts he learned from Mother although not the complete form, he was sure that the technique wouldn’t be deflected so easily.

Afterall, such technique did split a log into two when he wields it.

The things in this world just get even weirder and weirder.

By the time he was done training in the evening, he was well spent and tired.

Aina carried him and bathed him. He’s even too tired to be embarrassed, getting disrobed and bathed naked by a young, pretty maid. By the time he woke up, it was already close to dinnertime. Aina serves him some rice and fish. An ordinary meal, nothing extravagant like back at home in his grandpa’s place. But at least it’s only for a year.

All Main clan heir goes with the same training until they reach nine years old before they start their own journey at 10. As Kyo had his dinner silently in his room with Aina’s supervision, a knock came on the door. He’s only six now. He doesn’t need to think about those stuff yet.

*knock knock*

Aina got up and walked towards the door and approached the guest. It was Lady Sudo checking to see how he was settling in.

“How are you, kid? Any sore spots? Injury?”

Asked Sudo with concern. She didn’t think the boy would actually follow through and run till he dropped dead tired in the middle of the courtyard, unable to even move an inch. Sudo really admires this little one, unlike the other heirs. This one might show some promise.

Aina on the other hand disapproves of her harsh training, She still can’t believe that all heirs need to go through this, but from what she gathered around, most heirs didn’t go through the Hagana-style line training and just learn the meditation technique, none of them were able to stomach the arduous and intense cardio training. Kids being kids..they all soon cry and give up midway.

However, what surprised her was the young master. He is often calm and aloof, almost too quiet sometimes. Aina fears that the young master doesn’t talk at all but that isn’t the truth. The young master did talk to her when they first met. He’s just shy and probably doesn’t know how to converse with others that well, however, her young master never complains and quits, even when his foot and leg are swollen from running,

The boy really did force himself and gave it his all out there today. 

Hopefully, the run wouldn’t damper his spirits for the coming days, he would need to stay here for over half a year after all, And Aina knew about how gruelling some of the trials these Clan techniques impose on the user.

Lady Sudo gave an ointment to the boy. “Have Aina here massage and apply that ointment for you. It is a Hagane family secret salve infused with steel and metallic aura to reinforce and enhance the bones and reduce any swelling”

Kyo took the ointment, nodded with a blank look and said,

“Thank you”

Sudo can’t help but give the boy a cheeky smile. “ See you tomorrow then kid. Hope you can keep up just like today. Good job. I’ll leave you to your rest, eat slowly. There won’t be any scare tactics starting tomorrow. Promise.”

Kyo nodded as Lady Sudo got up and walked out of the room. Aina could only shake her head in his defence and then sat next to her young master as she complained.

“Must you train so hard, young master? Your injury is quite severe. Forget training for tomorrow! If the young mistress heard about how she treated you, there will be hell to pay! I doubt a simple salve could fix you up, and even if it did, wouldn’t it be torture? The young mistress should hear about this! This is simply child abuse!”

Kyo gave the salve to Aina so that she could apply it on his swollen legs, and he noticed some damaged skin with bloody splotches visible beneath his white skin. Kyo pondered for a moment at what she said and simply shook his head as well. He disagreed.

“I am an heir to the Shimizu clan, not an ordinary child. Perhaps it is expected of all of us. Perhaps once upon a time even Mother did the same thing as well”

Aina wanted to say something but decided to shut up next. The Mistress has endured the same training since she was heir, and she is one of the most powerful people here in Aisho right now. There is some truth in this. As a maid, who is she to disparage the young master’s training? This still doesn’t sit well with her. It is why she became a maid. She didn’t want to fight and compete in all that violence out there.

“I..I understand young master, forgive me”

She could only nod with a frown on her face and applied the ointment

“May I?”

She asked for permission before applying it. Kyo just nodded and ate his food on the bed as she applied the ointment slowly while massaging his tiny feet. Kyo could only look at himself as he stuffed himself with rice and fish. How he wishes to grow faster. Being a kid sucks.


“Where’s Totodile?”

Aina shook her head and said, “Sorry, young master, I’m afraid your bonded one is off training with Master Natto. They expressively told me not to let you see him after a whole week”

Kyo could only give that up for now. The little Pokemon will probably be fine.

Probably yeah?



Kyo had been training at Lady Sudo’s Dojo for an entire week, learning the art of steel aura and perfecting his assimilation towards its power. Lady Sudo was a renowned Aura Master, known for her ability to teach even the most inexperienced trainers the secrets of steel aura. Totodile was separated from him, he wondered where the little tyke had gone since he hadn’t been able to see him for a whole week,

Aina said that the little guy was training personally under master Natto together with Momo’s Pokemon.

As Kyo worked tirelessly to master the technique, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and determination. The word “unrelenting” seemed to embody the very essence of steel aura, and Kyo was determined to harness its power and use it to become the best trainer he could be.

