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/ Profile / LunaSoltaer
Oct 24, 2021

Joined: Oct 24, 2021
Followers: 10
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Comments: 644

Hey, I'm Luna.

I'm a spicy transbian who writes for her own fulfillment first and foremost. If you resonate with anything I write, cool, but if not that's quite okay.

I hold that all life is inherently sacred. This answers any and all questions regarding my stance on the importance of a life and my approval of groups seeking their systematic worsening. If I somehow get a question about this, I will refer you here and trust that you can put 2 and 2 together.

If you can't, Bye.

I revised this About Me to be less flagrant, as I underwent a transformative experience that spoke to me and healed a lot of the harm I have received not only in the world, but within the trans community.

No details given pertaining to nationality, ethnicity, or place of residence. I am an abstract internet faerie as far as you're concerned.

I do like comments on my work :)

Image graciously crafted by @hans.Trondheim as a complete surprise on 2023 July 26. Original Image Was Licensed Under CC0.

LunaSoltaer · Author · Feb 24, 2024

Just need to make a chapter name... and I can finally restart my own darn book! Again!

... again...

:( Should only take me a day or so. I already did the Grammarly pass, so yay!

Seaspecter · Feb 24, 2024

Once again with feeling.

Here you go use this one, or not, anyway congrats on the chapter. 

LunaSoltaer · Author · Aug 26, 2023

First Draft made, yay.

Also I really should take time to polish up earlier chapters again and essentially clean up after the me of 2 years past. Or I should rest. Or any number of things.

September is almost upon us, and with that, hopefully temperatures will cool down a tad :)

LilliannaWinter · Aug 31, 2023


LunaSoltaer · Author · Aug 21, 2023

Chapter 44 is very much in work, it's just been troublesome writing these past several weeks.

For example, there's a scene that I don't know whether to write it from one character's perspective or the other's.

(and right when I wrote this I'm like "Oh duh, of course use this character's perspective..." You know, the character I wasn't writing from before.

Writing while life is being annoying is, well, annoying.

LunaSoltaer · Author · Aug 11, 2023


I am so so so SO sorry. Luna's been on a journey of intense self-discovery, and she has only touched the beginning of it all. I have the most precious of friends looking out for me, and I will return their kindness tenfold or I am no woman.

I'm going to take some time to cool down, and then the editing phase begins.

I thank you all so much for your patience.

LunaSoltaer · Author · Aug 2, 2023

Apologies to all who read my tiny book. I have been grappling with myself lately, and I hope that in the end I can make some sense of it. That, and work's going into a little overdrive this week and Luna's been procrastinating too much :I

Unless like 1 or 2 things happen, I'm not going away. Promise.

Seaspecter · Aug 2, 2023

Take all the time you need to sort yourself out that's more important than a story. 

Euphridia · Jul 24, 2023

You get the official "Euphy Award" for being the first person EVER to officially identify Relias as "SUS" in comments! This reward is definitely redeemable somewhere and has some sort of value! 

Yes, he is 'ageless'. So... that's not creepy at all. I'm sure it was a good choice by Euphridia to do that and sort of put him in charge of humanity.

But seriously your comments made my day and stand as a testament that I made the right choice posting here and I'm thankful for all the laughs. :D

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 24, 2023

Hey, I'm glad you found a light in this place.

You're getting near the point in my book where I talk a bit about.... lets just say a source of inspiration for me ^w^

And I will definitely accept this Euphy Award that will absolutely NOT Isekai Me!

*gets turned into Chalice* Darn it CUPhead!

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 22, 2023


I love it! I heart you all!


(also I am SO sorry it took me a good 2+ weeks to get a first draft. I'm aiming to get the next chapter out today or tomorrow.)



TheMonotonePuppet · Jul 24, 2023

Writing emotions is hard? I've never had that issue. They come easy. Now, making sure you choose the right emotion for character consistency, rather than your own emotions, I suppose that's difficult.

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 24, 2023

Damn, you're lucky.

What happens for me is the heart replays any emotion I wish to convey, meaning I essentially have to tank anything I write, which, even diluted....

Am I making sense?

TheMonotonePuppet · Jul 24, 2023

You're making sense! I understand what you are talking about. Chapter 8 was difficult for me in much the same way.clear.png

However, I tend to view writing emotions as less tanking the blows the heart sends to me and more relaxingly submerging beneath them, looking at my readers with only my eyes peering over the surface of the emotions.clear.png 

All the while, I get to enjoy blowing bubbles in despair to happiness to fury. Very exfoliating, you know.clear.pngclear.pngclear.pngclear.png

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 24, 2023

Hmm... That's an interesting approach. I may have to experiment, though I wonder if it would mean having to adapt my writing style as well.

hahahaha! You know what's also exfoliating? Releasing chapters! (i hope not too early). Like, you do it right, and it's like shedding an overdue skin, revitalisiing in a bloom of phoenixfire.

