Arc 1.4
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Finally deciding that he had had enough, George pointedly reprimanded Kai who was facing him

"Focus on the class, Kai, Otherwise, you might fail."

"I can't help it, YOU are too beautiful, I don't have any time to spare any attention to class." Kai shamelessly decided to start spouting sweet words and pursuing the other boy.

"Shameless!!" Geroge was so flustered that his blush spread to his ears. He didn't expect the other party to do such a thing, especially with a straight face to boot.

Not wanting to anger the other party too much, Kai stopped teasing George and turned to focus on class. This whole interaction was watched by two extra pairs of eyes, one with interest and the other with disgust and scorn which was quickly hidden.

Lunch soon arrived and Kai was at a table with George when Allen stopped by to share a table with them. During lunch, Kai and George talked with Allen and found a lot of common things between them. As they all decided to be friends, a chat with the name Tri-Star was created.

After school, Kai asks George if he wants to hang out, but George had plans so he had to refuse. As a result, Kai heads home as he had dinner with his brother, Shawn, his friend, and his family.

Once home, Kai uses his skills in hacking to gather relevant information regarding Rose and Allen. This time guy decided to reveal Rose to Allen before She tricked him as Allen was now his friend and could tell that Allen was a good person, but was quite naïve and trusting regarding the people he decided to be important to him.

While Kai was in his room, Shawn returned home and knocked on his door.

"Hey, baby brother, can I come in?"

Kai startled, took a few seconds opened the door.

Kai and Shawn hug each other as they continue to chat while leaving Kai is reminded by showing about the dinner party.

"It is already 8:00 PM and we have dinner at 9:00 PM with my friend and his family. He also has a younger brother your age, so you both should get along, also apparently his brother is gay, so fighting!" Kai is dumbfounded while his brother continues to chuckle.

"Brother! I won't do that, you know how picky I am, besides I like someone already. It was even a kind of love at first sight."

Thankfully the former Kai and this Kai were very similar in the family so it was very easy for Kai to get along with his brother just that he was more quiet compared to the former.

After hearing his brother's words, Shawn was very surprised, no one knew better just how picky his brother was.

'The other person must be great if Kai likes them. And the personality must also be likable. Oh well.' Shawn's thoughts were just starting to wander when Kai called him and said he would be down to welcome the guests in a minute. For the occasion, Kai decided on a simple combination of a navy blue checked shirt, a white tank top, and blue faded jeans, looking fresh and youthful.

When Kai reached downstairs the doorbell rang with perfect timing and Kai opened the door with a polite smile. Behind the door was a family of four, with each as beautiful as the other, even then, Kai exactly spotted the other boy as if it attracted to a magnet. When George and Kai saw each other, they both froze for a second before Kai welcomed them in with renowned vigor while his thoughts started running in a different direction - 'I must impress them, future in-laws! Thankfully, the outfit was chosen with little thought. Safe!'

Everyone headed to the living room and chatted for a while as they waited for the dinner to be laid at the table and then headed for dinner. It was a warm atmosphere as everyone was comfortable and small talk flowed throughout.

After dinner, Kai couldn't wait to get George alone and said that they would leave for a walk around the garden for digestion and left. The two walked around in comfortable silence and then Kai broke the silence with words that made George stare at him.

"I like you"

"Oh. HUH!? " George was so stunned that his reaction was delayed for a moment.

Kai just stared at that face and his body tensed in nervousness. He knew that it was very abrupt and would confuse the other party, but he couldn't control himself. When he looked at George, he couldn't control his possessive desire and wanted to tell the whole world that the other party was his so that the annoying bees and butterflies would stay away from his sweetheart but he didn't want to force the other so decide to start a fierce pursuit.

While George was still reeling from the shock he heard Kai speak, "You don't have to answer now, but I just wanted to say it and tell you the fact that I am going to pursue you with all I have.", after that, he turned around and walked back to the house while holding his hand and wrapping it in his bigger, warmer palm.

Later, the evening passed while George was mostly in a daze or stealing glances at Kai until the Maire family left. Kai, who noticed this was very happy that the other didn't reject him outright since it means that the other at least likes him a little.