Eden 03-04
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Chapter 03: Alpha City


As the train started and moved Jones saw the train would have to return for the other cargo containers. Smitty was busy looking over his tablet with Sasha. They were reviewing the new different animals and plants deemed dangerous to humans.


As Jones looked at the display he saw a large pod-like plant with vines that could move named Devil-Pods. According to the short animated image, the vines could move and pull a person into the main pod which opened down the middle. They were listed as a level one as in low risk. The text advised carrying a large knife or sharp rock to cut loose from the vines or break free from the main pod of the plant.


A footnote at the bottom describes these plants were traditionally used to dispose of the dead. A common practice on Eden according to the text.


Smitty moved the screen to the next risk.


Jones shivered a little as the image of a rather large spider was coming out of a large hole.

Jones read over the tablet-like Smitty did. Named Silk-Weavers they were a level 1 as well. If bitten will cause sickness for hours in some cases even for regeneration gene treated people. Sometimes territorial, we advise feeding Silk-Weaver a Log-Beetle first. See the Log-Beatles entry for further information. There was also a reference to Macro Spider which appeared to be much smaller and rarer.


The footnote claimed Silk-Weavers were valued for the silk bundles often found outside their holes.


The train picked up speed and Jones was distracted as they entered the long tunnel. The screens changed to display time, weather, and where they were in the tunnel itself.


There was now a deep humming sound and the train was moving pretty fast now. In a quarter of an hour they reach the other end according to the overhead displays.


Jones saw the tunnel was lit and he saw walkways along the tracks with doors flashing by. No doubt used as maintenance areas to keep the tracks in good condition.

He missed out on reading about Log-Beatles and saw Smitty was looking at an image of a nasty looking parrot-like bird. Its beak was jagged and they were named Fang-Parrots. Also Level one and known to cause injuries if attacked. The footnote warning anyone. Never attempt to capture one without heavy gloves and rarely can be tamed.

The next screen and image caught Jones's full attention.

A large bat-like creature with a human rider on the creature's back was animated. Jones instantly recalled all the times he rode a horse as a youth.


Described as Leather-Wings, intelligent and social creatures. Difficult to tame from the wild unless bonded with a human. Two domestic flocks can be found in Alpha City and on Paradise Island. Valued for their willingness to take on human riders and their protective nature over their riders and children. Level three danger if provoked.


The footnote mention they were used for security reasons, long distant flights, rescue, and scout work.


“Looks like its half-dragon. ” Smitty said to Sasha who seemed interested in the creature.

Jones pulled out his own tablet now and found the available information as well.

He clicked on the tab for level three creatures.


Something like a large dodo bird and taller then an Emu appeared.


Rippers; Large flightless birds with two powerful back legs made for fast running. Level three danger to all humans and smaller animals. Seek very steep ground or climb a tree to avoid. If possible kill at first sight. Beware these creatures do travel in packs. Their large beaks have been known to snap bones.


Jones looked at the image and besides was a figure of a man pictured about six feet tall. The monstrous bird was a good head taller.


Curious about the single level five entry he clicked on it.


It's Eden name was Hidden-Evil or Drac-ko. An image of a large long reptile-like creature with a wide mouth appeared attached by a narrow neck. The animated image showed the creature disappearing and reappearing.


Level five danger to all. Little to no information is known about this creature's behavior. Lives in the deep swamp jungle and can camouflage itself to the side of trees or the ground.


Believed to be the most dangerous predator known on Eden. The only known weakness is bright light due to its large sensitive eyes. Visit Alpha City museum for the only known skeleton to exist.


Jones made a mental note to visit the museum. Little or all information on dangers he might face could be useful.


The light outside the moving train went bright and Jones saw they were free of the long tunnel.


The train slowed and stopped at a station that looked more like a loading dock. He saw people wearing different color uniforms. Large overhead display signs guided a person to their group.


As Jones walked with Smitty from the train he saw Edward Knight standing near his group.

The woman who was their guide seemed a bit nervous, but sure of herself with Mister Knight so close to her. Even on Eden, it was clear Edward Knight was somebody important.

The first order of business was checking into a hotel in easy walking distance.

