V1 – Happiness: Without You
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Haven’t I told you not to speak to me while at school?’

That’s what you have to say to the guy that—’

Look at him, he’s about to get involved with those three girls. But it’s gonna be a fun adventure for him… with a happy ending. Katsumi muted the television. That’s because it’s fiction.

He rolled over on the couch and was now lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling.

I think I watch this show too much…” He trailed off his sentence and slowly shut his eyes. 

I have school tomorrow so going to sleep is probably a good idea… Maybe I won’t go though… It’s still nice to sleep though.

Katsumi’s breathing became a bit louder and more steady. His worries faded along with his consciousness. 



Katsumi jolted awake. 

I swear I heard my name…

“Murakami-kun, are you awake?”

…What is this…? Where’s Arata-san’s voice coming from? “Yeah, now I am.”

“I want to talk. Come to the wall.”

The wall? 

Katsumi pushed himself up off the couch and walked over to the wall. He looked down and saw the hole in the wall. It suddenly clicked with him where Mayumi was talking from. He sat down in front of the hole. 



Just as Mayumi was about to ask a question she went silent.


“Come to school tomorrow please…”


He ran what Mayumi had whispered in his ear earlier that day through his head: ‘We’re going to have a serious talk later.This couldn’t be all she wanted to talk about, right?

After another brief moment of silence Mayumi spoke up again, “Good night, Murakami-kun.”

“...Good night.”


It’s probably been a good year since I’ve shown up at school early… Katsumi slid open the classroom door and was met by a completely empty classroom. It makes me… sad? In a way. I don’t really know how to describe it.

His attention was focused on the empty desk next to his. 

God damnit. He sighed

Katsumi set his bag on his desk. He sat down and laid his head on top of the bag.

A little more rest couldn’t hurt.



Not… yet mom— school hasn’t… started yet.”

“Murakami-kun? What are you saying?”

Katsumi sprung up. “O-oh, uhm, Nakagawa-san. Good morning.”

There were now a few students scattered around the classroom, including Yui, who was leaning against Katsumi’s desk.

She gave a nervous smile, “Good morning… Uhm, are you feeling better? I don’t know if that’s what I should ask. I still don't really know what happened…

Why on earth is Nakagawa-san checking-up on me? “I mean yeah, I’m doing better I guess.”

“And you’re not on any—”

“Woah woah woah!” Katsumi sprung to life, becoming fully awake, “Nakagawa-san, you shouldn’t really bring that up ever.”

“I kinda figured. But I have like no idea what it looks like when someone is so I was just askin’.”

Shit… They really did see all that stuff on Saturday. Part of me was really hoping I was just hallucinating that bad. “Ah… hah— Well it’s something that Arata-san and I have been figuring out. Everything’s all good.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask Umi-chan about that. But uhm…” Yui hesitated, “What’s been going on with you two?”

That’s what I want to know too… Honestly— “I don’t think anything is anymore.”

Yui remained silent, giving Katsumi a confused look.

“For the last week she’s been helping me I guess. But after what happened Saturday I think she’s learned to stay away from me.”

“That’s a terrible way of putting Murakami-kun.” Yui frowned.


“I already kinda pieced together what was happening from what I’ve seen. I just wanted to get it straight.”

Katsumi stared at her dumbfounded.


Yui laughed a little, “You know, I could see you were dense but I never imagined you were this unaware.” 

What the hell does she mean by that? This girl isn’t this perceptive, there’s no way.

“Murakami-kun… What happened Saturday really did scare me, but… I remember how you used to be. I don’t think that’s who you are.”

“Nakagawa-san you’re really confusing me.”

“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Good morning Nakagawa-chan.”

“Good morning,” 

Two girls walked into the classroom greeting Yui.


“Good morning Shizuku-chan, Mai-chan.” She turned her attention back towards Katsumi, “I’ll talk to you later Murakami-kun.” She pushed herself off the desk to join the two girls that just entered the classroom.

I don’t want to know what she’s getting at… I feel like I’ve been told all of that already. Katsumi pulled out his smartphone. At least it wasn’t in a harsh way… Talking to her is nice too, because she’s really cute.


“Don’t forget about the presentations tomorrow! Enjoy your evenings everyone. Except you, Murakami-kun, can you come to the staff-room in a bit? I have a job for you.” Even though Hasegawa-sensei phrased it as a question like Katsumi had a choice, his tone was very demanding. Leaving no room for Katsumi to say no.

“Yes sensei.” Katsumi responded reluctantly.


I can’t stand doing stuff for this shitty teacher. I wouldn’t mind if it was for anyone else… He really has it out for me. Katsumi grumbled as he opened the door to the staff-room.

Hasegawa-sensei was currently having a conversation with a girl who’s back was turned towards Katsumi. Even though he couldn’t see her face he quickly figured out who it was by her brown hair.

There is no god… I don’t think Hasegawa-sensei has seen me I can still turn and leave

“Murakami-san, come over here.”


Hearing this name, Saki turned around and scowled. She whipped back around to Hasegawa-sensei, “Him!? I have to do this with him!?”

“Yes, yes you do. It’s good for you. Learning how to work with people you don’t like is an important skill.”

