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(Shirou's pov)


I sneezed. Does someone talk about me?

Nevermind that.

I was lying in bed while observing my newly acquired card. No matter how long I look at it, it doesn't make me even a tiny bit closer to uncovering its secrets.

Why was Saber sentient? Is it because she is fundamentally different than other Servants. Gilgamesh retained his ego even as a card, so it's a possibility.

This question is constantly in my head, but the only other answer that I came up with is that there are just differences, and this world isn't the same as the one I know. ROB warned me about it before, but I didn't expect something like today to happen, and if stronger enemies become a trend, I don't want to know what the future has for me in store.

But Artoria Pendragon... It was an experience meeting her. She brought up strange emotions in me, and I'm not sure where they came from. I have some ideas, but they are just ideas, and I don't have any way of knowing the truth.

Maybe I should have Lancer take a look at the card. He may not be versed in modern magecraft, but he can give a different perspective or even notice something I have missed.

I took the last look at the card for the night.

"What secrets do you hold... not that you would tell me," I muttered.

With that said, I put the card in the drawer and went to sleep, not noticing that the card had started emitting a delicate light.

(3rd's pov)

"... And that's all." Rin was currently reporting to Marshall Zelretch about Archer taking the Saber card. Normally she wouldn't do that until she collected all the cards, but the situation was too irregular for her or Luvia to make their decision. The only other option besides contacting Zelretch wouldn't be to get the card back, but that would make them Archer's enemies, and seeing his fight against Saber, they would rather avoid that if necessary.

"I see..." The deep voice coming from the phone answered but didn't elaborate.

"..." Rin was still waiting for an answer but was getting increasingly annoyed, so she decided to ask him more straightforwardly. "What should we do about it?"

"For now, nothing."

Hearing her teacher's answer Rin was thrown for a loop. She was half expecting him to order her to retrieve the card or at least keep an eye on Archer, but she was told to do nothing.

"Do you trust Archer that much?" Rin questioned her teacher. It's not like she wanted him to order her to get the card back, but she wished to understand.

"Let me share something with you, young Rin. As you probably have noticed, Archer is a pretty versatile magus, but he doesn't follow a magus mindset. He doesn't want to reach the Root or even reach the pinnacle of his magecraft. That's why you can be sure of his character. He is also the same age as you and Luvia, so please get along."

New information dropped on Rin like a meteor and casually at that.

"Hearing no answer, I assume that you didn't know about it... Apologize to Archer for me, but in my defense, you knowing his age, are the least of his worries at the moment. You could even say that I'm doing him a favor. Does he owe me now?"

Rin ignored her teacher's mumbling and was more focused on the newly acquired information.

'If Archer really is my age, then how did he get so strong? He would need either to train without regard for his well-being or/and fight his whole life, but from what I observed him, Archer is laid back person until he needs to step in. In the fights against Rider and Caster cards, he let Illya and Miyu fight and shot a minimal amount of arrows and didn't engage in the battle otherwise... Things don't add up...'

Rin was so deep in her thoughts that she completely forgot that she was still on the phone.

"ThedisciplethatisworsethanLuviasayswhat... That usually gets her. I think she is pretty distracted about what I said before."

Zelretch proceeded to share some secrets of the world with Rin, who wasn't listening. They weren't anything special for the old magus, but any other person who knew at least the basics and even the experts in the Clock Tower would have their world views shattered, but shortly after, they would reach an enlightenment thanks to the new knowledge and probably would achieve great things.

Shame that no one was listening.


A lonely man was feeling conflicted today. He felt happy for some reason but also sad and, at the same time, nostalgic. It was like meeting an old acquaintance.

He can't experience new things anymore, so what's the point of his existence then, and where do these feelings come from? He doesn't know, but it doesn't matter to him. Why should it? He is at the end of his so-called life that's why he will do something he couldn't do for a long time.

Relax without any worries.

(Shirou's pov)

I woke up without any problem, but I knew that I had this dream that I don't remember. I tried to uncover the mystery of these dreams by using runes. I tried the rune for protection, knowledge, and truth, but nothing has worked so far.

I looked at my right arm, and the color of my skin returned to normal. I was afraid that one night of sleep wouldn't be enough, but I'm happy that I was wrong.

I took a shower as usual and checked my hair as well, and just like my skin, they were at their regular color. It looks like the red hair dye that I bought, just in case, wouldn't be needed for now.

Afterward, I went back to my room to dress up in my uniform, and before I went downstairs to start preparing breakfast, I looked back on the drawer where the Saber card was, and after some thought, I decided to take it with me.

It wasn't logical, I'm aware, but something inside me was telling me to do it.


"Good morning Senpai."

I was greeted with a beautiful smile that I was accustomed to.

"Morning to you too, Sakura."

I yawned, still tired after yesterday's fight.

"You seem especially tired today, Senpai. Are you alright?"

"No worries, I just went to sleep a bit late yesterday."

Hearing my answer, Sakura turned into her scolding mode, but it was all good-spirited. It didn't even feel like a scolding.

"Senpai, you must remember to take care of your health! First, you start getting tired during the day, then you'll start sleeping during classes, and your grades start dropping, and because of that, you won't be able to find a job and become homeless! You don't want to become homeless, do you, Senpai!?"

With every sentence, she took one step closer to me with a ladle in her hand until her face was literally centimeters away from mine. She looked at me with a determined expression until she realized how close she was and turned shy, with a blush starting to form.

"I'm sorry, Senpai..."

Seeing her act so meek, I couldn't help but smile and pat her head.

"Senpai..." My actions did cause her to be even more embarrassed, but also I could hear some enjoyment in her voice.

"I see that you are flirting in the morning as usual..." Leysritt lazily commented as she was brushing her teeth in the living room. Hearing this comment, Sakura's blush exploded and covered her whole face. It somehow reminded me of Rin.

"I-I-I don't k-know what you are talking about Leysritt-San! Senpai and I are just senior and junior, and I respect him greatly. He is not only great at cooking but also archery, not to mention his excellent grades! He is also very kind and helps around the school and-!"

Sakura stopped seeing an annoying smirk on Leysritt's face and realized what she had just said. I decided to stop Leysritt's teasing before it escalated. She just doesn't know when to stop when she is having fun, or she just doesn't care enough to stop.

I flicked lazy maid's forehead.


"Stop teasing her too much, or you won't get any breakfast today. Also, brush your teeth in the bathroom. I don't want you to dirty the sofa."

Leysritt rubbed her forehead, which hurt more than it should.

"You sometimes act more like Sella than Sella, you know that?"

"Yes, yes, now please get to the bathroom before I decide to halve your portion."

"Yes~." She lazily answered and did as I asked, but before that, she turned to my cute kohai. "Also, Sakura, call me Liz-onee-chan you sound distant when you call me Leysritt-san." But before she exited the living room, she stopped and said one word very quietly, but I could still hear it. "Playboy."

I don't know if she purposely let me hear it or if it was an accident, but I don't understand why she said that. It's not like I am acquaintanced with many girls... Does she know about the fun club?

It really didn't matter, so I returned to Sakura to help her make breakfast since she had already started.

"Now let's go back to making the breakfast, Sakura, and don't worry about Leysritt too much. She likes to mess with people too much sometimes."

My words caused Sakura to chuckle, and her embarrassment seemed to disappear.

"You mean just like you?"

I smirked.

"Perhaps. Now let's finish preparing that breakfast before Sella decides that it's her turn to do it." I pulled up my sleeves and put on my apron, and Sakura smiled and agreed with me.



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