“Hi, I'm Kayla and we will be walking to your hotel in Alpha City. Since your all-new here to Eden, you get a whole week to stay free until you decide where you want to live and work. We have many job openings and there is no shortage of pay. ” Kayla said and Jones marveled at the distant far wall that protected this place from the creatures of the jungle beyond.

If something like that wall had been built on earth. It would have made the top ten in the superstructures list.


Jones took note of the people they passed and saw, for the most part, everyone was relaxed and in pretty good shape. The streets looked cleaned and well maintain. They soon passed by a market with open storefronts.


The fruits and vegetables cost almost nothing while clothing and other needs were what you expected in prices. There were hand weapons of plenty on display while firearms were inside more secure buildings. Jones thought it was odd to see swords, daggers and even archery supplies for sale. Then he remembered what was waiting for people outside the wall.

The walk wasn't long and pretty soon they all were entering into the hotel. Jones found the check-in process dull and his room average, but nice. Even after getting the weight of his bag off of his shoulders, he decided to explore the city.


Getting around proved to be no problem since opened sided public transport buses were a common sight. For the price of a few credits, he could travel just about anywhere in a taxi as well. A banking app on his smartwatch had given him plenty of credits for him to live off for a few weeks.


Jones could hardly think of this place as a city as he rode on the bus. The buildings were not crowded and every patch of green was growing vegetables or fruits. What had to be homes looked more like two-story fall out shelters.


Jones had seen such buildings before and knew they could withstand earthquakes, hurricanes and were even guarded against an EMP. They were expensive homes back on Earth but ensured your family could survive just about anything mother nature had.


Spotting the narrow windows only on the first floor of every building made sense to Jones. Thinking about it he realized what might happen if a creature got into this city. Every home or business could be a haven from anything bigger than a human.

Instead of having police officers they had people who were dressed in deep blue uniforms mixed with some type of light armor with Peace Keepers printed on them. As the bus slowed or stopped he watched these Peace Keepers casually walked about in pairs often talking with people and getting smiles in return as they waved to people passing by.


A group of men and women in deep gray outfits on the way to the wall part of the city were jogging. Jones recognized a soldier's pace when he saw one. The letters W.G. was printed on the back of their uniforms. This had to be Eden's version of a military force so Jones figured.


“I don't envy the Wall Guards climbing all those steps to the top of the wall. ” He overheard one old woman said as the men passed.


Jones figured out the letters stood for Wall Guard. Every man and woman he saw in that group had muscles that could be seen. Career soldiers, so he guessed.

Jones climbed off the bus seeing the museum just ahead. It was a raised building from the ground with a wall all around it. An open gate allowed visitors to enter. As Jones passed the gateway he noticed a sign proclaiming it as a safe shelter.


As Jones came into the lobby he got a bit of a jump scare to which he was proud to say he didn't show it outwardly. There in the center of a wide lobby was a skeleton of a Drac-ko.

Seeing it in person gave him a greater understanding of just how dangerous it could be.


Protected by a large clear plastic en-closer which didn't take away the fact even its bones sent shivers up his spine. A broken sword stuck out of the creature's skull leaving little doubt to the cause of its death. Along with the sword was an arrow left in the creature's right empty eye socket.


It was larger then he pictured it in his head and its mouth hung open revealing two rows of sharp teeth. Here was a predator that Earth had never seen. An artist's picture was displayed next to a small plaque.


Jones read over the plaque next. The names listed were those killed in hunting the creature. Nine in total.


Edward Knight with friends Brutus Grant and Samuel Smith killed this Drac-Ko a little over twenty years ago. Jones figured it out after he noticed the date.


Jones stepped back getting a real feel what it must have been like facing such a creature.


Recalling the creature could camouflage itself made him wonder how the hell anyone could kill one with a damn sword and arrow.


“You must be new to Eden. Locals don't like to stare at the Drac-Ko. The creature is the closest thing to a demon in their beliefs. ” A man said and Jones turned to see a tanned man not much older than himself.


“I was wondering how anyone could kill it so up close. Personally, I prefer to take a sniper rifle with a fifty caliber bullet with me over a sword. ” Jones commented.

“I dare say my arrow helped. My name is Samuel Smith. I come here often to look at this old son of a bitch. ” Samuel said waving a hand toward the skeleton.

