Episode 30: I Want That Part 2
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While Elma and Fainn tucked themselves into bed--

Dorthaunzee wobbled out of the < Infirmary> and walked to the shores behind it. She carried a vacant look on her face as she sat down on the soil.

Her mind had stopped processing events properly after learning that Fainn had become involved with the two others.

How good for Elma, she told herself. She deserves to be loved by someone grand.

Lady Svilran... She was with my Savior since the start... Of course she would be tied to him so, she told herself. Should I have been so surprised?

Dorthaunzee sniffled and tried to stay strong, but try as she might, her eyes watered.

It's my fault for being so perverse.

All the times she lusted over Fainn came back to mind. Now, after finding out how easily the other two had become entangled with him, her previous pining looked even more silly, if not downright idiotic.

I deserve this... A perverse woman who can't form pure thoughts should expect no better. But...

Tears ran from Dorthaunzee's eyes.

[Author Note: Leaving this here so I know where to put the image once I have it.]

I wanted to be in love and be loved by him too.

The tears ran without abandon as she tried to wipe them.

He's the person that let me have the luxury of having pointless thoughts. He saved me--My Savior...

Dorthaunzee shook her head.

I shouldn't have coveted so much. I should be grateful that I get to live in such a wonderful place with such wonderful people. My heart... My heart sings for you, Elma and Svilran... but, please forgive me for wishing it were me and not you. Please forgive me... for thinking that I was fated to be with the person who let me rest for the first time.

My holy lord... This one is sorry for being so stupid.


Dorthaunzee jolted--she didn't expect that gravely voice to enter her ears.

"Are you okay?" the newcomer asked.

Dorthaunzee didn't stand. Instead, she wiped her tears before they came any closer. The newcomer's steps grew louder as she neared, and then, they stopped. Dorthaunzee didn't look to her side, she just hugged her knees and tried not to look too miserable.

"Are you okay?" Kanae repeated as she sat next to the crestfallen nun.

Dorthaunzee nodded and pointed at the still-charred woman.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Taking a few breaks from the treatment won't kill me. They'll just lengthen the treatment time slightly. Svilran was happy that the beds were that kind. She hated the thought that I would be confined to the bed without a choice."

Dorthaunzee asked where Svilran was, outlining her figure with her hands.

"Lady Svilran is near the bed. She wanted to ensure that nothing strange happened or--in the case that an alert popped up--that she would be nearby."

Dorthaunzee nodded, and Kanae noted the relief in her eyes. Seeing that relief confirmed her suspicions.

"So... you like Fainn, too, hmm?"

Dorthaunzee jolted and shook her head wildly.

"Stop. Don't lie, Dorthaunzee."

Dorthaunzee looked at Kanae. Three seconds passed, and her eyes watered again. She let out a sigh and then buried her face in her knees.

Kanae, with her skin cracking from the light smile she wore, rubbed Dorthaunzee's back.

"It's okay, Dorthaunzee. You don't have to hide--"

Dorthaunzee moved suddenly and protested with her arms and teary eyes.

Of course it's not okay, she motioned. I should be happy for my friend, not envious! I am a wicked soul.

She calmed down and hugged her knees again.


Kanae could only guess at what Dorthaunzee had tried to convey. She looked at the sky and leaned back slightly, grunting as she rested on her arms.

"I don't think you should be getting so worked up."

Dorthaunzee glanced at Kanae from behind her habit.

"In fact, given the situation, shouldn't you be happy for your own prospects?"

Dorthaunzee cocked her head, curious as to what Kanae understood of the situation.

"Has Fainn not confirmed that he is fine with more than one partner? The persons involved--Elma and Svilran--both seem to be accommodating as well. It seems you have an opportunity, doesn't it?"

Dorthaunzee, dazed, responded with a blank stare.

"In truth, I asked Svilran why everyone was so nervous earlier, and was told that monogamy was common and encouraged on Earth, Svilran and Fainn's world. That did not make too much sense to me. Back in my world, the people were quick to come together. Because one male could impregnate many females and because parasimales could latch onto anyone to create their clones, there were many partners in any one given relationship. The people had to produce offspring quickly. It was interesting though; this depended on the village, but some familial units didn't really stick together after all of a pair's children had been reared. Often, a fertile male would move on to another partner if there was a lack of males, while the aging mother would be cared for by the children and her parsimale. Those settlements were rarer, but they existed."

Dorthaunzee's eyes were wide, and her cheeks were running hot.

"Hmm, yes, I am not too aware of the intricacies of those people, but I can see how their family structures are a product of that world. With regard to you, what I mean to say is that you should not give up. From your perspective, you may be seeing limits, but from my perspective, I am seeing needless worry. Simply come together and have your children."

Dorthaunzee nodded along, discarding the last thought about children.

