Chapter 6.
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“You're ok!” Liana cheered and tackled me in a hug when I returned to our room at the Sly Fox. “Ow, fuck fuck fuck,” she whimpered having forgotten she was injured.


“I’m fine,” I smiled, helping her to the bed.


“It would have been so much worse if you had been found out, Sophia.” I frowned as she continued. “The last succubus that made a name for herself, Queen Grilith, was a bloody tyrant who built herself a kingdom. The other kingdoms didn’t know what to do because anyone they sent to kill her became her mindless servants. It’s what caused the kingdoms to work together to kill her and all other succubi. If they had discovered you they would have done way worse than just kill you.”


“Jesus,” I mutter.


“Who?” she replied confused.


“Oh uh, it’s an expression,” I laughed nervously. “Well… I’m glad everything worked out then.”


“Yea…” she breathed slowly as we both awkwardly stared at each other. “Ahem, well I should probably get some sleep.”


I nodded, “Oh, my distraction ended up levelling me up!” Liana blushed and I couldn't help but wonder how much she overheard. I checked my character sheet only to find a surprise.


“Umm… Liana? I just got a mastery skill,” I muttered.


“You're already level 10? How the hells.”


“No, I’m only level five.”


“Wow… I didn't even know that was possible,” she replied.


“I guess it's a succubus thing…”


“Well, don't keep me waiting. What did you get?”


I read over my new skills and blushed. “Umm… It’s uh, well…”


[Brood Mother] 

Gain the ability to conceive almost anything with an expedited birth rate and a 100% chance of pregnancy if insemination occurs while this skill is active. Your body is also adapted to giving birth, thus the process is harmless and pleasurable. When turned on a lust sigil appears over the crotch and stirs an irresistible sexual desire to breed. Toggle On/Off. 


Liana burst into laughter when I finally managed to tell her what the skill was. Apparently, the universe decided that level five was a good time for me to be able to become an incubator. 


“Why does this skill even exist?!” I whine.


Liana chuckles as she climbs into bed, “I guess you could create an army of monsters loyal to their mama.”


“I’d have to fuck a bunch of monsters for that,” I huffed.


“Come on Soph, I've been in a cell for almost 24 hours. I want cuddles,” she pouted.


I raised an eyebrow. Liana was being way more affectionate since I rescued her. I guess I did save her life. That probably earned me at least a few brownie points. I slipped into bed beside her and nuzzled into her fur. I was so relieved to have her back safe and sound.

The following morning Liana was in good condition, she was still bruised and sore but she had drunk a vial of red liquid which I learned was a health potion and most of her injuries had quickly disappeared.


I was surprisingly hungry considering I had snuck out to go to work later while Liana slept. Apparently, two hours of sex wasn't cutting it today. I could feel the wetness between my thighs and desperately tried to ignore the pulsing heat as I continued this conversation. I didn’t want to admit to it myself but my hunger had never been this bad before and I had an idea why. 

I remembered the ominous warning of my hunger but I had fed only a few hours ago and already felt like I was crawling out of my skin. I thanked the stars that Liana was terrible at reading people. 


So I took another bite out of my meat pie and forced myself not to throw my clothes off and beg for her to fuck me. “How are you feeling this morning?”


“Sore but alive,” she chuckled. “How did you manage to seduce the sergeant, how did you know he wouldn't be suspicious?”


“I can read people's desires. It’s how I knew to warn you about the trap, it’s how I know about your love of milk and it’s how I know you want to know what my lips taste like,” I purred, getting slightly sidetracked by my vagina.


Liana made a sound of incoherence and I was fairly sure I had broken her. She turned bright red, while still covered in black fur and seemed to forget how to speak. “I… so what else can you do?” she asked.


“Well… I gain a lot more experience through sex rather than… other means,” I started, I actually had no idea how most people levelled since I doubted everyone went out monster hunting. “I can make people friendly and inclined to do as I say as I did with that guard. I’m also supernaturally attractive and everyone’s type… I can touch someone to make them horny.


Liana choked on her meat pie, “what?”


“It's how I easily seduced the sergeant, just made him really want to fuck me,” I moaned slightly at the memory. I was having a really hard time controlling myself.


