Chapter 13
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'System, what does it mean that a companion serves allegiance to me?'

'The companions will be always loyal to the Host.'

That sounded so wrong, so he's got to ask, 'Do they want to, though?'

'They have signed a contract before coming to this universe.'

'... How did Pee-Rick do it, though? He's a phone.' At not receiving an answer, he says instead, 'I'm not able to control them though, right?'

'It has been used a method the Host knows about and can relate. Because of that, the Host has the same control a Master of nasuverse has over a Servant.'

He hums as he thinks it through, trying to remember where that name came from. Wasn't that from Fate Stay Night? Yeah, it was.

'So, three absolute commands, then?'


'Okay, I can live with that,' he says, but his hand still shakes. They have their will and wants, but... 'Why did they sign this contract?'

'Host can ask them.'

Okay, so I need to interact more with Pee-Rick then. Peachy.

With a sigh, he returns to his body.



The couple of days that pass are full of headaches. Phone-Rick-shaped headaches. He's still in silence and he already told him he'll take him out of that mode when he calms down.

It hasn't worked so far. Though he's getting more creative with the stories, he's now writing. Good fiction which Souma is in the middle of. It started with smut. However, when Phone-Rick realized it didn't annoy him and he actually read some of them, the stories turned into thrillers in which they always find his body in embarrassing positions.

Still well-written though.



Three weeks later, Coulson calls him to let him know of a Hollow sight in Philadelphia. It was twenty minutes after the fact. They tried to contain it themselves, probably wanting to grab it and experiment with it, or something. He goes running full speed, but he's still late.

It was afternoon and there were not enough shadows for him to teleport towards it. He sees first the place completely deserted, with only SHIELD agents trying to shoot whatever is going after them.

There is blood everywhere, and the Hollow threw a couple of limbs around of what he hasn't eaten yet. Not only agents, but normal people are there amid it, too.

He feels the souls that recently died still lingering, but not whole.

One agent is about to be eaten when he kicks the Hollow on the back. It screams, but Souma doesn't play with it when he notices the blood in its mouth. He grabs his Zanpakuto and puts it through its mask with the blade.

He breathes hard, his zanpakuto still impaled inside it.

There are gasps around him, as they now can see the Hollow. However, he doesn't care. He doesn't care how it disintegrates, leaving him once again on the ground. There's just anger inside of him as his spiritual pressure gets out of control. It's becoming hard to think, and he doesn't know why.

With the little lucidity he has, he calls out his status to the forefront. When he does, he can see one more ability that wasn't there before:

Hollowfication (low-beginner level)

He ignores it when he sees the agents around him pointing their weapons in his direction.

Snarling at them all, he ignores the new skill he got. Anger coming back as his spiritual pressure doubles.

"Are you happy now, Fury?!" he yells, feeling something obscuring half of his face for one moment. The next, his sight comes back, but it's off somehow, as if he was underwater. He tries to restrain his power, but he still can feel the ground near him breaking from the pressure. Luckily, no one is near enough to be in danger.

"Selim, you need to restrain yourself!" a voice comes from a megaphone. He takes a second to recognize Coulson.

He doesn't want to care, wants to yell and destroy, but he needs to. He needs to care because he doesn't want to harm anyone.

Also, because he honestly cares.

"I'm trying!" he yells, feeling something hot inside his throat. Something strong and destructive.

Uh-oh. He can guess what it is.

Knowing that, he looks up, opens his mouth, and lets out the Cero. It's short, probably only two seconds long, but it still changes the sky, going from the light-dark sunset to something bright-like. When it's over, he tilts his head down and shouts, flakes of what he realizes now was his mask is disappearing into nothingness.

He uses his zanpakuto as a crutch, still enraged but at least feeling more like himself, and stands up. He walks towards Coulson and grabs him by the tie, the mask now just covering his left eye.

"Is this what your boss wanted?!" he says, gesturing to the parts of the bodies strewn around.

"Selim, listen, you need to calm--"

"No. You listen," he hisses loudly right at his face. "Do you know what happens when a Hollow eats a living being? Do you?!"

When Coulson doesn't answer, he says, loud enough for all the agents to hear, "They don't pass on. They don't go to the Afterlife or whatever you want to call it. Their souls have been separated from their bodies while they're still connected. And when something separates them? Their souls are not whole anymore. Do you think half the souls already inside of a Hollow's body can reincarnate? Do you think the little soul left remaining in their not eaten bodies can move on?! They don't! They can't!"

He turns around, not wanting to see his face anymore. He sighs and lets out a "Fuck!" before tilting his head towards him.

"I don't want you to contact me for a while. Let me calm myself down. I will contact you when it's the time."

"... Didn't you need our help?"

"I told you, didn't I? You weren't the only option. I mentioned two, but there's a third I didn't mention." He sighs once again, this time sounding tired. "Fury killed those men. Not just their bodies, but their souls, too."

With those last words, he doesn't even shunpo, choosing to directly go to his body.

He's just so tired.