Kanae tried to smile. "Dorthaunzee, you do not need to be out here sobbing. Your future is still bright."

She grabbed Kanae's charred hands and pulled them close to her chest.

You really think there's a chance for me? Dorthaunzee conveyed, clinging to the hope brought by her newest Hero.

"Yes, I really think you have a chance. You look quite fertile too, so I think you bear a good future." Kanae giggled to herself. "I made a small joke there."

Dorthaunzee stared, then shrugged, then nodded.

"Dorthaunzee, if I may, I have an idea."

Dorthaunzee cocked her head and wiped the last of her tears. She oriented herself toward Kanae, fully kneeling in front of this new fount of wisdom that she decided she would throw herself before.

Kanae is a wise woman, disfigured and wounded, who, throughout it all, still bears a noble and kind light within her chest. If such a woman tells me that I may still dream of loving my Savior, and that I may yet find a place at his side, then I will take my turn to follow this guiding light into the darkness of the unknown. Teach me, Kanane, so that I may join my friends in My Savior's maw... That glorious maw... There is certainly space for me within it. Its fangs so sharp and its tongue so wet--how I would sing were I allowed but a moment's warmth--

"Dorthaunzee? Hey? Dorthaunzee?" Kanae cracked her fingers, letting her charred skin release the most concerning sound. Dorthaunzee snapped back to attention, much to Kanae's relief. "I thought I lost you there. Do you want to hear my idea?"

Dorthaunzee nodded, and Kanae tried to smile so hard a piece of charred skin fell off, revealing the smallest patch of fresh pink skin.

"Okay, you may not believe this, but I have actually been witness to many of the courtship rituals that the children of the settlements engaged in. I even helped some of them along," Kanae said, looking very proud of her accomplishments. I know firsthand just how lasting a familial unit formed through those rituals can be. They're statistically more successful than pairings formed in adulthood. Many of those children went on to have many offspring too--very successful partnerships in almost every regard," Kanae said, nodding to herself.

Dorthaunzee kept nodding, though she was still unsure where Kanae was going with this idea.

"We are currently in this situation because your words have failed you, yes, Dorthaunzee?"

Dorthaunzee nodded five times.

"Children are also not very good with 'words.' That is why they make up for their shortcomings with 'action.' Here is what we will do--we shall orchestrate a courtship ritual," Kanae said, holding her hand up. "By this ritual's end, you and Fainn will be guaranteed to be bonded for life, and will most likely have many offspring!"

Dorthaunzee blinked as she engaged in her rationalizations. Many offspring meant being impregnated, which meant being impaled and defiled by Fainn, and impaling was similar to being chewed up(?), so Dorthaunzee lit up and applauded Kanae's initiative. Yes, this was the destiny she wished to pursue.

I wish to be impaled.

"Rest for now, Dorthaunzee, for tomorrow, we shall recruit Elma and Svilran, and set you up for life--huh?"

Dorthaunzee had grabbed Kanae's hand at the mention of the other two. Her eyes looked fearful.

Kanae smiled at her and patted her head. "Please, do not fret, Dorthaunzee. This is what must be done. If you wish to pair with Fainn, then we will need our friends to support you. Please trust me, Dorthaunzee. They will be your supporters, not your opponents." Kanae winked. "After all, there is only one male on this rock. What choice do you all have?"

Dorthaunzee closed her eyes and cast her wish. She opened her eyes again and nodded.

The Fainn-Dorthaunzee-Courtship-Ritual, as orchestrated by Kanae, would soon begin!

Guys, over on the patreon, I just posted the start of the big second half of this Volume 2. I'm not telling you about it so that you join the patreon. I'm telling you about it because I'm super excited about it. The things you will feel, my friends. It's a great time! Oh, I can't wait!

Now, in this chapter, we have the term "parasimales ." Kanae's homeworld has a... something that can pair up with males or females. It's characterized by how it grafts itself to the host body. It's all consensual, though. The parasimales of the various races came about due to how shitty that world was. They got to spread because the parasimales that got to mate were just very good at surviving thereafter. Kanae interprets them as a third sex, but that interpretation might vary across Imaginal Worlds.

The "clone" offspring refers to a parisimale 'clone' that is male or female. Clone should be used loosely however. It just has many features of the original parasimale. The 'clone' offspring will have a very high chance of giving birth to more parasimales, which themselves will have genetic info from both parents, thus creating a 'new' parasimale.

Is this information important? Sort of. There's a character I have waiting in the wings that is one of these strange beings. They're part of the "Let's get wild" batch of Imaginal Races. If anyone has good references for super hard to conceive of creatures, let me know. This series will have a bias on humanoid creatures, but I'd love to have more cool creatures along the lines of beholders and mushroom people and stuff like that.