Chapter 24: Not a God
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Chapter 24: Not a God


The sisters are seen sitting within the confines of the lecherous Nun's private room. Within the center of the room held a rose-colored couch, that the pair of girls sat on at a marginal distance from each other, both sitting on opposite ends. Their minds are swirling out of control trying to make sense of their current situation.


"Wa-wa-what is going on! This day is without a doubt the most sinful day I've ever had! First I go out in public wearing the skimpy revealing outfit, next thing I know, Onee-Sama is shoving her tongue down my throat! What the hell is going on!!!" Hibiki thinks to herself as a crimson blush covers the center of her face. On the other side of the couch, Wendy is dealing with her own inner dilemma.


" Gah! How long is this drug's effect going to last, my head's still spinning. Let me think, I was just on the club floors, and we saw… Lilith? Then after that, me and Hibiki…" at the recollection of how she had defiled the young sister, Wendy's face is immediately flushed with a crimson blush.


"Oh yea… Well, to be fair I was under the influence of alcohol, there's nothing more to that!" She screams in her own head trying to defend herself.  After getting over her initial bashfulness, Wendy immediately starts to think of their next course of action.


"Alright, so Hibiki said that the demon has to be possessing Lilith to some degree? How the hell are we supposed to draw a demon out of a host? I could call on the spirits for aid but dealing with the demon might be pointless if we don't have the book." At the thought of the Gospel crossing her mind, Wendy looks over to the still-blushing young nun.


"H-Hibiki…! The Gospel, where do you think i-it it?" She says with a bit of a stutter. The effects of the sin's influence still notably linger off the older girl as she tries to take hold of the situation. Still not shaken from her own trance, Hibiki fails to respond to Wendy's question.


"H-Hibiki…! D-don't ignore me!" Wendy says, taking a moment to lean over to the shy nun. Feeling the individuals getting closer to her, Hibiki is jolted out of her inner trance.


"Huh!? Yes, Onee-Sama?" The girl says only to realize the girl's face is only centimeters away from her. Her bold and azure-colored eyes stare directly at her bright silvery ones. Wendy's face still has a notable blush to it, her raised body heat making its way over to the sister's personal space. Hibiki can't help but recall the last instance that Wendy's face was this close to hers, and at that recollection, she is left as a flustering mess.


"O-o-onee-Sama! Please get a hold of yourself! We need to do something about the sin for heaven's sake!" Hibiki says, trying her best to shake Wendy to her senses. The kiss they shared earlier was far more intimate than she ever expected. Yes, in the short time they'd known each other, Hibiki had often dreamed about locking lips with her precious Onee-Sama, but those fantasies didn't stand a candle to how intimate the actual experience had been. Her body had reached a high it had never experienced before, she was sure she wasn't being influenced by the sin's power like the former, but the indisputable fact that the older woman's sex appeal had gotten her body feeling so hot. From her curves to her flawless looks to those beautiful blue eyes she could just lose herself in and now added to the young girl's collection, how notably soft the woman's plump lips actually were. It goes without saying it's an experience she'll never forget for the rest of her life.






"*Hiccup* The book, find the book…!" Hibiki takes the older woman's words in stride. "The book… Does she mean the gospel?" But before she could ponder any more on this, the doors to the club's private sectors slid open, revealing the sinful Nun in all her glory. She was wearing the same lecherous outfit from before, this time her hands accompanying a bottle of wine with two glasses.


"I hope I didn't keep you two waiting… Oh, I see you are going to get started without me~" She says this while gazing upon the two girls on the couch. Wendy, who had made her way over to the sister, still had her face pressed close in front of the formers. An onlooker would most likely presume they were about to kiss. Realizing the situation they had caught themselves in again, the two immediately retract their faces from each other.


"Oh no no… we were just!" Hibiki attempts to defend herself, but eventually sees no point in doing so.


"Ara ara~ Like I said darling, there's no need to defend yourself here, I understand," Lilith says this before sitting in between the pair on the couch, at the same time she places the bottle of wine on the table along with the glasses.


"It's my purpose in this world to manipulate and influence the lust in this world. I mean isn't lust just amazing, the feeling of want and desire that can only be let out through physical matters." Hibiki is notably nervous in this situation and takes a notable gulp.


"Hehe~ Yes, lust is just amazing!" She says awkwardly. Lilith then turns her head to look directly at the timid sister.


"Hmm.. I feel like I recognize you from somewhere…" The woman says with a curious face drawing upon her. Hibiki starts to feel a little defensive at this. She had felt that she and Wendy had done a good job at dressing themselves up today, the dresses and makeup basically acting as disguises. The sister usually only ever wore her nun outfit, so she's not exactly used to showing off her body at this degree. She could only pray that the Sister beside her doesn't recognize her, even though they only had a few interactions with one another.


