Chapter 8: Last Standing Sister
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Gloria Calendar 03/10/1639, Headquarters of the Unified Nation, Runepolis Holy Mirishial Empire, 10:00 AM.

The Unified Nation, or UN, is an intergovernmental organization whose stated goals are to maintain safety, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and serve as a center for harmonizing nations' actions.

Its headquarters are located near Albion Castle in Runepolis Imperial City. It was established following the conclusion of the Third Glorian War. The goal of GN was to bring about peace in the area around Gloria. However, it appears that the UN faces challenges, as seen today in the conference room at the Unified Nation's headquarters."We came here hereby demanding the Louria Empire withdraw their army from the Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom!" Lamariel said.

Ghouju is the Louria Empire's representative of the Unified Nation. He has black brows and gold eyes, and he is unconcerned about his country's slaughter of the elves and Dwarves. He just wants to get out of the Unified Nation as soon as possible.

"You know what? I, as a representative of the Louria Empire, announce that we will leave the Unified Nation; I predict that this pathetic intergovernmental organization will collapse in the same way that the International Security Unity did; they are both pathetic intergovernmental organizations that have failed; I predict that this international organization will collapse... "I, as a representative of the Louria Empire, declare that the Louria Empire has left the Unified Nation."

Then Ghoujo rose from his seat and left the conference room.

Headquarters of the Agency Gloria Press, Runepolis, Holy Mirishial Empire, 10:10 AM.

Agency Gloria Press, or AGP, was the first international news organization to emerge before the Mirishial-Kirishial war. The Holy Kirishial Empire, which is located northeast of the first civilization area, is the third most powerful nation after the Annonrial Empire and the Holy Mirishial Empire. As the clock strikes 10:20 AM, there is a female in a Lapis gown in the presenter newsroom, her beautiful face attracting some men to watch the news. It's her turn to appear on the television news channel. Alenna Rellan is her name.

"Good morning, everyone." I'm Alenna Rellan, and I'll be with you until noon to give you our most recent news about what happened this week... Today, we have shocking news from the Rodenius Continent: the Louria Empire declares war on the Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom... The Louria Empire has also announced its departure from the Unified Nation. Will this go through the same fate as the International Security Unity? Nobody knows... Gilkhamta is right beside me. He is a military officer in the Mirishial Army... Gilkhamta, would you like to explain the situation on the Rodenius Continent?"

Gilkhamta responded, "As far as we know, the current situation in the Rodenius Continent reminds us of the situation during the war between the West Rodenius Kingdom and the East Rodenius Empire. However, it appears that the casualties of the fourth Rodenius War are higher than before..."

Then, behind both of them, a screen with a map of Rodenius's Continent appeared.

"The invasion of the Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom begins at 06:00 AM, according to the satellite and our intelligence. At 06:55 a.m., the Louria Army successfully conquered the cities of Olbo and Gim. We have yet to receive official casualties from both sides, but we believe the Qua-Toyne Republic has suffered the most casualties during the Rodenius War."

"As you can see, the Louria Army is approaching the capital of Quila Kingdom,  Barrat.  Do they have the plan to keep the Louria Army at bay?"

"... Despite their use of their own Pal Chimera and despite the Parpladia Empire ceasing support for the Louria Empire, there is no way they can fight back." Sanctions may help, but the impact will be felt after the Louria Empire conquers both nations. Their predicament is hopeless."

FN Sainty, Honolulu Harbor, Hawaii, World Union, 10:36 AM.

FN Sainty is a battleship from the Kingdom of Fegahara, made of holy Besibijih. Besibijih is blessed steel from the Kingdom of Fegahara, blessed by the goddess. The FN Sainty has four triple 30 CM main guns, forty twin 20 CM dual guns, four Holy missile launchers, and four torpedo tubes.

Admiral Amilayla stands on the bridge, looking out at the sea, as she has done before when engaged in battle with Parpladia spies, but this time is different; for the first time, she is in awe as she is escorted by several destroyers from the World Union, and she examines the destroyer with her own eyes. Its shape is futuristic, and it resembles a stealth ship; she learned the term "stealth" from a military book purchased from civilized nations.

