19. Surprise
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The day progressed with its usual rhythm. Bruno diligently went through his exercises and meditation before immersing himself in the world of alchemy. However, his work was interrupted by the anticipated visit from Billy.
Aware of the possibility, the young alchemist had dressed in his finest attire, a recent acquisition made possible by the profits from 'Fix.' Standing behind the large table cluttered with hastily assembled alchemical equipment and an assortment of ingredients, he had managed to carve out a small corner to place a piece of cloth.
The pirate entered the underground room with an air of ownership, which, in fact, he possessed.
"What a diligent young lad, working from the early morning," the man commented, curling his mustache with his fingers as he spoke.
"I was waiting for you to come," Bruno replied.
"I was thinking whether to send someone to fetch you or come myself. But curiosity got the best of me, and here I am," he declared, extending his arms in a dramatic gesture.
"You mentioned yesterday that we would need to talk today," the boy reminded him.
"I did. Come with me. We need to go somewhere," Billy said, a mysterious smile playing on his lips.
Bruno nodded slowly, grabbing a piece of cloth to wipe his hands before returning it to the corner of the table.
"Let's go then," he agreed, stepping out from behind the collection of alchemical apparatus.
Fisher led the way, exiting the room with the young alchemist following right after him. The few remaining children inside the warehouse observed their departure with great scrutiny. It took just one glance to see the fear that the pirate instilled in them. The tables were cleared, the usual laughter and banter absent. The atmosphere was stifled, with some of the thieves even attempting to hide in their makeshift sleeping spots within the large barrels.
"Where are we going?" Bruno inquired as they emerged outside.
"To visit a friend of mine, your new place of work," Billy replied.
"My new place of work?" the young alchemist echoed, his mind racing to unravel the hidden meaning behind those words. "The Alchemist Guild?"
"Exactly. You see... We have a little deal going on," the man explained.
"You acquire rare ingredients by pilfering them from other ships, and in return, they provide you with medicine, weapon oil, and probably other goods," Bruno deduced.
Fisher chuckled. "You're as sharp as my razor, kid. Yes, they supply me with those items and more."
"Laudanum, for pain relief?" the boy suggested.
"Yes, among other things."
Though Bruno could think of a few more items, he chose to keep his thoughts to himself, remaining silent as he continued to follow the pirate.
It became apparent that Billy was leading him away from the docks, venturing into the city's central districts where various other quarters were situated. Their destination was likely the city center, where the Alchemist Guild held its presence. The guild had multiple buildings there, including a main shop and a storage house situated at the rear. In addition, there were several other facilities where different individuals worked on various projects. Most of the workers focused on mass production, while the true alchemists enjoyed the luxury of their own private laboratories.
These laboratories were well-equipped, unlike the modest setup Bruno was accustomed to.
"I've pulled some strings," Billy divulged, "and you'll have your own space with a few workers to assist you with your project. However, in exchange, you'll be tasked with creating more complex concoctions for the other alchemists. This will be free of charge, of course. It's a way for you to repay them for providing the space while also gaining knowledge. The profits from your own product will be yours, though, with a small cut for me."
"A small cut?" Bruno questioned.
"Yes, let's say half," Fisher proposed.
"That's not a small share."
"Alright, three-quarters, then."
"Thank you, but I'll stick with half," the boy insisted.
Billy burst into laughter, drawing the attention of passersby who had not recognized him before. People instinctively moved out of his way, not just because of his jovial demeanor but also because he bore the unmistakable aura of a pirate. While many may not have known his true identity, the mere fact that he was a seafaring rogue was enough to make the common folk steer clear of him.
The ships served as the lifeblood of the city, supplying essential food and generating wealth. As a result, the pirates who controlled the sea routes were held in high regard, earning both respect and fear.
"I like you, boy. I really do. I hope this partnership will work out. I'm genuinely curious about what you'll become in the future," Billy expressed.
"I will rule the world," Bruno declared with unwavering determination.
Fisher burst into laughter once again, attracting even more attention from the passing crowd. He laughed so heartily that tears streamed down his face, necessitating a quick wipe.
"I haven't laughed this much in quite a while, boy. Come on, let's go. There are people waiting for us, so we can't keep joking around like this. I can't walk properly while laughing," Billy finally composed himself.
For the young alchemist, his statement wasn't a mere joke. He held steadfast in his belief that he would indeed conquer the world. While he lacked a precise plan of action, he was certain of his capabilities and had outlined the initial steps he needed to take. The rest would fall into place with time.
The pair left the docks behind and entered the bustling trade district, making their way toward the city center. Upon arrival, Bruno briefly glanced at the city hall, where Viki had recently poisoned two guards. The area was bustling with activity, filled with a cacophony of voices as people shouted over one another. Vendors advertised fresh fruits and fish, while customers haggled over prices. Occasionally, minor altercations erupted when individuals collided in the crowded space.
Guards were present in significant numbers, their black cloaks easily distinguishable as they patrolled the market.
"I have a question. After the fires in the docks, did you keep the guards away from Nathan?" Bruno inquired.
Billy stopped abruptly, casting a glance over his shoulder, causing Bruno to halt as well.
"Why are you asking?" The man inquired curiously.
