(30) Virtually Naughty
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Chapter 30: “Virtually Naughty”

Evan frowned thoughtfully at his laptop's monitor, the computer taking its time finally connecting to the VR set up that Zack's father had going on in the basement. Glancing askance at Samantha as the girl leaned closer, giving the laptop an impatient look, the boy gave a small, helpless shrug.

“Sorry, my genius is focused more on bio-sciences than computer ones,” Evan apologised half-seriously, his browser showing the log in page of a website called “VR-Cafe.”

“Genius is genius,” Zack replied encouragingly with a shrug as he fiddled with one of the headsets.

“Oh! I think I got it,” Evan said as his laptop letting out a promising sounding beep noise, the boy moving the device onto the relative safety of the coffee table.

“I'm gonna have to side with Zack on this one,” Samantha replied, the girl leaning forward to take a moment to check the comments on her last video, the girl smiling at them, recognizing Craig's user name amongst the mostly otherwise familiar names, the girl pleased by his words of encouragement, “This stuff might as well be magic to me.”

“You'll get used to it,” Evan chuckled softly, slipping off the couch and crossing the room to the entertainment center so he could make a few adjustments to the hardware, making sure that everything was working on its end before glancing back at Zack with a grin, “It's too bad we still don't have that motion tracker yet. That'll really up our game once my dad gets around to looking into it.”

Zack grinned in agreement as his headset lit up. “Hey, my dad takes his gaming seriously, so if he doesn't, mine sure will!” he laughed, momentarily glancing towards the stairs, half expecting his father to suddenly come down them.

“Well our dads seem pretty happy with what they have so far,” Samantha noted, typing a quick reply of thanks for Craig, “I'm sorta amazed they even let us play with this tonight, honestly.”

Evan shrugged as he sat down beside the girl and handed both his friends a specialised controller. “The new toy thing wears off after a while,” he chuckled, letting the two examine their peripherals for a moment before offering an explanation.

“Okay, you can use these to move your character about,” Evan explained, holding up his own, tapping the flat disk at the top of it, his friends pushing the various buttons experimentally, “As well as interact with stuff in the world. Oh, and you can call up a virtual menu with lots of useful stuff in it. It'll let you change your avatar and your location in the world and such. It'll be even crazier once we get the motion tracker thing, though.”

Samantha nodded, the girl leaning back and slipping on her headset. “Well, I guess we're ready to go, then,” she replied hesitantly, Zack bouncing a little in his seat, excited to get started as Evan double checked a few things before getting comfortable and joining them.

“Here we go,” he commented, reaching over with his free hand to give Samantha's thigh a reassuring squeeze before hitting the button to connect them to the website.

A moment later and the three found themselves in a fairly simple starting room designed to resemble a comfortable high-rise apartment with a wide window overlooking a forest that stretched to the horizon, the sun illuminating the room in a cloudless blue sky.

“This is just the starting room,” Evan explained, Zack laughing as he found himself bumping in to furniture while trying to navigate the area while attempting adjust his camera so he could see his avatar at the same time, “We can get used to the controls and stuff here before venturing out into the wider world.”

“So a good place to make all our newby mistakes where no one can make fun of us?” Samantha chuckled, the girl stretching her hands out so she could see them before turning to look at her friends, smiling at the work Evan had done on their admitted cartoony avatars.

“Oh, I'm sure everyone'll find plenty of reasons to do that,” Zack replied, the boy finally finding himself able to navigate with out running at top speed into walls and chairs, his avatar moving to sit on a couch, the boy's real-life self slipping his hand under Samantha's t-shirt, his fingers caressing her lower back.

“Well, just make sure not to go trying to grope my avatar while there's people about,” the girl chuckled, finding it a little surreal to see him across the room while feeling his hand against her skin, “People we know like to come here sometimes, and you know how people at school are.”

“They'll figure it out eventually,” Evan replied with a shrug, his avatar's glasses momentarily glitching and floating a short distance from his face before snapping back in place, making Samantha laugh.

“I'd rather keep them guessing for now, though,” the girl replied with a grin, calling up her virtual menu display once she felt comfortable enough with the game's controls, “Okay, so where are we going next? It'll make for a pretty boring video if the three sit around here doing nothing all evening.”

“Oh, there's piles things we could do!” Zack teased, Samantha feeling his hand slip lower, giving her bottom a squeeze and making her jump, the girl laughing as she slapped at his thigh.

“Oh calm down! That's the last thing people here need to see!” she laughed, Evan pulling up his own menu to examine their options.

“We've got another place for that sorta thing,” he agreed with with a teasing grin, “Oh, here we go. There's a more local hangout area we can go to. It doesn't get a lot of international visitors, but it's based out of the Capital, so at least it won't just be people from around town there.”

Samantha nodded as Evan sent the link to both of them, the girl taking a moment to read the description. “It looks good to me,” she replied, glancing at the boys as they moved closer, “I guess I should do a quick intro that we can add to the start of the video we put together from this, then we can pop over.”

