Chapter 2
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Chapter 2

After an exhausting day at the grocery store, I could feel the weight of my fatigue as my shift finally came to an end. 

The aisles seemed to stretch out endlessly behind me, filled with customers and stocked shelves that I had attended to all day. As I reached the door, ready to step out into the cool evening air, Yumi called out to me, her voice filled with hopeful anticipation.

"Hey Akira, wanna grab dinner together?" She stood there, her blush evident even under the dim store lighting, her hands nervously fidgeting with her apron strings.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a mixture of guilt and surprise as I took in her expectant expression. 

A part of me wanted to accept her invitation, to enjoy a meal and conversation with her after a long day of work. But there were things I needed to deal with, and I couldn't afford to enjoy lavish times while ignoring them any longer.

"Thanks for the offer, Yumi," I replied, trying to sound as gentle as possible, "but I have something to take care of. Maybe next time."

Her face fell, and she visibly deflated, but she managed a small, understanding smile. "Yeah, sure. I get it. Maybe next time." 

The disappointment in her voice was unmistakable, and I felt a twinge of guilt as I left the store.

The walk home was uneventful, the night city streets quiet and empty, mirroring my own thoughts. When I finally arrived at my small apartment, I went through my usual evening routine: showering to wash away the grime and sweat from the day, cooking a simple dinner of rice and vegetables, and eating it alone at my small kitchen table.

After I finished my meal, I couldn't help but think about Yumi's invitation and the warmth and companionship it represented. But I knew that my past and my current mission demanded my attention. I shut off the lights, and with a heavy heart, I crawled into bed, hoping for a few hours of peaceful sleep.

But peace was elusive. That night, I was haunted by nightmares – fragments of my tragic past and the events that led to the awakening of my Quirk. 

The images flickered before my closed eyes like a disjointed movie, blurry and indistinct, yet they carried an emotional weight that was all too real. I could hear distant screams, the sound of my own ragged breathing, and the sickening crunch of bones breaking.

In my dreams, I relived the fear, the pain, and the desperate need to survive that had defined those dark moments. 

The memories clung to me like a heavy shroud, a constant reminder of the path I had walked to get here. And as I tossed and turned, trapped in a world of shadows and suffering, I knew that I couldn't turn away from the mission that now consumed me.



I was startled awake.

The morning sun slowly crept through the window, casting warm light on my face as I opened my eyes. 

I sat up in bed, my breathing calming slowly as I looked around and realized it was just a nightmare.

My determination from the nightmare lingered. I knew I couldn't face this twisted world alone, just like back then, so I made a decision – I would seek out like-minded individuals who shared my disdain for the current society. 

It was a daunting task, but my resolve was unwavering.

I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the shower, letting the cold water wash away the remnants of my troubled sleep. After drying off, I brewed a strong cup of coffee, my mind racing with thoughts of the day ahead. 

As I sipped the bitter liquid, it hit me. There were a lot of possible allies that I can go after, but if I had to choose one, who would that be?

I don’t mind working with heroes, and even a few of the villains were okay by me. I am fine with forgiving the villains who did petty crimes if they were to help me save the world.

That made the list too long. Because I have been researching my possible allies for a very long time. I don’t need a large organization, but just a small squad, so the people I plan to choose must be very strong.

“...I should check the files.”

Finishing the tea, I ran to my room and went to my PC. Sitting down before the most expensive thing in this apartment, my computer, I entered all the passwords and went through the safety measures I had set for any threats. 

After I was in, I opened the file titled [The Candidates].

It was a file consisting of information on all the heroes I think would be good partners for me, in both power and mentality.

I already knew who I wanted to try my luck on after navigating through the files for a few minutes. One of the Top 10 Pro Heroes, a man who could be retiring any day.

The Samurai Hero, Yoroi Musha.


He would be the first hero I'd attempt to recruit.


With this thought firmly in mind, I went about my day, the weight of the impending confrontation heavy on my shoulders. Yumi seemed a little less talkative than usual, but I couldn’t bother to shift my attention to her.

