Chapter 25: Freya
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The space had a peculiar glow, almost dark and only dimly lit by those pink and white crystals on the ceiling.

With walls so exquisite that with just one glance, anyone could conclude that the room could only belong to someone of high status.

However, what stood out most in this room was that —apart from the simple bed and a round table as decoration— one could see what was impossible for mere mortals below.

An ever-expanding sea of clouds was visible through the panes of glass that, in addition to serving as windows, actually replaced some of the walls.

Whoever owned this room lived so high up that the fluffy clouds danced around the house.


Amidst the sweet fragrance that could intoxicate one, the sound that belonged to a liquid flowing in a fountain resounded.

"Is this enough, my goddess?"

A rough voice and helpful tone, the man dressed in a dark blue sleeveless blouse, not daring to rest his eyes on the person in front of him. This man in question was heavily muscled, being proportional to his above-average height, along with his trademark boar's ear atop his rust-colored hair.

"Enough. Ottar, I asked you to keep an eye on the boy. Have you gotten any leads?"

The ethereal voice belonged to a woman. Sitting in the well-sculpted armchair, the woman lightly moved the wine glass between her slender fingers.

The woman's name was Freya, the goddess of beauty.

From the sound of her name, her appearance should not disappoint her title.

With long silver hair adorned with a purple flower on either side of her head, cascading down to her well-rounded backside. Her eyes were equally silver, and her skin was as white as snow, with red lips curved into a smile that could steal any dying soul.

Because of Freya's undeniable charm, the man who called himself Ottar was very reserved.

"Yes, my Goddess. Just as you ordered, I was behind the boy. Coming from the Far East, his name is Tooru with age is around 16."

"That's it?"

Freya didn't look at the man; instead, her lovely eyes were on an almost translucent mirror floating near her.

She already knew that name since she had an encounter with that boy, the age and even his origin weren't really hard to guess when the appearance was there.

However, what she wanted to know...

"No, my Goddess, I apologize for not saying it immediately."

Ottar apologized, guiltily going into a light meditation to sort out his following words.

"That boy was taken in a month ago by the Goddess Hestia. The people who saw him claimed he was mortally wounded when they found him."

"Hestia, the <Hestia Familia>, who descended just a few months ago and had yet to find a <Familia>. If that's all it is, the game will be easy." With a strange glint in her eyes, Freya looked beyond the screen, where a boy was stroking a little girl's head.

With an emotionless face, Ottar continued his explanation.

"That may not actually be the case, my goddess. A few days ago, the boy had a meeting with the <Loki Familia>, and although the first impression between them might not be so good due to a conflict, goddess Loki personally invited him to join her <Familia>."

"But he turned them down, didn't?" Freya didn't seem surprised how the goddess Loki, a goddess who had a high status and was the head of the second strongest <Familia> of <Orario>, had invited a mere novice adventurer.

She was interested in that boy.

"That's the case, My Goddess."

"... Ottar, have you forgotten who I am?"

The seductive voice, accompanied by a floral fragrance, clouded Ottar's senses, causing him to stiffen. Even someone who was known as the <King> by adventurers could not contain the pressure rising from his lower half.

"I apologize if I have offended you, my goddess. I will accept whatever punishment you have in store for me."

Ottar lowered his head; only at that moment did he realize what his earlier words could mean.

Who was the woman before him? She was the Goddess of Beauty!

If she wanted to, she could cast a spell and put all mortals under her spell even with her <Arcanum> sealed! Let alone manage to lay her hand on a small novice who barely knew how to walk! Even if the boy had rejected the goddess Loki, if Freya made a move, he would prostrate himself before her!

That was how overwhelming the charm of that goddess was.

"I am not interested in punishing you. However, I do want you to do one thing for me." That seductive smile was not erased from Freya's face.


"Train that child. Don't hinder him directly; I want you to find an obstacle and put it before him." Freya's eyes glittered as she looked at the handsome boy's body in the mirror.

There was nothing, not a trace of the soul, as if the boy was just a puppet or even an undead. However, to Freya, who could discern the souls of living beings, that was unlikely.

How could a puppet, or even an undead, possess feelings and emotions like the ones he had shown? Driven by her intrigue, Freya would do her best to dismantle the truth. If the outcome were interesting, she would have the boy all to herself.

"My goddess, do you have any suggestions?"

"You will know what to do. Even if the obstacle is too much for him at the moment, don't stop. As long as he does not die, and as long as he has the will to rise up and be able to overcome these adversities, only then can he be worthy of my attention."

Freya spoke with ease, and as she said that, her smile leaned more towards ecstasy.

"Understood, My Goddess. Have a good day."

Without asking any more questions, the goal was clear to Ottar; to train that boy who caught his goddess' attention. As long as he was around, he would not allow the boy to be unworthy, and for that reason, he would do his best to strengthen him. As for if he died during the test, that would only mean he was never worthy of drawing so much attention.

When the door closed, Freya turned her attention to the outskirts. She, who was dressed mainly in black and red clothing, exposing most of her stomach and breasts, moved her waist towards the glass.

"Put on a fun show for me, Tooru. And... don't disappoint me."

Lifting the crystal glass to her lips, her seductive smile hardened.

White hair, and red eyes, were reflected in Freya's bewitching eyes. That appearance reminded Freya of a shy white rabbit entering <Orario City>.

"Another variant?"