"Those warships look unique; why does their destroyer only have a single naval gun?" Inquire with Vice Admiral Thelimah.

"Don't dismiss their destroyer!" Their naval guns aren't their primary weapon... It has to be a missile... "

“Missile… Heh, I'm curious how fast their missile is."

"Perhaps hypersonic speed."

"Bullshit, our missile is still subsonic, not transonic."

"But they are a civilized nation, and I'm sure they have hypersonic or supersonic missiles..."

"You could be correct... Anyway, I hope this diplomatic mission goes as planned."

Gloria Calendar 03/10/1639, Hark Castle, Jin-Hark, Louria Empire. 01:01 PM.

While the Royal Council meets in other rooms, there is one VIP room reserved for special ambassadors. This VIP room is reserved for ambassadors from the Unified Kingdom of Mu, Holy Mirishial Empire, Parpladia Empire, Leifor Empire, and Emor Kingdom. Inside the VIP room, King Hark Louria is accompanied by a Parpladia ambassador named Kursa, who has red eyes and yellow hair, and an angry expression as he looks at King Hark Louria.

"The Parpladia Empire is taken aback by something that originated in the Louria Empire. Is it true that the Louria Empire possesses a Corelear weapon?"

Corelear power is a magical version of nuclear power, and its explosion is very similar to a nuclear blast.

King Hark is speechless; he can't lie, he can't avoid answering, and all he can do is speak the truth; ordering the guard to hang Kursa would not lead to a solution, but only to a new problem.

"... To be honest, we have more than just the Corelear... We also make it in secret..."

"Can you make it?" How can your nation produce such a lethal weapon? Your country can even obtain jet power thanks to our technology, but we didn't reveal anything about Corelear power."

“No… We create Corelear power by learning from the remnants of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire."

“Huft…. Let's not bring up nuclear power again, shall we? ... The United Nations Organization held an emergency meeting this morning to discuss the Rodenius war. Almost every nation wants the Louria Empire to end the Rodenius war, and the Louria Empire's representative announces their withdrawal from the Unified Nation... What a foolhardy action that has led this country downhill..."

When Kursa mentioned the word "stop" King Hark Louria became even more enraged and frustrated.

"You pitiful nation that dared to declare war on your neighbor without realizing you will see your downhill very soon, this war is absolute bullshit!" Kursa yells as he punches the table with his right fist.

"Enough, you came here to destroy my mind's tranquility, not to find a solution to this war." Said King Hark Louria before Kursa replied, "The solution we propose is peace!"

“Peace? PEACE?! PEACE YOU SAID??!! Isn't it too late to make peace with them? There will be only one victor in this war: the Louria Empire, my nation! Do you get it?" King Hark Louria yelled as he locked his gaze on Kursa.

"Hmph, from this point on, I see you as a pitiful barbaric ruler," Kursa spoke after rising from his seat. He glares his eyes at King Hark Louria for the last time, then he leaves the VIP room while saying "I swear to God, I see the Louria Empire is on the downhill, may God help in this pointless warfare while most foreign nations prepare for the arrival of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire."

“Whatever, you Parpladians scums!” King Hark Louria said this while giving him the middle finger.

The relationship between the Louria Empire and the Parpladia Empire has deteriorated since then. The Parpladia Empire declares the end of their friendship and support for the Louria Empire.

Pal Chimera: Fornet, Lean Nou Forest, Qua-Toyne Republic, 01:35 PM.

Captain Metschirnet surveys the battleground, his smile growing wider as Fornet successfully drops a bomb on several enemy tanks.

"What a glorious sighting, so many Louria army killed by our bomb!" Captain Metschirnet said.

"I'm pretty sure they'll regret invading our powerful nation after tasting the powerful shoot from the powerful battle group of Qua-Toynian Pal Chimera!" Rear Admiral Marchent said.

"Captain Metschirnet. Our magical barrier is down because a missile from the Louria Empire struck it." Helmsman stated.