“I suppose I should have expected that…” she finally replied.


“Pretty sure all my abilities are going to be sex-themed” I chuckled. I wasn’t upset by that notion, it was just somewhat restricting. My life was devoted to pleasure for the rest of my life… and since I no longer aged that was going to be a very long time. Still, I couldn't be upset about the prospect of having a lot of sex, my pussy clenched with anticipation.


I jerked my hand away in horror realizing that I had started masturbating. I was sitting in the bed a few feet away from Liana and was touching myself, luckily I wore my cloak but the concept sent a shiver through me. Heat flared through me and my clit pulsed, the risk only making me want to touch myself more. Why was I so horny, it didn’t make any sense?!


“You ok?” Liana asked with a concerned frown.


“I…” I trailed off not knowing what to do. The need was becoming unbearable and I was beginning to panic. I needed space, I needed to think, no what I really needed was to fuck. That would solve everything but I couldn’t ask Liana. We barely knew each other and there was some underlying connection I didn’t want to meddle with. My nerves felt like they were on fire and I stopped rubbing my clit to insert a finger inside. Fuck, I had started again. This was what I hated the loss of control, I needed this so much that it didn’t matter that I didn’t want it. Why was this happening now?


“Hey?” Liana said, I hadn’t even noticed her sit down beside me on the bed.


“It’s… getting worse,” I panted, unable to stop my hips from bucking.


“Are… you,” she asked with realization, her cheeks flushing.


I was crying now but I couldn’t stop, “I n-need… fuck! Why is this happening?!” The throbbing was becoming an unavoidable pounding as arousal dripped down my thighs. My human illusion dissipated on its own which only further my confusion and panic. My wings flapped open spanning the length of the room as my tail flicked around at my agitation.


Liana seemed… I couldn’t tell, I couldn’t focus. Something had to be wrong, I shouldn’t be starving in under 12 hours. Why was the cat just sitting there, couldn’t it see how desperate I was? “Please!” I whimpered through sobs as I fingered myself frantically. Some part of me knew it wouldn’t help but I couldn’t do anything else. “Please, fuck me! You can do whatever you want, please, please,” I sobbed.


The creature in front of me still didn’t fuck me. I tore myself out of whatever was restricting me and fondles a breast as I fucked myself. Was I not showing it how wet I was, how much I wanted it?! I lay on my front raising my hips in the air as an invitation. I whined, whimpered and writhed and I begged and pleaded my words losing all meaning.


My sobs turned to ones of relief when something finally touched me. It pushed my hand away and I sucked on my fingers as I presented myself further whimpering and begging. Something warm pressed against me and I pushed my hips back needing more, more. It wasn’t enough! Was I not a good enough mate? What more could I do?


I moaned with relief when something pushed into me. I clung to the tear-streaked sheets as I moaned and cried. Some part of me was lucid enough to hate this but I was too far gone for that to matter. Some new instinct had taken over and what Sophia wanted didn’t matter. All that mattered was that something was finally inside me. An orgasm wracked through my body and I clenched around whatever was pumping in and out of me.


My hunger didn’t abate and my lust-filled craze continued even after cumming. I was on the verge of cumming again and I couldn’t stop. Then I felt myself press against my pussy. I was too confused to understand until my tail entered me. It was using my tail to fuck me.


Orgasm after orgasm rolled through me and I continued to sob and beg and whimper for more while I hated every moment until I finally passed out.

I woke to finally having returned myself, my lust still thrummed inside me but I could think again. I curled up and sobbed feeling entirely vulnerable. I was still in my true form and I wrapped my wings around me tightly. Liana wrapped her arms around me and felt a sense of safety wash over me as I cried. That had been utterly terrifying and I was so confused. I was scared it would happen again.


“It’s alright, my daughter,” a feminine voice that was very much not Liana said, snapping me out of my grief. It occurred to me that the ‘bed’ I was sitting on was a lot furrier than it should be. Not only that but I was in an entirely different room made from stone bricks with a very tall ceiling. 


The figure that was gently cradling me on her lap was large, very large. 