“So you blinded it on one side and Edward Knight stabbed it? ” Jones asked trying to figure out the past events.


“Oh, pretty much like that. Brutus did his part as well. He was holding the creature by the neck trying to choke it out. I dare say, he might have succeeded if Edward hadn't stabbed the creature beforehand. We were the lucky ones out of a dozen men. Treated like heroes when we came back with the head of this monster. We went back later for the rest of the body with help. We agreed the families that lost someone should get credit as well and told everyone they fought bravely till the end. Truthfully, that son of a bitch was on us before we knew it.


Six of our hunting party gone with barely a scream. ” Samuel said next and he took in a deep weary breath.


“You had to be a teenager. ” Jones commented next figuring out the guy's age from his looks then taking in the slowed aging process which had to be fairly recent by two decades at the most.


“Yeah, Nearly all of us were back then. This was long before everyone got the regeneration treatment. We each got a souvenir as well. I remade my bow from the creature’s back legs. Edward was presented with a Katana with a Drac-Ko bone handle and Brutus was the most modest of us. He took only a single tooth, which he still wears around his neck. ” Samuel said and directed Jones's attention to the creature's legs. Here someone had molded clay or plastic to replace the missing bones.


“Hey, come by my bar sometime. You look like the kind of guy who nurses a beer or two in a single sitting. First one is on me. Peace Keepers, Wall Guards, and warriors like yourself are always welcomed. ” Samuel said and held out his hand. Jones took it and he felt the firm grip of the man. He had little doubt that Samuel didn't let his own archery skills go to waste.


Samuel told him where his bar could be found and left right after.


Jones moved on and found the museum was divided into two main sections. There was an entire section dedicated to Earth and included a vast library taking up two floors. Jones passed that door up and went for the Eden side. The entire history of Eden all fitted into one room so far.


He found stuffed creatures, skeletons, and a scaled-down model of Eden when people lived here some sixty years ago.


Jones looked down to see crude round stone buildings almost like huts. The size of it, barely a large village. He would have guessed the stone huts existed thousands of years ago. If he hadn't noticed a lot of the figures of people carried firearms from mixed eras. As his eyes traveled to the edge of the village. He saw only an upright log wall had been placed across the valley to protect the people back then.


Looking back at the village, he noted most of the people must have lived in the caves high up on the mountainside. He bet they didn't leave the area much back then.


Jones walked about the room studying the creatures on display and realized there was little information to be found here. What did impressed him the most was how fast such a city could be built in a matter of decades no doubt thanks to machines transferred over from Earth.


Jones left the museum soon after and went to the wall. To his surprise he was invited to join a group going to the top of the wall. As the elevator climbed it at a slight angle he realized quickly the stone blocks used to the build this wall must have came from the mountainside. It was clear it wasn't as long as the great wall of China, but its height far exceeded it.


Jones looked down and out back toward Alpha City seeing rivers and a single lake. Then toward the side of the mountain that looked sheered off from this side and saw more Balconies sticking out of the curved vertical side. They looked like high rise apartments for the wealthy and each one had a half-moon balcony attached.


Jones curious to know who lived there asked the guy next to him.


“You must have came in on the last boat. Riders, Over Watch staff, elders, and council members mostly. I hear they are nice, but who wants to live inside a mountain. ” The man commented and went back to talking to his friends.


Jones knew he wanted to live up there. Life in the army wasn't bad, but privacy was a rare thing and being around a lot of people put him on the edge at times. It was a few minutes later the elevator came to a stop and the gate opened allowing people to exit onto the top section of the wall.


Barriers on each side prevented people from falling off and Jones realized the barrier toward the jungle was curved outward to prevent something from climbing over it. Jones didn't want to imagine what kind of creature could scale such a height and make it to the top of this wall.


Jones was barely a hundred feet into his leisurely walk looking over the area toward the jungle. Here the valley stretched out to a river with Dogwood trees. In the valley beyond the wall, he could see Devil-Pods. They were strange to look at and their vines squirmed from time to time looking for something to grasp.


Jones knew they were left there as the first line of defense for the city. He noticed roads that led out toward the river and stone bridges that looked decades old. From there he could barely make out open paths where they disappear into the jungle.