"Hmm.. no matter, I'm sure you've just visited this club before."


"Y-yes! That has to be it! She says, trying her best to laugh it off.


"Well in any case, why don't we get started shall we!" Lilith says with her hand reaching over to the wine bottle. Hibiki startles at this, "Oh no if she makes me drink that wine, I'll be in the same trance as Onee-Sama!" If both sisters are under the sin's full influence, then there's nothing they'll be able to do. Before the woman's hands could reach the bottle, the blue-haired lady to her right quickly snatches it from the table. Before either of the two could react, Wendy is seen chugging down the end of the bottle, not letting a single drop go to waste. Putting it black down on the table, the even redder girl lets out a little burp to extricate her sudden bolt action.


"My my, you must have been a lot thirstier than I gave you credit for. Why don't I go back and get us another bottle, excuse me." Lilith says, standing on her feet and exiting the private room. Once again the pink-tinted room was occupied by the two colorful damsels.


"Why would you do that Onee-Sama? Drinking more of that lecherous poison might kill you!"


"*Hiccup* S-she would have made y-you drink it so…!" Wendy says this with her eyes closed, trying to fight back the alcohol's stronger influence.


"Mou you're so impulsive! Just like before…" Hibiki says bashfully, referring to their kiss.


"Hmm.. did you say something?" Wendy sputters out.


"No nevermind!" Hibiki repeats back immediately, trying to change the conversation. Hibiki's mind then storms back to the last thing Wendy said before the possessed woman entered the room.


"Oh right… the gospel! Where could she have hidden it?" Hibiki takes a moment to close her eyes and call forth the lesser spirits.


"The gospels were inscribed with sacred text by the god of Knowledge, Thot. They should be emitting a small frequency of divine energy, if it's here then the spirits might be able to detect it!" Using her spiritual affinity, Hibiki takes charge of the lesser spirits to examine the ends of the room. She's immediately falling short as they aren't able to detect anything, that is until one of them sparks up when they reach a vent near the bottom back of the room. 


"Down there, it must be behind the vent!" Hibiki says out loud. The girl to her right was still notably infatuated by the sin's effects, but nonetheless, it did not prevent her from rising to action. Immediately throwing herself onto the floor, the girl crawls over to the air vent, once reaching over there she can be seen attempting to pry it open with her fingers.


"Mou! It's screwed shut!" She says screaming back to the smaller girl on the couch.


"Onee-Sama! Please try not to be so loud, we don't want to garner any unnecessary attention!" As she says this, the drunk damsel on the floor immediately punches her way through the vent.


"Got it!"


"Onee-Sama…!" Now sticking her head in the vent, the girl tries to look around for the signs of any books. After a minute of gazing within the dirty small space, Wendy attempts to exit the vent, but to her surprise, her hips had gotten caught in the vent's narrow passage.


"Uh-oh…! Hibiki!" Wendy lets out a cry for help as she is unable to exit the vent on her own.


"Yes, Onee-Sama!?"


"H-help me, I'm stuck!"


"What do you mean you're stuck!?"


"Just get over here!" The silver-haired girl immediately walks over to the trapped older woman. Upon reaching her she comes to realize exactly what situation the fair maiden had gotten herself in.


"Wow… Onee-Sama, Your hips are far wider than I initially thought…" Hibiki is given the most shameless view of the girl's butt. Bent over on her knees with her rear sticking out, the girl can be seen attempting to wiggle herself out but to no avail. This lecherous view had given the sister a spilling nosebleed forcing her to cover her nose.


"Hibiki, are you looking?"


"Oh I’m looking alright..."


"Just help me get out! There's no book in here!" In response to this, Hibiki attempts to grab the girl's waist and pull her out. Hibiki was never one to consider herself physically strong, but she would like to think that the recent exposure to the gym has given her more strength as of late. As she pulls on the girl's hips, Wendy attempts to push back to get herself out as well. After a minute of this, the girls succeed in getting her out of the vent, but the recoil of the pulling had thrown the two girls on top of each other. Now rolling over, Hibiki is seen on top of Wendy, her face pressed firmly on the girl's bosom.


"I've gotten a whole lot of lucky firsts today!" Hibiki says with a notable sparkle in her eyes. Upon the collision, something had fell out from the back of the vent.


"Gah! Get off me!"


“Wait… is that!?” They view that right next to them was the gospel labeled Lust.


"My my, I see you two couldn't help but get started once again," Lilith says, reappearing in the room, and taking a look at the pair of women not intimately on top of each other.