Zack and Evan nodded, stepping behind Samantha as she took a moment to figure out how to start recording before taking a deep breath and rotating her camera view so the girl could see herself.

Hoping she had the angle right, Samantha smiled, giving a bit of a wave as the laptop let out a polite beep to let her know she was recording. “Hey, Simply Sam here again,” the girl said brightly, inwardly chastising herself for her nervousness. She'd done far more on Talking To Strangers, after all, “And today I thought I'd try out VR Cafe for the first time and see what sorta trouble me and friends can stir up. Maybe I'll even grab a few new subscribers along the way!”

Returning the camera to its default position, Samantha giggled as Zack and Evan gave a wave. “So, ready to go, guys?” she asked, the boys nodding in agreement.

“For science!” Zack agreed, Samantha grinning in response, the three children selecting the new room to travel to, opening a shimmering violet portal between them.

“Here we go,” Evan agreed, the three of them stepping through, the world around them momentarily replaced by a pale blue nothingness, a simple message in white flashing at them for a few seconds, “Loading world, please wait...”

The blue nothing vanished quickly, replaced with a large open area, its high ceiling held up by ivory pillars and furnished with couches, tables and large colourful pillows in piles upon the gleaming marble floor.

Sunlight beamed in through numerous windows, giving the room a warm inviting feeling with a skylight directly over a large square pool of shallow water with steps leading down into it. Past this was an open area where the floor was made of large colourful squares that rotated their colours, flashing brightly in time with the music that emanated from the area.

As the trio appeared in the room, it took the system a moment to bring up the avatars of the two dozen or so other users, most of them divided up into various groups spread about the room.

“This is a little overwhelming,” Evan chuckled softly as Samantha took a deep breath moving in a slow circle to record the full view of the room.

Glancing over at Even and smiling reassuringly, Samantha laughed a little to herself as she realised that her avatar's expressions weren't that complex before giving his thigh a squeeze.

“Just be tech and moral support, that's fine,” the girl replied, Evan nodding as he took a look around, taking mental notes as he checked out other people's avatars.

“You know, if I'd known there was a pool here, I'd of given you a swimsuit avatar,” he chuckled as Zack leaned over to take a look at the group that was hanging out in the shallow pool.

“You think they have naked areas too?” the boy inquired, laughing as he felt Samantha playfully smack his chest with the back of her hand.

“Pervert,” the girl said teasingly, unable to deny that she was wondering that herself.

Evan called up his menu again and started going through various options. “There's a few adult areas, but it's probably best to avoid those on these accounts,” he replied helpfully, Zack's avatar giving its grinning animation, “But if you give me a few minutes, I should be able to add some extra clothing options to your avatar.”

Samantha chuckled as she glanced down at her avatar's chest, thinking for a moment. “You could probably give me a little something here, if you wanted,” she replied teasingly, “Even if it would be false advertising.”

“I'll take two,” Zack added, Samantha laughing and shaking her head at him.

“You'll be waiting for a bit for that yet,” she told him slyly not noticing as Evan made an alteration to her avatar, the boy trying not to grin, “Anyway, we should find some more stuff for the video. Maybe talk to some people?”

Zack nodded, trying not to laugh as he noticed that Samantha's avatar now had a modest pair of breasts. “I, um, yeah, maybe over by the pool?” he suggested, Samantha smirking a bit at the suggestion.

“You just wanna perv on the girls,” she replied, leading the way over to the pool, Zack giving a helpless shrug.

“Who am I do deny it?” he asked rhetorically, glancing at Evan who made a few more adjustments before waving away his virtual menu.

“I made some alterations to your outfit, by the way,” he announced, glancing askance at Zack, flashing him a quick grin, “You can discard bits of your clothing, and under it you'll be wearing a bikini.”

“Neat!” Samantha replied, smiling and waving at the handful of people who noticed her, the girl's virtual long red braids swaying back and forth as she paused at the edge of the pool.

“Are you three new here?” inquired what appeared to be tall, rather busty blond woman in a floral print bikini who was sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water, her voice sounding surprisingly refined despite the hint of mischief in her tone.

Samantha glanced down at the woman and smiled, momentarily envious of the higher polygon count on her avatar. “Yeah, this our first time trying this place out,” the redhead explained with a bit of a shrug, “I thought it might make for an interesting V-Star video, assuming we can get some interesting footage or whatever.”

The woman nodded thoughtfully as a pair of men waded over, the water making the proper sound effect without actually moving at all. Their avatars among the more well crafted ones about, the pair nearly identical, crafted to look like fit, but not overly buff young men wearing nothing but swimming trunks. The only visible difference between them was that one was blond and the other had dark hair, making Samantha wonder if maybe they weren't real life twins or something.

“Hey, you're making a video?” the blond one inquired rhetorically, his brother grinning broadly, “Can we be in it too?”

“I dunno, you two got anything fun to add to it?” Samantha inquired with teasing scepticism, smirking a little to herself, the two exchanging glances.