Jones study the jungle trees in the distance. They had to be massive in size that would put great Earth redwoods to shame with branches wide enough for a car. As his eyes looked up from the jungle. He noticed something large flying toward them.


Chapter 04: Tee-Kay


“Leather-wings and riders on the wind. ” One uniformed Wall Guard shouted and people stopped walking to look outward toward the sky.


Jones watched as the creatures flapped their wings and dropped down once they cleared the giant trees.


Jones admired the grace of the creatures much like the horses his foster mother like to breed.


Each rider were clearly strapped into a harness and wore what appeared to be a flight helmet plus a flight suit. One Leather-Wing shot upward and flew up to a position above them giving everyone there a good show. The other Leather-Wings flew on toward the right side of the mountain complex toward a building with a large open bay door.


The single rider and Leather-Wing hovered there to give the crowd a salute.


More than one person near him shouted the name Tee-Kay like a chant. Jones saw she wore some type of light armor that was molded slightly to her female figure.


The Leather-Wing understanding some signal from its rider flew forward causing some people to duck their heads in a false alarm. Laughter and good nature cheering followed after. Jones could see this Tee-Kay person was well-liked.


Jones watched on for a while wondering how hard it was to ride such a creature. This Tee-Kay person made it look so easy.


Jones walked on touring the wall seeing the mounted sound canons and older mounted gun platforms that pointed downward. A person could walk under the raised platform and out on the other side. A locked steel door under the archway with “Wall Guard Only” painted prevented people from entering the raised areas. Not to mention the guards on door duty.


Jones watched as men drilled on these from time to time and judging from their fast reactions they were damn good at their job.


Jones took a moment to look out on the jungle and thought this wall could hold back dinosaurs if needed. Jones walked to the nearest elevator and decided to visit the open market place next. On the public bus, he accessed the job board and put in for a Leather-Wing Rider position. It required his thumb print next to release his personal records to the North Tower of OverWatch Command. They were listed as a private security and rescue force.

He was barely thirty minutes browsing the open market when his watch chimed with a message.


“Background check approved. Please Report to the Leather-Wing Bay at 8:00 A.M. for a final interview. ” Jones read quietly and approved the two options to set an alarm and directions to get there.


Returning his attention to the weapon seller and his booth. Jones spotted a knife the size of a dagger that caught his eye. The metal shined a little brighter than normal.


“You got a good eye, young soldier. ” Gus the vender said reaching out to take hold of the knife and offering the knife for Jones to hold. It was lighter then he expected and it cut his thumb at the barest of a touch.


“Judging from the look on your face. I dare say, your new to Eden. Made from Steel-X metal. The mountain is still full of it in places. Most like to use it for armor, but a wise person gets a blade or two. Throw in that Army Ka-bar relic you got there and I let you have this for a hundred credits. ” Gus offered and Jones knew he was overpaying just a bit. He knew people like Gus before, but he also knew good craftsmanship when he saw it.


Jones could only imagine how much his foster father would have envy such a blade. As a part-time Kendo teacher his father liked hanging various daggers or swords on the walls for their beauty or how deadly they looked.


“Deal, only if you throw in a sheath for the blade. ” Jones replied back and watch as Gus nodded with a look that said that he was dealing with a sharp customer.


After approving the transaction with his smart watch then exchanging his Ka-bar he admired his new blade. It wasn't much longer than his Ka-bar and the sheath came with a belt clip.

He ended his day with a meal at an open cafe and tried a Ripper Burger. The taste wasn't far off from chicken, but had more flavor to it.


His trip back to his hotel was uneventful and he went to bed early. The next morning he awoke before dawn and got a bus that went close to where he needed to be.


He barely walked up to a mountain security gate when he was waved through. Curious he saw that his face along with several others was displayed on a security monitor as new possible recruits.


“Your early, that's a good sign. Planning on riding one or going in for a caretaker position? ” The guard asked with a friendly tone and placed his hand on the scanner and the elevator opened before them.


“Rider. ” Jones spoke briefly and stood in the middle of the elevator.


“Well, another flea to ride a Leather-Wing. Good luck and try not to flinch when you get bit. ” The guard said just as the doors closed leaving him alone with his thoughts as it lifted upward.