"Recharge the magical barrier, if necessary, and stay behind Filament and Norktown." Captain Metschirnet said.

"Yes, sir!"

"Don't worry, captain Metschirnet; we're confident that everything will be fine... Huh? "What is that?"

A group of Qua-Toynian Pal Chimera is being attacked by several LAF-3 Storm Eagles. The jet flies higher before diving at the Pal Chimera group.

"They're LAF-3 Storm Eagles, it's a Louria jet fighter!"

"We need to use the Atrates cannon to shoot down all of those enemy jet fighters!"

The LAF-3 Storm Eagle is immediately destroyed by the Atrates cannon on Pal Chimera.

"One down... Two down... Three down... "Be careful!"


With several bombs capable of hitting the Atrates cannon and main guns, four LAF-3 Storm Eagles commit suicide after dropping bombs on the enemy CIWS.

"Aggressive maneuver! Turn and-"

Despite the failure of one LAF-3 Storm Eagle to launch a suicide attack, three LAF-3 Storm Eagles were able to crash on Fornet. One crashed onto the Fornet bridge, and two LAF-3s crashed on anti-gravity nos. 1 and 3. The bridge exploded, and the entire Pal Chimera went up in flames. If it's a battleship at sea, there's a chance it was repaired or towed despite its bridge being destroyed; however, Pal Chimera is a flying battleship, and the bridge is the most important thing to defend; if the bridge explodes, the Pal Chimera's entire system will be shut down.


Pal Chimera Fornet has been officially destroyed, as her body burns.

Pal Chimera: Filament, Lean Nou Forest,  Qua-Toyne Republic, 01:41 PM.

Admiral Palkront and Captain Flatatch are looking at their situation on the Pal Chimera Filament, their emotions mixed with anguish, bewilderment, righteous indignation, and uncertainty. They witness the devastation of Pal Chimera: Fornet firsthand.

“Now… It is only leaving Norktown and Filament..."

"Admiral Palkront and Captain Flatatch, we have received word from Norktown. They want us to battle in the Caspian Sea."

Captain Flatatch and Admiral Palkront were taken aback.

"That means they want us to leave here and go somewhere more dangerous. Are they not aware of our army in Lean Nou Forest?!"

"I disagree with their order; moving to the Kacapian Sea is far more dangerous than flying over Lean Nou Forest. Tell them we're staying, and they can leave us alone to travel to Ejey Sea on their own!"

"Yes, sir."

Pal Chimera: Norktown, Lean Nou Forest, Qua-Toyne Republic, 01:43 PM.

"Vice Admiral Doujas and Captain Wherthornest." The Pal Chimera Filament provided us with information. They refused our order and insisted on remaining in the skies of Lean Nou Forest to protect the Qua-Toyne Army on the ground."

“What?! How could they-"

"It's fine... Let them stay around here, we're on our way to conquer the North Rodenius sea... If this flying battleship is destroyed by an enemy warship, all that remains is Filament... This is Filament vs. Louria Empire... Set sail for the Sea of Ejey."

"Certainly, Captain Wherthornest!"

The Pal Chimera: Norktown is traveling alone to the Kacapian Sea, without the Pal Chimera Filament.

LN Kyudoi, Kacapian Sea, Qua-Toyne Republic, 02:02 PM.

"The enemy battleship has sunk!" On the bridge, the helmsman said.

The sailor and officer on the bridge rejoice as they successfully sink the Qua-Toyne battleship Cauron. The LN Kyudoi, with its massive naval guns, destroys every enemy warship in its path. Fleet Admiral Qedmond and Captain Yukarna are on the bridge of the LN Kyudoi.

“Captain, an aircraft task group from our enemies is heading to us.”

"Use our AA guns to take out all of the enemies and make sure the-"

"Captain Yukarna, we have received an incoming transmission from an enemy flying battleship." One of the helmsmen stated.

"You say flying battleship? That means they sent their Pal Chimera to our country... Patch them in, I want to hear what they wanted to say to us."

Because the communication between Qua-Toynian Pal Chimera and LN Kyudoi is linked, they can hear elves' breath and low voices.

