Chapter 2
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A week has passed, and the client has returned to the witch’s cottage for their checkup, but this time they look quite different.


She is now sporting a significantly more feminine body compared to the week before, and is wearing a frilly sundress with a matching hat, which she removes as she enters the room.


“Ah, Michelle,” The witch welcomes her, “It appears that everything has gone according to plan.”


“Yes, this is great!” The client replies, “I’m still getting used to everything, but this is perfect! It’s exactly how I said I wanted to look when we did the consultation!”


“That’s excellent to hear, it doesn’t seem like there have been any issues, but there are still a few things we need to go over. Please take a seat, this won’t take long.”


The client takes a seat at a coffee table in the centre of the room, opposite to the witch. As she does so, a doll walks out from the back room to serve tea to the both of them.


The client was very nervous on their previous visits, and wasn’t paying too much attention to the things around her at the time, but now she’s transfixed on an unusual feature of the doll that didn’t fully sink in previously.


Its body kept most of its appearance from when it was a human, which isn’t unusual depending on the witch that did the conversion, but its right arm, and the lower right section of its face, are made of a completely different material.


Those parts of its body contain chunks of various colours that reflect some of the light in the room, each colour separated by a frame made out of another, much darker material. It reminds the client of the stained glass windows she’s seen in important buildings.


“Thank you for the tea, Ophelia. You’ve done an excellent job, as always” The doll gets a little giddy from being praised by its witch, and returns back to the room it came from. The client barely took her eyes off of it the entire time.


“Appreciating my handiwork, are you?” the witch asks with a small smirk.


“Sorry, it’s just… That pattern, it’s beautiful. I heard that most dolls had artificial bodies, but I never knew that there were ones that looked quite like that.”


“Ophelia is a bit of a special case, you see. I’ve always preferred the natural beauty of keeping a doll in its original body, but that one was… badly damaged when it first came to me. I saved as much of the body as I could, and I let it choose what material I used for the parts that needed replacing.”


The client is amazed by this glimpse into a world she doesn’t know, but is also a little concerned about Ophelia, as it sounds like things were tough for it before becoming a doll. She can at least take comfort in the fact that it seems well taken care of now.


The witch and her client return to their intended business while drinking the tea. It's mostly just some routine questions about what side effects the client had experienced, as well as making sure those effects, as well as the intended changes from the procedure, had finished. The last step was the witch performing a quick scan with her magic to make sure the plant had fully dissolved. Everything goes by rather quickly, and they both have some tea left in their cups.


“Everything is in order, it appears that the procedure went off without a hitch.” The witch confirms.


“I’m very glad to hear that. Once again, thank you so much for this.” The client gives a small bow in appreciation.


“What are your plans now? I assume there are things you want to do, now that you can truly be yourself.”


“Yes… I’ve always been a shut-in, and I don’t really know that many people outside of the bakery, so I really want to finally put myself out there and make some real connections!” The client says with a look of hope and determination in her eyes.


“Well, I wish you the best of luck with your endeavours, Michelle.” The witch smiles warmly.


The two of them finish their tea, and with business concluded, the client leaves the cottage for what both of them expect to be the last time.