There was no mistaking she was a demon, her appearance even closely resembled mine but more exaggerated. She had long curved horns like a ram and her legs were furry and ended in hooves. She had larger hooked leathery wings and a long powerful tail. She wore no clothes and had very large breasts. Deadly sharp teeth were twisted into a gentle smile. But her eyes, oh her eyes. Indescribably black that seemed to be an endless void. 


“Hello Sophia, it is good to finally meet you,” she smiled. “I am Lilith.”


I blinked a few times trying to process if this was real or not. Looking at her too much made my eyes water and I had a strong sense that Lilith was in this form for my benefit. “Um… hello?” I finally spoke, my voice a little shaky.


A large hand gently rubbed my back, “do not fear, daughter.”


I opened and closed my mouth shaking my head, “like Lilith Lilith? From the Bible?”


She chuckled a low and gentle laugh. “I am her inspiration I suppose.”


“What are you then?”


“I am lots of things, a demon, a goddess, the mother of succubi, Oysus’ ex-wife,” she said the last part with a scoff accompanied by a flicker of those void-like eyes that I could only interpret as an eye-roll.


“But you know of my world?” I asked, willing to forget about the horrible experience I had suffered through.


She nodded, “they are connected of sorts… just enough for concepts to pass through and nothing more. The magic of this world is a thing of fiction and myth in yours.”


“How… how did I even get here?” I stuttered both dreading and dying to know.


“Well… simply put you didn’t. Sophia Hondera died and a fragment of her, not even enough to be considered a soul, made its way here. It happens though it’s rare and nothing would have come of such things if it were not for a little meddling on my part,” she smirked.


“I don’t… understand.”


“I’m sure you’ve heard of my most well-known daughter, Queen Grilith. After her… way of life ravaged this world and she was killed, the other gods voted to forbid me from creating more daughters to prevent something like that from happening again. I was of course deeply upset by this especially as all my daughters were being wiped out so when I saw a fragment of a person float into this realm I gave you a form and a little nudge in the right direction.”


“So I’m a loophole?” I huffed.


“The fates are more chaos than they are order,” she smiled. Tears rolled down my cheeks, I was too exhausted for any other emotion. Yet the fact that my being here was entirely random was a comfort. I was glad I wasn’t some chosen one or some similar bullshit.


“Sophia,” Lilith said gently as she embraced me. “It’s alright.”


“What happened?” I sobbed.


She kissed my forehead and I had never felt so small. “Unfortunately an offering had to be made for me to contact you.”


I laughed but it wasn’t funny. “Never fucking do that again,” I growled.


She nodded, “I apologize, Sophia. I promise It will not happen again. I cannot even do such a thing again, I placed that spell upon you when I was… guiding your creation but now you are fully formed and such a spell would no longer affect you.”


“Ok, so… why did you want to talk to me?” I asked, accepting her apology. Knowing that it wasn’t anything wrong with me was a relief and knowing it would never happen again was doubly so.


“My remaining daughters have hidden away for their safety. You are my only daughter I can make this request of,” she begins extremely vaguely. “My daughters are not only my children but also my priestesses.”


“You want me to worship you?” I chuckled.


She smiled, “I do not need your worship, simply your representation. Show mortals the pleasures we can give them.”


I bit my lip, I actually was kinda liking the sound of that. “I can definitely do that.”


“Good,” she purrs.


“Quick question though. If you’re gods why would you need an offering to speak to me.”


“We have about as much influence over the world as you do,” she chuckled.




“We do not directly interfere, it’s a line none of us wish to cross. We all have our tasks to keep things running smoothly, magic is far too chaotic to operate without any guidance.”


“So.. the gods are just… middle management?” I snorted and she frowned at that. “Wait who created all of you?”


“That is perhaps a story for another day, your little kitty awaits your return.”


I blush at that before my thoughts sober. “I’m not really Sophia am I?”


“I didn’t intend for her memories to remain. A part of her grew to be you but you are whoever you wish to be, my daughter. Such philosophy is ultimately unimportant, simply live as you will, as you desire,” she said with a wink. “I will see you soon, Sophia,” she said, kissing my head between my horns and I was suddenly back in my room at the Sly Fox staring at a panicked Liana.