92 – Global Championship 1
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CLM relaxed for the rest of the day after dinner, and returned to the competition to receive the championship trophy the next day. When they were asked to give their acceptance speech, they all pushed the microphone to Wen Xi.

“Yi? Me?” Wen Xi was a little confused when he took over the microphone, but now that he had already received the microphone, he still said a few words on behalf of everyone. “We’re just…very happy, and we hope to win the Global Championship in one go ba.”

His tone was very casual and relaxed, but his words made the audience instantly boil up!

“Hahahahahaha worthy of God Xi!”

“Global Championship! Can do it!”

The host couldn’t help laughing and said, “It seems that you guys are quite confident about the Global Competition! So, what do you want to say to your next opponents?”

They were obviously hinting at Wen Xi to do some trash talk. If he was supposed to trash talk domestic players, maybe Wen Xi would say, “Cherish your life before you’re forced into seclusion,” but for foreign players? He hadn’t dealt with them yet, and he didn’t know their level, so in order to avoid putting up a death flag he finally didn’t go too overboard.

What he said was, “If you don’t steal my kills, then you can say anything. Anyone who steals my kills will die.”


For a moment, all the members of the online and offline audiences were busy laughing. These were clearly threatening words, but when they came out of Wen Xi’s mouth, it just sounded funny, like hearing a rabbit say it wanted to hunt. However, although everyone laughed, they all knew that Wen Xi was serious when he said this, and he really would do it.

[The feud for stealing kills makes us unable to live under the same sky!]

[Too authentic hahahah!]

[Xixi is too cute!]

Similar lines in the barrage occupied the livestream, and the host couldn’t help laughing a few more times. “Okay, I’m looking forward to your guys’ performance in the Global Championship!”


Two weeks before the start of the Global Championship, a joint team of the promoted players was officially established. The SGH branch of the General Administration of E-sports appointed a person as the general manager of the combined team. He created a groupchat, pulled all the promoted players into the groupchat, and then said the time and place of the gathering clearly in the groupchat. He felt very reliable, and it could be seen that the General Administration of E-sports attached great importance to the SGH competition.

It was daytime when the plane took off, and it was still daytime when it landed in the United States. Everyone wasn’t quite used to it, and had the sort of feeling of experiencing a new day before the previous day had ended. Fortunately, with nearly two weeks to go before the official start of the Global Championship, they had enough time to adjust to their jet lag.
During this period, players from other countries had also arrived in the United States. Then, a week before the competition, everyone held a private two-day training competition. Different from the domestic training match, the atmosphere of the foreign training match wasn’t so cheerful, and was more of a collision of skills and tactics.

No matter which country each team was from, they all consciously hid their true strength. Of course, CLM was no exception—Wen Xi didn’t use a bow from the beginning to the end, and Mo Chen didn’t even switch guns, using an assault rifle the entire time. However, it was a training match after all, so there were still some people gossiping in the public channel.

“Oh, I see CLM again. Where’s Mac? Let him come. None of the rest of your team is worth watching aside from Mac!”

The person spoke in English. Wen Xi only understood CLM and Mac, but it was enough to make him understand what the other side was saying. Suddenly he realized something and asked, “Huh? The foreign teams don’t know you changed your ID?”

This was obviously said to Mo Chen.

“After all, CLM didn’t play in the Global Championship last year, and the global attention on me has decreased. It isn’t surprising that they don’t know.” After a pause, he continued, “It’s okay, I’ll make them realize it during the actual competition.”

“Hahaha!” Wen Xi only had to imagine that scene to feel good. “I will help you~”


A week later, the 17th SGH Professional League Tournament officially began. Although this year’s competition was held in the United States, various livestreaming platforms in China were streaming it, as well as domestic commentators. The JJ Livestreams officials sent out Magic Xi and Xiao Bu as the commentators. However, many game anchors had opened their own livestreams to provide commentary on the games.

Among them were Ai Zhe and Blue Wolf.

[Where’s Ruby?] A stream follower asked.

“Don’t ask. If we have to answer, then she went to the U.S. to watch the competition,” Ai Zhe replied.

[That’s good, this way you guys can have a private world of two!]

[Will you guys kiss?]

[Hahahaha if you guys dare to livestream yourselves kissing, I’ll dare to smash you with torpedoes!]

Ai Zhe said, “Scram!”

Blue Wolf said, “Crawl around for your lordship!”

Wen Xi didn’t know because he was focused on playing competitions, but some time ago some people had gone crazy while shipping the WolfPig CP. They had sorted out all the details of how Blue Wolf and Ai Zhe had met up until now, and then posted a long Weibo post about it. The content of this long Weibo post was very detailed. From Blue Wolf moving to the city where Ai Zhe was located, to Blue Wolf admitting that he lived in the same building as Ai Zhe, and then a few times during Blue Wolf’s livestreams where Ai Zhe could be heard in the background. Finally, they picked out that the two people lived in the same unit.

At first, there were not many people paying attention to this long Weibo post, until a media outlet found this long post very interesting and forwarded it. Then, all kinds of messy media began to follow the trend, and the editors of various other platforms also borrowed information from the post to make an issue out of it. They wrote many articles with the two people as the leads, which they disseminated everywhere. As a result, in just two days, the two people became thoroughly popular. A large number of WolfPig CP fans poured into Blue Wolf and Ai Zhe’s livestreams, not to watch their skills but to ship their CP.