"So you did keep them away, didn't you? Wasn't it... troublesome?" The boy pressed.
"It was," Billy admitted, resuming their walk. "But now, he controls the strongest gang in the docks and will soon extend his influence throughout the entire district. That comes with its own advantages."
"He might step on somebody's toes with such a reckless movement," Bruno warned.
"I'm aware of that. Do you hate him or something, kid?" Fisher inquired.
"No. I just believe that he doesn't think his decisions through properly, which might cause trouble. For him, for you, and for me," the boy explained.
"No, not for you. You'll be staying here from now on," the pirate declared, pointing towards a building up ahead. "But he will still be taking care of the deliveries. His boys are good at this, and I have this strange feeling that you would fuck me over on the coins, so let's call it a safety measure."
The young alchemist chose not to respond to that remark and simply directed his gaze to where Billy had gestured.
Fisher was pointing at a sizeable yet unadorned two-story house with the emblem of the alchemist guild hanging above the door—a bottle resting on a single, green leaf. It was their main shop, where they sold medicine to those who could afford it.
The two continued their journey until they reached the shop, their conversation halted. Billy pushed open the door, causing a bell positioned above it to ring, and he stepped inside, followed closely by Bruno.
The interior of the shop was a modest-sized room with a long counter and two large racks filled with shelves behind it. The narrow space allowed for just one person to move comfortably. Every surface was adorned with bottles, small stones, herbs, bowls of powders, and tiny leather pouches. A weighing pan and small weights were also present, perfectly suited for measuring small quantities of medicine or ingredients.
To the right, a door led to the inner parts of the building. A man emerged from it, casting a quick glance at the newcomers. He appeared young with short black hair and a freshly shaved face, dressed plainly but wearing a white apron.
"How can I help you?" he asked promptly.
"By bringing me Batraz," Billy replied.
"So it's you... Is it the boy that was mentioned?" the alchemist asked, pointing at Bruno.
"Yes," confirmed the pirate. "Now get me Batraz."
The man nodded and turned, disappearing into the passage behind him. Muffled voices from a short conversation reached Billy and Bruno, and soon a grey-haired older man with a rough beard emerged. He wore glasses that almost concealed the dark circles under his eyes, along with an apron over plain clothes stained with soot, green liquid resembling plant juice, and a trace of blood.
"Billy... So this is the boy who made the famous 'Fix,' huh?" the old man greeted with a smile that reached not just his mouth, but his eyes as well.
"Yes, that's him," confirmed the Pirate. "Bruno, this is Batraz, the head alchemist. The man behind this business."
"I'm Bruno," the boy introduced himself.
"I've heard a lot and actually tested your little creation. I'm quite impressed," the grandpa expressed. "This is Orfeo. He will take you to your new workplace and will also assign you tasks from time to time. While you work on your own product, you must prioritize the tasks from him. He will also bring you books to read. I'll try to teach you something when I have a bit of free time. We're quite busy here, so there's no time for a proper education, I'm afraid. But according to Billy, you won't have any problems with that."
Bruno simply nodded.
"Very well. Orfeo, show him the building," Batraz instructed.
The young man nodded, removing his apron, and gestured towards the door. The boy exited the main shop, followed by his temporary guide. They remained silent until they arrived at a smaller building in the back alley. It lacked the grandeur of the main shop, serving more as a storage space with a large wooden gate instead of a conventional door.
"You will work here," Orfeo stated, opening the gate to let the light illuminate the interior.
Inside, the space was quite dirty, with spiderwebs clinging to the wooden beams supporting the roof. Broken crates remained scattered around, and a few large tables were haphazardly placed, holding various alchemical equipment.
"Everything you need to start working should already be here. As for ingredients, bring me the list to the main shop, and I'll acquire them as soon as possible. You can repay us later after you sell the first batch. A few assistants will be assigned to you, but they are currently occupied with other tasks, so you'll have to clean and prepare the place on your own. Your room is prepared upstairs in the main building. Any questions?" Orfeo explained.
"None," replied Bruno, rolling up his sleeves as he passed by the young man, immediately diving into work.
Left alone in his new laboratory, the boy didn't remain solitary for long. Billy swung by after concluding his conversation with Batraz. The young alchemist was already halfway through disposing of unnecessary items within the space.
On the other side of the alley, a pile of wooden scraps accumulated as a byproduct of the cleanup.
"Working hard? Good," said the pirate.
"There's plenty to be done. You could help," Bruno suggested.
"There's no way I'm doing that, kid," Billy chuckled.
"Then how about a different favor?" the young alchemist proposed, pushing out a half-broken crate.
"What now?"
"There's a girl in Nathan's crew. Her name is Viki. I want you to send her here and pay her a whole golden galley," Bruno requested.
Fisher snorted. "And why would I do that?"
"Because you need me, I need her, and one golden galley means nothing to you. Besides, I'll pay you back."
"You drive a hard bargain, kid, but I like you," the pirate conceded, pointing at Bruno. "Now go back to work."
With those words, Billy departed, leaving the young alchemist to tackle everything alone. At least, until a few hours later when Viki arrived, radiating happiness, likely due to her recent substantial earnings. Convincing her to lend a hand and return the next day with a few more men to finally put the place they acquired to use proved quite effortless.