"My name is Captain Yukarna, captain of the battleship Kyudoi; please state your name!"

"I am Captain Wherthornest, captain of Pal Chimera Norktown, and I greet my enemies."

"Norktown Pal Chimera... Isn't she dubbed "Lady Fighter"? I'm glad I'll be there to sink you into the deep sea..."

"Not unless we sink you first." Our guns will ensure that our powerful shells may kill you."

"Heh, good luck as our latest shells engulf your battleship in flames."

"Heh, I'll see you on the battlefield later."

As the conversation came to an end, captain Yukarna said, "Admiral Qedmond, how about we send several Mal Dingi to disrupt Norktown, so that while they are distracted, we can easily destroy them with our naval guns?"

"That sounds like a good plan; how many flying dinghies will we require?"

"Our flying dinghies would be enough to disrupt their task and make them busier and more frustrated."

Pal Chimera: Norktown, Kacapian Sea, Qua-Toyne Republic, 02:10 PM.

Captain Wherthornest is currently looking out at sea, reading a data table that shows how many Qua-Toyne warships have been lost.

"How many warships will we dispatch to the Kacapian Sea?"

"We dispatched two aircraft carriers, two battleships, two heavy cruisers, six light cruisers, and eighteen destroyers."

"How many warships have we lost?" Captain Wherthornest inquired, his face concerned.

Vice Admiral Doujas responded, "... one aircraft carrier, two battleships, two heavy cruisers, three light cruisers, and seven destroyers... We had just lost a battleship Cauron of the Toynian class a few minutes ago."

"... We lost over ten warships to the enemy... It has to be because of that battleship... We must sink her... We have to sink that fucking huge battleship right now!"

The helmsman then approached them and informed them, "We just detected several incoming flying dinghies."

"Flying dinghies... A small flying frigate or corvette, small but worrisome and disconcerting.  Mal Dinghies are the Lourian Flying Dinghies. It comes with two magical laser shoots. Despite its small size, it has a top speed of 250 km/h. The Mal Dinghies are like flying women who dance in the skies because they are so agile and flexible while flying."

"I wish we could deploy our own Flying Dinghies sooner, but they are still being built and would be useful to deploy alongside Pal Chimera Filament."

"Yeah... Hm?"

They noticed four dots on the radar heading to Pal Chimera Norktown at 200 km/h. They can see Mal Dinghies flying around them as they look out the bridge window.

"They've arrived; activate the magical barrier and fire our atrates cannon at them!"


While firing at Mal Dinghies, the atrates cannon rolled every barrel. However, due to the Mal Dinghies' agility, it takes more than a minute to shut one of them down.

"Captain, the LN Kyudoi has arrived, and their main naval guns are aimed at us!"

"All barrel guns, I repeat, all barrel guns, fired at LN Kyudoi!"

"The enemy's main battleship begins to fire on us!" Vice Admiral Doujas shouted.

Baam!!! Baam!!! Baam!!! Baam!!!

"Oh my god, incoming enemy shell barrage-"



Unfortunately, their response is too late, as the LN Kyudoi has already begun firing shells at Pal Chimera Norktown. The explosion in the skies terrified most of the Qua-Toynian officers, what they saw is a falling piece of Pal Chimera Norktown.

LN Kyudoi, Kacapian Sea, Qua-Toyne Republic, 02:29 AM.

"It's official, Pal Chimera Norktown has fallen and exploded, and she is no longer in action!"

Louria's crew is overjoyed; they never imagined something so incredible could be accomplished. They were both proud and amazed by their actions in annihilating Pal Chimera Norktown.

Although it brings good news and raises morale, which leads to their glory and victory, it is a different story for Captain Yukarna, who is curious about something.

Qedmond, Admiral "What's the matter, captain? Something was going on, but everything will be fine!"

"I know, but... Isn't this strange? I mean, what's the point of deploying all of their Pal Chimera? Is it because they have something even more dangerous?"

