14. Sign of Trouble
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The next few days passed in relative quiet, but Bruno knew that the blade he had helped raise would eventually fall, causing some sort of commotion. He utilized this time to continue his research, seeking the perfect formula for the product he believed would unlock his future. Money was the key to unlocking doors that were currently closed to him. He also revisited his old habit of spending time near the shore, watching the majestic ships pass by, reminiscent of his days when he struggled to teach himself how to read.

Finally, the executioner's sword dropped, and news of the event spread among the shadowy figures of the city. It was Viki who brought him the morning meal and delivered the message. She made sure the door was securely closed before speaking.

"Three leaders from our rival factions were found dead this morning, along with a few of their most loyal members," she informed him.

"By 'competition,' do you mean a single gang?" Bruno inquired.

"No, three separate groups. They were discovered in an abandoned warehouse, gathered around a table where they had been playing cards. Poison. Rumor has it that Nathan was involved, as he used to play with those three and is the sole survivor," Viki explained.

"Soon, everyone will know that I crafted it," the boy remarked, letting out a weary sigh. "Unnecessary trouble…"

"What will you do?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

"I still need those books I asked you for earlier," Bruno replied.

Viki shook her head. "It's not that simple. Obtaining something so rare will require help to steal it, and Nathan won't allow others to assist me."

The boy nodded slowly, contemplating the situation. "I'll find a way."

Before he could say anything more, the door shifted, revealing Nathan's presence. The leader exchanged a meaningful glance with Viki before entering the room, closing the door behind him.

"I need you to do something for me," he said to the young alchemist.

"What do you need?" Bruno responded, his expression devoid of emotion.

"Can you make petards or something similar?" Nathan asked, his gaze shifting between the two.

"That depends," the boy replied, his voice laced with curiosity. "Tell me, what do you need them for? Do you want to blow something up or burn it down?"

Nathan's eyes remained fixed on the young alchemist as he responded, "Doesn't matter, both outcomes are good."

"Tell me more," Bruno pressed on, his mind already piecing together the puzzle. "You mentioned petards, which suggests you want to strike from a distance. You want to demonstrate to the rival groups who just lost their leaders that you are the dominant force. You plan to raze their hideouts, crush them. I believe I can create something specifically for that purpose, but I will require a few items."

Nathan's expression confirmed that Bruno had accurately deduced his intentions.

"What do you need?" the thug inquired.

"Have any of the boys here ever been to the swamps beyond the city?" Bruno asked. "I highly doubt it."

"No, I don't think so," Nathan admitted.

"Well, some of them will have to go," Bruno stated matter-of-factly. "It's a two-day journey if my memory serves me right. There are brimstone mines located there. It should be relatively easy to pilfer a small amount. More importantly, I will need the black oil. Out in the swamps, there are pools of dark, viscous water with a distinctive odor. I'll need as much as they can bring. Additionally, I will require twine, saltpeter, and sugar."

The thug's smile grew wider. "Consider it done."

"Don't forget the books and the other materials I mentioned earlier," Bruno reminded him.

"You'll have them, too!" Nathan assured before taking his leave.

The two waited in silence, their ears tuned to every sound. Viki eventually ventured into the corridor to ensure it was empty before returning to their conversation.

"Can you really create something like that?" she asked, her voice tinged with both anticipation and apprehension.

"I can," Bruno replied with certainty, his tone grave. "But this whole idea is dangerous. He's clearly attempting to seize control of the docks, and perhaps more. Previously, he was just a rumored connection to Edward Samson, but now he aims to prove that those rumors were more than just idle talk. By showcasing his access to both poison and explosives, he intends to force others to surrender. Otherwise, he would have simply set fire to those places under the cover of darkness. This is a message. Since he didn't display this level of ambition before I arrived, it means it's not someone from above him pushing for this. This is his own ambition. However, Nathan isn't foolish enough to pursue this course if he believed he couldn't achieve it," Bruno analyzed, his mind racing with thoughts.

"So, what are you going to do?" Viki asked, her voice holding tones of curiosity and concern.

"Well, the easiest solution would be to eliminate him..." the young alchemist began, his voice trailing off.

"What's so wrong with us taking over the docks?" the girl interjected, defending Nathan. Her loyalty to him was evident.

"It's not inherently bad," Bruno explained, his tone measured. "In fact, it could be beneficial. The problem lies in the way he's going about it. But you didn't let me finish what I was saying earlier. I understand that he took you in when you needed help, providing you with food and shelter. However, that doesn't mean his decisions aren't foolish. There are much better strategies right under his nose, but he doesn't trust in my product," he sighed, his frustration evident. "Continuing my previous thought... The easiest solution would be to eliminate him, but that would be just as senseless, if not more so, than his current actions. Perhaps a couple of dead bodies won't attract much attention, but fire will. I need the books. I need to uncover his connections."

"He sometimes visits a ship that docks at the shore," Viki offered, trying to assist.

"What's the name of the ship?" the boy inquired, his eyebrows slowly climbing up his forehead.

"The 'Blue Whale'... I think, but I'm not entirely sure," she replied, digging into her memory.

"No, that doesn't help, at least not for now... Thank you, though. At least I have some leads now. Go ask him about those books. Maybe he'll allow you to enlist some help," Bruno suggested.

Viki nodded, understanding her task, and left the room. The young alchemist's mind buzzed with thoughts as he contemplated the predicament they found themselves in. The troubles had arrived earlier than he anticipated. His product wasn't fully prepared, and there was a risk that he might have to abandon their current location to escape the fallout caused by that damn foolish thug.

He needed to solve the puzzle of Nathan's connections and complete his potion. Those were the keys to their salvation and progress. With a weary sigh, Bruno returned to his work, determination etched on his face.