“Well, you could always join us here for a bit and find out,” the dark haired one commented slyly, glancing over at the boys behind her, “Your friends can join too, if they want.”

“You do have swim wear now,” Evan added helpfully with a bit of a shrug, Samantha glancing over her shoulder at him before shrugging herself and giving a nod.

“Okay, if anything interesting comes of it, I'll add it to the video,” Samantha told them with a shrug, the girl calling up her virtual menu and starting to search for her avatar options, only then noticing the extra addition Evan had made.

“Hey!” Samantha laughed, turning to face him, the boy grinning and giving her a helpless shrug, “I thought I said you'd have to wait for those!”

“I figured it might help with your sub count,” Evan replied with a bit of a chuckle, Zack laughing and nodding in agreement.

Stepping closer, the blond twin waved his hand slowly back and forth in front of himself, making Samantha laugh as it passed harmlessly through her avatar's breasts.

“Hey, if you show us these, I'll definitely subscribers to you're channel!” the man laughed, the woman sitting near by rolling her eyes.

“That sort of thing isn't allowed in this room, dear,” she said with a sigh, as Samantha shook her head in amusement.

“You're out of luck there, buddy!” the girl laughed as she went about changing her avatar, its image blinking out for half a second before returning wearing only an emerald green bikini that matched her eyes.

“Nice!” both young men laughed as Samantha took a moment to figure out how to make her avatar sit down on the edge of the pool.

“I'll upgrade it later,” Evan added with a shrug as Zack walked around to get a better look at Samantha's avatar.

“You're her tech support?” the woman inquired with an amused smile, the boy nodding.

“He's the editing master, though,” Evan replied, pointing to Zack.

“We're a good team,” Samantha added, tilting her head back to smile up at the boys.

“So, does that mean you could give her a naked avatar?” the dark haired brother inquired, Evan glancing at Zack grinned back at him, Samantha rolling her eyes.

“You can find cartoony naked girls anywhere, you know,” she replied with a dismissive wave, the woman beside her giving a thoughtful look.

“Such things are always more impactful when you have a connection to the people involved, though,” she replied, giving a teasing smile and offering her hand to the girl, “I'm Wynter Spring, by the way. I believe we've met.”

Samantha did a double take, a cold chill running through her as she stared wide-eyed at the pretty blond lady for a long moment. “I ah um...” the girl stammered as the boys tensed, even Zack's words catching in his throat.

The woman smiled, chuckling softly as Samantha shakily raised her hand to meet Wynter Springs. “Don't worry dear,” the woman said, lowering her voice, smiling back at the girl, “your secret's safe with me.”

Samantha swallowed hard, her heart racing. She hadn't considered this. Glancing about, she wondered if there was anyone else around that she'd “met” on other websites.

“Th- thanks!” Samantha replied nervously, doing her best to simulate shaking the woman's hand despite the lack of actual physical contact, “But um, yeah, this is a little weird.”

“So, you two know each other?” the dark haired twin inquired, Samantha letting out a nervous laugh as Wynter Spring gave a slow, casual shrug, the woman smirking with amusement.

“I'm what you might might call a fan of her work,” the woman replied slyly, her avatar reclining, sinking deeper into the water, “You two should subscribe to her channel, she's quite... talented.”

Samantha blushed hard, glad that her avatar didn't do it as well as she heard the boys snicker. “Um, yeah, my channel's kinda small, but it'll get there,” the girl managed, doing her best to sound casual as she glanced askance at the woman, desperately hoping that she lived in another country.

“Well, if you're not gonna show your VR titties, how about your real ones?” the dark haired guy insisted, the brothers taking a seat in the water, grinning back at the girl, her eyes going wide.

“You two are obsessed!” Samantha laughed, shaking her head as Winter Spring's mic suddenly cut out, the girl certain she was laughing.

The blond twin sighed heavily and shook his head in amusement. “Hey, all we're sayin' is that you'd probably get piles of subs if you did,” he explained, clearly doing his best to make his argument sound reasonable, “Besides, doesn't V-Star allow that kinda stuff?”

“As long as it's tasteful,” Evan replied helpfully, the boy's words catching in his throat as he felt Samantha's real life elbow poke him in the ribs.

“Look, there's just no way,” Samantha chuckled nervously, the girl shaking her head at the two, “Dude, my parents follow my account. I gotta be super careful with that sorta thing on there.”

The two men exchanged glances for a moment before the blond brother smirked, raising his finger for emphasis. “Ah, but you could make it members only!” he suggested, leaning closer and lowering his voice, “Just keep it on the down low that you do that sorta thing.”

Samantha blushed a bit, the girl taking a deep breath. He wasn't wrong. She could set up memberships, and she could, at least in theory, keep an eye on who she told about it and invited in. Still, though, that was what she had Talking To Strangers for.

“Look, there's just no way,” Samantha sighed, shaking her head, the twins giving her disappointed looks before calling up their virtual menus.