The doors opened next to a hallway and mounted signs on the rock wall guided him to the North Tower or the Leather-Wing Bay. As Jones walked closer he picked up a smell that was strong, but not unpleasant. It was an animal smell for sure in nature and nowhere nearly as bad as the horse stalls. That he had to clean out as a kid. He passed doors to apartments that were spaced apart a good distance and wonder if they would be cheaper being closer to the Leather-Wings.


He walked through a set of double steel doors into an opened bay like area. Screeching and growls could be heard coming from large open alcoves cut directly into the stone walls. Metal platforms allowed people access to the upper levels and he noticed open spots where there were no railings. Teenagers were working the upper levels for the most part.


On the lower level, children were moving about with crates of gear, meat, and fish. The food were being drop into feeding troughs. Monstrous bat-like creatures poked their head out and plunged their heads into each trough.


“No, you do it. That's Nightmare in there. She is locked up for a reason. ” One almost teenage boy argued with another boy about the same age as they stood in front of a door that was closed. Jones noted someone had painted the word Nightmare on it in dripping red letters if written in blood.


A loud thump and bang came next making the door rattle on its hinges.

“Mark and Eugene, what is the problem? ” A woman with short wild gray hair asked as she marched over to the pair.


“Madam Grace, she is a mean one and neither of us wants to go in. ” Mark explained.

“Leather-Wings don't harm children. At least not without good provocation. I will handle Nightmare myself, but you two will help feed the rest of these beasts before you run off to school. ” Madam Grace said and took the buckets from the boys who gladly hurried off to feed the rest of the creatures.


Jones watched as the old woman kicked at a latch causing the door to slide partly open. One of the loudest growls, Jones had ever heard came next and the Grace woman disappeared into the darkness without a hint of fear.


Faintly, he heard her inside crooning to the Leather-Wing and came out with empty buckets. She shut the door behind her. It was then she spotted him watching. Handing the buckets off to a teenager she came up to him straightening out her clothes.


“Milo Jones, wasn't it? I'm Madam Grace and I'm head care taker and commander of the Leather-Wings. Kindly, wait over there until the rest of the recruits arrive. We find that Leather-Wings are more open to people after they have fed. ” Madam Grace said as she pointed to a seated area next to what appeared to be her office. The chairs lined against the wall and facing outward.


Others came in and joined Jones seeing the chaos and pretty soon the large bay area was clearing as the children left. Boys and girls appeared to go into a changing room with shower areas for each gender.


Only the oldest teenagers stayed behind and took up positions to watch from the upper level.

In all, there were about a dozen people making small talk and looking at the creatures. Jones could tell some were scared while others were in awe of them.


“All right, recruits. You have applied and were accepted for a chance to be a rider, but first. We must see if a Leather-Wing will accept you. Line up here, and one at a time walk around with me to each open stall. If the beast likes you, he or she will nip your hand to fully get your scent by sampling your blood. If you fail here and it's your life's dream to be a rider there is always the Paradise Island division. ” Madam Grace announced in a stern voice and Jones ended up last in line to try out.


There was a brief pause as a group of men and women came into the room wearing what had to be full rider gear. Their helmets were tucked under one arm and they walked in a relaxed but orderly line until they were lined up against the door to stall thirteen. It was clear they came in to watch the show and to see who got picked.


Jones watched as the first volunteer walked with Madam Grace to each open stall and stood in front of the alcove holes in the wall. The first few were not accepted. It wasn't until the fourth person a young woman who looked a bit frail was taken off guard when the creature lurched forward and bit her hand.


The girl barely made a sound when the creature's growl could be heard in the now silent room. Even the other Leather-Wings were watching with a stillness that was eerie to see. It released her and walked forward then bow its body down. Madam graced showed her how to mount the creature. The woman flexing her hand before getting on the Leather-Wing. She held onto the basic harness already fixed to the Leather-Wing.


For a wild few seconds Jones thought the Leather-Wing would take off in flight, but instead it climbed upward to an empty alcove above. The woman letting out a surprised scream as she hung onto the harness until they were on leveled ground again. Jones saw for the first time that Leather-Wings had unique patterns on their wings. Not too much unlike the Rorschach images some the psychs still used.


