Chapter 2:Getting down to biz
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Chapter #2

Looking up the name actually worked, surprisingly well. I mean sure I had to dig deeper and cut through some iced systems but it got me started. Mix a seeable goal and the points I had and it was pretty easy. The hardest part was making sure that I was unseen to their systems or if I was noticed, they couldn't find me. And then I started putting all of the stuff I found into an extra shard I had bought before I started. Getting out of the dive I started heading towards the Afterlife. All the while thinking of what I'm going to do after selling the info. 

Finally reaching the Afterlife after half an hour of walking and following the GPS I set up. And, yup that's the place. An underground bar filled with flashy-styled people mixed with the people here to do jobs. Not much to say about how it looks. Precisely like it looked in the game and show. 

Moving on and through the front door I meet Emmerick the bouncer. An animal gang member. He's got black hair and cybernetic eyes, along with more cyberware on his cheeks and nose.

" hey choom, Rogue got any time for a meeting?" I ask.

" name and Why you want a meeting?" he asks

"Jake Campbell or JC, I have some info for Rogue"

His eyes glow for a few seconds and then nods to me to go in. When I'm passing by he gives a low 'don't cause trouble'. The inside is loud and bright, more so than the outside. Pushing through past the bar with Claire behind it. After that is the private booth im looking for. Standing in front of the booth is Weylend, an old merc that rolled with Rogue.

Walking up to him waiting till he points in to see the queen of the Afterlife herself.

"Well JC, What do you have for?" she asked

"Straight to it huh?A lady after my own heart. But to the biz. I've got info you might want." I say while pulling the shard out and passing it over.

Picking it up she slots it into her neck and digs through it. Watching as her face goes through various emotions before finally setting on controlled anger.

"Here," she says and her eyes glow. A second later and I'm 15 thousand eddies richer." I'll double it once I  have confirmed if all this is true and he is actually there."

Nodding  and getting up to leave I say"Alright keep me in mind for biz, netrunning, ripper doc and a bunch of other tech stuff is my bread and butter."

" all that huh?" she asks with a sarcastic tone.

"Yup, I'm pretty much a bonafide genius," I say with a little head nod. after all with my ability, it means ill be going above and beyond anyone on this earth.

" Well don't let the door hit ya on the way out"

Walking out with a wave behind my shoulder and a ' pleasure doing biz' I head out to secure me a place to sleep tonight. Then I've got to get a bunch of gear for my plans. 

Heading to an apartment building that had an opening in hit with another notice. and Im 15 thousand eddies richer, again. After about 10 minutes of walking, I reach the place.

A few-story tall apartment building that looks just like Judy's place. Though that's not anything important, almost every building in NC is the same. All of them were pretty much streamlined by the corporations when they got here.

Going in and talking to the manager I decided to go for it. Renting it wasn't that much and the place was pretty close to everything that I wanted. The Afterlife, El Coyote, and some of the future big players will show up around here. Sitting in the middle of Watson it's a 1 bed and bath with a kitchen and living room combined. What brought most of my attention here other than the before-mentioned stuff is that there is also a Netrunner dive chair that comes with it. The last tenet died in it apparently.

But now I needed to get started on gathering a whole bunch of scrap and put my inspired inventors' power to use.

Timeskip 1 Week

Gathering scrap in NC is pretty easy, take a car(stolen) to the outer edges of the city, and bam. Scrap for days. Even if all the crap out there is technically NC's property they don't really care if scavengers take from the mountain like piles. They don't even enforce the law out there cause the police essentially cut that part out of their patrol or even response routes. 

The day after I got everything I needed I waited to get more points so I could put points into something to make my rise more efficient and all that. But only got the knowledge that I had 1 point to spend. Seems like instead of getting 5 charges a day I only get 1. Not that I can really complain about it, With only 1 a day I can still be pretty strong. Looking through what I can buy I mostly look for something to recycle all the scrap I will get. Then I come across star trek. A pretty advanced place filled with a whole lot of aliens and tech.  

Now luckily I can buy specific tech cause otherwise I would be getting everything that place has to offer. Mainly the replicator, A piece of tech that can create and recycle things by rearrangement of particles. Solving all my problems, kinda. still have to power the dang thing but that can be done with a little work. And with a little magic from the inspired inventor, I don't even need all the high-level tools to make. Seriously while getting ready to make I went into a type of fugue and suddenly it was mostly done. I even made tools and ordered parts online that would be needed to get it done. 