“Okay, what's your channel name again?” the dark haired one inquired, the girl nibbling her bottom lip, suddenly half-wondering if maybe it might better to move to another room.

“Um, Simply Sam,” she replied nervously, glancing at the boys as they smiled reassuringly at her.

“Okay, seems like you only have a hundred and fifty subs right now,” the blond guy commented slyly, meeting the girl's gaze as she turned back to him, “What if say, I talked to some friends of mine, and we got you up to like, another five hundred subscribers.”

Samantha laughed, shaking her head, she'd had more than that on some of her live streams, after all. “I'm not taking my top off for that!” the girl replied, rolling her eyes.

“No, no, this is about marketing,” the man explained with a grin, the girl raising a suspicious eyebrow at him, “You see, the deal would be this. I get you five hundred new subscribers, and you promise to eventually show us what you got once you reach whatever sub count it'll take for you to actually feel comfortable doing it. Plus which, that many people with paid subscriptions wouldn't hurt your bank account any either.”

Samantha paused for a moment, her mind racing. She still had to wait a while before she even had a bank account, but the idea was becoming at least half-tempting. Taking a deep breath, her heart racing, the girl did her best to sound dismissive of the idea.

“Yeah, but like, I'm still in school,” she explained, deciding to leave her actual age out of the conversation for the moment, “I can't have a bunch of strangers leaking that sorta thing all over the internet. Especially if they can see my face and stuff. My parents would freakin' kill me!”

The twins laughed, shaking their heads in amusement. “Then set the bar really high,” the blond man replied, “Like, tell them you wont do it unless you can get like, a hundred thousand subscribers. By then you get there, you won't be living with your parents, right?”

Samantha paused for a moment. That was an awful lot of subscribers. It was pretty unlikely she'd ever get that many. Although making the promise to do something naughty like that would likely net her a few thousand at least.

“But, you should probably do something to keep people's attention, though,” the dark haired brother added, “Like, say every so many subscribers, you offer to take off an article of clothing. Basically, tease them a bunch and make them do the work to get you more subscribers because they want you to take more off sorta thing. It'd be like a really slow strip tease!”

Samantha laughed at the idea, glancing at each of the boys in turn. “What'd you two think of that idea?” she asked, Zack grinning as Evan tapped his chin thoughtfully.

“Well,” the blond boy replied after a moment, “By the time you get to a hundred thousand, we'll probably be done with school. You'd be way less likely to get in trouble then.”

“He's got a point,” Zack said with a shrug, “The internet doesn't have much of an attention span, so it'd probably be a fun gimmick if nothing else. We'd just need to keep it on the down low.”

“The -very- down low,” Samantha agreed with a chuckle, the idea sounding weirdly tempting. It was, after all, really unlikely that things would even go that far in the first place, but it would certainly garner her a fair bit of attention. She just needed to be very careful how she went about it.

“So are you in?” the blond man inquired, raising an eyebrow at the girl, Samantha pausing for a moment, glancing at Wynter Spring who gave her a teasing smile.

“Personally, I think it sounds like a lovely idea,” the woman added, “You are very pretty dear, why not expand your audience a little?”

Samantha sighed, shaking her head as she rolled her eyes. “I can't believe I'm agreeing to this,” she chuckled, looking back at the two grinning men she still hadn't caught the names, “Okay, this idea does sound fun. But I'm gonna start out with a lot of clothes on. If people wanna see my boobs, they're gonna have to work for it, okay?”

“Sounds good,” the dark haired brother replied, glancing at his twin.

“So it's a deal then?” Samantha inquired, the man smirking a bit as he turned back to her.

“Well, there is one more thing. Something to seal the deal,” he explained, lowering his voice and glancing about to make sure the other patrons weren't paying too close attention.

Samantha sighed softly to herself. It was only fair that she'd have to do something for them, she supposed. But somehow the girl half-knew what they had in mind. “Okay, what'd you pervs want?” Samantha inquired suspiciously, folding her arms and raising an eyebrow at them.

The twins laughed, shaking their heads. “Are we that obvious?” the blond one asked, his brother doing his best to look innocent.

“You're not really as subtle as you think you are, dear,” Wynter Spring commented drolly, meeting Samantha's gaze for moment, the girl smirking as they both focused on the two once more.

“Okay, okay,” the other brother laughed, waving his hands, “I admit, we've got a request that might be a bit... spicy.”

Samantha smirked, shaking her head in mild amusement. “I'm kinda used to that sorta thing,” she confessed, the boys smirking and chuckling quietly behind her, “just get to the point.”

The man nodded, clearing his throat before glancing about again and leaning closer. “We want to see you masturbate,” he said in a low, sly tone, grinning as he met Samantha's eyes, the girl blushing a little.

“That's not really allowed around here,” the girl whispered back, glancing about, thankful that most people seemed to be crowed around the dance floor area, the distant sounding music having changed to something she recognized as being rather popular.