"Like I said my sweet little babies, we'll be getting started right now…" Lilith says this with a smile plastered on her face. But that smile is immediately absent when she takes notice of the blue spirits floating around the room, along with the previously hidden gospel. Now hovering over the two girls with an evil and menacing grin. Lilith summons her lackeys to her side, who take the two girls and the gospel, throwing them in aback room and locking it shut. 

“Oh no… what are we going to do!” 


“C-calm down…” 


“No I will NOT calm down, I will absolutely NOT!” Wendy holds her hands to her head, trying to mundane her headache as her mind analyzes the situation.


“That dang Lilith, she must suspect us now! Why else would she throw us in here! What are we going to do! What if she throws her sleazebag hornballs at us!” In the midst of the girls yelling, Wendy was finally building a tolerance to the lust spell, similar to how she did with greed. Slowly but surely, she was starting to feel like herself again.


“It’ll be fine Hibiki, we just need to get that book.”


“Fuck that book! And Fuck Lilith! I didn’t even want to come here! Now we're going to die! We’re going to die, and then were going to get raped! All because you made me dress like a whore!!!” Hibiki has reached her limit,from dealing with demons and her sudden first kiss, her emotions have understandably reached an uncontrollable state. 


“Hibiki! Calm down right now! I have a plan.” Hearing the sternness of her Onee-sama voice, makes Hibiki speculate she’s no longer any influence.




“Look, I’m going to bust that door open, and then we’ll immediately separate. They’ll probably be looking for both of us so they won’t expect it if we come from different angles. I’’ draw as much attention to myself as I can, while I take down all the goons you find out where they put that book!”


“But… that’s dangerous, and there aren't any demons here, can you control yourself when fighting people?” Hibiki asks, scared of the incoming situation. 


“I’ll be fine, don’t you trust me?” Wendy says charismatically, brushing off any dust on her dress as she prepares to kick down the door.


“Of course I do…” 


“Then no more playing around! Let’s go!” Wendy says, kicking the door down. Upon exiting the two immediately separate, heading the opposite directions of the club. Wendy can be seen walking through a group of people, lights flickering, dancing ensuing, her shoulders bounce up and down with confidence as she moves through the crowd. She has a strong and determined face on her look, as she gazes across the club looking for anyone that looks like a “goon”. To her look, it seems like they've spotted her, as they all start heading towards her direction. Upon their arrival, they immediately start attacking. Wendy engages in fisticuffs with the five or six bodyguards sent by the mistress. Blows and hits get thrown as Wendy attempts to block and defend. 


“I can’t use too much power or I might seriously hurt them…” She says, throwing a punch that she severely held back. One goes down as she repeats this with the rest, throwing a high kick and an elbow as she spins around taking them all down. To onlookers, it looked as if they were all dancing with how elegantly she was moving. Not beating down all the goons, she is met with a familiar build, this one being way bigger than the previously defeated lackeys. 


“Hehee~ I believe you still owe me a dance?!” The Bigger guarde from the entrance says.


“Oh my manners, how could I forget…!” Wendy says a s the two start trading blows, this one being much stronger than the others. Wendy takes notice of the charm around his neck, this charm gives off the appearance of an ankh, but also not at all. Wendy puts this thought away for now as she concentrates on the battle. Finding a way to overpower him she knocks the bigger man down on the floor, rendering him unconscious. 


"Everyone, can I get your attention please!~" Lilith says addressing the crowd. The clubroom stops their commotion and averts their eyes over to the stage, their eyes falling upon a silver-haired woman tied to an apparent cross with duct tape latched upon her mouth. 


“Hibiki!” Wendy says out loud, looking at the captured nun.


"It brings me great sorrow to announce we have a traitor amongst our group!" The crowd immediately wished laps in anger. Booing and cries of disdain are emitted within the club's walls.


"Do not fear my beautiful babies, I have already begun subduing these traitors! They were sent here by the Egyptian Orthodox Church!" The name of the denomination echoes within the room, as various people within here who have been previously informed of such a church recall it in recollection.


"These members of the church came here to prevent us from having our good time. Now tell me, do you all not want to have a good time?"


"YES!" The crowd screams out, completely intoxicated by the sin's spell.


"Excellent! Now everyone, why don't you show them just how powerful your lust is!" Lilith says this before reaching into the crevices of her breast and pulling out a dark-tinted book. She holds the gospel up in the air, as if taunting the blue-haired woman. She then walks over to the confined minx and takes the duct tape off her lips.


“Now my little baby, do you have anything to say for yourself!?” Hibiki pants from the lack of oxygen, her hair covers her eyes as she looks down. 


"You're… pathetic." Lilith lifts one of her eyebrows in confusion.

"What was that?"