“Number 4, Rider Amy Wills. Leather-Wing is named Black-Wing. ” Madam Grace called out and one young man wrote on a dry erase board. Jones watch as the woman's name was written in. Off to the side, he noticed the experienced riders were taking side bets.

One of the most beautiful young woman, he had ever seen with auburn color hair that fell in waterfall curls. She had deep green eyes that caught his attention. Jones saw the name Tee-Kay on her armor where a name tag would be. As Jones looked at her. She winked at him and looked out at the Leather-Wings as she talked to the man beside her. Jones could guess they were taking bets or discussing who would get to be a rider.

There was a mischief look to her eyes Jones couldn't figure out just yet.


Jones recalled the rider who hovered above the wall, Tee-Kay. Jones returned his attention to the Leather-Wing so he wasn't caught gawking at the pretty young woman.


Tee-Kay liked one of the new guys they had brought in. Secretly, she hoped a Leather-Wing would pick him. Then Dallas was speaking to her.


“So, Tee-Kay. I bet you two hundred credits that one there doesn't get picked. ” Dallas or known by his nickname Cowboy when he was in the air said to her as he unknowingly pointed out Milo Jones.


“You know what Dallas, your on. I got a good feeling about him. ” Tee-Kay said with her attention distracted by a growl coming from stall thirteen just behind her. So far only the kids and Madam Grace had been able to get close to Nightmare. It was odd for a Leather-Wing born here would be so wild, to begin with. Tee-Kay rather admired the Leather-Wing for being born with a wild side.

One by one each person went out and for a while there was a streak of people accepted by a Leather-Wing. Then it ended with the second to last not being picked and it came to be Jones turn. Madam Grace asked for his knife and he gave it to her. She tucked it into her own belt as they walked.

They stopped at each of the Leather-Wing stalls. The Leather-Wing raised its head and turned away from him. It was clear he wasn't accepted by the time they came to the last open stall. Jones looked a bit disappointed. Tee-Kay pictured her credits disappearing from her account then decided to speak up. She had one last desperate chance to win her bet.


“Beg Pardon, Madam Grace. There is one more beast. ” Tee-Kay said and knocked on the close door behind her. A deep rumbling growl answered back to her knock.


“Hmm, any volunteers for Number thirteen? ” Madam Grace addressing those not accepted.


“Come on, Jones. ” Tee-Kay quietly muttered to herself so low no one heard her.

Jones stepped forward and stopped.


Madam Grace escorted him to the door.


The experienced riders parted to make room for them to pass.


“Jones, good man. Take your knife back. If she gets rough with you. Use it to give her a little prick and escape. Don't worry about harming her. All tamed Leather-Wings have the same regeneration gene treatment as us. I will even leave the door cracked open. ” Madam Grace said as she walked him to the closed door.


Madam Grace opened the door a bit and Jones slipped in. At first, he couldn't see the Leather-Wing named Nightmare, but the darkness in front of him seem to move slightly. She was larger than the others or so it seem in the gloom. The Leather-Wing launched itself from the wall with its head down and Jones just got out of the way with his knife lashing out. Clearly, she wasn't in the mood to sniff at him first.


Nightmare plowed into the stall door with its shoulder causing the door way to buckled outward. He saw a basic rider harness rattle off the back of the door to the floor as the creature righted itself.


A long minor cut on its wing was healing up. It was a paper cut deep at best. The creature looked over at him if appraising Jones for something. A howling screech and rumbling growl came next as it bared its teeth.


The stall door was still opened slightly, but it was jammed. The gap was no longer big enough for him to slide through. Jones heard Madam Grace outside.

“Bloody hell, she bent the door's frame. Someone get a crowbar and my dart gun. ” Madam Grace ordered and return her attention to watching inside the stall from the narrow crack.

Tee-Kay stayed where she was to listen and find out what was going on behind that jammed door. Two kids near her ran off to obey Madam Grace.


Jones let his eyes dart left and right and saw nothing that could help him.


“Easy now. I get it. You don't like me. Let me go and no more scratches. ” Jones said slowly placing his knife down, but keeping his hand low to the ground. He decided a show of trust was best.