“Well, that's half the point right there,” the blond twin interjected, his brother nodding in agreement, “I mean, isn't it way more fun to do things like this when there's a chance of getting caught?”

Samantha inhaled sharply, glancing at the boys, both of them quietly slipping their real life hands onto her thighs, both giving her reassuring squeezes. “You're not wrong...” the girl confessed, glancing at Wynter Spring, her avatar doing an excellent impression of smiling knowingly.

“So, will you do it?” the dark haired twin inquired with an amused smirk, Samantha frowning thoughtfully for a moment.

It wasn't like she had to add this bit out of her video, Samantha reasoned, and they weren't asking her to do something she hadn't done a bunch of times already. Samantha had done way more for less, after all. Glancing at each of the them in turn, the girl took a deep breath and did her best to give them a smug smile.

“Okay, I'll do it,” she said in a low tone, the others grinning at her words, Zack and Evan's real life hands giving her thighs a squeeze again, the twins high-fiving.

“Are you sure okay with this?” Wynter Spring inquired, genuine concern entering the woman's tone, the girl chuckling at the question.

“Have we met?” Samantha inquired, her confidence increasing as she rose to the challenge despite that her cheeks were flushing hotly, “It's a fair trade. Plus, it sounds kinda fun.”

“Just don't get caught,” Zack chuckled, the girl giving a shrug as she took a moment to undo her jeans and push them down to her upper thighs to make things easier.

“Hey, it's easier to hide this sorta thing when you're a girl,” Samantha giggled before taking hold of the boys' real life hands and drawing them closer, “Plus, I have help!”

“That's our girl...” Evan breathed, exhaling slowly as his avatar took a seat on the floor, deciding to get comfortable.

“Wait, you three are in the same room?” the dark haired brother inquired, Samantha ducking down a little, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed again as the boys laughed, grinning and nodding.

“That does open some additional possibilities, wouldn't you agree?” Wynter Spring inquired, casting the twins a sly smile, the two men glancing at one another before grinning at Samantha.

“Wait... what?” the girl inquired nervously, “Um, there's only so much we can get away with you know.”

“We've gotten away with worse,” Zack chuckled, taking a seat where he could see both Samantha and Wynter Spring's avatars, his real life hand sliding across Samantha's now naked thigh, smiling as he found that the girl had pushed down her panties as well.

“Hey!” Samantha laughed, feeling the boys fingers brush against her folds, Evan chuckling as he joined in, the girl squirming, his hand sliding slowly up under her shirt, “That wasn't a dare!”

“Too late now,” Zack chuckled teasingly, Samantha's laughter becoming a gasping whimper as she felt the boy's finger press against her folds, rubbing gently between them.

“Try not to squirm too much, it might make your avatar do weird things,” Evan whispered teasingly, his own avatar looking a little odd as his hand slid higher, his fingers squeezing the girl's nipple, his lips brushing along her neck.

Samantha closed her eyes, her body shaking as she tried to stay still, letting the boys tease her as the three relative strangers watched, but more importantly, listened to the sounds that escaped her lips.

“What are they doing, sweety?” Wynter Spring inquired, shuffling her avatar closer, the twins distracted for a moment as her breast physics made her bosom sway for several seconds.

Samantha swallowed hard, letting out a muffled whimper. “He... he's got his finger in me,” the girl breathed, keeping her voice down as her inner walls squeezed against Zack's finger, the boy moving it slowly back and forth, probing deeper and deeper.

“That's so hot,” one of the twins commented quietly, both of them moving closer as well so they could hear the girl better even if they couldn't really see what was happening.

Feeling Evan's hand slip out of her shirt, Samantha let out a soft gasp as the boy took the controller out of her hand, the girl's heart racing, feeling his hand against her cheek pulling her head to one side.

“Is he kissing you?” Wynter Spring whispered her voice shaking a little, one of her avatar's hands sitting in her lap, the woman managing not to be too obvious about what she was doing.

Samantha let out an affirmative sound as the boys continued to tease her, making it almost impossible to keep her voice down as the girl's excitement rose, panting softly, unable to keep from letting out a soft whimper now and then.

“Just relax, let us take care of it,” the blond boy chuckled softly, Samantha nodding slowly in response, closing her eyes, letting them the boys do as they pleased.

“Um, guys... What are you doing...?” Samantha inquired with a nervous giggle, feeling Zack's hands pull her jeans further down before his hands ran slowly back up over the soft firmness of her legs.

“Oh, nothing,” Zack chuckled, pulling the girl forward a little, his lips suddenly kissing Samantha's thigh, making her let out a soft yelp.

“You... know you parents are upstairs, right?” she reminded him, the boys chuckling softly in response, but not stopping.

“Don't worry, they were pretty busy last I checked,” Evan assured her, taking Samantha's hand and guiding it to one side, the girl letting out a soft gasp as she felt the warmth of his shaft against her skin.