... I'm going to dive into another procrastination spiral, aren't - okay you know what WHY is "aren't I?" an acceptable construct?! It defies sense! Rawr!

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 17, 2023


I haven't killed my book yet, though I do feel mildly sad that I hadn't posted a new chapter yet.

My host had quite a work crisis all over the weekend so it was all hands on deck for a while. That and a tech switch is oncoming due to diffulties.

I do have about 70% of a first draft written though, with more on the way.

Seaspecter · Jul 17, 2023

Take all of the time you need. 

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 15, 2023

My Book. Has. 10 Hearts. On a Chapter.





I'm going to melt. I'm going to melt and in that melting puddle there will likely be more stories exploring the more positive half of things.


Euphridia · Jul 14, 2023

I just wanted to say that your comments always make my day. Thank you!

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 14, 2023

Awww! Thank you!!

The offline world was particularly mean to me today, still is *pouts* So getting such a happy comment really uplifted the mood ^_^

(Goodness I need to find the time to piece my next draft together)

It's been a delightful read so far! I'm glad I found it clear.png

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 8, 2023

They say art is a way through which one may find herself.

What I never could have expected was how deep that resonance vibes.

Through fire we are fallen. Through fire are we reborn.

Brightest lights and darkest shadows, are they not the same spiral of fate?

I hope whoever reads this finds some solace in all this.

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 6, 2023

As it happens, I find myself in the position where the chapter really did not want to be written.

I finally produced a first draft, though it will need a excessive labour of polish.

Do not be afraid if your initial writing is abhorrent. Putting the words on the damn page is 90% of the struggle sometimes.

Then you get to revise and edit.

TheMonotonePuppet · Jul 6, 2023

Congratulations!!! Maybe you’ll have to do what I still doing… 12th? Revision for my cbapter…

You got this!!!

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 6, 2023

The things we do in service of our dreams of casting word to page. Oh and the little red notification numbers clear.png

Thank you for the uplift. I found it quite uplifting.

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jul 5, 2023

As much as I adore writing symbolism into my magic system, I get really miffed at myself when I start fleshing out finer details and realise I may have to retcon elements in my book because of it.

Thankfully nothing too critical, but after my next chapter, I may spend some time cleaning up my earlier chapters and checking for these little holes in my consistency.

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jun 29, 2023

My characters run away from me sometimes.

I know if I were a professional writer or whatever I'd run a tight ship and keep them in line.

But it feels wrong to do that to Solstice.

I'm just grateful I have both an ability to deal with it and amazing readers to share my words with.

Seaspecter · Jun 29, 2023

It's fun when stories get a life of their own. One of my favorite things is reading a story and going "Wait what?" when I read the newest chapter. 

I think that's one of the best parts about sites like this hobbyist authors don't feel the pressure to write something they can sell so you get wonderful stories in little niche genres that you'd never see in a bookstore. 

LunaSoltaer · Author · Jun 29, 2023

It's a blast to read, also to write, but writing it true to what the little twerps do can prove really challenging.


Vanessa for instance drop kicked an absurd amount of my plot into oblivion.


LunaSoltaer · Author · Jun 28, 2023

Stress is not conducive to long-term goal achievement.

For instance, I realized I had forgotten something important and now my muse doesn't want to write.

If you find yourself stressed and you can take the time to let it all out, do so. Get yourself something you enjoy eating/drinking, play some audio/video you enjoy, and just vent it out. You don't even need another person around (though one certainly helps and please consult them if trust and/or urgency is high.)

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    Hey, I'm Luna.

    I'm a spicy transbian who writes for her own fulfillment first and foremost. If you resonate with anything I write, cool, but if not that's quite okay.

    I hold that all life is inherently sacred. This answers any and all questions regarding my stance on the importance of a life and my approval of groups seeking their systematic worsening. If I somehow get a question about this, I will refer you here and trust that you can put 2 and 2 together.

    If you can't, Bye.

    I revised this About Me to be less flagrant, as I underwent a transformative experience that spoke to me and healed a lot of the harm I have received not only in the world, but within the trans community.

    No details given pertaining to nationality, ethnicity, or place of residence. I am an abstract internet faerie as far as you're concerned.

    I do like comments on my work :)

    Image graciously crafted by @hans.Trondheim as a complete surprise on 2023 July 26. Original Image Was Licensed Under CC0.

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