Admiral Qedmond laughed at his words, then said, "Nah, there is nothing to worry about, they just idiots who deployed a single Pal Chimera without any screening, I heard another Qua-Toynian Pal Chimera has been shut down on the mainland, they now only have one Pal Chimera left... Filament"

"Heh, Filament is the last one standing, sister... Okay, I believe every one of your sentences that there is nothing to be concerned about.."

The Kacapian sea war ended with the Lourian victory.

Green palace, Polihark, Qua-Toyne Republic, 21:03 AM.

President Kanata and Vice President Oleja stand on the Green Palace looking at the casualties of the war on this day, their faces filled with desperation and sadness as they lost so many armies in a single day.

"It's only been a day, but we've already lost more than 30% of our armed forces..." Vice President Oleja stated.

"If this continued, the situation would deteriorate." Kanata, President.

"Why should you order them to use all of our Pal Chimera? Why?.... WHY?!" Vice President Oleja stated after grabbing President Kanata's collar.

"It was supposed to keep them at bay, if not push them back, but in the end, we only have one Pal Chimera left... This is the most stupid order I've ever issued as President of the Qua Toyne Republic... I apologize... Perhaps I am the Qua-Toyne Republic's worst president ever..."



"... sigh... IT'S... OUR... FAULT... I, too, believe that this concept is ideal... Our forefathers may have been correct... Pal Chimera isn't the only one who can solve problems on the battlefield."



Vice President Oleja slapped President Kanata in the face, then said, "Don't blame yourself entirely; yes, it's your fault, but it's also my fault and the operator's fault for not being properly... I apologize for slapping your face, but you know why I do it, right?"

President Kanata closes his eyes and smiles, his first smile all day. "Yes, whenever the ineptitude or dumbfuckery action comes to someone younger, the older shall slap the younger... The tradition passed down from the old generation and then passed to our generation and then passed again to the future generation..."

Then President Kanata opened his eyes and said, "I am still guilty about my order, but I always learn from my mistakes; let us not repeat the same mistake and rise; let us show that the Qua-Toyne Republic will not make the same mistake again... Okay, now-"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Is anyone out there?" Inquire with Vice President Oleja.

"Please excuse my interference; I am Ambassador Kepin from the World Union; may I enter?" From behind the door, Ambassador Kepin spoke.

The sudden appearance of Ambassador Kepin takes Vice President Oleja and President Kanata by surprise.


"Y-Yes, you may enter our room." President Kanata stated.

Then Ambassador Kepin walks into the room, dressed in a diplomat uniform, holding document cases in his right hand, and his face shows he is ready to speak with him at any time.

"I came here to inform the World Union reaction regarding the war between your country and the Louria Empire," Ambassador Kevin said after taking a seat.

President Kanata and Vice-President Oleja are beaming as they learn that reinforcements are on their way.

"So, World Union Armed Forces would be stationed in our country?"

"That is still being debated, but in my viewpoint, Congress would likely say yes to demonstrate the greatness of the World Union Armed Forces to the rest of the world! In any case, the World Union agreed to send reinforcements or military supplies to the Quila Kingdom and the Qua-Toyne Republic.

Vice-President Oleja was disappointed to learn that they were still debating whether to send an army to assist the Qua-Toyne Republic, but she is happy and grateful that reinforcements will be sent.

"At the very least, supplies and aid will be reinforced... But is it possible that there will be World Union volunteers?" President Kanata inquired.

"Yes, we just opened East Rodenius foreign legion a few hours ago.  The Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom will be supported by this legion." Ambassador Kepin stated.

"Thank God, the lightness always guides our nation..."

"Anyway, I'm deeply sorry to hear that the officer and crew of the Pal Chimera Norktown and Fornet have died... As a representative of the World Union, I deeply regret hearing that..."

"It's okay, sometimes people make mistakes, even if the mistake is bigger than we thought... So, when will the World Union's reinforcements, aids, and volunteers arrive?"

"They have just arrived."

"Eh, right now?!" exclaimed Vice President Oleja and President Kanata.

"Yes, the military supplies from the World Union have just arrived by our supply ships," Ambassador Kepin said with a smile. I hope these military supplies will assist your country in defeating the Louria Empire."