“What are they doing now?” the blond twin inquired, Samantha inhaling sharply as she noticed several other people wandering closer, the girl shaking her head slowly, unable to keep from giggling.

“He... he's licking me,” Samantha panted, glancing downwards at the space where Zack was in the real world but not on the virtual one, her audience looming even closer, hoping that the girl's mic would pick up the sounds of it.

“This is way better than just masturbating,” the dark haired twin chuckled, Samantha's eyes widening as someone who was just wandering by did a double take and started staring at her.

“There... there's an awful lot of people here now,” the girl whimpered, letting out a soft whine, her body squirming as Zack's tongue teased her clit, Evan slowly moving her hand up and down along his shaft.

“How many are there?” the blond boy inquired with a hint of amusement in his voice, Samantha swallowing hard as she glanced about, counting the people she saw.

“Like... eight,” Samantha managed, the girl swallowing hard, her body shaking harder, her excitement rising.

Glancing about at the group on onlookers, the risk that some of them might secretly be people she knew was both terrifying and exciting. She knew things were going way to far, but it was too late to stop. Grabbing hold of Zack's hair, she started moving her other hand faster, stroking Evan's shaft as Zack's fingers and tongue worked their magic.

“She's gonna cum,” the dark haired twin chuckled, glancing over his shoulder at the crowd, a quiet murmur going up amongst them as they pressed closer, surrounding the little girl as she whimpered helplessly.

“Is this real?” someone asked.

“I hope so!” chuckled another.

“Looks like someone lost a bet!” laughed a third.

Closing her eyes tightly, Samantha found it harder and harder to care. It wasn't like they could really see anything anyway. It was just noises from their perspective, after all. Plus, having so many people watching was always so much fun.

“Don't hold back, sweety,” Wynter Spring told her with a soft chuckle, “No one one knows you here. You're safe.”

Samantha let out long moan in response, the girl arching her back as she heard Evan softly grunting, the boy's hand moving to her thigh, trusting her not to stop. Gritting her teeth, grunting as she panted hard, Samantha couldn't have held back if she tried, the feeling of Zack's tongue sliding up to her clit making the child squirm.

Hearing other soft sounds from those around her, Samantha realised that at least a few of her onlookers were masturbating, that they were genuinely getting off to what she was doing. The idea made her heart race even faster, the girl letting out a sudden gasping cry as an intense feeling of ecstasy flooded her young mind.

Her hips bucking, Samantha groaned desperately as she felt warm moisture on her fingers, knowing that she'd made Evan cum as well, the knowledge making it all the more difficult for the girl to calm down.

“She just keeps going,” someone chuckled, the sounds of several male panting voices in her ears making Samantha blush as she realized how much of a turn on it was to actually hear them.

Falling back into her seat, Samantha groaned and whimpered, her whole body tingling as Zack gave her nether-lips a gentle kiss before pulling away, the boy letting out a soft groan as he stood up.

“Wha- what are you?” the girl stammered, hearing Evan laugh as Zack's hand suddenly grabbed the back of her head, pulling Samantha forward, the girl letting out a muffled sound of surprise as she felt the boy push his shaft into her mouth, Samantha automatically starting to suck, even without thinking about it, the girl moaning hungrily.

“Oh, now that's a sound I recognize,” Wynter Spring commented teasingly, Samantha blushing again as she realized she couldn't stop even if she wanted to, both of Zack's hands now firmly holding her head in place as the boy moved his hips back and forth.

“Not too loud,” Evan cautioned with a quiet chuckle, “we have parents upstairs.”

Samantha whimpered at his words, momentarily imagining what would happen if Zack's parents suddenly came down to see what the noise was about. The idea of them staring in shock as their son used her mouth, the girl suckling hungrily as they watched, made Samantha move her free hand back to her still sensitive folds.

Letting go of Evan, Samantha moved her other hand to cup Zack's balls, squeezing and rubbing them gently, the girl whimpering and moaning as he set the pace, the girl once more wishing he'd fill her mouth with his hot white semen. The wait becoming almost too much for her.

Blushing hard, Samantha realized how desperately she wanted it. She wanted it in her mouth, on her skin, possibly even in other places. She wanted to see it, to touch it, to taste it, the knowledge that it came from someone she loved making it all the more desirable.

It wasn't long before Zack was panting and grunting, the boy's shaft throbbing in her mouth as Samantha hungrily sucked his shaft, both of them knowing that they needed to hurry. Not only were his parents upstairs, but it was only a matter of time before someone reported what was going on.

Keeping her eyes closed, the whispered words of those around her only increased Samantha's excitement, several of them wishing they could see what what was happening for real or saying what else they wished the girl would do.

Her fingers moving faster against her moist folds, Samantha's body shook hard as she started to cum again. Feeling Zack give a hard grunt, his shaft twitching in her mouth as it touched the back of her throat before spurting a bit into her, the girl letting out a muffled sound of surprise.