Every day, Kyo practised his techniques with Lady Sudo, focusing all of his energy and concentration on perfecting his control over the aura. He knew that mastering steel aura required discipline, dedication, and an unwavering will, and he was determined to succeed.


Finally, after a month of hard work,

Kyo felt ready to try the steel aura technique on his own. He closed his eyes, focusing all of his energy and concentration on his Pokemon, and then he released the aura.

To his surprise, he felt a surge of power coursing through his body and into his Pokemon. When he opened his eyes, he saw that his Pokemon’s defences had been greatly enhanced, and their strength had increased as well. Lady Sudo realizes it as well and grins at him.

“Not bad, kid, finally some effort could probably learn Aegis at this point.”

Kyo nodded and continued with his meditation, but he got curious and wanted to ask about this Aegis.  He had heard that it was the first step of learning the Hagane steel technique before learning how to wield Tempest. Tempest is that weird swirly sand thing that seems like a deathtrap. Good for scaring children..

certainly not this six-year-old nope.

“Lady Sudo, can you tell me more about the process of learning, Aegis?”

Kyo asked, still feeling a sense of excitement and accomplishment after mastering the first awakening of controlling some amount of steel aura.

Lady Sudo nodded. “Of course, Kyo. Aegis is a powerful steel aura technique that allows a trainer to shield their Pokemon from harm and protect them from attacks. It is not a simple technique to master, as it requires a great deal of concentration and control over the aura.”

“I can imagine,” Kyo said, recalling the many hours he had spent practising and refining his control over the aura.

“The key to mastering Aegis is patience and persistence,” Lady Sudo continued. “It will take time and practice to learn how to effectively summon and maintain the shield, but with dedication and perseverance, you can do it.”

“I see,” Kyo said, taking in Lady Sudo’s words to see if she really meant it.

“Come on, get up. That’s enough meditation now that you got the hang of it. Try using that aura against me”

. Lady Sudo thought they should spar so Kyo could try out his new move in a real fight.

Kyo accepted the challenge, and the two trainers stepped onto the battlefield, each with their own stance. Kyo knew he had to pull out all the stops to beat Lady Sudo. The last time ended up in a disaster when he first fought.

As the battle raged on, Kyo called upon the power of steel aura and coated his sword with its energy.

To his surprise, the method worked. His weapon was able to deflect Lady Sudo’s blows effectively, and they were able to withstand even the strongest attacks.

Kyo’s confidence grew, and he knew that he had finally mastered the basics of wielding the steel aura aspects of this training. Lady Sudo’s punches were precise and almost deadly, coated in the same aura as his sword, her fists were as hard as steel and twice as fast as his swings could ever react to those punches, but somehow he managed to dodge and parry them away, 

The vibration of the hit stings when the sword rattles as he deflects her fists away from the blow, To think that one can hit this hard with a mere fist.

When the battle was over, Lady Sudo congratulated Kyo on his victory and praised him for his skill and determination.

“Now, you are ready to learn the first step of the Hagane style. Could have done better on some strikes, but not bad at all,” she said.

Kyo couldn’t stop smiling as he thanked Lady Sudo for her guidance and support. He was stoked to see how far he'd come since he first arrived at the dojo and learn from such a talented and respected Aura Master.

The training was hard, but at least there’s some semblance of progress now.

Unfortunately,Lady Sudo doesn’t think so.

Behind closed doors, she tried hard to recall her training method. The energy coating the sword wasn’t steel energy, but water. Hardened water like mercury. Was this what Mai is trying to achieve? It isn’t exactly in the Steel Style training manual.

This is why she doesn’t like surprises. Dealing with new things is a pain to deal with.

She did everything right by the ways taught to her.

The boy had talent alright, all the right talent, but a generalist he is not. He’s probably one of the best water specialists in the world with his Mother but that won’t mean anything at all since he can’t fuse the Steel Energy. He needs a crutch. Without that wakizashi of his, it would be close to impossible to channel any steel-type energy.

Mai thought the boy was special, but like all Origin wielders, they cannot learn another elements arts.

“He could learn the first step. But I doubt he could try to master it. The boy couldn’t truly manifest the energy. Kyo doesn’t have any propensity towards other elements except water. Only by infusing Water And Steel could he bring forth my teachings. As it stands now, He won’t be able to truly master Aegis. Origin users seldom do unless the element favors them”

Sudo scratched her head and sighs..

“It’s a bust. How do I tell his mother this? Hey Mai, your son can’t learn my technique. Whoops! Better stick to water! Yeah right.”

The young woman grumbled along as she thought of ways to not disappoint her icy friend.

“This is why I don’t have children. Dealing with disappointed parents is a chore. Imagine if I get disappointed in my little one. I’ll smack em till they learn it or die trying.”

 She pondered that thought for a moment and shrugged it off

“Perhaps it’s best if I don’t become a parent.”