I found myself drinking more tea and coffee than usual, the caffeine doing little to quell my nerves. Then, the hour of the day came.

As the sun began to set, I prepared myself for the night's mission. I wasn’t going to just sit like a duck and wait to meet him randomly, I needed to go and meet him on my own.

I donned a mask, concealing my identity, and made my way toward the Hero’s residence.

‘I should get myself a proper, iconic mask. Something that would send a message. Compared to using random masks.’

The night was silent, save for the occasional rustling of leaves in the breeze. I strengthened my body with solar energy that I stored within me for the whole day, and was running faster than a car through the rooftops.

The Pro Heros’ resident locations are a secret to the general public, but it’s not impossible to find them. You just need to find it. Yoroi Musha just happened to live close to my city, just a few kilometers far from my home.

It wasn’t daytime. I am the strongest in the daytime, due to the sun, so I had to store a lot of solar energy in my body. Not that nighttime was bad, since the stellar energy of the stars worked for me too, my quirk was called [Stellar Flare] after all, but I liked using solar powers more.

There is quite a… ‘backlash’ when I use Stellar energy, in comparison to Solar.

Finally, after nearly an hour of cautiously avoiding the CCTV cameras in the area, I approached the traditional Japanese home, its wooden structure shrouded in shadows.

That was it. Yoroi Musha’s house. There were cameras, and guards too, but I can go around them. CCTVs use infrared rays, and I can see them with my eyes thanks to my quirk, since the sun also releases the same ray, so I can easily avoid them, and block them too if I wish, but that’s more suspicious.

The guards would face a more run-down fate, however.

“Let’s see…”

I kicked the ground and vanished from behind my hiding position.

I ran around the area, very silent, and ran past the guards like the wind. My palm struck the back of each guard I passed by, and they fell to their faces with no chance to fight back.

In a matter of five minutes, I was done with the enemies.

My heart raced with anticipation as I stealthily slipped inside, careful not to make a sound. I knew I had to be swift and precise, as even a slight misstep could lead to my capture.

I crept through the dimly lit halls, noting the sliding paper doors and intricate wooden carvings that adorned the interior. My eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for Yoroi Musha. 

He shouldn’t be awake by now, and should be in his bedroom, sleeping.

I needed to catch him off guard, test his strength, and determine whether he would be a worthy ally. Because while I need allies, I don’t need weak ones.

As I moved deeper into the house, I stumbled upon a room illuminated by the soft glow of a nightlight. I cautiously slid the traditional Japanese door open and found two figures sleeping, clad in blankets.

Upon using solar power on my eyes to brighten my vision, I noted they were two young girls, fast asleep in their futons. 

They were young, at most in middle school. Their peaceful expressions and gentle breathing tugged at my heartstrings, what the hell was I even doing? But I quickly pushed those feelings aside. 

“They must be Yoroi's daughters…”

Their presence reminded me that I needed to be discreet and cautious in my actions. A man is the most dangerous when he is protecting his children, so Yoroi would be like a furious grizzly bear in the fight they would have soon.

Closing the door to the girls' room, I took a deep breath, my nerves on edge. 


Then, I turned around to search further, but I froze right away.

Little did I know a moment ago that my actions had not gone unnoticed. As soon as the door clicked shut and I turned around, I felt a presence behind me. 

I turned around and was met with the stern gaze of an old veteran warrior, looking like an old viking as he wore a white tank top and pants, his jaws clenched as he stared down at me.

It was the No.9 Hero, Yoroi Musha himself, looking like the same angry bear that I was fearing.

“You…” His eyes narrowed, and the atmosphere grew tense. “How dare you?”


I had been caught before I even had the chance to confront him properly. My heart pounded in my chest, and my palms grew slick with sweat. 

Talking to him would be hard when he just saw me closing the door of his daughter’s room.

Knowing that the element of surprise was now gone, and I would have to rely on my strength and wit alone to make my case, I braced myself for the battle that was about to unfold.

Not waiting for my answer, the Pro Hero curled his fist around empty air, as a glowing katana made out of pure red energy formed on his hand. 

Immediately, he swung the sword at me. 