“S-sorry-!” Zack managed, pulling back quickly as Samantha coughed, choking slightly as she tried not to laugh, the girl slapping playfully at his stomach before glancing around at her suddenly cheering spectators.

“Did you swallow it?” someone asked with amusement, Samantha blushing hard as she tried to hide her face, but without her controller her avatar stayed still.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Samantha let out a bit of a laugh, the girl shaking her head. “It's, ah, complicated,” she told them as Zack sat back down and slipped an arm around her, the girl snuggling closer, “um, maybe next time, okay?”

“Implying that there'll be a next time,” Wynter Spring chuckled, smirking at Evan, the boy exhaling loudly as he looked around at the crowd that had gathered.

“Um, yeah, probably not then!” Samantha laughed, shaking her head, breathing heavily as she slowly calmed back down, smiling as she felt Evan press closer on her other side, his hand upon her naked thigh.

“We should probably change rooms before things get too awkward,” the boy commented sagely, giving Wynter Spring a polite wave, “This wasn't, um, quite why we came here.”

“Hey, I'm not complaining,” the dark haired twin laughed, shaking his head in amusement.

“But a promise is a promise,” the blond twin said with a grin, Samantha glancing askance, hoping that she wasn't getting in over her head this time.

“Okay, well, um, thanks, I guess,” she chuckled nervously, wrapping her hand around her controller as Evan handed it to her, “But we really need to get going!”

“Aww! Don't leave!” someone begged with genuine disappoint, the girl rolling her eyes.

“Just keep your promise, okay?” Samantha told the twins as smugly as she could, the trio calling up their virtual menus and quickly going back to their starting area.

Appearing in the room, Samantha exhaled loudly, the girl shaking her head, the three of them still laughing. “That was probably a bad idea!” she laughed, her heart still racing.

“You think they'll actually get you more subscribers?” Zack inquired with a grin, “It still seems kinda far fetched to me.”

Samantha shrugged, calling up her menu again to find other areas that might make for better video opportunities. “They'd better,” Samantha chuckled, giving a bit of a shrug, “But, honestly, I think they did have kind of a fun idea back there.”

“Doing things in front of people in VR?” Zack inquired teasingly, the girl rolling her eyes as she playfully smacked his chest with the back of her hand.

“No, I mean that whole... uh, what'd he call it?” Samantha pondered a moment, frowning thoughtfully, “Slow strip tease?”

“That's it,” Evan replied with a nod, the boy smiling as an idea came to him, “But, I think it'd also be more incentive for those two to actually give you what they promised.”

“Our genius never stops working!” Zack said with a grin, Samantha sighing happily as she gave Evan's thigh a squeeze.

The blond boy chuckled, bowing his head shyly and he tried unsuccessfully to adjust his glasses. “Um, so yeah, it's just a small thing,” he explained, lowering his voice in case anyone upstairs was listening too closely, “But, I was thinking that we could record you in your school uniform, that way it'd both get those 'twins' attention, but it'd also have the advantage of having more layers of clothing sorta deal.”

“So it'd take longer for you to get fully naked then,” Zack agreed with a chuckle, rather liking the idea even as Samantha's stomach tightened with nervous excitement.

“Years probably,” Evan replied with a shrug, “Unless you go totally viral or something.

Samantha chuckled nervously at the thought. She should probably scrap the idea, she supposed, but it was a rather fun idea. Plus, not many people would really know it was happening. At least not people she knew. And, it always was terribly fun to get away with things.

“The chances of that happening are pretty low, I'm, sure,” the girl giggled, “At least on V-Star where I mostly actually gotta behave myself.”

“All right then,” Zack said with a firm nod, “Sounds like we have a plan for tomorrow after school then.”

Samantha took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Yeah, I think I can do that,” she replied nervously, “But for now, what'd ya say we do some more exploring around here? Maybe without me taking my pants off, though.”

“You should probably pull them up first,” Evan laughed, the girl letting out a soft yelp before frantically fixing the problem. The last thing she needed were Zack's parents coming downstairs and finding her half naked on the couch.

“Okay,” Samantha said at last, choosing another area to try out, the girl still intent on making a video, “Let's go cause some trouble.”

“For science,” Zack chuckled, the girl letting out a snort of laughter as she selected a promising sounding area. A moment later, and the three spent the rest of the evening continuing to explore the virtual world, thankfully avoiding anymore perverts along the way. At least for the time being...


Hurrying upstairs to her room after school the next day, Samantha found herself grinning excitedly as she burst into her bedroom. Pushing the window open, the girl took a deep breath of the still cool April air, the promise of Spring definitely in the air.

“Okay,” she told herself, the girl setting her laptop up on her desk and turning on her camera, “I'll get Zack to edit this later...”

Adjusting the angle, Samantha leaned forward, slowly backing away as she watched the reflection of herself on the screen for a moment. Standing up straight, the girl brushed out her uniform jacket and skirt before adjusting her dark green tie.

