7. Dungeon Chest
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7. Dungeon Chest

Meira led me outside of the shrine with a smile on her face.

"This is going to be so much fun! Let's go out to town!" she said with glee.

"Sounds great," I replied with a smile as we left the shrine and began walking down the main path.

It felt really weird to be walking through town in a completely normal outfit while Meira was in nothing but panties and a tight crop top that barely covered her ass and pussy. She walked in front of me with a little sway in her hips as I admired her ass and crotch every chance I got. Every step she took sent vibrations up my body as we made our way through the forest.

The sun shone through the trees above us, warming my skin under the light white robes that hung from my shoulders. The sky was cloudy today, making it seem more like winter than springtime, though it didn't bother me.

"There is a great dungeon lurking deep in this forest," she pointed out. "Are you a skilled fighter?"

"I'm not really sure. I haven't fought anyone yet," I replied with a shrug.

"But you're a succubus. They're known for their combat prowess!" she replied. "If you ever need to defend yourself or fight an enemy, come find me. My skills are second to none."

"Okay... Thanks," I said nervously. "I'll keep that in mind."

We kept walking, taking some time to enjoy the scenery of the beautiful green foliage that surrounded us. Everything was just perfect; the sound of the birds chirping overhead and the feeling of the breeze blowing against my face were all so refreshing after the stuffy air of the shrine.

After about twenty minutes of walking down the road, we arrived at a large clearing. There wasn't much there except for what looked like a stone-walled cave entrance on one side of the path. A wooden sign with a picture of a dungeon on it stood near the mouth of the cave entrance, which had been decorated with vines and flowers.

"So this is the entrance to the dungeon," I commented. "Look's quite fancy for one."

"A bunch of adventures goes through there every day. Most of the upper floors are already learned, but the lower floors still prove to be very challenging. We should try our hand in the dungeon, so you could try out whatever succubus things you could do. If anything happens, I'll protect you," she said as she walked up to me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not quite sure how yet, but I'll do my best," I replied with a smile. I felt a little nervous now that she was actually trying to protect me; however, the idea excited me a bit too.

"You better! Now let's get going!"


Meira led me into the dungeon while we continued chatting back and forth the whole way inside. The adventurers we passed nodded at us both before continuing deeper into the dungeon. It seemed like most people didn't really notice us in here; only those who were looking for trouble even paid us any attention. But it didn't matter; it made it feel more real when Meira was around since there were always these kinds of encounters in games.

The floor plan of the place reminded me a lot of the last game I played, though it looked smaller than that one. There were three staircases on each side of the first floor, with one staircase leading straight down from the ground floor. In addition, there were five different exits on the left side and four on the right side, almost like a labyrinth.

We entered the dungeon and headed toward the second level, with Meira taking the lead once again. She pointed out all sorts of interesting things along the way: some traps in the walls that would kill anyone who triggered them by accident and various types of monsters roaming around everywhere else.

"You see all this stuff? This is normal," she said as she ran past a set of spikes sticking out of the wall. "You just have to be careful not to get impaled by these. Thank god, some adventures already turned them off a long time ago. These can be pretty lethal if you don't have a healer nearby."

"Wow..." I breathed, watching her run through the corridor full of traps. "Aren't you scared? What if something happens?"

"I've been here a few times. These floors are practically harmless," she explained. "For now, let's simply explore the upper floors where a few weaker monsters still lurk to test your skills. Sounds good?"

"Yes ma'am!"

Meira continued leading me further into the dungeon while explaining how many different species of monsters inhabited the place. Apparently, there were mostly goblins and undead here, but they often fought each other too. The goblins were the dominating species, though, as they possessed decent intelligence and were often led by a hobgoblin—a rare creature that had high resistance against most magic.

There were skeleton warriors, too, which would occur when their necromancer abandoned them or died.

"Oops! Skeleton warrior in sight!"

Meira instantly reacted with her shuriken ready. "Wanna deal with this one, Alex?"

"Sure, I'll try."

I approached the skeleton, unsure how to deal with it. Should I punch it? I don't have a weapon on me.

Then, an idea struck me.

Using my shapeshifting abilities, I shaped a handful of long, slimy tentacles from my back that I could freely control. Then, I wrapped them around the skeletal monster's legs, holding them tightly so they couldn't move anymore. I pulled it close to my body and shoved his face between my breasts, pushing my plumpy tits together around him and squeezing its head like dough.

Even as an undead, it seemed to enjoy it as it didn't bother resisting. Eventually, I cracked its head, killing it.

"Nice one," Meira laughed as she watched over me. "You can use those things as weapons if you need to. They're pretty useful."


We continued walking through the corridors until we finally arrived at the entrance of the third floor. It was pretty dark compared to the first two, as there were no torches lit up here except for some magical lights above our heads that shone through the gaps in the walls. However, since the majority of monsters on this level were goblins, we had to be more careful. In the worst-case scenario, they would gang up on us and overwhelm us with their sheer numbers.

I stepped inside with Meira following behind me, ready to help out if needed. I took another look around and noticed a wooden chest next to one wall. There were three different paths leading away from where we entered the room; however, it looked like only one path led onward.

"This place sure seems dangerous..." I muttered under my breath while Meira nodded. She probably felt the same way about it too.

Meira approached the leftmost passageway before stopping in front of the chest.

"Hey Alex! What's wrong?" she asked after taking her eyes off the box.

"I'm not really sure," I replied. "There's something suspicious going on."

"Should I check what's inside?" she asked as her fingers rested near the lock of the chest. "Or should we leave it alone for now and try to find somewhere else to explore?"

"It's just a chest, right? I don't think it's that dangerous, but I still wouldn't open it, just in case."

She chuckled. "Good point, Alex. Then I'll see what's up."

She approached the chest again, staring intently at its lock, then put her ear close to it so she could listen closely to anything moving around within. "I think it's safe?"

She cracked it open with a knife and looked inside. "Hm. There's nothing inside."

"Aww, that's unfortunate," I replied.

Suddenly, a sound echoed through the dungeon walls as if a mechanism had been activated by opening the chest. All sorts of sounds of movement and footsteps followed shortly thereafter as the floor began creaking under our feet. The walls opened and captured her, dragging her inside.

"Don't worry about me!" she yelled out. "I've got this!"

"Meira! No! you're gonna die!"

She laughed before disappearing into the dark void.