Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

The air was thick with tension as Yoroi Musha and I locked eyes, both aware that a confrontation was inevitable, though he looked like he wanted my head gone.

With a fluid motion, Yoroi summoned a glowing blade of energy between his hands and swung it at me. The speed and precision of his attack caught me off guard, but I managed to react just in time.


In response, I channeled my solar energy to form a saber, its radiant light contrasting with the darkness surrounding us. Our weapons clashed, the sound of clashing energy ringing throughout the house as my solar saber met his katana.

"What do you think you're doing in my house?!" Yoroi demanded, his voice firm and unyielding.

"I'm here to ask for your assistance," I replied, my voice tense with determination. “To end the corruption that this world has become.”

Despite my attempt to defend myself, I hadn't had time to reinforce my body. So when Yoroi heard me, he growled and pushed strength into his arms, the sheer force of his attack sent me crashing into a wall.

"Assistance? A hero, a trespasser? You're a fool." Yoroi growled and rushed at me.

As we continued to clash, our weapons moved with lightning speed.

“I admit it was my fault, my first impression is quite bad, and I am also wearing a mask, but still,”

As I clashed, I chatted.

“None of that matters in the face of this corrupt society. Don’t tell me you have no idea how stupid the system truly is? I need your help. Join me, and we can end this together.”

Yoroi’s eyes were sharp and red, as he continued clashing with my sword in silence. He wasn’t underestimating me, surprised that I was keeping up my clashes with him, surprised how good I was with a sword.

The commotion echoed through the house, stirring its inhabitants from their slumber. Knowing that time was running out, I gritted my teeth and prepared for the fierce battle that lay ahead.

Yoroi's expression was steely, his red eyes never leaving mine as we continued our dance of destruction.

Our battle raged throughout the house, the once-peaceful abode now a battleground for our clashing ideals.

Yoroi wielded his Quirk, [Sword Ki], with expertise, releasing powerful sword energies from his aura blade. We exchanged fierce blows, taunts, and calculated moves, each of us trying to outmaneuver and overpower the other.

"You're misguided," I shouted at Yoroi as we fought, angry that he wasn’t replying at all. "The system is broken, and it's time for change! Why are you silent?!"

"I don’t want to talk about the philosophy of the society with a baboon who trespasses an old man’s house. Even so, you are wrong!" Yoroi retorted, his eyes blazing with conviction. "Heroes like me have dedicated our lives to maintaining order and justice! Yet you dare say society is corrupt? It’s due to villains like you that people die, not us. How dare you think you can make me change sides?!"

It seemed he was misunderstanding. Then again, I wasn’t getting a good chance to talk – this wasn’t a civil argument.

As the battle ensued, we somehow entered the garden, the moonlight casting eerie shadows on the ground. I grew desperate in my attempts to convince Yoroi that the world was corrupt and that change was needed, and at the same time aware that I had to flee before more heroes came to this place.

But Yoroi remained steadfast in his beliefs, his unwavering conviction a testament to his dedication as a hero. Truthfully, I wasn’t impressed. He was a fool, trusting the stupid rules of this world, but at least he was loyal.

“How about we stop fighting and then talk?!”

“Are you stupid?!”

I wanted to schedule our talk for later, since I was now aware of his strength and saw it suitable. However, he found that idea stupid. Which hero will have a discussion over tea and biscuits with a villain who had just attacked him in his house?

Our debate raged on, our words as sharp as our weapons, but I could see that Yoroi was beginning to falter. In the end, he was an old man.

With each argument I presented, his resolve didn’t weaken, but with each sword clash I landed, he returned a clash weaker than before. Yet, he still refused to accept my perspective.

His loyalty to the current system was unshakable, and at that moment I knew that even if I were to win, I would not emerge victorious in our debate.

“Alright, then.”

I took a step back, bleeding from multiple parts of my body, as I raised my sword straight. Both my hands grabbed the hilt of the saber as I looked at Yoroi who was huffing. He was so out of air that he couldn’t take advantage of my standing still.

“Let’s end this.”

Then, I channeled more power into my solar sword, and let out a well-honed skill.

|Heliacal Slash|

The final attack came with a resounding crash, as if planets were crashing into one another, as my solar saber met Yoroi Musha's katana for the last time.

I was surprised he could still block. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, and with a final cry of defiance, Yoroi stumbled backward, his red sword disappearing against my blade of light, as a slash engraved on his chest.


Yoroi Musha was defeated. He slumped to the ground, exhaustion evident in every line of his face.

As I stood over the fallen hero, I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.


I had hoped to convince him to join my cause, but his unwavering loyalty to the current system made it impossible.

Despite this setback, I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey to gather allies and reshape society. If a hero wasn’t an option, I would have to choose a villain. The question is – who?

As I turned to leave the garden, I cast one last glance at Yoroi Musha. His family was watching the fight, hiding, so they would get him to the hospital and he would be safe. He will survive, though I wasn’t sure if he will be able to continue his job or not.

I respected his will and strength, however, even if his choice was not of my taste. Even in defeat, his dedication to his principles was admirable.

“Fare well.”

With a renewed determination, I set forth into the night. This time I didn’t need to hide my location, so I used my power properly and shot to the sky like a shooting star, leaving a trail that soon vanished.

It will be a hard and long quest, but given I had just beat a Hero of this caliber, with so little power from my side, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in my quest to change the world.


Author Note: Hey, this is my new story! Please show support, and don’t mind asking me any question about the story’s future.

You can also visit my Patreøn to read the next [5 Chapters]. I am adding more chapters soon, 3 chapters a day! I will add up to chapter 20.

Link: www.patreø