Taking a deep breath, Samantha looked boldly into the camera giving it her most confident smile. “Hey here!” the redhead said to her future viewers, giving the camera a wave, “Simply Sam here again on a special members only video. Now, as I said in the title, I've decided to put out a bit of a challenge for you guys.”

Feeling her cheeks get warm, Samantha paused for a moment, taking a few deep breaths, glancing towards her door, listening for any footsteps outside, definitely not wanting to be interrupted.

Glancing back at the camera, the girl smiled again before continuing. “Ah, basically, as something special for my members only,” Samantha explained, unable to keep from giggling nervously, “I've secretly set up special membership goals for just you guys, so keep it a secret, okay?”

Wetting her lips, Samantha wished she'd brought a drink with her, the girl hoping no one noticed how nervous she was. “So, it works like this, and I know it sounds crazy, but...” the girl took a deep breath, “Every time I reach a subscriber milestone, I'll take off a piece of clothing! Now, don't get too excited, okay? 'Cause I'm setting the bar pretty high!”

Samantha laughed a little, shaking her head as she imagined the reaction that statement would probably get, the girl making a note to get Zack to add in some visual representations of her subscriber goals.

“Okay, so, here's how it's gonna work,” the girl explained, her tone becoming a bit more serious, “If I can get five hundred subscribers, I'll start this whole thing going by taking my shoes off! But don't worry, they don't need to be members, just, normal subs, ya know?”

The girl grinning teasingly as she lifted her foot, showing off her shiny black uniform shoe, making sure not to lift her skirt too high. There was no sense giving them too much of a show just yet, after all.

“Now, don't get too excited, okay?” Samantha told the camera with a sly smile, the girl counting on her fingers, “Cause this is gonna go pretty slow! I'll only take off my socks at say... a thousand. Then, at three thousand I'll take off my jacket, and at five thousand I'll take off my tie!”

Laughing and shaking her head, Samantha glanced at the window for a moment, wondering if she was being watched by her neighbour. “Not super exciting, I know,” the girl said teasingly, lowering her voice a little, “but if you guys can get me to, um, eight thousand, I'll take off my blouse...”

Finding herself blushing hard again, Samantha took another deep breath, the girl's heart racing. That was a pretty big promise, she realised. At least if people were going to see her face. But then, her streams on Talking to Strangers were definitely showing her how fun it could be to tease people. And besides, it wasn't like anyone she knew really needed to know about what she was doing in her members only videos.

“But, um, after that you guys are really gonna have to work for it!” the girl laughed, blushing hotly again, doing her best to push past her nervousness, “At ten thousand, you'll have me down to my under things when I take off my skirt... And you'd better appreciate it!”

Samantha laughed, shaking her head at the thought. It was pretty unlikely she'd get -that- many subscribers. At least not any time soon. “And then!” the girl continued, trying not to laugh at what she was about to say, given that it wasn't something she even remotely had to really think about yet, “if I can get to say... thirty thousand, I'll take my bra off!”

Grinning, Samantha felt a sudden sense of dread. What if she didn't have much to show them by the time that happened? What if people made fun of her for not having much to show? What if she had nothing to show at all?!

Closing her eyes, the girl took a deep breath. “I'll probably be like twenty before that happens,” she told herself with a chuckle, slowly opening her eyes and taking another deep breath.

“So, I'm thinking... if you want to see me totally naked, though, that'll take a hundred thousand people to follow me on V-Star!” she explained to her future subscribers in a firm tone, the girl raising a finger for emphasis. That'd probably take a really long time, the girl supposed. Although, by then, there might actually be some genuine excitement she supposed. Still, it'd take forever to get to that point!

“And yeah, that's the deal,” Samantha told her members, the girl folding her arms and standing a little taller, unable to keep from laughing, “Think of it as a slow strip tease. But it's up to you pervs to keep it going! If I don't get subs, I keep my clothes on!”

“Well, that's all for now,” Samantha told her future viewers, the little redhead doing her best to affect the stern tone her mother occasionally used, “Just be sure to keep this on the down low, okay? Cause I'm gonna be really picky about who I let become a member! So don't go spreading what happens in members only vids around, okay? Cause I'll call this whole thing off if it gets too scary, just so you know.”

“Anyway, that's all for now,” Samantha then said brightly, “Please feel free to get your friends to subscribe, and when the time comes, make sure to tune in and leave a comment!”

Walking over to her laptop, Samantha stopped recording and took a deep breath. Looking at her account, she had two member requests. One was Craig's account and the other was Seth's according to the user names. How would they react to the video? She wondered for a moment before shrugging and allowing them access.

“I guess this kinda counts as an investment,” Samantha chuckled, knowing that any money she made from having members would have to wait for her to get a bank account. Evan had some ideas of how to work around it, but the girl was willing to be patient. Besides, Samantha had chosen the minimum amount anyway, so it wasn't like V-Star was going to get her rich or anything.

Shrugging to herself, Samantha decided to worry about it later, the girl taking a seat and pulled over her backpack, settling in to get her homework done before dinner...