Now even though I don't have it finished yet apparently I took it in that I Don't have a way to get a lot of power and set up the part needed to charge the replicator. Letting me plug it into a battery that's good enough to not even be full from a month of charging from a wall socket, which is the only thing I have at the moment. 

Deciding that that was enough on that for now, I start to focus on my net running chair and quick hacks. Although there is not much That I can do on the hardware front without the replicator to print out what blueprints I have in my head. But with software, I can do a complete overhaul, which I did. Spending the remainder of the next three days of the first week here I kept doing the same thing. Working on the replicator when new parts arrive and adding and improving my software for my Netrrunner build. Adding 1 of the 2 charges I got into the Startrek replicator making it more efficient all around. And the next into the cyberpunk/edgerunners bringing that up to 4/5 charges. 

Honestly, I didn't expect anything special to happen but after it hit the 4th charge the cost for the 5th went up to 2. Which honestly wasn't really anything worth the cost increase, it would only allow me the ability to perfectly fit cyberpunk tech with other purchased knowledge. I could already combine the tech sure but if I purchased the 5th charge then it would be near automatic. 

The 4th charge that I got gave me the know-how to make tanks, avs, large weapons like IBMs, and artillery pieces. The last thing is AIs, not that I'm going to try to make them, I'm pretty sure the air in this place is all destined to be kinda murder hoobo with humans. 

On the 4th day, I finished the replicator and got my software to the point that I needed better hardware if I wanted to improve it any further. Putting my next point into the t replicator again bring it up to 3. But finally with it done and enough power stored in it I can start making a micro nuclear power battery. Essentially just a really small nuclear power plant usually used to power full Borgs like adam smasher. With the battery taking care of my power problems I would be able to focus on updating my gear. 

A day later and with the battery done I can speed up my operations. Most of the next couple of days were spent making my gear and upgrading its software and to do that I spent 2 of the 3 points I got the last few days of the week into software and the last into replicators bringing both up to 4/5. 

Now the last week has been me scrambling to gain power and honestly just trying to accept my situation. And while most of my time was spent upgrading and making my gear and other blueprints that could be fed to the replicator, some of it was spent living in the night city. Which involves shitty food and drinks, occasionally listing to gunfire, and breathing in toxic air. That's not even mentioning the water and night city residents that were honestly just built to be assholes. But for every time that something bad happens something good does as well. Mostly what I what to be, is a merchant/merc.

Yup, I want to do both. Sell my weapons to people that can do a lot more with them for the city than I can. But I also want to go out there and be a badass merc. A merchant of death shall we say. And with my made-up on that had to find somewhere to set up shop and then ill have to buy it, and to do that ill need cash. Of course, that's kind of easy to do especially with the replicator going producing whatever I want. But going with the most cost-effective would most likely be ammo. Quick and easy to make by the box load for me and nobody asks questions on where you got all of it like they would guns or cyberware. And to add on to that there's a lot of places to sell to. Add on the fact that each bullet is worth about a buck, and that mixed with the fact that I can make 10 thousand boxes of 5o rounds a day gets me a clean 500,000 at most. Most likely less if I'm selling in bulk so probably only 450,000.

A couple of hours after setting up the replicator and then loading the ammo into a Villefort Columbus (VAN) that I stole and partially modded to hold more cargo and be able to hold that weight. Getting in I start the long process of calling every gunshop and range I can find.  After an entire day out selling what I could I had only managed to a few hundred less than half of the 10,000 by the end. Which is still a lot,220,000 eddies. In 1 day. Not enough for the place I'm looking at but a good chunk of it. Unfortunately, I can't do what I did today and tomorrow cause all the places I know of that would buy, the only other option being the gangs in the city. And while I have no problem selling to someone like the mox or even the valitinos, getting involved with a gang is annoying.

Guess the last thing left to do is call Rogue and see if she has any contacts that want ammo, might even throw in a few dozen guns as well. Waiting the next day to gain a point while in the meantime I send a text to rogues number which she gave me. A quick little want to meet tomorrow for a sale and I've got time. While waiting for that I do a couple of scrap runs because I'm running low and using the replicator without it is a real draw on the energy.