“There’s no way! Not in a million years could I work with him!”

Hasegawa-sensei ignored her further comments and focused on Katsumi, “Murakami-san; You and Akito-san are going to be hauling around some equipment for the soccer and volleyball teams for their upcoming games.”

“Eh!? Why us? We aren’t related to the teams at all?”

“Well I’m the head coach for the soccer team so I get to make the decisions. And I decided on you two because I felt like it.”

Oh my god. He really is out for me. That’s pure evil!

Saki spoke up again, “But why?”

Hasegawa-sensei pushed up his glasses, “I’ve overheard some people talking about how you two talk to and treat each other, I think that this could improve your relationship.”

“There’s—” Saki got cut off.

“Ah— Don’t want to hear it, Akito-san. Get to work.”

“...Yes sensei.” Saki grumbled.


The two stepped out of the staff-room, Saki shutting the door behind them. 

“You know,” Saki started instantly, “This is actually a good chance. I’ve been wanting to have a talk with you.”

“It feels like everyone does.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

They started their walk to the equipment storage on the other side of the school’s grounds.

“Nothing, nothing… What do you wanna say?”

“I want you to stay away from Umi-chan.” She said curtly, “I still don’t really fully understand what I saw on Saturday but it’s something that should be kept far away from her. And all people matter of fact.”


“I don’t know how for the past week you’ve been successfully convincing her to do stuff with you and be around you but it’s gotta stop. At a certain point I’m going to start believing you’re black-mailing her.”


“She hasn’t been talking at all… Today even she barely said a word to anyone. Even when Yui-chan tried to cheer her up, Umi-chan was way more curt and dry cut than usual.”


“I want you to stay away from her. You’ve clearly been a terrible influence on her. She hasn’t been acting like herself since she started hanging out with you.”


“Murakami-kun! Are you even listening to me!?”

“No. Not particularly.”

Saki had a look of shock and disgust plastered on her face.

“All you do is spew shit so why should I listen?”

Saki stared at him for a bit longer before looking ahead. “I hate you.”


The two arrived at the equipment storage in silence. However, once there, Katsumi added, “None of what you said is true. That’s why I didn’t listen.”

“Don’t try to pull that shit with me Murakami-kun.”

He pulled out the keys to the storage room and unlocked the large doors. “She’s the one that approached me first. The one that almost everyday has been getting involved with me.”

Saki glared at Katsumi.

“Arata-san’s the one that’s been an influence on me; and a bad one at that.”

“Excuse me? What?”

“What are you confused about?”

“About what you just said. How can you say such a blatant lie so casually?”

“No, it’s not. You can ask Arata-san herself, she’ll tell you the same thing I did. She’s the one that keeps coming to me.”

“There’s no way…”

They each grabbed two posts that were used to build the volleyball nets and held them under their arms. 

“Murakami-kun, it really doesn’t matter who wants to keep involvement with who, it’s the fact that you’re a danger to her—”



“I don’t really know what to say. I know I didn’t see all of what happened on Saturday, because I went into her bedroom, but I know I missed a lot. Because she hasn’t been acting the same since.”

Don’t think that I don’t know that.

“I think you really hurt her. And with what she’s been through, I don’t want to see her go through more pain.”

You’re talking like I don’t have sympathy. Like I couldn’t see that she’s been lost for the past few days.

“You’re a danger to her Murakami-kun…”

Don’t talk like I don’t realize that…


Katsumi slammed his metal posts onto the ground. “Don’t act like I don’t know that I’m hurting her!”

Saki’s eyes widened.

“Don’t stand there talking all high and mighty pretending that I want to hurt her! I don’t want to talk to her! I don’t want to be the one to make her cry! I don’t want her to regret what she’s doing! I can’t stand seeing her like this!”

Katsumi cast his gaze downward. 

Don’t act like I don't care…” 

Two drops of water hit the ground.

I do care…

Saki had dropped her poles too. She reached her hand out but quickly retracted it.

I’m sorry…” Saki whispered under her breath.

Katsumi stared into Saki’s eyes, tears welling up in the corners of his. He opened his mouth but no words came out. He shut it and stormed off.


Saki quietly finished the job without complaining to Hasegawa-sensei about Katsumi leaving.

Glass shards covered the floor, holes and dents scattered the walls of the bathroom. Katsumi sank into the bath all the way to his head. Steam rose from the bubble filled water. 

One-thirty…” He checked his phone. She’s probably standing up there right now, giving the presentation, all by herself. 

Why is this stuck in my head? 





Don’t act like I don’t care…’

‘I do care.


Scenes from his argument with Saki ran through his head, as vivid as if it just happened moments ago.

It just came out of me… I didn’t think for a second about what I was saying. I just said it… 

“God damn bitch.”


Do I care…?

The trip to Tokyo…

Her making dinner for me…

You looked miserable so I thought I’d help


The umbrella… She came to me for no reason. Other than to help.


‘Thank you…’


The image of him holding Mayumi on his couch flashed into his mind.

She was crying… She’s gone through so much… for me…

“W-what—? Tears? Why am I crying again?”

He laughed.

“I’ve been crying so much recently… What’s wrong with me?”

He tried wiping the tears away but more kept rolling down his face.