Nightmare calmed and tilted her head slightly to look at him for what seemed the longest time taking several deep breaths. Slowly, she bowed her head down and took the harness into her mouth then flung it at him.


Jones caught it and saw it wasn't a hard rig to wear.

'Is this creature testing me or trying to get my hands away from my knife? ' Jones mentally asked himself then quietly thought 'Shit or get off the pot.' as he decided actions were better than overthinking it.


Jones put on the harness and watched as Nightmare looked at him if trying to puzzle him out. Clearly, this creature wasn't expecting him to show trust so easily after the attack.

When he bent down for his knife he paused as a deep rumbling growl stopped his right hand. Instead, he unclasped the sheath from his belt and showed it to Nightmare with his left hand.


Slowly, he put the knife back into the sheath and reattached it to his belt while her growl faded off. Now able to think clearly again Jones recalled this Leather-Wing is a female.

She walked forward using the large clawed joint of her wings while her back legs propelled her forward.


Her mouth opened slightly if waiting for something. Jones got the hint and stuck out his right hand.


Jones thinking 'Another test. This Leather-Wing acts differently from the rest. Smarter than the others. She was also the rebel of the group. '


Nightmare bit down hard and Jones watched as her jaws tensed. It was unlike the nip the other Leather-Wings did. Jones thought he could hear his bones groaning to the point of breaking then Nightmare let go.


Jones looked at his right hand thinking he had really bad luck with that hand, lately. As he watched the blood trickle out as the teeth marks slowly closed up. She must have bitten into a nerve cluster. The pain had made his knees weak, but he didn't fall.


Nightmare dropped her body down and shook her backside. Jones saw the simple one man saddle on her and once more understood what she wanted.


Carefully, he walked up to her then climb up. He found the metal rings he needed and clipped himself into place. Nightmare turned toward the door and Jones felt her entire body tensing up.


“Bugger!, clear the doorway. ” Madam Grace said and beyond the warped door, Jones heard people scrambling out of the way yelling for the others to move their asses.


This time Nightmare did knock the door off of its hinges with her shoulder and kept going until she was in the center of the open bay room.


Madam Grace was standing off to the side with an almost stunned look on her face.

“Okay, girl. Up there. ” Jones said and even pointed to an empty alcove spot on the higher level. As Nightmare turned her head back almost in an owl-like fashion.


Nightmare apparently had other plans when she spotted the open doorway that led to a sheer drop off from the mountain to the open sky.


Faster then he could have believed she galloped for the opening and together they plunged out then downward.


Jones excited scream caught in his throat and through slitted eye lids he watched as they fell and then the Leather-Wing named Nightmare opened her wings wide.


Tee-Kay was already running for her own Leather-Wing. It would not do for the new guy to disappear into the jungle and her bet lost all because the rider was never seen again.

Jones was jerked upward and they were sailing over Alpha city.

“You really are a Nightmare to ride. ” Jones scream out in joy as an incredible feeling of flying with this creature came over him.


Looking back he saw what appeared to be a building above the Leather-Wing area. No doubt some type of air traffic control center for riders to communicate with. He wondered if he was going to get into some trouble over this.


Nightmare flew on then flapped her wings to sail over the wall.


Jones was concern that their flight path since they were going toward the jungle, but she banked slightly and Jones got a good look at the wall from the outside. Gun crews were waving and cheering him on as he flew past. Clearly, his lack of rider gear was a sure sign that this flight wasn't officially approved.


Suddenly and without warning Nightmare dive-bombed down. Jones leaned forward and took hold of the Leather-Wing's harness seeing a river rushing toward them.

Just as fast Nightmare pulled up and her weight was off-balanced by something in her back claws. Jones looked over the side of her body and saw what appeared to be some type of an armored fish nearly as big as himself clutched in her back claws.


Nightmare curved back toward the wall and Jones saw they were coming down to land. Thankfully, it was a spot far from the Devil-Pods and not far from the main sally port doors that led back into Alpha City. Narrow openings in the wall had a few faces peaking out to watch the show.


Jones unclasped his harness and slid down from the Leather-Wing as she tore into her morning fish meal. If she took off without him or refused to fly him back, he was in easy walking distance of the main gate.