Chapter 52
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Viego closed the door as the two women stepped through the doorway. Viego closed it quite firmly, making Loki who was standing nearby shiver. Loki involuntarily took a step back and seeing Vi's evil look, he asked hesitantly.

(Loki)-Did I do something wrong?

(Viego)-You tell me. How many times have I told you not to bring anyone here. And if so, consult this fact with me.

(Loki)-It's my mother....

(Viego)-Exactly. Your mother. Queen of Frigg. One of the smartest people I know. The author of many spells, to which I owe a lot. But the queen is also the second most important person in Asgard. And you know, there are enough items here that Odin would be willing to force me to forge on pain of death. As you well know. And the only thing that keeps her from doing it is that you're my friend. Now look. And tell me what it is.

Viego walked over to the new-built furnace and uncovered the star shard cover where the hearth had been. At which sight, Loki gasped for a moment and stared dumbfounded.

(Loki)-You really made it!

(Viego)-Of course I succeeded. You think I'd go to those losers of Nidawellir to ask for Uru for an artifact for Odin. Ehh...I mean, Fuck, don't bring anyone into my studio. Because if the queen found out, it could end badly for me. You understand.

Many scenarios of the consequences of his actions ran through Loki's mind. Which caused him to faint instantly. He was guided by good intentions in caring for his friend. So Frigga, seeing his unusual behavior, easily agreed to his request. However, now after thinking about the situation, he asked the higher powers to Frigg. She saw nothing that was questionable. But she would turn a blind eye to it and devote more weight and focus to Odin without telling him about what she could see.



After that, things went fairly quickly, but Viego still had some uncertainty in his heart about his current situation. However, stony-faced, he accompanied Loki and Frigge to the palace.

In the palace, specifically in the throne room, the situation was repeated as in his previous vision. The nobility, however, this time remained silent, but Viego was met with greedy glances piercing his back.

Currently, the wiewie stood erect with a gesture of respect and a gentle nod of his head, he greeted standing in front of Odin.

In front of Viego was a wooden box containing the Artifact for Odin. The box was given to him by Loki, saying that the presentation is also important. But Viego didn't care too much. And he waited until Odin, now seated on the throne, stopped staring at him.

(odyn)-Viego Walterson. Is the artifact ready?


Viego then carefully pulled the golden Breastplate out of the box. And the magical power emitted by the Artifact was felt by everyone present in the throne room.

(Random  Nobleman)- Odyn Force....yyyy....

The artifact exuded Odin's aura, causing the eyes of the nobles to fixate greedily on the Artifacts. Viego, on the other hand, spat mentally at the people disgusting him and focused on presenting the artifact.

(Viego)-All-Father. This is an Artifact named "Breath of the Allfather". Its durability exceeds that of Uru by about 10% due to an innovative refinement method. It is designed to enhance its regenerative effects. So the Allfather can use this armor as needed. basically a portable version of the "Regeneration Chamber". However, it does not require Odin to remain still, nor does the All-Father fall asleep. However, it is recommended to limit unnecessary movement for the first few periods of use.

(Viego)-And to show respect and gratitude to the royal family. I added an additional function to the artifact. Specifically, it is a system to prevent poisoning, surprise attacks, or in short, a user early warning system. The All-Father will be able to instinctively sense these functions, from the fact that he himself is the author of this particular spell. And the power supply is relatively simple, while carrying the artifact, it recharges itself. There is no more difficulty in doing so.


(Odyn)- Viego Walterson. The words are truly endearing. However, I'd rather test it than trust a kind word. So if it's not that deadline yet, could I test this artifact right away.

Odin said as if he didn't believe a word Vie said. Which made Viego feel offended and calmly nodded his head.

After a while, two Valkirs came to Vi and took the artifact from his hands. Then they slowly approached Odin and with a bow handed the artifact into his hands.

Then Odin, with the help of Frigga, strips off his current armor in front of the Nobles, the guards, and Vi. Then he put the artifact on his chest and when Frigg fastened the last belt on Odin's back. Odin's body began to emanate a truly powerful pressure of magical power. As a result, first the nobles, then the guards, and finally even Viego. He fell to the ground unable to breathe and struggled to catch one breath.


(Frigga)- Young Viego!!!!