"I'm saying, people like you, who aimlessly and selfishly force your desires onto another person, are truly pathetic!" Hibiki says this, looking directly into Lilith's eyes with a stern and determined face. Immediately, Lilith slaps the sister across the face.


“Hibiki!” Wendy screams, trying to storm up to the stage but being blocked by the surplus of people. 




The club's residents are suddenly halted and filled with pink energy. All fully under the sin's captivating spell, the group mindlessly lunges themselves forward to the girl's location.


"Damnit, they all look like Zombies!" Wendy says, trying to defend herself from the newly formed zombified crowd. While she attempts to evade the lot, Hibiki can be seen mingling out of her confines. She’s a rather small and skinny girl after all, upon the distraction she was able to wiggle herself out of her confines. 


“I’ll take that!” The girl says, getting one over the Sin as she snatches the book from her hands.


“What, you! Get back here!” 


“I won’t… I won't let you manipulate any more people!” 


“Manipulate! You have it all wrong my little baby, Our sin’s come from humans, we are simply enhancing their latent desires! I’kll dominate their souls with my lust, and they’ll all come to love and worship me as their God!” Upon hearing this, Hibiki runs back around the stage, while trying to find a way to help her Onee-sama. Wendy's mind immediately recalled the words Isis had said to her, "overcoming that sin, is not the only way to deal with it. Fighting sins with virtue may be a given, but embracing that sin is not a bad tactic either…" 


"You damn little girls, you both know nothing about true lust!" Lilith says angrily, looking down at Wendy who’s surrounded byu her mind controlled pawns. 


"Hmph! I do know lust! I've shown it here today, haven't I? I myself have wanted to be intimate with other people before, but that doesn't make me a bad person! I know the extent of my own lust, therefore I know how to control myself, humility can be a real lifesaver! But even so, I’m okay with being lustful at times…" She says with a little blush, recalling the events earlier with the sister. 


"NO NO NO NO! That is not it! Lust should now be withheld, lust is to give, lust is to take! Lust is to want! To want something so much you’ll do whatever it takes to have it! Those who don't let their lust control them have no idea how great and marvelous the feeling truly is! Who the hell are you to deprive human beings of the greatest feeling in the world!"


"Call me a prude then, but I believe there is such a thing as too much of a good thing! Not like a demon like you could ever understand! I’ll show you my lust right now! How I desperately, Passionately, Carnally want to be the one who socks you!” Wendy says, getting ready to put an end to this. Lilith is now fuming with anger as her pink aura consumes the entire stage.


"DAMN YOU HARLET! DIE!" Lilith scratches out, releasing a wave of her sinful energy forward. Since this body is only being possessed, the sin was unable to use much of its lethal power, but with al;l the lust it’s absorbed over the nights, it was now able to unleash its power by proxy of the nun’s body. This ray is clashed by Wendy, who uses her spirit magic as a sort of barrier. 


"I just have to get close!" She monologues in her head. Hibiki, upon her escape, stumbled upon a few gallons of water laying around, presumably used to mop the floors. Making her way over to them, she concocting a plan of her own. While the goddess and the sin had their little clash, Hibiki sneaked her way back to the stage, throwing a bucket of water at the nun right as she began using her innate magic. 


"I can't do as many spectacular moves as Onee-Sama, but I'm able to at least convert water into holy water through my spirit affinity!" Hibiki thinks internally after this, the possessed nun screams in pain. 


"Gah… what is this… Holy Water!" Lilith’s power seems to be diminishing, Hibiki is then seen with a stern look on her face while holding the empty bucket.


“Just because you have power, that gives you no right to control the hearts of the masses. You can't expect people to love and worship you just because of some false sense of authority…” Lilith can be seen gritting her teeth as her body is and clothing are drenched in the holy waters. 


“You… You are Not a God!” Hibiki says with utmost confidence and determination. She, being a woman of faith, takes her religious practice very seriously, and will not stand for any abolition of her faith. For a demon, or even a human to refer to themselves as a god is sheer blasphemy, especially when her heart is set on a certain blue-haired goddess.  


"Damn you little girl, when I get my hands on you I'll…!"  But before she could finish her sentence, Wendy, who has been waiting for this chance the whole time, swiftly brushes her hair back, and pushes her left heel down, crushing it through the ground. She charges forward, as blue spirit energy surrounds her, she charges forward aiming straight for the possessed sister, who did not in fact have any moment to react. In almost an instant, the girl zoomed across the room, landing her fist on the sister’s cheek, delivering a conquering blow to her face, throwing her straight into the cross behind her. The impact of the blow had left a small crater on the club's walls, knocking the sister unconscious, the two girls now stand strong and proudly together, knowing another sin having been successfully defeated.