Blue Wolf and Ai Zhe, two skills-based gaming livestream anchors, were completely confused by such a situation. They only knew about the existence of the long Weibo post after learning about the situation from the CP fans, and then, of course, they strongly denied their relationship with each other.

At that time, a stream follower asked Blue Wolf: [Can you explain why Love Pig would moan during your livestream?]


Looking at this question…. Blue Wolf cursed and then replied, “He drank too much and had to sleep in my room, so what could I do? Do you want me to go to his room?”


The stream followers hadn’t reacted yet when Ai Zhe first retorted, “I got drunk while drinking?! I’ve drunk with you so many times, and when have I ever gotten drunk! ”

Blue Wolf replied, “Who fucking drinks with you every day! What’s more, they’re asking me why you’re moaning in my livestream… Pei, it’s you making wild noises when you get up!”

Ai Zhe yelled, “Holy shit your lordship! You’re the one who makes wild noises! Do you dare say you don’t whine every time you have to get up?”

Blue Wolf replied, “I swear I don’t whine!”

Ai Zhe replied, “I don’t believe it!”

Blue Wolf said, “Then you should get up earlier ah! If you got up earlier than me, then wouldn’t you know?!”

In this way, they said they would unite as one to attack the CP fans, but in the end they attacked each other, so that all the CP fans had on auntie smiles as they ate fluff.

Ruby said directly in their groupchat: Ugh, you two should give up ba. Can you guys stop losing face? Wouldn’t it be nice to show off your love openly like God Mo and Xixi?

In response, Blue Wolf and Ai Zhe responded as follows:

Ai Zhe: Scram!

Blue Wolf: Crawl around for your lordship!

Yes, up until today, neither of them had admitted to their relationship with each other, but they also hadn’t deliberately avoided broadcasting with each other.

The main reason was that they found that the effect of them livestreaming together was pretty good.

(The stream followers would really send too many gifts!)

“This Global Championship is worth watching.” Ai Zhe was the first to enter his commentator mode. “Each country in the solo competition has eight players, so with a total of 15 countries, that’ll be a total of 120 people—This is a pretty large-scale competition!”

Blue Wolf said, “120 people, and only 80 people can make it to the finals, so that means they have to eliminate 40 people…”

“It’s on, it’s on!”

Blue Wolf hadn’t finished speaking before Ai Zhe excitedly interrupted him. Just as Ai Zhe said these words, all the players got on the plane.
At the beginning, the director turned the camera to an American player, and then the casters at the scene started babbling some praise and said something like, “He will be the champion!”

Blue Wolf laughed immediately, “Heheheh, he will be the champion? The United States doesn’t know that God Mo is also participating in this competition?”

Ai Zhe exclaimed, “They’re rubbing it in! This caster is too thick skinned! In front of God Mo, does he even count as a little cookie?”

Blue Wolf and Ai Zhe were both Mo Chen’s fans, so of course they couldn’t help saying that as soon as they heard that.

However, it didn’t matter. Mo Chen soon forced the caster and the other people who didn’t know that he had come to the United States to realize his existence.

[CLM-Momo killed JD-One with a headshot with a sniper rifle!]

[CLM-Momo killed JD-Two with a headshot with a sniper rifle!]

Two killing prompts appeared in the top right corner of the live screen, which caused an uproar from the audience!

“Oh my God! Who is this?”

“CLM! It’s not the number one sharpshooter god, is it?”

“Ah?! Isn’t the number one sharpshooter god called Mac? I thought he had already retired!”

The teams would collect and analyze intelligence on the other teams, but most of the audience didn’t have that kind of leisure time, so they didn’t know that Mo Chen had changed his ID. A completely unfamiliar ID headshotted and killed their own country’s players with two shots in a row, so could the audience not be shocked? The director gave the audience a shot. Seeing their exaggerated expressions, Blue Wolf and Ai Zhe instantly felt good.

Ai Zhe said, “There’s nothing else to say but that my God Mo is awesome!”

Blue Wolf said, “As long as God Mo has not retired, he will always be SGH’s ceiling!”

The casters at the venue in the United States were obviously stunned for a moment before they began to explain what had just happened. However, before they could explain the whole process, another kill prompt appeared in the upper right corner of the screen.

[CLM-Wency killed GPS-Armand with a headshot with a bow!]


Now, the casters and audience weren’t just shocked, but their eyes were nearly falling out of their sockets! Killed with a bow! And it was even a headshot?! What’s more, the one who died in the battle was actually the player that the casters had so lavishly praised at the beginning of the competition, and had said would win the championship!

“What?” The casters couldn’t speak calmly. His expression was like he had just seen Iron Man take off his suit and reveal Captain America inside. It was really difficult to understand!

What was more incomprehensible was that Armand, who had just been headshotted by Wen Xi, had been taken unawares. He had just won a gunfight with some others and gotten his first kill. He still felt pleased with himself, but his screen turned gray in the next second and he didn’t know what had happened. For a moment, he even thought a bug had appeared in the game!

That was, until he saw the system prompt on his screen:

[System] CLM-Wency killed you with a headshot with a bow!

[System] You have died in battle!

Wency? The one that the coach had talked about, the CLM rookie who could use a bow?! But in the training match, he had clearly not used the bow once ah! Armand originally thought that Wency’s competition videos were very fake, every single one growing increasingly ridiculous and over-the-top. Therefore, after seeing that Wen Xi didn’t fire a single arrow during the training match, Armand had sneered with an expression of “so it’s like that.”

Yet as a result, he was lying on the ground miserably with an eye-catching arrow sticking out of his head. Fuck! The archer assassin was real!