Chapter 11. Night Comes
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Wake up.

The vitality returned to his body again, and Roger got up from the bed. Judging from his experience, the current time should be around 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

His stomach was empty, he stewed a large pot of food, and then swallowed it whole.

There was still some time before dark, Roger didn't want to delay, picked up the iron ax and went into the woods, he needed to find more medicinal herbs, only by creating a sufficient amount of focused potions, could he improve his body at the fastest speed. And that set of basic fighting skills.

It was obviously used to help Roger control his own muscles, and it didn't have much actual combat effect. It should be used to lay the foundation for subsequent training.

The witcher in the game is a master of weapons. In addition to steel swords and silver swords, he is also proficient in a variety of weapons, but now Roger is only able to do some simple chopping with the iron ax in his hand.

This time, Roger's luck was surprisingly good, and he found several key herbs in the woods after the heavy rain. Together with the part he had picked before, it was enough for him to make a potion of concentration.

Looking at the setting sun, Roger seized the time to brew a potion, but before taking it, he hesitated for a while, packed the potion, got up and went to the lighthouse.

Kant stood by the iron gate in front of the lighthouse, he looked a little anxious, until he saw Roger's figure, he let out a hearty laugh, and then took the initiative to meet him.

"It's getting dark, come in."

"The storm may come at any time, and it would be dangerous to stay in the previous wooden hut."

Kant let Roger into the hut, he followed behind Roger, and then locked the iron door.

"Come up and have something to eat. I made some porridge with some meat in it."

"I'm afraid it's going to be a very long night."

Kant walked upstairs while talking.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Kant, but I'm not hungry at all. I just want to take a good rest now."

Roger refused.

Kant didn't speak, he stared at Roger a few times and forced a smile on his face.

"Okay, then I'll go up alone."

The entire lighthouse has become quiet, staying in a narrow space for a long time, people will have some problems in their hearts.

Roger couldn't imagine how Kant lived in this environment for two years.

After a long time, there was a heavy rain outside, and it was late at night.

Kant's figure leaned down from upstairs, "The storm is coming, and those monsters are coming soon, you should have a good rest below!"

After finishing speaking, he ran up.


Roger heard Kant close the wooden door on the second floor leading to the upper level of the lighthouse.

Rumbling, thunder was rolling outside the lighthouse, and after waiting for a while, Roger quietly climbed to the second floor.

He put his ear against the door panel and listened carefully for a while, amidst the thunder, he could vaguely hear Kant's whisper.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from downstairs, as if something was crashing into the iron gate of the lighthouse crazily.

Tom! Tom Tom!

The sound was so loud that Roger didn't even feel like it was a living thing crashing outside.

Just then a gunshot rang out.

Kant also started shooting.

Roger rushed downstairs as fast as he could. In the flickering light, he could clearly see the iron door trembling, and some weak points had already deformed.

"What the hell is this?!"

Roger's face changed wildly.

The Murlocs who attacked his wooden house last night definitely did not have such terrifying power. Could it be that they still know how to use tools?

Roger realized that the lighthouse might not be as safe as he imagined. He quickly rushed to the corner, moved the debris that Kant had accumulated during the day to the back of the door, then dragged the wooden bed over and put it on top.

At this moment, the trembling of the iron door became more and more violent. Roger picked up the iron ax and ran to the second floor again, kicking the wooden door frantically.

"Open the door!"

"Something below is hitting the iron door of the lighthouse. That thing is very powerful, and the door may not be able to stop him!"

In such a narrow environment, once the iron gate under the lighthouse is breached, as long as three or two Murlocs rush in, Roger will be killed instantly.

Although his current physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people, and he has the record of last night, Roger is very clear-headed and knows the limit of his actual combat power.

Bang bang bang!

"Hurry up and open the door!"

Kant's gunshots could only be heard from above, but there was no response. Hearing the louder and louder impact downstairs, Roger became enraged for a moment, and he swung an ax towards the wooden door in front of him.


The blade of the ax got stuck in the wood, and Roger increased his strength and began to chop again.

Tom Tom Tom!

The impact sound became more and more intense, sweat dripped down his forehead, and the wooden door inside the lighthouse was obviously modified by Kant, and it really couldn't be opened after a while.


At this moment, there was a harsh sound of metal tearing from downstairs.

Roger's scalp exploded. He leaned down and looked down. In the darkness, a ferocious body knocked open a corner of the iron door, tearing it desperately with sharp claws!


Roger's expression changed drastically in fright. He would have to wait a while to split the wooden door, but the monster below could sneak in at any time. He rushed downstairs as fast as he could, raised his ax and hacked through.

Although Roger's full-strength ax hit the monster's shoulder, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing. The monster let out a scream and quickly withdrew its arm.

The arm was dripping with blood, but it was actually just a flesh wound.

"This guy has such a high defense!"

There was lightning and thunder, and with the help of the flash of lightning outside the lighthouse, Roger saw the figure of the monster clearly.

That thing looked taller than ordinary Murlocs, with a dark blue body and a slender figure. From its appearance, it was already very close to ordinary humans.


The monster let out a strange cry, and immediately after that, several small Murlocs rushed up.

There was a hole in the iron door, as long as the hole was widened, the smaller Murlocs could barely squeeze in.

As for the tear at the gap in the iron door, these Murlocs didn't care at all, the scales on their bodies were enough to resist minor scratches.

Roger raised his ax and hacked at the Murlocs near the gap, but as time passed, although he injured several of them, the gap in the iron gate gradually widened.

The bolt fixed to the wall was also trembling crazily. It won't take long for this door to be torn apart!

If you continue to stay here, you will only be able to live a little longer.

"No, you have to go up!"

While waving the ax in his hand, he shouted loudly, "Kant, open the door for me!"

"The iron gate below won't last long, and when they break through here, you won't be able to escape!"

Roger's voice was heard far away, and at this moment, the gunshots on the top floor paused slightly, and Kant's voice came from upstairs not long after.

"Come up quickly!"

Roger looked up and saw Kant's gloomy face. He was overjoyed, swung a few axes in a row to stop the Murlocs at the door, and rushed upstairs as fast as he could.

At this time, the sound of tearing at the iron gate gradually became louder, and a Murloc struggled to get into the lighthouse.

As soon as Roger climbed to the second floor, he saw Kant holding an oil lamp and smashing it hard on the pile of debris at the door!

In an instant, orange flames soared into the sky!